Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. York University Water and Health Case study Stone Cottage Report


Task 1 Write a report to your manager detailing the findings of your visit to the premises , ensuring you detail the current risks and hazards associated with the water supply based on your findings , and measures available to use to remove the hazards you have identified together with the most appropriate treatments (if any) and other measures for this water source. ( 70)

Task 2 If Mr & Mrs Green refuse, and testing proves the private water supply fails to meet the standards required, what options do you have as a Local Authority? (20)

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Please follow instructions and complete the work Using APA Format and provide references and citations-R


Activity 6 – You have the option of doing this activity through NVivo or manually – CLO, CLO 2, CLO 3, CLO 4

This activity relates to the Week 7 DQ. For this assignment, you are tasked with reporting the results of your study in the form of a written paper. Before presenting the results and your conclusion, use your answers to the Week 7 DQ to explain the purpose, data collection method, and the design of your qualitative study. Explain your data coding procedures and extraction of results.

a)Show the coding of the data in the transcription of the interviews.

b) Extract issues regarding students based on the coding of the data.

c)In the paper, you must also explain your approach in addressing some of the ethical issues in data collection through interviews.

*******Provided Sample of my friends work please do not plagarise

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Global Nature of the Aviation Industry Presentation


This week we are exploring the global nature of the aviation industry. As we have seen, international collaboration plays a pivotal role in the economic growth and overall success of this increasingly global industry. For this assignment, you will create a presentation on an international agreement, explaining how it has impacted the industry. Your presentation must include a minimum of five slides but no more than eight, not including the title slide or reference slide. It must include speaker notes.

Keep in mind that as a minimum your presentation must:

  • Identify an international agreement between the United States and another country.
  • Analyze the impact of the agreement on the global aviation industry.
  • Determine if updates to the agreement will be needed in the future.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. please follow APA Format and add references and citations no plagarism-r


Subject:Organizational behavior

in this assignment, you are to critically read and evaluate a scholarly article’s strengths, weaknesses, and contributions to the study field. Learning how to critique a journal article has several benefits, including preparing you for publishing in the future and keeping you current on the literature in your field of study. The practical application is developing the ability to look at research within your organization and industry with a knowledgeable, critical eye.

The University of the Cumberlands (UC) Library subscribes to many journals and provides you access to appropriate collections to support this assignment. Using the UC Library, locate and review the following peer-reviewed articles:

De Meulenaere, K., De Winne, S., Marescaux, E., & Vanormelingen, S. (2021). The role of firm size and knowledge intensity in the performance effects of collective turnover. Journal of Management, 47(4), 993-1023.

Weller, I., Süß, J., Evanschitzky, H., & von Wangenheim, F. (2020). Transformational leadership, high-performance work system consensus, and customer satisfaction. Journal of Management, 46(8), 1469-1497.

Gupta, V. K., Mortal, S. C., Silveri, S., Sun, M., & Turban, D. B. (2020). You’re fired! Gender disparities in CEO dismissal. Journal of Management, 46(4), 560-582.

Marshall, D. R., Davis, W. D., Dibrell, C., & Ammeter, A. P. (2019). Learning off the job: Examining part-time entrepreneurs as innovative employees. Journal of Management, 45(8), 3091-3113.

Paterson, T. A., & Huang, L. (2019). Am I expected to be ethical? A role-definition perspective of ethical leadership and unethical behavior. Journal of Management, 45(7), 2837-2860.

Pak, J., & Kim, S. (2018). Team manager’s implementation, high performance work systems intensity, and performance: a multilevel investigation. Journal of Management, 44(7), 2690-2715.

Following your review, choose one article from this list; critically evaluate the article’s strengths, weaknesses, and contribution to the study field using the outline below as a guide:

Cover page

  • The cover page will include:
    • Articles Title and Author (s)
    • Name of Journal (s)
    • Date of publication
    • Your name

Executive Summary

  • Summarize the significant aspects of the entire article, including:
    • The overall purpose and general area of study of the article.
    • The specific problem being addressed in the study.
    • The main findings of the article.

Literature Review

  • Briefly summarize the overall themes presented in the Literature Review.
    • Was the literature review applicable to the study, current and thorough?
    • Were there gaps in the literature review?

Data Analysis

    • Identify the methodology used: qualitative, quantitative, mixed? Was the chosen methodology appropriate for the study? Why or why not?
    • Did the data analysis prove or disprove the research questions? Explain.


  • In this section, you will address the following:
    • Describe the article’s relevance to the field of knowledge.
    • Outline the strengths and weaknesses of the article. Be specific.
    • Based on the article, what future research do you think needs to be accomplished in this area?
    • What are your key points and takeaways after analyzing the article?

Proper APA in-text citation must be used. The review is to be word-processed double spaced, not less than two pages, and no more than five pages in length. Paper length does not include the cover page, abstract, or references page(s).

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Microstructure Lab


I have attached guidance for the lab please look how the format needs to be. Abstract, Introduction, material and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References. Also the references needs to be IEEE format and it also needs to be online library not websites. Also please make the title of the lab catchy.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. IT 332 SNHU Cloud Computing and Its Role in The Information Technology Presentation


PART 1: 

Stan Mizel, CEO of Peyton Trade Show Design, has just returned from his annual small-business CEO roundtable. Stan’s peers were discussing how their organizations were benefiting from cloud computing. Stan Mizel and his management team wish to learn more about cloud computing. You have been identified as a subject matter expert on cloud computing. You have been hired to educate Stan Mizel and the management team at Peyton Trade Show Design on cloud computing. In an 8- to 12-slide presentation created in PowerPoint, complete the following:

Identify the essential characteristics of cloud computing.

Explain how organizations today are implementing three primary delivery models for cloud: private, public, and hybrid.

Illustrate each of the three primary delivery models for cloud by creating a high-level diagram.

Summarize the information you presented at the end of your presentation.

The key to a successful presentation on a selected topic relates to your ability to research credible sources and organize the information accordingly. This includes the amount of text you put on each slide and the selective use of infographics and images to support your chosen topic on each slide. Remember, you can use the notes section of each slide to provide an enhanced narrative of your talking points, content outline, and additional supporting details. Please refrain from taking all of those elements and typing them onto a slide, causing an overwhelming amount of content. Keep your slides concise and visually appealing.

All references must be in APA style and from credible academic resources, including peer-reviewed industry trade publications or articles from the SNHU Shapiro Library database system. Images from the Web are allowed; just be mindful about crediting where they came from in your slide notes.

For additional details, please refer to the Individual Project Guidelines and Rubric document.

PART 2 :


In a couple of PowerPoint slides, use the PowerPoint narration tool to verbally record your answer to the following questions:

? What are the challenges the characters face in overcoming problems in technology?

? How does critically analyzing technology add value to interactions with people in personal and professional contexts?

Throughout your short PowerPoint presentation, make sure you use effective multimedia and communication skills:

? Construct your presentation in a way that ensures the audio and visual elements are logically organized in order to convey your message to your


? Provide supporting evidence in your presentation that supports the importance of the chosen issue or event and its impact within technology.

? Develop the audio narration to logically flow with the presentation to articulate the importance of critically analyzing the chosen issue or event and its impact within technology. 

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Pilot Shortage in the US Research Paper


As we approach this activity, an important distinction is that of a term paper versus a research paper. In a term paper, the student gathers information and data, organizes it logically, and reports it back to the reader. In a research paper, the student also gathers information and data, but then he/she applies analysis, evaluation, synthesis, and critical thought to extend that information into new uses and concepts. Utilizing the information found during your literature review for this assignment, you will write the results, conclusions, and recommendation sections of your research paper.

Review the following for the order and requirements for each section of this assignment: 

  1. Abstract (leave blank for now).
  2. Introduction: A brief overview of what you are researching, why, and an overview of your research process (including the main topics you will review). This should be approximately one paragraph. Include any previous recommendations or comments from your instructor.
  3. Background: Describe what led to the problem, explain the extent of the problem, and why it is necessary to research and resolve the problem. This should be 2-3 paragraphs. Include any previous recommendations or comments from your instructor.
  4. Literature Review: Provide historical background on the area you are researching, provide a contemporary context in which your research is situated, identify any trends in the literature related to your problem, identifies gaps in the literature, draw conclusions based on the literature (what we know about the problem). This should be 2-3 pages. Include any previous recommendations or comments from your instructor.
  5. Results: Through the analysis of data, state your findings. This should be approximately one page.
  6. Conclusions: Based on the results of your data, interpret what they mean in the context of your problem and from an industry perspective. This should be 2-3 paragraphs.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Three Simple Data Analysis Problems With R Report


Attached are 3 files, one with the instructions, and the other two are supporting materials.

A complete step by step solution is required to each part of each problem. All the answers Must be placed in the space provided on the instructions.

Solutions MUST include.

– Code (no pictures or screenshots) -> CODE MUST BE WRITTEN USING R

– Graphs or figures (code output)

– Answer to all the questions

Engineering Homework Help