Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. SDSU Electrical Engineering Power System Analysis

Please conduct your investigation over a challenge of the modern power grid. It could be further exploration of topics covered in this module or any other similar challenge our modern power grid is facing. Please submit a two-page report with proper references on an important emerging challenge, provide a deep discussion over the concern, and assess the short-term and long-term implications of the issue. Finally, propose your solution to resolve the challenge. Grading rubric:

1) Importance of the topic and impact on consumer [20%]

2) The depth of discussion and originality of points raised [30%]

3) Impact assessment and long-term implications [20%]

4) The effectiveness of the proposed solution to overcome the challenge [30%]

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. MIS 415 GMU Business Undergoing Risks of Losing Important Data Discussion

  • IT Governance
  • Policies, Processes, & Standards
  • Risk Management
  • Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery

For the topic you have chosen, summarized what you believe this topic is about (1 Paragraph), as well as why it is important (Another Paragraph). Then, pick an organization you are familiar with (school, company you work for, company you want to work for, place you regularly go to, etc.), and talk about how you think they utilize or adhere to the topic you picked (The Final Paragraph).

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. CWU Produce Sodium Lignosulfonate Project Research

Present key features of your product, process, and materials in approximately 5 pages addressing the 7 items below (5 pages not counting title page or references).

  1. What product(s), process, or materials will you produce (be as clear and specific as possible)?
  2. What product or material quality or composition/specifications are critical to successful design?
  3. Who are your customers and why do they desire a product or process that meets the specifications in item 2 (above)?
  4. What is the current total U.S. or global sales volume or mass of each product and how will your production impact that total? For remediation projects, what is the total U.S. or global amount of similar remediation work ongoing or anticipated?
  5. What is the past, present, and anticipated future price of your product? For environmental projects, what are the costs that others have paid, or are predicted to pay, for this type of remediation?
  1. What are the past, present, and anticipated future costs of your raw materials?
  2. Make a table of the market knowledge gaps that need to be filled.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Academy Of Computer Education Information On Governance Essay

Saffady, William,PhD., F.A.I. (2015). Records management or information governance? Information Management, 49(4), 38-41,47. Retrieved from

Information Governance – Introduction, Principles, and Data Governance – Data Cleansing and De-Duplication

Q1)Organizations are struggling to reduce and right-size their information foot-print, using data governance techniques like data cleansing and de-duplication. Why is this effort necessary? Briefly explain and support from your readings, using APA style citations.

Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic

Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor

Provide extensive additional information on the topic

Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail

Share an applicable personal experience

Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the Google scholarly article) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)

Make an argument concerning the topic.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the Google scholarly article. Use proper citations and references in your post.


APA Format 7th edition

Wordcount – 1500 words

No plagiarism



Information Governance: Concepts, Strategies, and Best Practices

ISBN-13: 978-1119491446

ISBN-10: 1119491444

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

Publish Date: March 2014

Textbook Chapter 2 – Information Governance, IT Governance, Data Governance: What’s the Difference?

Textbook Chapter 3 – Information Governance Principles

Reference Material


ARMA International, “The Principles”, ARMA International Retrieved from


Saffady, William,PhD., F.A.I. (2015). Records management or information governance? Information Management, 49(4), 38-41,47. Retrieved from

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. ACT Mobile Application tech Info Question

I’m working on a information technology case study and need support to help me learn.

  • Question 1:
  • From the humdrum of the mid-2000s web apps, Apple radically changed the mobile world with the iPhone, offering well-designed apps of their own and curating apps that were accepted into the App Store. That influence has been far reaching, prompting Google to push their boundaries and develop material design, a design language that has become the distinctive hallmark of Android apps. When compared to the web world where some popular apps could get away with mediocre design, why do mobile apps face a higher design bar?
  • When compared to the web world where some popular apps could get away with mediocre design, why do mobile apps face a higher design bar?
  • Compare and contrast native mobile app design versus standard desktop app design. Discuss considerations for choosing one over the other. Elaborate on main advantages vs disadvantages.

Question 2:

It was only June 29th, 2007 when the first iPhone came out, but it feels like we have been living with these devices and their apps for much longer. Smartphones have created a new way of living. We are always connected, have instant access to information, instant directions to any location, and much more. The mobile experience is now expected, and enterprises have to adapt and provide these experiences to their customers, employees, and partners.

Discuss why mobile application development is considered unique in comparison to website development.

How has mobile application development impacted the use of Smartphones? Explain

  • Why are mobile apps an expected part of enterprise development and marketing?
  • Question 3:

Among one of many reasons to target the Android platform, first and foremost is cost. On average you can get an Android smartphone for a fraction of the cost of an iPhone. They may not have commensurate features, but thrift is a major component for new smartphone buyers. Next is flexibility. Developers can often find on cheap and imported Android devices a version of Google Play that is maintained by the manufacturer. Developers should develop as if they expect their app to be available to all Android devices.

Besides cost, why should mobile app developers target the Android platform?

Why is Android competition to itself?

Describe key ingredients needed to create mobile applications on the iOS platform.

  • Question 4:
  • The latest generation of mobile devices are portable enough to carry at all times, connected to voice and data networks, and contextually aware by using sensors and networks to preemptively complete tasks. Many of today’s mobile applications are personalized and are not useful if they can only access the data on the phone. For a user to get, for example, sports scores, retrieve stock quotes, or perform accounting work, the mobile device needs to communicate with one or more servers, starting with the Window servers.
  • Discuss effective use of screen real estate

How does mobile user interface designs & websites reduce end-user self-efficacy?

What are the challenges of integrating mobile applications with multiple databases?

Question 5:

Appcelerator Titanium was released in December 2008 and has been steadily growing in functionality since its release. Starting with its Titanium Developer product, Appcelerator provides a single-point interface to run applications. Titanium Studio is a full-featured IDE which provides a single place to handle all steps of the development environment including a debugging solution. Titanium is not a magic bullet; however, it does include a solid framework for developing a single codebase to deploy to multiple platforms. In addition, it allows developers to use a language they are more familiar with to create apps in a domain outside of their knowledge.

  • What are some advantages to using Appcelerator Titanium?
  • Though Appcelerator is reasonably priced, why do some mobile app developers feel that the bugs don’t make it worth the effort?.
  • How is Appcelerator different from other mobile application developers?

Question 6:

Developing in the mobile space can be a daunting task for developers. Developers must figure out which platforms they should support for their apps, purchase the hardware, and join the developer programs for each platform. PhoneGap is an open source set of tools which enables developers to create mobile applications for multiple devices by utilizing the same code. It is a hybrid mobile application framework that allows the use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to write applications which are based on the open standards of the web. MonoTouch and Mono for Android rely on the Mono Framework to function. Mono is a cross-platform open source implementation of the .NET Framework. Mono is a cross-platform open source implementation of the .NET Framework.

How is sharing code being one of the most appealing reasons to use MonoTouch and Mono for Android? Explain

How is the use of debugging tools helpful in resolving mobile application issues quickly?

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. CU Qualitative Research & Securing Respondents Discussion

Need help with my Engineering question – I’m studying for my class.

Discuss the effectiveness of the following sampling designs:

A research company obtains a sample for a focus group through organized groups such as church groups, clubs, and schools. The organizations are paid for securing respondents; no individual is directly compensated.

A citizen’s group interested in generating public and financial support for a new university basketball arena prints a questionnaire in area newspapers. Readers return the questionnaires by mail.

A department store that wishes to examine whether the store is losing or gaining customers draws a sample from its list of credit card holders by selecting every tenth name.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University Elements of The Tort of Negligence Discussion

  1. Question I – Bobby Bigmouth is sued for slander by his boss.  Bobby argues that he cannot be sued for slander because he did not publish any statement.  He argues that his alleged slanderous comment was not published because he just made the comment to a co-worker about his boss rather than making that statement to a reporter to be published.  Is Bobby’s argument correct?Question II – During an episode of Sports Center, one of the anchors misread the teleprompter and said LeBron James was closing his school for at risk youth.  In reality, LeBron James was expanding his school.  This statement by the anchor was a slip of the tongue and corrected in the next episode.  Would LeBron’s defamation suit against Sports Center and the anchor be successful?  Why or why not?

2) 350 words

Initial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion.

Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1. Explain each of the elements of the tort of negligence, providing examples of each in a business setting.
  2. Franky Fraud makes spaghetti sauce.  He names his spaghetti sauce “Michael Jordan’s Spaghetti Sauce” and puts a picture of the athlete Michael Jordon on the label.  Franky Fraud also claims that the sauce will extend your life ten years if you eat it every day.  Many bottles of the sauce also contain razor blades.  What tort or torts has Franky Fraud committed?

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. MMC Big Data Diverse Information that Arrives in Bigger Numbers Question

I’m working on a information technology exercise and need support to help me learn.

1. What is Big Data? Why is it important? Where does Big Data come from?

2. What do you think the future of Big Data will be? Will it lose its popularity to something else? If so, what will it be?

3. What is Big Data analytics? How does it differ from regular analytics?

4. What are the critical success factors for Big Data analytics?

5. What are the big challenges that one should be mindful of when considering implementation of Big Data analytics?

6. At, go to the Sports Analytics page. Find applications of Big Data in sports. Summarize your findings

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Public Works Projects Discussion Questions

I’m working on a construction question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

FIRST: Review chapter 15 Public Contracts in the course textbook.

1. Explain how are both design contracts and construction contracts usually obtained (procured) in public works projects?

2. Is there any difference in the procurement of architecture/engineering services versus construction services?

3. What are the three primary items that form the template for competitive bidding?

4. Explain the Spearin Doctrine and give one example of how it applies to construction projects.

Engineering Homework Help