Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. ISOL 632 ACE Business Impact Analysis & Recovery Planning Essay

Q1. What are the most vital functions at your place of work that the BIA will address?


1. APA Fortmat 7th ed.

2. Word count – 1200 words, NO PLAGIARISM

3. Reference document – Chapter2.docx

4. Text book:

Title: The Disaster Recovery Handbook


Authors: Michael WALLACE, Lawrence WEBBER

Publisher: AMACOM

Publication Date: 2017-12-28

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. ISOL 632 ACE Business Continuity Planning & Disaster Recovery Plan Discussion

Q1. Pick 2 different department team members and describe why they were chosen and what skill they should bring.


1. APA Fortmat 7th ed.

2. Word count – 1200 words

3. Reference document – Chapter1.docx

4. Text book:

Title: The Disaster Recovery Handbook


Authors: Michael WALLACE, Lawrence WEBBER

Publisher: AMACOM

Publication Date: 2017-12-28


Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Brookline College Oklahoma City Blueprint and 3D Sketching Project

.All examples must stay on the own blueprint (one example = one blueprint), convert to PDF (same like in Word) and submit on the eCampus. Before Blueprint topic, I recommend make just bodies. Then you will put it to blueprints.

HE 1. This blueprint must include 3 standard views and model view. Body would be made through simple Extruding

HE 2. Here must stay 2 same views like on the example plus model view. Use parallel planes for building of body

HE 3. This example must be used 3D sketching. Open 3D sketch; there take points and submit coordinates for them; connect two points by line; put model view (ONLY) in isometry to blueprint and determine dimensions there – it will be answer

HE 4. Use sweep here. Diameter of pin is 0.04 in. You have to put one view (like on the example sheet) and model view to blueprint

HE 5. It is revolving part. Choose 180 deg. for revolving options. Blueprint must include model view and detail view (like on the example sheet)

HE 6. Use incline planes for it (when you make parallel planes, choose angle, NOT a distance). Here must be model view plus front view (like on example sheet) and incline view (front of incline face).

All examples have to create in the inches

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Academy of Computer Education Information Governance & Long Term Digital Preservation Paper

Digital preservation can be defined as the long-term, error-free storage of digital information, with means for retrieval and interpretation, for the entire time span the information is required to be retained.Though this assessment holds true to the authors, business organizations continue to face significant challenges in meeting their LTDP needs, especially those organizations whose primary mission is to preserve and provide access to permanent records.

Q1) In the Hotel Industry, what considerations would have to be made in developing a long-term archival plan for a company within that industry?

A substantive post will do at least two of the following:

Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic

Provide extensive additional information on the topic

Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail

Share an applicable personal experience

Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the google scholarly article) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)

Make an argument concerning the topic.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the discussion. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the google scholarly article. Use proper citations and references in your post.


1. APA Format 7th edition

2. No Plagiarism

3. Word count -1500 words

4. Textbook attached for references

5. Readings

Textbook:Chapter 17 – Long-Term Digital Preservation

Park, S. H., Zhang, Y., & Keister, L. A. (2020). Governance Innovations in Emerging Markets. Academy of Management Perspectives, 34(2), 226–239.

P. C. Franks, “Government use of cloud-based long term digital preservation as a service: An exploratory study,” 2015 Digital Heritage, Granada, 2015, pp. 371-374,

Pike, E. R. (2020). Defending Data: Toward Ethical Protections and Comprehensive Data Governance. Emory Law Journal, 69(4), 687–743.

Zwarich, N., & Park, E. G. (2017). Toward E-Mail Governance: Policies and Practices in the Government of Canada. Canadian Journal of Information & Library Sciences, 41(3), 169–185

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. University of Central Missouri Assembly Line and Process Improvement Questions

Part 1: Assembly line and Lean Manufacturing

Review these 3 video clips, and write a brief summary of assembly line and Lean manufacturing in 1-2 pages (300-500 words). Your writing should present the major points you learned from the clips and Lean tools and techniques used in their implementation.

1.  Toyota Production Documentary – Toyota Manufacturing Production and Assembly at Toyota Factory (length: 28:59 minutes)

2. Boeing lean manufacturing (Length: 7:52 minutes)

3. Lean Manufacturing – Lean Factory Tour – FastCap  (length: 13:40 minutes)

Part 2: Process Improvement

You will review the knowledge on Lean Six Sigma and process improvement (Chapters, 1-5) from your textbooks and chat discussion, then answer the following questions:

1.Describe the goals of the lean methodology and benefits of implementing Lean.

2.Explain the seven sources of waste provide in Chapter One. Provide examples of each of these types of wastes in your workplace or school.

3.What do Six Sigma projects focus on? Why?

4.What is an organizational culture? What cultural aspects would you expect to see in Lean Six Sigma organization?

5.Why does an effective organization need a strategic plan?

6.Using an example from personal experience, describe the difference between satisfaction and perceived value.

7.How is each of the principal parts of a quality function deployment (QFD) matrix created? What does each part hope to provide to the users?

8.Describe the phases of team development.

9.How will you guide people who work for you or with you through a change process?

10. What are the major characteristics of these organizations/industry? Explain (select only 2 items to answer from this list: manufacturing, healthcare, construction, services, government, or education)

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. EE 4490 Kennesaw State University DC DC Buck Converter Simulation Report

Title describing your IoT device in conjunction with the DC-to-DC Buck Converter

Introduction (5%)

Describe what IoTs are and its the market size, potential, and future trends. 

Focus on ultra low-power IoTs and typical power requirements that are under 1 mW. 

Introduce the IoT sensor that was chosen. Reader should be able to understand what it is, its capabilities and specifications. 

Add images and figures (high resolution) so reader understands not only what it looks like on the outside, but the electronics and design inside the device. 

Figures and specs for the energy storage device for the chosen ultra low-power IoT that can be powered by far-field WPT.  

Wireless Power Transfer (10%)

Description of the difference between far-field wireless power transfer and near field WPT. (2%)

Introduce Friis formula equation and a diagram illustrating Friis formula for this project. (3%)

Draw a figure of how the received energy is used to charge the energy storage device that powers the chosen IoT device. (5%)

Transmit antenna à Receive Antenna à Charge Pump Circuit à DC-DC converter à Energy Storage Device (Optional if battery is required) à Device

Figure x. System diagram of how wireless power transfer is used to power IoTs.       

DC-DC Buck Converter (50%)

Describe what DC-DC buck converters are in general. Include a figure to support the explanation. (5%)

Describe the specific DC-DC buck converter you are simulating in ADS. Include a screenshot from your simulation. (8%)

Figures (25%)

  • Schematic
  • Output voltage graphs
  • Board layout screenshot
  • Picture of preview of board when manufactured (using 3rd party vendors such as OSHPark)


Top                                                                  Bottom

Conclusion (5%)

A paragraph summarizing the simulation results, size of board, pros and cons of the device. What kind of improvements can be made in terms of design and layout for powering IoTs. Discussion of the output voltage in reference to the input voltage.

Part II Tutorials (continuing with PCB layout techniques, including schematics, conversion to board, autorouter, and part placement)

1. Best way to use the Autorouter – Autodesk EAGLE (29 minutes)

  • How to set the most optimal settings for your autorouter to give you the results you expect. Carefully clean up any quirky looking traces. You’ll learn how to customize your design rules to keep yourself and your autorouter in check during your PCB layout.

2. Designing your Schematic (30 minutes)

  • Learn how to setup and design your schematic. Start placing parts from your free EAGLE part libraries. Use design blocks to efficiently reuse circuits from other electronics projects and save time. Verify connectivity between all of your parts with an Electrical Rule Check (ERC) on your PCB board.

3. Making a PCB Board from your Schematic (1 hr 9 min)

  • Learn how to design your PCB Board from your Schematic.
  • Use any one of your previous schematics from Eagle or ADS to convert to PCB following the general guidelines shown in this video.


1. Report – word or pdf document with screenshots, labeled with description of the figures. (Reader should be able to understand what the figures are about.). The final schematic/board screenshots are needed for each tutorial video.

2. EagleCAD files (.sch and .brd files)

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Alasalah University Heat Transfer Rusing and HTFlux Software Discussion

modeled simple and complex one-dimensional steady-state heat transfer situations using HTFlux software, and particularly those that had helped us to understand some phenomena within materials, such as, heat transfer and temperature gradients through the components of a building envelope.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Electrical Engineering TTL Elements Transmission of Digital Information Question

I’m studying for my Electrical Engineering class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

1. TTL elements with open collector: circuitry, operation principle, parameters.

2. Which of the switching circuits of the bipolar transistor has:

            a- the largest input resistance,               

            b – the largest current gain,

            c – the largest voltage gain

3. . Provide transmission of digital information from CMOS gate (Ucc = + 5V) to SN74S gate

Engineering Homework Help