Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. American Military University Jobs vs Cook Strategic Planning Case Study


Strategic Planning

Answer the following questions in a paper using APA format:

  1. What role does strategic planning play in IS/IT investments? Is this something that can be easily adjusted when necessary? Why or why not? Who is in control of the strategic planning function within an organization? What is the role of organizational culture, if any? Who is in control of the organization culture? Do you have personal experiences with this issue? If so, elaborate.
  2. Discuss how you would gather data about an organization’s internal processes and operations. Identify specific tools or techniques you might apply to gain useful insight.
  3. Case Study (discuss the case and answer questions at end of case): “Jobs vs. Cook” (p. 59 of text)

Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Please include citations to support your ideas.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. American Military University Walmart Information Technology vs Information Systems Paper


Information Technology vs Information Systems

Answer the following questions in a paper using APA format:

  1. In your own words, define the terms “information technology” (IT) and “information systems” (IS) and explain their components and infrastructure. Why is it important for a manager to be involved in IT and what are the critical responsibilities for the manager?
  2. Case Study (discuss the case and answer questions at end of case): Walmart Reworking Its Supply Chain Management System p. 25 of text.

Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Please include citations to support your ideas.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Southern New Hampshire University MOD4 Hypothesis Testing for the Difference Between Two Population Parameters Discussion


  • 4-3 Jupyter Notebook (Discussion Prep)External Learning ToolTask: View this topicThis activity will take you to the Jupyter Notebook containing the Python scripts for your Module Four discussion. It is highly recommended that you read through the discussion prompt before completing your work in this notebook. When you are finished completing and running the Python scripts, begin work on your initial discussion post.
    Note: This task is not graded, but you will be required to attach your completed Jupyter notebook to your discussion post in the next activity.
  • 4-4 Discussion: Hypothesis Testing for the Difference Between Two Population ParametersDiscussion TopicTask: Reply to this topicStarts May 22, 2021 10:59 PMUse the link in the Jupyter Notebook activity to access your Python script. Once you have made your calculations, complete this discussion. The script will output answers to the questions given below. You must attach your Python script output as an HTML file and respond to the questions below.In this discussion, you will apply the statistical concepts and techniques covered in this week’s reading about hypothesis testing for the difference between two population proportions. In the previous week’s discussion, you studied a manufacturing process at a factory that produces ball bearings for automotive manufacturers. The factory wanted to estimate the average diameter of a particular type of ball bearing to ensure that it was being manufactured to the factory’s specifications.Recently, the factory began a new production line that is more efficient than the existing production line. However, the factory still needs ball bearings to meet the same specifications. To compare the accuracy of the new process against the existing process, the factory decides to take two random samples of ball bearings. The first sample is of 50 randomly selected ball bearings from the existing production line, and the second sample is of 50 randomly selected ball bearings produced from the new production line. For each sample, the diameters of the ball bearings were measured.The two samples will be generated using Python’s numpy module. These data sets will be unique to you, and therefore your answers will be unique as well. Run Step 1 in the Python script to generate your unique sample data.Suppose that the factory claims that the proportion of ball bearings with diameter values less than 2.20 cm in the existing manufacturing process is the same as the proportion in the new process. At alpha=0.05, is there enough evidence that the two proportions are the same? Perform a hypothesis test for the difference between two population proportions to test this claim.In your initial post, address the following items:
    1. Define the null and alternative hypotheses in mathematical terms as well as in words.
    2. Identify the level of significance.
    3. Include the test statistic and the P-value. See Step 2 in the Python script. (Note that Python methods return two tailed P-values. You must report the correct P-value based on the alternative hypothesis.)
    4. Provide a conclusion and interpretation of the test: Should the null hypothesis be rejected? Why or why not?
    5. In your follow-up posts to other students, review your peers’ analyses and address the following questions:
    6. How does your conclusion compare to theirs?
    7. Do they have the correct conclusion based on their P-value and the level of significance? Why or why not?

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Airframe & Powerplant Mechanic Presentation


Entering the aviation workforce requires a unique skill set. Personnel must not only possess the necessary qualifications, but also meet industry expectations such as the ability to work in a diverse and team-based environment, attention to detail, and a desire to learn. For this activity, you will create a presentation on the personal and professional attributes necessary for entry into your chosen career field. Consider the unique requirements for your field; the aviation industry is comprised of many different elements, each with its own distinctive environments. Job descriptions can be helpful in identifying specific traits employers are looking for, as the module resourcesindicated.

Your presentation must include a minimum of five slides but no more than eight, not including the title slide or reference slide. It must have embedded audio and include speaker notes.

Keep in mind that as a minimum your presentation must include:

  • A specific occupation within or related to the aviation industry.
  • The unique personal attributes required for your chosen occupation.
  • The unique professional attributes required for your chosen occupation.
  • How your identified personal and professional attributes assist employers in navigating industry changes.

After you have posted your presentation, respond to two of your peers’ posts.

Refer to Presentation Assignment Guidance for more information, and review the rubric for this activity.

Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.

The job for this presentation is Airframe and Powerplant Mechanic.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. NVCC Information Technology Discussion



You are in the multimedia business. You create and store still images and videos. You need to plan for primary and backup storage of up to 3 years worth of your products. This project provides you the opportunity to research and investigate large capacity (2TB & larger) storage devices and make a selection among those devices based on your business needs. Research at least 3 devices and include the size and model in your answer. Estimate the amount of storage you think you will need using size and quantity estimates for still images and videos, and make your storage device selection based on size, cost, and software provided with the storage device. Present your answer in Table format.


Use the Internet to research external storage devices. Find at least three devices, with a minimum storage size of 1 terabyte (TB), from three different manufacturers. Write a paragraph, IN YOUR WORDS, for each device explaining the features and benefits. Provide the retail cost and include a reference link to each device.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. NVCC Elements of Computer System Performance Discussion


System Performance


This discussion activity provides you the opportunity to examine the elements of Computer System Performance and how they interrelate to achieve the performance objectives. Included in those elements are:

  • CPU clock rate
  • CPU Architecture
  • Cache memory
  • Random Access Memory
  • System Bus
  • Operating System Software (OS & Drivers)
  • Application Software

Also describe how 2 or more of these elements are used in Benchmark testing to measure system performance. In your discussion, include how the overall purpose of the computer system is a determining factor.


Part A

Research and examine the elements listed in the Purpose paragraph above and discuss how each contributes to System performance. Your discussion should include a definition of the element as well as how that element specifically interacts with one or more of the other elements in achieving system performance.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. UMUC Software Engineering Scrum Principles Application to SPM Discussion


In the paper, please include a summary of the paper – enough for me to know that you have understood the paper, a critique comprising of the points that you agree or disagree with — supporting your point of view in either case and possible future research directions — other than those mentioned already by the authors.

Engineering Homework Help