Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. NUC University Modern Networks Discussion


I’m working on a spanish question and need guidance to help me learn.

  1. define los siguientes conceptos. Los mismos representan ataques contra entornos y redes inalámbricas modernas.
    1. Wardriving
    2. Eavesdropping
    3. Replay
    4. Rogue access point
    5. ARP poisoning
    6. Masquerading
    7. Bluejacking
    8. Jailbreaking
  2. Entrega tu tarea en un documento MS Word. Incluye una introducción, desarrollo y conclusión. Recuerda que debe estar en formato APA.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. TSL 2083 Seminole State College of Florida Edulern 21 Online Teaching Discussion


This discussion is about sharing technologies that you already use with students and how you use them (or plan to with future students). If you don’t use any technology with your students, you may need to do some internet research for a potential technology you could/would use. These may be resources you use just with your English Language Learners, or with an entire class.

For this discussion you will complete a POST and RESPONSE.

For your POST:

  • Give the title of the technology and the link. This could be an app, software, website, etc. It should be suitable for in the classroom or out of class K12 student work. It can be a communication tool, quiz system, a learning management system, a blog or website, a game, etc.. And yes, we totally want to see something you created if you have something we could access (I know in some cases that’s not possible). (2 pts.)
  • Give a sample context in which you use (or would use) this technology. In other words, what do you have students do with it? (min. 2 sentences) (2 pts.)
  • Tell why you use this particular technology, and how it might be especially helpful with ESL students (although you would do it with all students in your class). (min. 2 sentences) (2 pts.)

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. TSL 2083 Seminole State College of Florida Word Search Charades Discussion


On pages 86-87 in the textbook, a few specific activities are given as classroom practices. This discussion serves to build a bank of additional activities to use in the classroom with all learners, but with a focus on thinking about how it can benefit English learners.

For this discussion begin by completing the 2 items below:

1) Review pages 86-87

2) Find a classroom activity online such as the cluster and KWL example to use in the classroom, or make one up. Stick to something that is just a framework that could be used in many different contexts. For example, KWL can be used with almost any topic – it doesn’t depend upon a certain book or other material. This might be an activity from a website, journal, or book. Don’t use a full lesson plan, just select or create an activity. This can be a framework or form that students fill out (such as the cluster or KWL), a worksheet, a quiz, creating a piece of writing or art, a type of literature or reading response or writing, etc. I gave these as types of activities as examples just to start you thinking, but this is pretty open.

Then for your POST:

  • Give the title of the activity and the link (or write it out if you created it). Be sure that any link points to a specific activity. If there is more than one on the page that the links takes you to, please be specific about which activity you are sharing. If giving an activity from a journal or book, provide a complete citation. If you got this from someone else, give them credit, or if you created this activity, say so. (2 pts.)
  • Give a sample context in which you could use this activity. In other words, what would you have students do with it? If it helps, think of a discipline area (such as Science, Social Studies, etc.) or a particular teaching material, such as a book. (min. 2 sentences) (2 pts.)
  • Give a suggested grade level. (.5 pts.)
  • Tell in which of these categories you would place this activity, and explain (min. 2 sentences.): (2 pts.)
    • warm up
    • assessment (and specify before instruction, during instruction, or after instruction)
    • building background knowledge
    • vocabulary
    • practice
    • application
    • before, during, or after reading
    • introduction
    • closing/review
    • other – if you feel it fits somewhere not listed
  • Tell why you chose this particular activity or lesson plan, and how it might be especially helpful with ESL students (although you would do it with all students in your class). (min. 2 sentences) (2 pts.)

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. CC Conjugate the Verbs to Spanish Summary


  • Conjugate the following verbs: comenzar / dormir / jugar / pedir / seguir
  • Explain which syllable has the stem-change. For example, in a longer verb with more than one “e” how would you decide which “e” needs to change, use the verb “preferir” to explain your answer.
  • What happens to the conjugation in “nosotros” form?
  • We know the verbs that need a stem-change, what about the endings? How do we decide the endings for each conjugation?

Please also Ask 3 questions in SPANISH using 3 different stem-changing verbs.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. Improving Emotional Communication Skills Essay


To practice, I want you to write a complete essay ONLY using chapter 6 in the text. Our focus is how improving emotional communication skills can improve relationships.

Correct Format:

Your name, class name, assignment name top left corner

Double spaced with each paragraph indented and written correctly

Each paragraph needs to have 10-12 sentences

: Interesting, short, capitalized and written correctly Do NOT bold or underline or make font bigger

Introduction Paragraph

Interesting hook
Explain hook and relate it to book using author’s name, book title and information about the author
Explain what chapter 6 in the book is about and define terms
Explain why chapter 6 in the the book is important and people should read it
Thesis statement and that states Gottman’s idea that people can improve their emotional communication skills to enhance their relationships with which I agree/disagree

Body Paragraph #1 – Summary paragraph [using chapter 6 only]

Transition + author name + correct title of book underlined + author’s thesis [Gottman’s BIG idea of the text]
Transition + In chapter 6, 9 summary sentences in the student’s words – no quotes.
Transition + Conclusion sentence – restates author’s thesis/big idea in different words

Body Paragraph #2 – Argument/Counter Argument/Rebuttal Paragraph [using chapter 6 only]

Transition + topic sentence that Gottman would argue idea 1[argument], but many people think idea 2 [Counter Argument]; however, Gottman would say they are wrong because of idea 3 [Rebuttal].
Transition + main idea sentence about Gottman’s argument.
Context + quote from book illustrating argument.
Explanation of how quote supports main idea sentence.
Transition + main idea sentence about counter argument.
Context + quote from book illustrating counter argument.
Explanation of how quote supports main idea sentence.
Transition + main idea sentence about rebuttal.
Context + quote from book illustrating rebuttal.
Explanation of how quote support main idea sentence.

Body Paragraph #3 – 3 big ideas [using ideas related to chapter 6 only]

Transition + topic sentence stating 3 ways Gottman thinks we can improve our emotional communication skills and thus better our relationships.
Transition + main idea sentence about Gottman’s 1st idea.
Context + quote from book illustrating idea.
Explanation of how quote supports main idea sentence.
Transition + main idea sentence about 2nd idea.
Context + quote from book illustrating idea.
Explanation of how quote supports main idea sentence.
Transition + main idea sentence about 3rd idea.
Context + quote from book illustrating idea.
Explanation of how quote support main idea sentence.

Conclusion Paragraph – Active Conclusion – no summary since we did a summary paragraph

College level transition + restate thesis in different words
Transition + main idea sentence that states an idea from Gottman from chapter 6 that could improve their relationships
Context + Quote that illustrates the concept
Explanation of how quote supports main idea
Transition + 3 sentences that are your personal idea on how to improve one’s relationships.
Transition + 3 sentences where you actively tell reader what s/he should do to so they too can get better at their emotional communication skills and improve their relationships.
Last sentence in your own words

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. Actividad Basica de Español Escucha y Conversa Ejercicio


 Write a paragraph with at least five sentences in which you state your name and where you are from, where you go to school, the courses you are taking, whether you work (and, if so, where), and some of your likes and/or dislikes. Use vocabulary and grammar from this lesson. (25 pts.)

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. GERM 100 AMU Week 3 Gothic Architecture Discussion


Pick a German artist or architect, or a German work of art or architecture, and do a bit of research. Then, share your research in your own words with the class. Please include images, sounds, and/or videos to illustrate your presentation. Be sure to INSERT and NOT attach the images, sounds, and/or videos. Cite and fully reference sources, including images, with the Author, Title & Date, include links, and put quotes around direct quotes that you borrow. Images also require copyright permission if they are not Creative Commons licensed or Public Domain.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. California State University – Chico French Question


I’m working on a french test / quiz prep and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

I. Conjugaisons : Conjuguez les verbes réfléchis à la forme correcte du Présent

de l’Imparfait et Passé Composé (25) :

II. Verbes réfléchis : complétez le paragraphe suivant avec les verbes réfléchis qui conviennent et conjuguez ces verbes (24) :

III. Deux Pronoms Objets : Remplacez les objets des verbes par des Pronoms Objets directs & indirects et faites les changements nécessaires. Réécrivez [= rewrite] les phrases (24) :

IV. Questions : répondez directement aux suivantes avec des phrases complètes. Attention aux temps (25) :

V. Questions avec le nouveau vocabulaire et sur les lectures : répondez directement et aussi complètement que possible aux questions suivantes avec des phrases complètes (24) :

Foreign Languages Homework Help