Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. John Muir Health Center Identity Story and Physical Therapy Paper


P1B Graphic Illustration of you identity story




Project 1

Identity Story.

We are not asking you to share private or personal information.

Write a three page identity story. Share in class

And make or draw a doll image about your own identity. P2B

3 to 5 Pages

Include at least two of these areas: gender, culture, disability, ethnicity, or social class as defined in the glossary in the ABE text. You may bring additional visual aid and/or use a power point.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. DC Semiotics and Color Symbol Project Moodboards and Colorboards Presentation


Build two compositions using shapes that each reflect an emotionPick two emotions from either happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise or disgust. Create two graphic works that evoke those emotions. In order to hone your visual communication skills this brief requires that you work efficiently with colour and shape. You are asked to use ONLY basic shapes to convey your message, experimenting with illustrator to convey a complex message with bold shapes and colour combinations. Use what you learn in each seminar about symbols, icons and colour to build support material and ideas for your work.

Students will submit:- A mood board of 40 images including 20 colour examples (eg. an amazing blue bird or pink house) that reflect your chosen emotions.- A folio of 20 hand drawn thumbnail sketches for EACH emotion symbol.- Colour selections for your designs and an explanation (1-2 paragraph/s) on which colour theories you have employed in your decision making.- Completed designs that use only basic shapes from Adobe AI (with any complexity of scale and colour). Two separate A4 Pages and 200 words for each design.- Moodboard, Thumbnails, Colours, explanations and completed designs all collated into a single PDF file. (20mb or less)

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. MIC Alcohol and Its Effects on Teenagers Alcohol Consumption Paper Outline


Open and read this file that I attached you bellow, all you have to do is to read it and make it as a outline. Make sure you followed the outline example(Title, introduction, Bps, and conclusion). Do not submit a full paper. This is a key word or one sentence style outline

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ANTHRO 101 WMA Hominin Features Categorization Issues & Homo Attributes Discussion


One of the main characteristics that defines the hominin tribe are their bipedal tendencies. However, as you have noted in reading for this week’s assigments, not all hominins had the same bipedal capabilities. Early hominins can be defined as being at various stages of transitioning into bipedalism while later forms are obligate bipeds. At the same time there are many other things that we can explore that relate to hominins. Often times there are new discoveries that are made and those discoveries make the news.

For this discussion board, I would like you to share a news article that specifically deals with hominins. The news article can be up to 10 years old.

Make sure you do the following for points.

Note: Make sure that the news that you read only deals with one of the following genera – Sahelanthropus, Ardipithecus, Australopithecus.

Give a brief summary of what you read. In one short paragraph tell the class what the news was about. Include the following items as part of your post.

Name the species in question (genus and species designations).

What is the approximate age of the fossil and where it was found.

Tell us why it the fossil made the news. Why is it important.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Immokalee High School Civics Apush Preparation Questions


I have attached the worksheet. It must be completed in this format

Example: (minus the cells) I have uploaded the worksheet in word format

Which option represents a way that multiple perspectives are reflected in political participation?

public meetings

Correct-Opportunities for the public to attend and for individuals to express their viewpoints represent a way for multiple perspectives to be reflected in political participation.

press conference

Incorrect-Press conferences represent the viewpoints of public officials who may choose to respond to questions by journalists, or may choose to speak to other issues.

legislative sessions

Incorrect-Legislative sessions may reflect the viewpoints of legislators who may represent some but not all perspectives of their constituents.

State of the Union address

Incorrect-The State of the Union address gives the president the opportunity to share the president’s perspectives which may represent some but not all perspectives of the president’s constituents.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ENG 311 CWU W8 Academic and Workplace Email Communication Discussion


This assignment include one Initial post and two responses posts.

This week, we’ll be discussing academic and workplace email communication. When you send poorly written emails (or worse: make ridiculous requests), I want to let you know that it IS noticed; and, more importantly, such communications could end up in a meme, on a forum, or it could go viral. Review the collection of poor workplace communications in BWS Ch 8(Attached below) and scan through a few pages of this forum (Links to an external site.) (hosted by Chronicle of HigherEd) devoted to student emails.

Now, I want to hear your thoughtful reflections–some venting is okay–but you should also connect your response to this week’s chapter on netiquette, tone, and audience. Consider one or more of the following: What are the lessons learned? About school emails? Workplace emails and/or memos? Privacy of such communications? Other thoughts?

NOTE: It has been brought to my attention that the link to the Chronicle of Higher Education discussion forum provided in this week’s discussion is no longer functional. I attempted to find a working link to this forum, but it appears that this content is no longer available. If you have not yet posted to the discussion, you can focus your response on the content that is available via your textbook and the image presented in the prompt for this discussion. Please let me know if you have any questions.

example funny student email

Please also respond to the two following posts:

Student A’s post: “Hello Everyone,

I believe that having a well structured email written to a professional, whether it is a Professor or a CEO, will help ensure that your point will get across effectively and show the person you are writing to the respect level you have for them as well as give them an idea of how seriously you take your work.

As I do not generally send out a ton of emails per week I am not anywhere close to an expert, however I do receive many emails due to the fact I participate in athletics here. The trend I notice throughout the emails I receive is that they are written efficiently and with respect to the audience. To me, respect for others is the biggest thing you must be aware of when writing an email. Ensure that you are not bashing anyone and not belittling your peers, even if they may be ‘below you’ on the totem pole.

Even something as little as an email can reflect on your business and how it is run so it is crucial that you proofread everything and are aware of who you are sending the email to. I would also say that it is important to keep any emails confidential within the group of people it is sent out to, or if it is just sent to one person, as it may be undisclosed information that is not yet released or shouldn’t be released to anyone on the outside looking in.”

Student B’s post: “As I read through chapter 8, it is interesting to see some of the awkward tones on the examples given, especially for work emails. I have worked in a place where I constantly must respond and send emails daily. On average, I would come to work and get about 350+ emails a day. These emails are usually from colleagues and suppliers. Using email etiquette in a professional setting shows respect and clarity to the recipients.

It is important to know who you are emailing and make sure not to hit “reply all” when discussing an internal work issue or any proprietary information within the company. Company internal data cannot be disclosed to outsiders. This will prevent outsiders from knowing what is going on and potentially spread the word about the business, which can hurt the company. This can lead to severe disciplinary action towards the employee, especially when going against the company’s information policy.

When I respond to the email, I make sure to see who is in the email chain. When necessary, I will modify the recipient list by only speaking to my colleagues and leaving out the suppliers when discussing internal work-related issues or decisions. The company made us go through computer, internet, and email usage training since it is a private company. Besides learning about personal use on the work computers, the most important factor during training was using email etiquette and not sharing proprietary information outside of the company that can potentially harm its image.”

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. National Health Service Corps Healthcare in Rural Settings Discussion


Rural Health Care is a growing and demanding delivery model. Of the policies which address rural care the National Health Service Corps (NHSC) has been one of the most important.

  • Explain the role of the National Health Service Corp (NHSC) and some of the efforts it makes and benefits it provides in recruiting doctors to a rural setting.
  • Offer your thoughts on what might be changed or eliminated to make it more attractive in getting doctors to reside and practice in rural areas.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. LANG 140 Ashford University Final Integration Reflection Author Reflection


I have an integration reflection that needs to be complete. In this essay you need to pick a panel there are 4 panels and write/ answer the reflection questions that go hand in hand with the essay. in order to complete this assignment, you have to watch the student’s presentations because the essay will be directly addressing the student’s presentations about the renaissance.

I will attach the rubric for what needs to be done in a more specific way.

the panels and who presented in the panel so you know what student goes to what panel. you will need to sign into my database in order to access the pannels.

Humanities Homework Help