Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Pilot Shortage in the US Research Paper


As we approach this activity, an important distinction is that of a term paper versus a research paper. In a term paper, the student gathers information and data, organizes it logically, and reports it back to the reader. In a research paper, the student also gathers information and data, but then he/she applies analysis, evaluation, synthesis, and critical thought to extend that information into new uses and concepts. Utilizing the information found during your literature review for this assignment, you will write the results, conclusions, and recommendation sections of your research paper.

Review the following for the order and requirements for each section of this assignment: 

  1. Abstract (leave blank for now).
  2. Introduction: A brief overview of what you are researching, why, and an overview of your research process (including the main topics you will review). This should be approximately one paragraph. Include any previous recommendations or comments from your instructor.
  3. Background: Describe what led to the problem, explain the extent of the problem, and why it is necessary to research and resolve the problem. This should be 2-3 paragraphs. Include any previous recommendations or comments from your instructor.
  4. Literature Review: Provide historical background on the area you are researching, provide a contemporary context in which your research is situated, identify any trends in the literature related to your problem, identifies gaps in the literature, draw conclusions based on the literature (what we know about the problem). This should be 2-3 pages. Include any previous recommendations or comments from your instructor.
  5. Results: Through the analysis of data, state your findings. This should be approximately one page.
  6. Conclusions: Based on the results of your data, interpret what they mean in the context of your problem and from an industry perspective. This should be 2-3 paragraphs.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Three Simple Data Analysis Problems With R Report


Attached are 3 files, one with the instructions, and the other two are supporting materials.

A complete step by step solution is required to each part of each problem. All the answers Must be placed in the space provided on the instructions.

Solutions MUST include.

– Code (no pictures or screenshots) -> CODE MUST BE WRITTEN USING R

– Graphs or figures (code output)

– Answer to all the questions

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Please follow instructions and APA Format with references and citations 100 words as response to another student-R


Professional Assignment 2 – CLO 3, CLO 4, CLO 5, CLO 6, CLO 7

Note this PA has two parts: Part I – Qualitative; Part II – Quantitative.

Part I (Qualitative)

Build Your Own Questionnaire! In your Week 7 Discussion Question, you explored and identified factors that influence adjustment issues and their impact on academic performance of university students. In this assignment, your task is to create a survey instrument (consisting of no less than 10 items) to assess various dimensions of student adjustment in the US.

Before creating your survey questionnaire, review Chapters 14 and 15 of the Zikmund textbook and use the Library and Information Resources Network of Westcliff University (LIRN) to find resources (including dissertations and theses) that address a similar topic.

Note that you are not allowed to use existing survey instruments at all for this assignment. Existing instruments are mostly copyrighted © materials and should not be used without proper permission from the author.

●Based on your response and the feedback from the professor to your Week 7 DQ, construct your own survey instrument and present it as an attachment to your PA2.

●After constructing the instrument, write a paper of minimum three (3) APA-formatted pages, and provide the background on the process of creating the instrument: Explain different dimensions and subscales of the instrument; discuss reliability and validity issues; and then explain the scoring process (including reverse coding if needed).

Part II (Quantitative)

Note: If you do not have access to SPSS, you can do this assignment in Excel as instructed below.

Use the Excel file titled, General-Electric (GE) available on GAP under “Supplemental Material” folder. This file contains GE’s daily stock market data covering the period of 12/13/2010 to 12/11/2018. The file includes a total of 2,013 daily transaction records including date, opening price of the GE stock for the day, highest price, lowest price, closing price, closing price adjusted for dividends, and the number of stocks traded (volume).

Complete the following tasks on GE’s stock and copy your results in a word document and submit your report.

●Use the explore command in SPSS and explain whether the trading volume of the stock is normally distributed. Make sure to discuss, mean, median, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, and results from the test of normality.

(If you do not have access to SPSS, in Excel use the Data Analysis on the “DATA” tab, then select descriptive statistics).

●Select a random sample of exactly 125 observations. Then run the descriptive command and calculate the mean and standard deviation of the sample. Calculate the 95% confidence interval for the mean and verify if the population mean is within the estimated confidence interval.

○ (If you do not have access to SPSS, in Excel use the Sampling on the Data Analysis tab to select your sample).

Suppose you believe that the true average daily trade volume for General Electric stock is 49,829,719 shares and a standard deviation of 21,059,637 shares. Considering a 95% confidence level:

●What is the minimum required sample size if you would like your sampling error to be limited to 1,000,000 shares?

●What sample size would offer a sampling error of not more than 2,000,000 shares?

Refer to the sample size of 125 that you found in the previous section above,

●Conduct a one-population test of hypothesis for the mean of the volume and determine if the null hypothesis should be rejected or not.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University Engineering Data Mining Discussion Questions


Chapter 7 –discussion question #1-4

  1. Explain the relationship among data mining, text min- ing, and sentiment analysis.
  2. In your own words, define text mining, and discuss its most popular applications.
  3. What does it mean to induce structure into text-based data? Discuss the alternative ways of inducing structure into them.
  4. What is the role of NLP in text mining? Discuss the capa- bilities and limitations of NLP in the context of text mining.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. SUNY at Stony Brook Internal Combustions Thermodynamic Review Questions


1. A famous inventor proposes a new engine concept to control engine load without throttling.  To achieve efficient operation at part load, the concept uses late intake valve closing which effectively creates an expansion ratio larger than the compression ratio.  The engine is four-stroke, spark ignition and operates unthrottled. The engine has a clearance volume of 300 cm3 and a displaced volume of 2700 cm3 per cylinder.  The fresh working fluid is a lean mixture of methane (CH4) and air at an equivalent ratio = 0.8.  The lower heating value of methane is 50 MJ/kg.The cylinder contents behave as an ideal gas with constant specific heats (y = 1.25, R = 300 J/kg-K).  The cycle processes are described below:

Intake Process 5-6-1
For the first part of the process (5-6), the piston moves from top dead center (TDC) to bottom dead center (BDC).  For the second part of the process (6-1), the piston moves up to half-way into the compression stroke while the intake valve is still open.  Throughout the intake process (5-6-
1), the fresh fuel air mixture is inducted into the cylinder and mixed with residual gas, while the cylinder pressure remains constant at 100 kPa.  When the intake valve is closed (State 1), the temperature of the cylinder contents is 440K.

Compression Process 1-2
Compression is reversible and adiabatic.  The gas pressure rises as the piston moves towards
TDC.  The “compression” rc is defined as the ratio of the cylinder volume at the intake valve closing to clearance volume.

Combustion Process 2-3
The mixture is ignited with a spark and releases the fuel chemical energy at the TDC position.  
The “gross” heat released by the fuel during the constant volume combustion process is accompanied by considerable heat loss to the engine walls.  The “net” heat release raises the temperature and pressure of the working fluid.

Expansion Process 3-4
The combustion gases follow a reversible and adiabatic expansion process from TDC to BDC,
until the cylinder pressure drops to the exhaust pressure (100 kPa) and the gas temperature drops to 800K.  The “expansion ratio” re is defined as the ratio of cylinder volume at exhaust valve opening (State 4) to clearance volume.

Exhaust Displacement Process 4-5
With the exhaust valve open, the piston moves from BDC to TDC while the exhaust gas is displaced out of the cylinder at 100 kPa.  The exhaust valve closes at State 5.

(1.1) Draw the cycle on a p -V diagram, clearly showing all relevant states and processes.
(1.2) Determine the residual fraction when the exhaust valve is closed.

(1.3) Determine the total mass of the cylinder contents and the mass of fuel when the
valves are closed.
(1.4) Determine the compression ratio, rc, and the expansion ratio, re.
(1.5) Determine the magnitudes of the peak temperature and pressure in the cylinder.
(1.6) Calculate the gross heat released by the fuel during combustion process and the
heat losses to the walls.
(1.7) Calculate the gross-indicated, pumping, and net-indicated work transfers of this
(1.8) Calculate the gross-indicated and net indicated fuel conversion efficiencies of
this cycle.
(1.9) Calculate the net indicated power of a four-cylinder engine at 7200 RPM.
(1.10) The inventor claims that the timing of the closing of the intake valve can be
varied to control engine power output without throttling.  When should the intake
valve be closed for a maximum output equivalent to wide open throttle (WOT) in
a conventional design? State physical arguments, but do not repeat any of the
calculations!  Briefly comment on the potential of the concept.

2. It has been shown that blending hydrogen (H2) and carbon monoxide (CO) with
hydrocarbon fuels, n-Octane (C8H18) in this case, can improve the lean limit of spark ignited
engines.  Assuming that the fuels are all in the gaseous phase, the Lower Heating Value of n-
Octane (C8H18) is 44,788 kJ/kg, the Lower Heating Value of CO is 10,100 kJ/kg, while the Lower
Heating Value of hydrogen (H2) is 119,953 kJ/kg.  On a volume basis the fuel mixture consists
25% n-Octane (C8H18), 25% carbon monoxide (CO) and 50% hydrogen (H2)

Fuel and air enter the engine at standard state conditions (1 atm, 25?C).  The mass flow rate of air
into the engine is 200 g/sec, while the equivalence ratio is 0.5.  The heat losses from the
working fluid to the engine coolant and the environment are 50 kW.  The temperature of the
combustion products in the exhaust manifold is 900 K.

(2.1) Determine the overall combustion reaction for this engine’s fuel mixture using
atmospheric air (O2 + 3.76 N2).  Normalize to a per mole fuel basis.
(2.2) The molecular weight of the fuel mixture.
(2.3) Calculate the air-to-fuel ratio (mass based) at which this engine is operating.
(2.4) Calculate the fuel mass flow rate.
(2.5) Calculate the lower heating value per kg of fuel.
(2.6) Calculate the higher heating value per kg of fuel, where hfg, H2O = 2442 kJ/kg
(2.7) Determine the net indicated power output of this engine in kW
(2.8) Determine the fuel conversion efficiency of this engine.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. IT 332 SNHU Characteristics and Delivery Models of Cloud Computing PPT


Stan Mizel, CEO of Peyton Trade Show Design, has just returned from his annual small-business CEO roundtable. Stan’s peers were discussing how their organizations were benefiting from cloud computing. Stan Mizel and his management team wish to learn more about cloud computing. You have been identified as a subject matter expert on cloud computing. You have been hired to educate Stan Mizel and the management team at Peyton Trade Show Design on cloud computing. In an 8- to 12-slide presentation created in PowerPoint, complete the following:

  • Identify the essential characteristics of cloud computing.
  • Explain how organizations today are implementing three primary delivery models for cloud: private, public, and hybrid.
  • Illustrate each of the three primary delivery models for cloud by creating a high-level diagram.
  • Summarize the information you presented at the end of your presentation.

The key to a successful presentation on a selected topic relates to your ability to research credible sources and organize the information accordingly. This includes the amount of text you put on each slide and the selective use of infographics and images to support your chosen topic on each slide. Remember, you can use the notes section of each slide to provide an enhanced narrative of your talking points, content outline, and additional supporting details. Please refrain from taking all of those elements and typing them onto a slide, causing an overwhelming amount of content. Keep your slides concise and visually appealing.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. CU Top Down Economy Research Paper


Today’s Global Economy is very top-down driven with the government making all the decisions and regulations as it relates to doing business globally.  What are some advantages and disadvantages to this approach?  Is there another approach that might work better?


*will provide two of others students post need response for that with one reference later 

*********Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least two of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.

Engineering Homework Help