Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. HCR 230 Rio Salado Community College Health Issues Martin Diagnosis Questions


The following short answer assignment consists of a total of 2 questions. The questions will require you to apply the concepts described in Lessons 4 to specific case scenarios, additional assigned articles, or video presentations.

The questions are randomly generated, so once you have opened the assignment you will need to save it in order to retain the questions that have been generated for you. After you have saved the assignment, you may exit the page and compose your response. Your will have up to 7 days to re-enter the assignment and submit your response. When re-entering the assignment in order to submit your work, you will need to select “Resume” rather than “Start Over” in order to submit responses to the original questions.

Response to each question must

  • be in the form of a 150 to 250-word well-developed paragraph
  • contain well-developed sentences, correct spelling, and proper grammar
  • demonstrate your achievement of those objectives for the lesson in your response
  • include data, facts, key terminology, specific examples and direct quotations from the textbook and other resources to support your main point.
  • include appropriate citation and a resource list for all sources used.
  • For all 200 level courses, your textbook and at least one outside academic source are required.Scenario:
  • Martin in an 86 year old man recently placed in hospice. He is Christian, of Navajo and Anglo descent, has lived and worked on the reservation all his life, and has been married to his wife since 1954. They have three children, three grandchildren, and five great grandchildren. He suffers from Parkinson’s and late-stage lung cancer. He is tired of suffering. Question 1: Evaluate the health protective and risk factors that may be relevant to Martin’s diagnosis and care. Question 2: Compare the health protective and risk factors typical of those with your cultural identity with those encountered by Martin.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. SPED 574 University of Phoenix W4 Specialized Education Presentation


SPE/574: Characteristics Of Intellectual/developmental Disabilities

Wk 4 Team – Specialized Curriculum and Instruction Presentation [due Mon]

Assignment Content

  1. The ideal special education classroom provides quality instruction to learners with disabilities. While there may be a push toward inclusion in the general education classroom, there is still the need for more intensive, individualized instruction and attention to exceptional learners. It is necessary for a special educator to understand the use of specialized instruction and curriculum to meet the needs of exceptional learners. For this assignment, your learning team will work together to develop a presentation about selecting and providing specialized instruction and curriculum in special education.
    Create an1 slide for each presentation that includes a 50- to 75-word response to each of the following:

    • Explanation of the general principles for guiding instruction
    • Description and examples of universal teaching strategies
    • Description and examples for the following types of specialized teaching strategies

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. CNL 527 Grand Canyon University Reward System Discussion


Describe the so-called “brain reward pathway” and explain its importance to understanding the effects of drug-seeking behavior. Provide an example to support your description.


Levinthal, C. (2016). Drugs, behavior, and modern society (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Publishing ISBN-13:9780134003047


Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Strayer Univeristy Chapter 3 The Katrina Breakdown Discussion Questions


Question 1

Review “The Katrina Breakdown,” in Chapter 3 of Managing the Public Sector.

  • Setting aside the philosophical and legal issues this case raises, identify and explain 2–3 management or efficiency arguments for and against a more centralized response to large national disasters like Hurricane Katrina. Provide suggestions both pro and con.

Question 2

Many states are facing budget constraints that are shining a light on public employees’ pay and benefits, which have led to debates about state employees’ collective bargaining rights. From a public administrator perspective, speculate to the short-term and long-term effects if limited collective bargaining is adopted. Hint: Look at all the stakeholders involved.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. A Letter Addressing Issues in The Criminal Justice System Sociology Essay


This week you studied the inequalities that exist in society in the United States. Specifically, we
emphasized race/ethnicity and gender inequalities. On Friday you watched two
documentaries: one on inequalities in the criminal justice system and one on the implications of
immigration policy/law on individuals seeking a better life in the United States. The
commonality between these two is the unequal treatment of individuals who break the laws
established by society.
In 1987, Margaret Thatcher, prime minister of Great Britain said, referring to Britain’s
responsibilities to the world, “They are casting their problems at society. And, you know, there’s
no such thing as society. There are individual men and women and there are families. And no
government can do anything except through people, and people must look after themselves
first. It is our duty to look after ourselves and then, also, to look after our neighbours.”
Considering this quote, your readings from this week, and the documentaries you watched,
choose either equality in criminal justice or immigration law and write a letter to Margaret
Thatcher about that topic. Use your sociological imagination, your personal experiences, and
your most persuasive voice to argue for what you think needs to happen to increase social
justice – considering Thatcher’s attitude toward government, personal responsibility, and
You do not need to include a works cited page unless you use sources outside the textbook and
the documentaries. Your letter should be three pages long, double-spaced, 12-font. Please refer to the attached documents and watch the videos to complete the letter essay. No plagiarism of any sort.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. SPED 574 University of Phoenix W4 Teaching Strategies Essay


SPE/574: Characteristics Of Intellectual/developmental Disabilities

Wk 4 – Social Interaction and Inclusion Paper [due Mon]

Assignment Content

  1. Social competence and interaction can be challenging for exceptional learners, just as the teaching of social skills and providing an inclusive environment might be challenging for a teacher. Developing a “tool belt” of strategies for promoting social skill development and an inclusive classroom environment will be very helpful for both the teacher and learners.
    Create a list of 5–7 methods, strategies, or techniques, with a brief description for each, that a teacher can use for promoting social interaction and classroom inclusion for learners with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
    Write a 275- to 350-word paper that explains the following in relation to promoting social interaction and inclusion:

    • Impact of social abilities on instruction and learning
    • Importance of peer relationships in learning
    • Teacher strategies to foster relationships

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Drugs, Behavior and Modern Society Discussion


Topic 2 DQ 1 (Obj. 2.2 and 2.3) DQ 1

What is meant by the neurochemistry of a drug? Identify one neurotransmitter and describe its physiological function in the human brain. Provide an example to support your description.

This discussion question is informed by the following CACREP Standard: 5.C.2.g. Impact of biological and neurological mechanisms on mental health.


Levinthal, C. (2016). Drugs, behavior, and modern society (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Publishing ISBN-13:9780134003047

Humanities Homework Help