Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. SP 321 Norwich University Comparacion entre Facebook y Twitter

Attached are a document already write-in Spanish and a PDF detailing certain grammar requirements for the paper. I need to highlight certain pieces of grammar certain colors and edit the document to meet the requirements detailed in the PDF.

This is due tonight so I am desperate for help.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. National University of Singapore French Question

I’m working on a french writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Write a short easy about the places you visited most during your vacation. Choose any city in Africa and discuss three places you frequently visited. The easy must be written in French language

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. St johns university Italian Italian voice recording

I’m working on a italian project and need support to help me learn.

Describe a persons life using the following tenses: presente, passato prossimo,imperfetto e futuro.

Can you say it as in your speaking about yourself like first person point of view?

Like ” l like to do this” if you know what i mean?

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. Three Kings Day Spanish Lifestyle and Spains Lifestyle Questions

I am in need of help answering three spanish questions. I have the link needed to answer the question in the word document and have also attached another document that could be helpful. It needs to be answered as if I am doing it. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know,

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. Grossmont College 3 Kinds of Bias that Shape Your Worldview Video Discussion

  1. Identify and discuss how your strongest and weakest intellectual trait/s affect your ability to approach argument as an “exploratory process” (Ramage 17). (approximately 75-200 words)
  2. With regards to your worldview, choose the TED Talks to which you most relate, briefly summarize it, including the author’s major claim, and explain why you relate to it. What similar values, beliefs, and/or assumptions do you share with the speaker? (approximately 75-200 words)
  3. Spend some time browsing the Opposing Viewpoints database and select one issue you care about, read the Overview, and choose one viewpoint with which you disagree, then summarize the article and explain the informed and/or inherited values, beliefs, and/or assumptions that influence your disagreement. (approximately 75-200 words)

Be sure to fully develop and proofread your posts and avoid using the shortcuts we employ in texts, such as “i” for “I” and “u” for “you.” Standard capitalization is required. 

Part II: Reply (20 points @ 10 points each) 

Respond to posts 1-3 for TWO of your peers. To receive full credit, number your replies and write more than 1-2 sentences per number. Fully engage! Begin by introducing yourself, and remember, replies that start with “I like” rarely stimulate good conversation. Be sure to specifically address the content of each of their posts. If you agree or disagree with your peer, be sure to explain why. If you think your peer’s post is not a clear response to the directions, help them to get back on track.

Please let our CREED (Compassion, Respect, Empathy, Empowerment, and Dignity) guide your engagement with your peers. Also, try to choose someone who has not yet received a reply. 

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. Collage Ana G Mendex Las Estrategias Efectivas De Un Expositor Ensayo Analítico

I’m working on a spanish project and need support to help me learn.

Escriba un ensayo analítico sobre las estrategias efectivas de un expositor para controlar al público y de qué manera la respuesta de su audiencia determina las técnicas de presentación y manejo de grupo. Debe poseer una página de extensión como mínimo. Evite a toda costa los errores tipográficos, gramaticales y los vicios del lenguaje. El facilitador corroborará que no exista material plagiado en el escrito; para ello utilizará SafeAssign. El trabajo debe estar en programa Word, poseer carátula, doble espacio y demás características del estilo APA

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. USC Proceso Motivacional Desarrollada en La Narrativa De the Joneses Analisis

I’m trying to learn for my Spanish class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

Ver Película The Joneses (enlace).     y analizar desde una postura crítica el proceso motivacional que se desarrolla en la narrativa del film. Analizar aspectos de:

  1. Dimensiones del ser humano
  2. Inteligencia Emocional
  3. Comunicación asertiva                           Esos tres aspectos deben ser los temas en el análisis

    ¿Cómo es el enfoque de estos temas en la película?

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. American Military University German Week 5 Discussion post

I’m trying to learn for my Foreign Languages class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

Initial Post:

Write a paragraph in German with at least 5 sentences answering the question: “Was ist Ihr Lieblingsgeschäft?” Remember that each sentence must have a subject and a verb, otherwise, it is considered a fragment and will not count. *At least one sentence MUST have a separable prefix verb that is separated into its two parts.

Beispiel (Example):

Mein Lieblingsgeschäft heißt Mazel. Es verkauft elegante Klamotten aus Paris. Glücklicherweise gibt es oft Schlussverkäufe, so dass ich mir ab und zu ein Kleid gönnen kann. Ich schaue so gerne die Kleider in diesem Laden an. Ich wünsche mir, dass ich meine Kleidung öfters dort kaufen könnte!

Foreign Languages Homework Help