Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Miami Dade College The Swing Era to the Bebop Period Questions


I’m trying to learn for my Music Theory class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

Bebop performance Instructions:Compare two images: Swing Dancers and Bebop performance. The images are found in the “Bebop” Module 7 online introductory materials. Consider both the musicians and members of the audience and answer the following questions: What can you conclude regarding changes from the Swing Era to the Bebop period? Which musicians seem to be more intently involved in their performance? Which audience seems to be getting the most enjoyment from the music. Why do you suppose the size of the musical ensemble changed from the Swing era to the bebop period? Base your responses on your readings, and what you observe in these photographs.Typed all responses in the Word docx, save the file, and then upload the fileUpload your file by clicking “Browse My Computer” for Attach File.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. CC Development of Country Music Essay


After viewing the Ken Burns Country Music Documentary Excerpts from this week’s Course Content and working with your group members, create a 5-7 minute presentation. You will be focusing on the “Mule Skinner Blues” videos which feature four different performances of that song.

Content Questions

Your speaking portion should respond to one or more of the questions below:

  1. How are each of the four performances of “Mule Skinner Blues” similar and how are they different? Describe these similarities in terms of the musical elements. Specifically how does the melody and timbre change or stay the same in each version?
  2. How does each performance represent a sort of milestone in the development of country music?
  3. What historical events, trends or movements influenced any or all of the versions of the song?
  4. How did each version influence the development of Rock and Roll?
  5. Did you enjoy one version more or less than the others? Why?

I will be taking (( QUESTIONS 2 and 3 ))

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. MDC The Cold War Major Conflicts Between United States and The Soviet Union Essay



Allied during World War II, within two years postwar antagonism led the United States and the Soviet Union into a new conflict that will continue until the end of the 20th century. From its beginning, the United States and the Soviet Union blamed the other for the cold war. Historians currently offer a more critical perspective and differing views as to who was actually responsible.


In order to prepare you must complete the following readings:

  • Review and identify relevant sections of Chapter 27.
  • Read the linked documents. The site will open to the introduction page. You must select the document transcript tab located on the upper right-hand side to open the actual document.
    • The Truman Doctrine:
    • The Marshall Plan: As you read the document, consider the following questions- What arguments are being made in this statement by President Truman in support of the Marshall Plan? What re world events are directly and indirectly alluded to? What message is Truman sending to the Soviet Union and its satellites in this statement?
  • View the following documentary series. As you will note the series is organized into episodes, 24 in total. If you are interested in viewing the entire series, you can go directly to youtube – The Cold War:

NOTE: Select the link to view documentaries or Copy/Paste URL from each video, if it does not play when you click.

ChinaWatch VideoCold War Documentary Part 1/24 – Comrades 1917 – 1945 –  Transcripts Click for more options

Duration: (46:33)
Added: 3/5/14

YouTube URL: 

Watch VideoCold War Documentary Part 2/24 – Iron Curtain 1945 – 1947 –  Transcripts Click for more options

Duration: (46:32)
Added: 3/5/14

YouTube URL: 

Watch VideoCold War Documentary Part 3/24 – Marshall Plan – 1947 – 1952 –  Transcripts Click for more options

Duration: (46:32)
Added: 3/5/14

YouTube URL: 

Watch VideoCold War Documentary Part 4/24 – Berlin 1948 – 1949 –  Transcripts Click for more options

Duration: (46:32)
User: rjenmiller – Added: 3/5/14

YouTube URL: 

  • Utilize at least one of the linked sources provided in this assignment to support your discussion.
  • Identify and incorporate at least one additional outside source to support your discussion. In addition to the textbook, you may use any material outside of the textbook that is recommended in the Additional Reading section at the end of each chapter. You are also encouraged to do your own research and identify relevant sources. Please keep in mind that WIKIPEDIA is not an acceptable reference.


Write a well-organized essay, a minimum of 700 words (but not limited to), including supporting details from the documents/textbook/other sources, in which you a analyze and discuss the material that has been assigned by addressing the following question:

Identify and discuss the major conflicts between the United States and the Soviet Union that resulted at the beginning of the Cold War, and explain important ways in which both nations contributed to the worsening of cold war tensions. As part of your discussion, you should address who, in your opinion, started the cold war.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. De Anza College Effects of Noise Pollution Environment Tendency Essay


Choose ONE of the following topics:

  1. causes or effects of rising inflation
  2. effects of noise pollution
  3. causes of eating disorders (ex. bulimia and anorexia)
  4. long term effects of cheating on a student’s future
  5. causes of the rising rates of teenage depression

Write a brief outline before constructing the essay.

The essay should include the following:

1. four- five paragraphs (introduction, body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph)

2. effective supporting information including examples, explanations, and facts

3. one paraphrase from a reputable source with both an in text citation and Works Cited page

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. SYG 2000 MDC What Causes Poverty and How Can Be Fix It Discussion


Video: What Causes Poverty and Can It Be Fixed?


The assignment will require you to reflect on and respond to at least two  Discussion Topic questions and post your answers to the topic on the  Discussion Board. Your contribution to the topic should be clear,  complete, and accurate. 


Being in poverty is really a combination of individual and structural reasons. Compare the structural theory of poverty to individual  explanations or personal responsibility.

When thinking about solving poverty, we need to “think big and act  small.” Government interventions can only go so far. What are micro-interventions, and how can they help fight against poverty? 

Personal reflections – brief example of social life (10 points)

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. FVSU MOD 6 Use of Cognitive Behavioral Techniques Discussion


I’m studying for my Psychology class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Copy and paste the following YouTube link. After viewing the link, provide a thorough analysis of how you would rate the student counselor’s approach to the group? What would you have done differently? Lastly, how can you utilize these strategies in order to become a better substance abuse counselor?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Sociology Question


1. Consider the groups and organizations to which you belong. Since socioeconomic status influences much in life, how does wealth, power and prestige influence the functioning of those groups and organizations?

2. Discuss in detail how structural-functionalists, conflict theorists and symbolic interactionists explain race and ethnicity and the influences that race and ethnicity has on a person’s life.

Your submission should be at least 500 words not counting your works cited page and the title page. You also need to use APA format and properly document all of your sources

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Harvard University Leadership Traits Essay


Vogelgesang, G., Clapp-Smith, R. Palmer, N. (2009). The Role of Authentic Leadership and Cultural Intelligence in Cross-Cultural Contexts: An Objectivist Perspective. International Journal of Leadership Studies, 5(2), 102-117.  Retrieved from:

Choose a highly visible leader, someone you admire and would like to emulate.  You will be looking to examine a situation when a leader’s cultural adaptation, cultural intelligence, ethics, and perhaps even moral and values have been tested and applying his/her actions to your own, perhaps developing, leadership style.

Consider the four factors of Authentic Leadership; discuss how the leader rates in each of these areas.  Also consider the issues brought up in the reading for this unit, particularly ethics and personal values.  View the actions of the leader through multiple lenses.  Based on the cultural situation that was discussed above, describe how the leader’s rating was impacted by the way the situation was handled. Include whether their behavior was favorable or not.

Why is this leader someone you admire?  As you examined this leader against the four factors of Authentic Leadership, did he or she rate as highly as you thought?   Look at this exercise and who you want to be as a leader — where do these things converge?

Submit a 2-paper that both demonstrates that you understand adaptive leadership and is also reflective in nature. If you use any sources, be sure to cite them using APA format.

Humanities Homework Help