Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. UT Water Supply and Treatment Project

Homework #2

  • Prepare your answers in one Word file. . If you wish, you may handwrite calculations clearly and include them as pictures in the PDF or Word file.
  • For Question 2a, prepare a separate excel spreadsheet file

Show all your work and circle or highlight the final answer. It will help the TAs see that you have the correct answer and actually did the work instead of just writing the correct answer.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Houston Community College Fluid in Motion Viscosity and Density Question

I’m trying to study for my Engineering course and I need some help to understand this question.

Oil is pumped through a pipe at a rate of 54 cubic meters per hour. The pipe is 0.37 miles long and has a radius of 50 mm. If the viscosity and density of the oil are 0.00525 kg m/s and 930 kg/m3 respectively determine the loss of head in meters due to friction. Friction coefficient f is given by the relationship 0.064 R-0.23 and R is the Reynold’s number.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. MTCS 4026 MTC Analogue and Digital Communications Exercises


• Students are required to complete each of the lab exercises and in so doing answer
all the questions within the logbook.

• Each student should complete their work independently.

• Copying other students work is strictly prohibited.

• The students’ work is collected in the laboratory.

MTCS4026 Analogue and Digital Communications – Academic Year 2020/21 Page 2 of 7


Mathematics, computer programing (such as MATLAB) and analogue and digital electronics


LabVolt (Festo) communication equipment and MATLAB (or any other computer aided software) will
be used for the Laboratory activities.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Virtual Crash Lab Accident Site Reconstruction Paper

In this activity, you will begin to reconstruct your first-at-scene data collection matrix. Enter Crash Lab and work on your assignment. Start by applying a logical grid system, measurement devices, and photography.

This lab activity should provide you with a means to manipulate many aircraft components; inside and outside the fuselage. The Virtual Crash Lab provides the capability to denote and measure various elements such as runway, ground, and tree scarring, etc., as well as positions of emergency vehicles during the response. To effectively complete the discussion assignment, attempt to incorporate photographs, create diagrams, etc., to corroborate your observations where applicable. It is suggested you retain all data in a Word file as a resource in the final Virtual Crash Lab discussion in Module 8.

Whenever possible, use cause and effect relationship to consider the following when going through the crash site:

  1. Provide a brief introduction to your work. Explain your general plan or approach as you entered the crash site.
  2. Was the accident site consolidated into a localized area; were all the parts of the plane there, as best as you can tell?
  3. If possible, include a diagram image to the discussion post.
  4. So far, what have you learned regarding potential accident factors other than just noting the location of airfield structures, lighting, land features, the debris field, and key aircraft components?

Your response to the question(s) should be precise, clear, relevant, and succinct. You should reply to 2 classmates by adding substance to others’ posts, be diplomatic, and polite. Look for any additional questions or comments your instructor may reply to you on before the last day of the module week.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. ENG Origin of Soil and Gain Size Problems

Do Problems 2.5, 2.6, and 2.7. Provide a computer-generated and fully labeled plot of the particle-size distribution curves (PSD’s). Also provide a table with your calculated values, but display at least one sample of each unique calculation either written out by hand or typed out using the equation editor (or something similar). Save or scan your files as a PDF before uploading.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. DATA 610 Harvard University Life Expectancy Using Cognos Analytics Paper


As a team, choose the dataset from Team Content->Data for Assignments ->Assignment 5 folder in Cognos Analytics.

Using Cognos Analytics:

Explore the dataset, including:

a)Describe the data set to include definitions of the features, number of cases, target variable, etc.

b)Pose some initial set of questions to be answered using Cognos Analytics. Provide any insights gained from this initial endeavor.

c)Develop new specific questions which provide additional insights into the dataset. Discuss how these insights could be useful. Did Cognos Analytics provide the necessary assistance? Discuss how you would improve the relevancy.

Refine/Modify the dataset.

Discuss how the quality of the dataset could be improved. What variables have missing values? What outliers are observed? Are there skewed features, based on the visualizations?

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. HU Geospatial Visualization Essay

  • Assignment 11.1 – Geospatial Visualization, this time on a discussion thread. Post yours, and respond to classmates’.
  • Assignment 11.2 and 11.3 – Wordles and Infographics. This is also run on discussion threads, in which you get to post yours and review classmates’.
  • Assignment 11.4 – Romeo. This is an assignment which lets you write a Python program to parse some Shakespeare. You will turn in code for this.
  • Assignment 11.5 – Mailbox. This Python programming assignment contains a function you need to write, and an automatically graded quiz which will let you check your answers.
  • Python Prerequisites Survey. This is a survey (formatted as a quiz) which asks you how well your programming prerequisites prepared you for the Python we do here. There are no wrong answers, but you will need to complete this before Week 12 will open to you.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Ashford University Geotechnology & Pore Water Pressure Lab Report


1-Which subject:

Getechnologe 1

2-Deadline: I need the work task one tomorrow morning)

3-If there is any program to use :


4-Calculations or thury:

Thury & calculation

5-How many words:

1200 words

6-Any other comments:

In case you want some of my tutors as a student on the solution, let me know, and I will provide you with them


all files are attache….the similarities most be less than than 5%.

Engineering Homework Help