Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. IT 313 Southern New Hampshire University Risk Analysis Report



In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

Analyze the design of a risk mitigation plan for its inclusion of best practices in the field

Identify legal and ethical considerations in risk analysis and mitigation within an information technology environment

  • Scenario
  • You are a risk management consultant and have been contacted by the chief information officer (CIO) of Workers Werks Credit Union (WWCU), a mid-size but growing credit union, to conduct an evaluation of its current IT cybersecurity risk management plan. Data privacy is a big concern in the banking sectors, and the CIO is concerned that WWCU’s current plan is outdated and has significant weaknesses.

In your conversation with the CIO, you gather the following information about the situation:

Current plan: The credit union adopted the current cybersecurity risk plan three years ago, but the CIO is concerned about possible gaps in the plan and would like to update it.

Workforce: The credit union has experienced significant revenue growth, and the number of employees with access to its IT infrastructure has grown exponentially in the last five years.

WWCU now has nearly 1,000 users with different levels of access to its central database.

  • Strategy: The credit union is looking to expand into new markets in the coming year and will need to make significant changes to its IT infrastructure.

Compliance: The CIO is concerned not only about legal compliance but also ethical issues related to the protection of personally identifiable information (PII) of its customers. The company has set these priorities related to legal and ethical compliance:

  • Address the current legal environment (domestic and international)

Anticipate emerging issues

Meet industry ethical standards (e.g.,

  • Match best practices for risk planning within the industry
  • Directions

Risk Analysis Report
The CIO is asking you to prepare a 3–4 page report that evaluates the company’s current IT Security Risk Management Plan, linked in the Supporting Materials section.

  • The report should contain the following:

Scope: Evaluate the scope and comprehensiveness of the current plan.

How does the plan describe its objectives?

  • How does the plan balance risk and cost?
  • In what ways does the plan cover the business objectives end to end?
  • How does the plan address all stakeholders who could be impacted by a cybersecurity attack?

Risk: Determine how the current plan identifies risks.

  • How does the plan identify the risks, vulnerabilities, and threats that could impact mission-critical business functions and processes?

How does the plan identify industry-related risks (internal and external)?

Impact: Analyze how the identified risks might impact the organization’s assets.

How does the plan identify key assets and activities that need to be protected?

How does the plan estimate the financial impact of losses?

How does the plan address business continuity and asset replacement?

Mitigation: Evaluate the current plan’s mitigation recommendations.

  1. How effectively does the plan translate the risk assessment into a risk mitigation plan?

How does the plan prioritize risk elements?

Legal Compliance: Assess how the plan addresses legal considerations.

  1. Non-Compliance: Determine how the plan anticipates the implications of non-compliance.
  2. Ethical Considerations: Assess how the plan aligns with current ethical codes within the cybersecurity field.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. IT 337 SNHU Student Portal Recommendation Paper



In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

  • Analyze user problems to inform user-centered design solutions


The IT department at MYU (MY University) is considering a new student portal. The current portal has been in use for a number of years, and learners are encountering numerous issues regarding usability. The university has decided to start fresh. Therefore, it has conducted a task analysis of what students have to do to register for a class within the current portal. As a usability engineer, you have been asked to analyze the issues that exist within the user interface and task analysis, then write a report to be shared with university officials. Within this report, you will provide recommendations and create user personas. Additionally, you have been asked to create a paper prototype that addresses issues identified within the task analysis and conduct an observation of someone using your prototype.

A woman looking at a laptop screen and taking notes


In order to create your 2- to 3-page report, you will have to experience the registration process using the demonstration system and Student Portal Task Analysis provided in the Supporting Materials section. Your project also involves an in-person observation of someone using the paper prototype you create in response to the issues you identify within the student portal. Plan accordingly; you will need time to recruit your subject, complete the observation, and document the experience.

Within your report, you must:

  • Identify user issues within the task analysis that impact usability
  • Provide written recommendations, informed by user-centered design, that could be implemented to improve usability. Your recommendations should address:
    • Effectiveness
    • Efficiency
    • Utility
    • Learnability
    • Memorability
  • Create three user personas based on the user profiles and task analysis. These personas will represent information regarding user needs (register for class, complete and turn in homework, access portals appropriate to major, complete assigned readings, petition to graduate), experiences, and behaviors when interacting with the student portal. For each persona, identify the user’s:
    • Age range
    • Familiarity or comfort level with technology
    • Time of access (e.g., early morning, late at night)
    • Method of access (e.g., PC, phone)

Additionally, you must:

  • Construct a paper prototype that resolves issues found in the task analysis. The paper prototype is a paper representation of the design that shows the tasks and subtasks the user must accomplish to complete the intended goal. Users are able to “interact” by pointing to a representation of a button, menu, or other options available through the interface. The designer (you) would present another paper representation showing the screen corresponding to the chosen option. Your prototype must address:
    • Navigation issues that users encounter
    • Language issues within the portal
    • Issues that users cannot recover from in the current portal
    • The needs of all three personas
  • Conduct an observation of someone using your paper prototype. You may recruit a coworker, family member, or friend. You will need to conduct this observation in person. During this observation, you will provide specific guidance to lead the user through the prototype while documenting their experience and your observations using the Prototype Observation Template provided in the Supporting Materials section. Plan accordingly; you will need time to recruit your subject, complete the observation, and document the experience.

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

Recommendation Report
This 2- to 3-page report includes:

  • The identified issues within the task analysis
  • Your recommendations to improve the user experience
  • User personas based on the user profiles and task analysis

Paper Prototype
The paper prototype is a paper representation of the design that shows the tasks and subtasks the user must accomplish to complete the intended goal. Users are able to “interact” by pointing to a representation of a button, menu, or other options available through the interface. The designer (you) would present another paper representation showing the screen corresponding to the chosen option. Since this is a paper prototype, you may need to submit scanned images or photos of your prototype.

Prototype Observation Documentation
Document the experience of the user and your observations using the Prototype Observation Template provided in the Supporting Materials section.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Middle Tennessee State University Fuel Supply Aircraft Engine Bibliography


The articles MUST cover new technology, the latest information of the subject. I don’t want you to tell me how a carburetor works, I want you summarize an article that covers the latest development in aircraft carburetors. I don’t want to know about the newest aircraft from Boeing, I want to know why the engine on it is the newest and best one out there. Do not use the “How Stuff Works” or similar websites   as your source.  


Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Palomar College Water Pollution Article Summary


Locate an article on Environmental Engineering and write a one-page summary (12-point font, double spaced). The article can be from a newspaper, magazine, or professional paper (i.e. Union-Tribune, Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine, or Conference Paper).

Your topic could be from one of the many different areas of the Environmental Engineering field including air and water pollution control; water and wastewater treatment; industrial, agricultural, and hazardous chemical treatment and disposal; remediation of contaminated sites and groundwater, or development of new technologies to protect the environment from the impact of human activities.

1. Your summary should discuss the Environmental Engineering issue and how it was or will be resolved.
2. In your summary, please include why you chose this article
3. Also state how it relates to your major in Environmental or Civil Engineering (or other major).
4. Reference the article you reviewed in MLA format.

When you submit your HW, please use the following format:

[ENVE355-1 First Name Last Name HW-1]


Rubric 1

Rubric 1

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdeas1.) Ideas and assertions thoughtfully and thoroughly developed,
2.) Relevant details supported by well-chosen, credible sources throughout,
3.) Integration of ideas with those of others through analysis, synthesis, or evaluation as appropriate

20 to >0.0 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization1.) Clearly stated purpose and focus throughout,
2.) Engaging introduction that skillfully addresses purpose, audience, and content,
3.) Conclusion that sparks insight, reflection, or action,
4.) Logically sequenced ideas with artful transitions and sophisticated topic sentences

20 to >0.0 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVoice/Word Choice1.) Clear sense of audience,
2.) Maintains personal voice; Adopts appropriate tone, level of formality, and style,
3.) Use of accurate and descriptive word choice

20 to >0.0 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSentence Fluency1.) Sentence structure effective and varied

20 to >0.0 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConvention1.) Appropriate grammar and mechanics and proofreading
2.) Correct citation and documentation

20 to >0.0 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

20 pts

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. EIND 422 CTU Optimality of Employees and Current System Inputs Worksheet


You need to submit in D2L 1 copy of the SIMIO file(s) and a copy of the report.For the report, please use the report template provided in pages 2-4.

Image a fast food vendor consisting of three different types of orders- Phone call orders, Online orders and Walk-ins. 

  • Phone call orders arrive on average every 10 minutes, exponentially distributed. 
  • Online orders arrive every 5 minutes exponentially distributed.
  • Walk-ins arrive every 4 minutes, exponentially distributed.

Phone and Online orders go through a food prep station on the back of the store where one employee handles both type of orders. The employee prep time is normally distributed with an average of 3 minutes per order with a standard deviation of 30 seconds. When orders are ready, customers receive a text message to inform them the food is ready for pick up. Customers arrive a few minutes later to pick up their orders. The time from the moment customers receive the text message until they arrive is uniform (1, 5) minutes.

Walk-ins go through the ordering counter at the front of the store, where another employee prepares the order.This employee prep time is triangular (2, 3, 5) minutes. After prep, walk-in customers go to the cash register, where they pay for the order. In a similar way, phone orders go to the same cash register to pay for the orders.The cash register has a third employee who takes an average of 1 minute per order, exponentially distributed. Online customers already paid so they only need to pick up their orders from a designated area. All employees serve customers in a First Come-First Serve basis. 

Historically, about 10% of all orders are wrong or incomplete. Phone orders, online orders, or walk-in customers with a wrong or incomplete order enter the ordering counter at the front of the store (the one walk-in orders enter the first time) and go through the ordering process (no priority).The processing time is the same as before (triangular (2, 3, 5) minutes). They then skip the cash register and exit the system as all reworked orders are 100% accurate, and they already paid. 

The store opens at 8AM and closes at 10 PM. The store manager is interested in employees’ utilization and average time in the system for Phone call orders, Online orders, and Walk-ins (individually by type). Run the simulation model for 10 replications with no warm-up period and a 95% confidence level.  Add some animation to make it look attractive.

Homework #: Title (0.25)

Name (0.25)

I. Introduction (6)

  • (1) Problem description
  • (1) Assumptions
  • (1) System initial state- number of entities in the system, # of servers, server status
  • (1) Table summarizing the current system inputs.For example:
  • (2)A flowchart or block diagram of the process. For example:

Table 1- Summary of current system inputs





# Entities to simulate or simulation length


100 entities

60 minutes


# of servers


Inter-arrival time

Note: 1 row for each entity type


Example: Expo(25 min.)


Service times

Note: One row for each server class.


Figure 1- Generic Process flow chart 


Figure 2- Generic Block Diagram 


II. Methods (4)

  • (2) Brief description on how you simulated the problem.
  • (2) Include 2 print screens for each SIMIO model; one in 2D and one in 3D. For example:

Figure 3- Model 5-2 in 2D

Figure 4- Model 5-2 in 3D

III. Results (9.5)

  • Summarize the outputs in your own table. 

IV. Discussion (6)

  • (3) Answer the questions asked.
  • (2)  Discuss      any limitation(s) of the model.
  • (1) Also, include any comments or observations you      might have.

V. Conclusions (4)

  • (2) What can you say from the simulation results?
  • (2) If you were a consultant, what recommendations      would you make?


  • Include      here any reference you used to help you with the problem.For example, you might include the book      here.Use the following format: 


Montgomery, D.C., (2009) Design and Analysis of Experiments. 7th Ed. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York.

Journal articles:

Claudio, D., Zhang, J., and Zhang, Y. (2010) ‘A Simulation Study for a New Hybrid Inventory Control Strategy using Advance Demand Information’, International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 1-19.

Note: Please note that tables are labeled on top and figures are labeled on bottom. Use only the categories of “table” and/or “figure”.Pictures, diagrams, charts, plots, etc. all fall under the “figures” category.              

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. CIS 518 Strayer Generative Software Development Paper & PPT


Section 1: Written Report

Read the case study titled, “Generative Software Development” located in Chapter 5 of the textbook. Then, imagine a situation where your organization is considering a generative development process for its new line of software products. You are asked to present a written report to the organization’s CIO about generative software development and its usage.

Write a 5–6 page paper in which you:

Define in your own words, what is meant by generative software development, and describe how it contrasts with other software development processes.

Describe the benefits of applying the generative development in an organization. 

Explain the challenges of implementing the generative software development process in an organization.

Describe how the challenges faced during the implementation of the generative software development process can be overcome.

Examine how this development process might be applied to develop software in the organization.

Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources. 

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Section 2: PowerPoint Presentation

You have also been asked to develop a presentation to be shown at the next shareholder’s convention to explain why the organization has chosen to implement a generative development process.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College Transmitting the Signal to Chip 2 Exercise


I need someone good with ICs 74LS74N and take a look my circuit build to fix my transmitting signal. i got problem between the chip and the switches

I attached my circuit instruction bellow and the explanation. ( i cant add more picture of my circuit but when you help me i wil send you all)

aslo I need you simulate this circuit on circuitlab ( I will support the app)

Engineering Homework Help