Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. University of Maryland Global Access Controls and Why They Matter Presentation

Your task: You have been asked to give a presentation at an online training session for employees who are now working from home. The subject of this training session is: Access Controls and Why They Matter.

Background: Access controls are security features that are usually considered the first line of defense in asset protection. They are used to dictate how subjects access objects, and their main goal is to protect the objects from unauthorized access. Access control models are frameworks that use access controls to enforce the rules and objectives of the model (e.g. MAC, DAC, RBAC).

For this training, you should focus on the need to use Access Controls to protect corporate assets and data which are accessible via equipment and networks within the Work From Home setting. In your talking points you should also consider and address the frustrations that employees may feel when they encounter access controls that are not set up to allow the same type of “inside” access as employees had when working on company equipment inside company networks. (Explain why “turning off” access controls is not an acceptable solution to remote access to internal networks and resources.) Finally, address some potential “insider threats” which may exist in the Work From Home environment that need the countermeasures provided by access controls. Such threats could include the actions of others residing in the home who have access to the employee’s laptops or who use the same networks and network connections.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Grossmont College Solving Systems of Equations Script Lab Report

Part A- MATLAB Solving Systems of Equations Script

Now that we have covered some of the ways that we can solve systems of equations using MATLAB, solve the following system of equations using both the solve function and one of the matrix methods. Consider the question from chapter 7, and solve the system of equations using both the matrix method and symbolic variables.

Screen Shot 2021-05-17 at 11.59.33 AM.png


  1. Save your script as MatlabSOEFirstName_LastName.m
  2. Don’t forget your description block! Make sure to include the purpose of the script, your name and the date.
  3. Create necessary variables to store matrices.
  4. Using MATLAB, solve the system of equations using one of the matrix methods covered.
  5. Create necessary symbolic variables and equations to solve the system of equations using MATLAB’s solve() function.
  6. It’s Due on the 5-28-2021

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. ECC Percent of Mass Retained Lab Report

I have attached 4 files

1-2 of the lab Manuel for the two experiments .

2- the slandered how should the report look like.

3- the data table that we got on the experiment.

Bro just follow the instructions given to you in an attached files and as you know not coping anything from internet .

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University CH9 Key Components of Human Resource Management Discussion

After completing the reading this week, we reflect on a few key concepts this week:

  1. Discuss the key components of human resource management. Pick at least four concepts from chapter nine and describe how these concepts interrelate to individual performance on a team.
  2. Review table 9.2 and select one of the dimensions listed, note why it was chosen and how you relate to this behavior. If you have a personal experience, please share.
  3. How do leaders select the best talent? What are some tools they can use to select the best-talent?


After completing this chapter, you should be able to:

–Define human resource management (HRM) and its relation to organizational leadership.

–Appreciate the scope and functions of HRM.

–Explain and evaluate the different theoretical approaches to studying HRM.

–Assess the contribution of HRM to individual and organizational performance.

Critique assumptions found in mainstream HRM literature

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Grossmont College Matlab Dot & Cross Products Script Lab Report

MATLAB Dot & Cross Products Script


The purpose of this lab is to accentuate the time savings made possible with MATLAB. From the prescribed vectors, determine the dot and cross products of each.


  1. Save your script as MatlabDotCrossFirstName_LastName.m
  2. Don’t forget your description block! Make sure to include the purpose of the script, your name and the date.
  3. Create two variables, one for each vector.
  4. Using MATLAB, determine the Cross Product of Vector A to B
    • Repeat this calculation by traditional pen and paper methods.
  5. Using MATLAB, Determine the Dot Product of vectors A&B
    • Repeat this calculation by traditional pen and paper methods.
  6. Provide a comment at the end of your script, which method did you prefer, why?
  7. Due on the 5-28-2021

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. AERO 1230 Middle Tennessee State University Nasa Role in Aviation Discussion

1). Find a paper topic that you are interested in that integrates Federal Aviation Regulations in some fashion. This is to be a research paper that follows APA format, not an opinion paper. Remember, I gave you several examples and if you need to refresh your memory visit and find their “Most Wanted” list, the FAA website, and NASA’s Aviation Safety Reporting System website (ASRS). On the NASA ASRS website, click on the ASRS report sets and this should give you several good paper topics. Also, conducting a basic review of the latest aviation safety research will provide you with paper topics.

2). Once you have determined your paper topic, look for research in this area. Go to the library website and browse through online journals, magazines, books, etc. Do not use obscure websites, pilot forums, and other unreliable sources. I advise saving any articles you find to your flash drive or your email, dropbox account, etc. I find using Google scholar and then going to the library website and finding the article with the journal locater is very helpful.  If you are not familiar with the library website, there are several useful tools and guides to help you. Take the initiative to learn how to navigate the site and find research.

3). When you being writing your paper, read the Paper Specifics for information on paper length, sources, etc. The topic needs to integrate FAR’s and be relevant to the industry (so, no papers on people, historical events, etc. Focus more on an issue that interests you, safety issue, and so on)

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. INTA 312 Refugee World Regions and Homelessness Research Paper

Step 1: Research on Four Major Refugee Regions

Research the following four regions where refugee emigration is currently prevalent. What issues or commonalities or differences can you find among these regions? Do any of these regions have specific qualities or issues unique to the refugees coming from the region? What reasons are causing refugees to flee from these areas?

The list of four regions below is just a representative sample of countries.

  1. Middle East (Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Yemen, Syria, etc.)
  2. Asia/Southeast Asia (Bhutan, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Nepal, Malaysia, Pakistan, India)
  3. Africa (Algeria, Libya, Somalia, Mali, Sudan, Congo, Ethiopia, and Kenya)
  4. Central America/Caribbean Islands (Columbia, Haiti, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico)

Research each of these regions and create a list of notes for your answers to the questions above for each region. Include a list of MLA-formatted citations for your research. Review the MLA Guidelines. Summarize in 1-2 pages of 11 x 17 and support with visuals.

Step 2: Refugee Essay and Sketches (Country Specific)

Check the designated list prepared by the faculty for your individual research. See link on Refugees and Homelessness. The continuing research of the assigned country will support the creation of a culture-specific refugee shelter. Research briefly your selected country or region’s history, traditions, beliefs, poverty levels, economic and social challenges, and vernacular architecture. Do not design the shelter yet! You are just researching the issues so that your later design can be sensitive to this specific culture.

Based on your research, write an 500-word essay discussing your observations on how a particular country’s culture, architecture, or location has impacted the design of residential dwellings in that region. Along with your essay, include at least four manual/traditional sketches illustrating cultural and architectural elements from your selected country. Summarize in 1-2 pages of 11 x 17 and support with relevant visuals. Add your sources to the earlier list of MLA-formatted citations to complete your research.

Step 3: State of Homelessness Essay and Case Studies.

Similarly, check the designated list prepared by the faculty for your individual homelessness research. Research briefly your state’s poverty level, economic and social challenges, and concerns on homelessness. Look for 2 successful case studies supported by visuals. Pay attention to the established designs that address homelessness in your assigned state; not from other cities.

Discuss each case study briefly on how relevant, functional or meaningful these ideas are. Include visuals and links that support your homelessness problems particular about this state. Annotate value-added design solutions, materials and unique features. Add the list of MLA-formatted citations to the list of Steps 1 and 2.

Note: Follow only the given format. Deviation can only be in the size of images/sketches and application of skills applied.

Check details from Weekly Overview:

Research: All research activities will mainly use Ai Online Library Resources, and minimal use of reputable websites. Works (text and images will only use proper MLA citation. Every research submission will be qualified on research analysis and synthesis, and pragmatic application to design. Follow given format shown under Course Information.…

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University Big Data Analytics Discussion

Find a peer-reviewed scholarly journal article discussing big data analytics. Complete a review of the article by writing a 2-3 page overview of the article. This will be a detailed summary of the journal article, including concepts discussed and findings. Additionally, find one other source (it does not have to be a peer-reviewed journal article) that substantiates the findings in the article you are reviewing. You should use Google Scholar to find these types of articles ( )Once you find the article, you will read it and write a review of it. This is considered a research article review.Your paper should meet these requirements: 

ar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Engineering Homework Help