Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University Software Engineer Strategic Plan Paper

work:software engineer

course:info tech important in strategic plan

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. 

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. CU Engineering Wrongs in Business Redesign Process Analysis

If you have you been involved with a company doing a redesign of business processes, discuss what went right during the redesign and what went wrong from your perspective. Additionally, provide a discussion on what could have been done better to minimize the risk of failure. If you have not yet been involved with a business process redesign, research a company that has recently completed one and discuss what went wrong, what went right, and how the company could have done a better job minimizing the risk of failure.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. University of Florida Analysis & Design of the Object Oriented Modeling Program

1.Create a Sparx EA Model and create a package to keep all the model elements.

2.Add an activity diagram to the package. This is the diagram you will be drawing out as a part of this exercise.

3.Create four partitions representing the Actors: Waiter, Customer, Cook, and Cashier in the systems.

4.Use the ‘Object Node’ from the SysML Activities Toolbox to create the objects as you need them. You don’t need to create an object model for things described in this interaction.

5.Ensure that you allocate the model items to the appropriate partition.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Design of a Maximum Power Point Tracking Problems

An Electrical Engineering Power Electronics design assignment. I need a help to complete this design assignment by following requirement and instructions. This should include the schematic of the rectifier, and all its component values. The number of batteries, and the design of the stacks. In the pages that follow, you need to carry the design justifications and calculations. Also, second question, should include all the circuits topologies with all their values included

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. University of California Portfolio Circuits Electrical Engineering Questions

I Have a 4 part Question help about my Circuit portfolio assignment. I just need help with designing circuits on Multisim which is a software that we use to draw the circuits and take pictures of. 

1st Part – Design a circuit that implements the function, F(W,X,Y,Z) = ?m(2,6,8,11,14) as a NOR-OR, 2-level gate array. Submit the schematic and a screenshot of a simulation verifying the output for the input 1001.

2nd Part – Design a circuit that uses multiplexors to perform 1’s complement on a 3-bit binary number. Assume overflow bits are lost. Submit your schematic and a screenshot of a simulation verifying the output for an input of 110.

3rd part – Given four inputs, A,B,C,D, implement the following functions in a programmable array logic (PAL) circuit. Write the programming table and draw the circuit.

F1(A,B,C,D) = AB’ + A’C’D + CD

F2(A,B,C,D) = BCD + AD’

F3(A,B,C,D) = B’D + AD’ + AB’C’D + BCD

F4(A,B,C,D) = C+ AC’D’

4th part – A circuit that accepts two 1-bit binary inputs, A and B, adds A and B together and produces the outputs Sum and Carry is sometimes referred to as a “Half Adder”. Design a circuit that accepts inputs A, B and Opp and uses a multiplexor to select between a half-adder circuit (A+B) and a multiplier (A*B). Your outputs should be Sum and Carry. Submit two simulations of your Multisim schematic, one verifying the conditions A = 1, B = 1, Opp = 0 and the second verifying the conditions A = 0, B = 1, Opp = 1. 

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. CU Engineering Computer and Internet Security Policy Case Study

You have been hired as the CSO (Chief Security Officer) for an organization. Your job is to develop a computer and internet security policy for the organization that covers the following areas:

Computer and email acceptable use policy

Internet acceptable use policy

  • Password protection policy
  • Make sure you are sufficiently specific in addressing each area. There are plenty of security policy and guideline templates available online for you to use as a reference or for guidance. Your plan should reflect the business model and corporate culture of a specific organization that you select. 

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. UCM Six Sigma Implementation Research

My research is about lean six sigma implementation in to the insurance and financial industry. Provided will be a copy of my literature review. All I need is the methodology to be done.

Prepare the methodology section for the research topic selected in Assignment 3 and literature reviews in Assignment 4. Procedures for experimental and survey techniques usually differ from those of documentary. In this assignment, you should indicate the type of research methodology employed to complete the prospectus and discuss the following items in this section.

This is your methodology. What you would actually do. This is not a literature review of what someone else has done. You will use sources and cite them, but you are not going to use exactly the same methodology as someone else.

The following indicates what your methodology needs to include; it is NOT an outline for each paragraph sentence by sentence. Use APA formatting.

1. Population (Specimen if not people)
This section of the procedures should include a complete description of the population or specimen to be used in this study. Several typical questions should be answered and then structured into proper sentences and paragraph form:
1) What people or specimen (description)?
2) How located?
3) How selected?
4) How many?
5) How grouped and used?

2. Instruments and/or Apparatus to be Used
This section of the procedures should include a complete description of each instrument and/or apparatus to be used. Several typical questions should be answered and then properly structured in sentence and paragraph form.
1) Description of each instrument and /or apparatus.
2) What data or information will derive?
3) How developed or obtained?
4) Validity? reliability?
5) How used?

3. Statistical Analysis- you aren’t collecting data, but you can describe what you would do with it.
This section should include a complete description of the following three items:
1) A description of each individual or group comparison to be made.
2) An identification of each statistical procedure to be used (including formulas).
3) The critical limits or levels of confidence acceptable on the total study of each individual comparison.

4. Research Plan
This section should include a step by step or sequential plan of attack for the entire study. Each item or step should be listed form the beginning to the end, placed in its proper sequence, and then written in the proper sequence and paragraph form.

5. Time-on-Task Analysis
This section should include a time schedule or time budget to complete the identified research by the proposed deadline (end of semester). The proposal may use a bar chart or CPM diagram or Excel to illustrate these events.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Brookline College Oklahoma City Morse Code to Text Communication System Essay

Morse Code Communication via Zoom

1. Introduction

Introduce the project. What is the mission? Approximately a paragraph or two. 2.

2. Background

What is a disaster robot, what are they used for, how can they be implemented, examples Think background research, will most likely need to cite some sources. Approximately a page

3. Objectives

What are the constraints of the project, what are you trying to accomplish, what does your robot need to do

use the files below to write 2 pages
one page for the introduction and the objectives and one for the background

Engineering Homework Help