Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. USF Homo Erectus & the Extinction of Other Hominin Species Discussion


Rise of the Genus Homo

About 2 mya – 1.8 mya there were at least six different hominin groups alive in East Africa and South Africa: Australopithecus sediba, Paranthropus robustus, Paranthropus boisei, Homo habilis, Homo rudolfensis and early Homo erectus. P. robustus, P. boisei and H. rudolfensis were more robust, while A. sediba, H. habilis and H. erectus were more gracile.

Discussion prompt:

• Why did H. erectus succeed while all of the other species apparently died off?

• Discuss the environmental and/or behavioral factors that contributed to the extinction of all but one of the early hominin species by 1.5 mya.

• Possible avenues of discussion include climate change, impact disasters, shifts in food sources and/or habitats, genetic changes and adaptations, development of cultural behaviors, epigenetic factors, others?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. University of California San Diego Washington Pasatono Orquesta 2010 Essay


A short list of musical examples will be provided as a listening assignment. Most of these musical examples will be taken from the lectures of the week, but not all of them. Listen (and/or watch) attentively to the examples and write a few sentences with your observations(one or two paragraphs, up to one page maximum). Really focus on your listening experience. What is the music telling you? Are you able to connect with this music? If so, in what ways? If not, why do you think that is?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Military College of South Carolina Terrorism in the European Union Responses


Respond to the following two posts, each 250 words with 1 source

Concur or disagree

1. “In Europe, internet contributions related to terrorism are policed online (“EU’s Response to the Terrorist Threat.”). The EU can issue removal orders and they have also defined what content they will flag (“EU’s Response to the Terrorist Threat.”). The US does not have this same power, and it has been left mostly up to the private tech companies to police terrorism activity on social media, including domestic terrorism, online. Many terrorist groups are just continually moving to new platforms so that their evil message can be spread. These new platforms, thankfully, make it hard to reach new recruits because there are not as many users as there are on Twitter and Facebook (Neumann).

IS has been on a terrorist campaign in Europe that has caused a lot of devastation (Neumann). US and European response in IS territory sent many IS members into hiding into the desert and severely dwindled their numbers (Neumann). Criminals, including those with drug convictions, are attracted to working with IS because of the redemption offered in IS (Neumann). I imagine that they find it harder to get a job as well, so joining IS gives these former criminals a new life. IS has weaponized the Islamic religion. A majority of terrorist attacks in Europe are funded by narcotics (Module 10 Lecture).

In Europe, many of the IS recruits are second generation immigrant Muslims (Module 10 Lecture). These young people are motivated and inspired by IS who give them weapons and train them in warfare (Roubaud). They are probably also having a hard time in other areas of their life and have vulnerabilities that turn them toward IS. Lately the message from IS seems to resonate less and less to people as IS becomes less centralized due to European and American involvement in terrorist terroritory (Neumann).

There has been an increase in drug use as well as concerns in immigration in Europe that are having an impact on terrorist attacks (Roubard). There has been an uptick in attacks in Europe. Our guest speaker said that while policing is making IS members spread out for now, there are many young people that trained with IS that are now sitting and waiting for their next opportunity to attack. While IS was once organized and plotted evil schemes as an organization, Paris has seen many more lone wolf attacks in recent times.Unfortunately, Paris has taken the brunt of many high-level attacks.

Mr. Roubard spoke on the illegal use of marijuana in Paris. I appreciated his commentary. He said that while marijuana is only considered a misdemeanor, it is still illegal and has created an underground economy where more than just marijuana is trafficked. This little problem cannot be isolated because it has become a huge part of a larger network of problems. Young people smoke marijuana in large numbers in Paris (Roubard).

In 2020, President Macron of France unveiled a new anti-radicalism plan and declared that all citizens in France, including Muslims, need to be protected from radical Islamist groups (Ridgwell). Macron cracked down on radical preachers, closed mosques, and asked for Muslim leaders to openly support free speech in France (Ridgwell). Macron took a lot of criticism from the Muslim world for these actions, but he had to do something as far as policing goes in France because they are receiving the brunt of so many attacks.

“EU’s Response to the Terrorist Threat.” European Council Council of the European Union, Consilium, 18 Mar. 2021, (Links to an external site.). “


Respond to the following posts, 250 words with 1 source

Concur or disagree

2. ” The influx of migrants into Europe from countries associated with terror organizations has induced a flood of targeted attacks over the past two decades. Additionally, countries such as U.K., Germany, Belgium, and France continue to face the threat of homegrown radicals, “the majority of whom are unlikely to have any formal ties to conflicts taking place in countries such as Iraq, Syria, or Yemen” (Simcox, 2017). Groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda have exploited the sympathy of Muslim populations in both the EU and U.S., exporting their jihadist ideals through off-grid social media platforms. Over 5,000 Western Europeans have answered this call to arms, travelling to Syria to support the Islamic State (Neumann, 2018). Since 2014 alone, over one hundred terror plots have been uncovered in Europe, with 41 successful attacks on various targets (Neumann, 2018).

To combat this threat, the EU has taken a proactive strategy for diminishing radicalization and reducing the threat. Efforts to tighten borders were adopted to include “systematic checks on all persons, including those enjoying the right of free movement” (European Council, 2021). Access to weapons have been greatly restricted, limiting firearm acquisition and enhance tracking abilities (European Council, 2021). Also, improving the EU Council’s presence online has resulted in greater monitoring of criminal behavior on the internet, reducing terrorist propaganda, and opening judicial restrictions for prosecuting suspected terrorists.

Comparing the European policing responses to that in the U.S., the EU works together as a coalition for fighting criminal, terrorist networks. The shared burden of policing and preventing the flow of drugs and terrorists into the continent has essentially mandated a concerted, unified effort. Agencies such as INTERPOL are at the forefront of this struggle, working tirelessly to prevent drug and human trafficking from Africa and the Middle East. As is with previously studied regions, the European market presents a financial opportunity to fund terrorist organizations through drug sales. A 2019 study pointed to the rise in number of convicted terrorists with prior drug offenses. Their conclusion connects the complex rationale behind why individuals become radicalized to join overseas terrorist organizations and the entrapment of the drug trade. Ultimately, the involvement of drugs appears to have provided an avenue for involvement in other criminal activities, particularly radicalization in Muslim communities to join jihadist aligned groups.

Basra, R. (2019). Drugs and Terrorism: The Overlaps in Europe. International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation. Accessed…

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. MCSC Effect of Terrorist Attacks on the Securitization of Migration Discussion


Respond to the following two posts, each 250 words with 1 source

Concur or disagree

1. “In Europe, internet contributions related to terrorism are policed online (“EU’s Response to the Terrorist Threat.”). The EU can issue removal orders and they have also defined what content they will flag (“EU’s Response to the Terrorist Threat.”). The US does not have this same power, and it has been left mostly up to the private tech companies to police terrorism activity on social media, including domestic terrorism, online. Many terrorist groups are just continually moving to new platforms so that their evil message can be spread. These new platforms, thankfully, make it hard to reach new recruits because there are not as many users as there are on Twitter and Facebook (Neumann).

IS has been on a terrorist campaign in Europe that has caused a lot of devastation (Neumann). US and European response in IS territory sent many IS members into hiding into the desert and severely dwindled their numbers (Neumann). Criminals, including those with drug convictions, are attracted to working with IS because of the redemption offered in IS (Neumann). I imagine that they find it harder to get a job as well, so joining IS gives these former criminals a new life. IS has weaponized the Islamic religion. A majority of terrorist attacks in Europe are funded by narcotics (Module 10 Lecture).

In Europe, many of the IS recruits are second generation immigrant Muslims (Module 10 Lecture). These young people are motivated and inspired by IS who give them weapons and train them in warfare (Roubaud). They are probably also having a hard time in other areas of their life and have vulnerabilities that turn them toward IS. Lately the message from IS seems to resonate less and less to people as IS becomes less centralized due to European and American involvement in terrorist terroritory (Neumann).

There has been an increase in drug use as well as concerns in immigration in Europe that are having an impact on terrorist attacks (Roubard). There has been an uptick in attacks in Europe. Our guest speaker said that while policing is making IS members spread out for now, there are many young people that trained with IS that are now sitting and waiting for their next opportunity to attack. While IS was once organized and plotted evil schemes as an organization, Paris has seen many more lone wolf attacks in recent times.Unfortunately, Paris has taken the brunt of many high-level attacks.

Mr. Roubard spoke on the illegal use of marijuana in Paris. I appreciated his commentary. He said that while marijuana is only considered a misdemeanor, it is still illegal and has created an underground economy where more than just marijuana is trafficked. This little problem cannot be isolated because it has become a huge part of a larger network of problems. Young people smoke marijuana in large numbers in Paris (Roubard).

In 2020, President Macron of France unveiled a new anti-radicalism plan and declared that all citizens in France, including Muslims, need to be protected from radical Islamist groups (Ridgwell). Macron cracked down on radical preachers, closed mosques, and asked for Muslim leaders to openly support free speech in France (Ridgwell). Macron took a lot of criticism from the Muslim world for these actions, but he had to do something as far as policing goes in France because they are receiving the brunt of so many attacks.

“EU’s Response to the Terrorist Threat.” European Council Council of the European Union, Consilium, 18 Mar. 2021, (Links to an external site.). “


Respond to the following posts, 250 words with 1 source

Concur or disagree

2. ” The influx of migrants into Europe from countries associated with terror organizations has induced a flood of targeted attacks over the past two decades. Additionally, countries such as U.K., Germany, Belgium, and France continue to face the threat of homegrown radicals, “the majority of whom are unlikely to have any formal ties to conflicts taking place in countries such as Iraq, Syria, or Yemen” (Simcox, 2017). Groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda have exploited the sympathy of Muslim populations in both the EU and U.S., exporting their jihadist ideals through off-grid social media platforms. Over 5,000 Western Europeans have answered this call to arms, travelling to Syria to support the Islamic State (Neumann, 2018). Since 2014 alone, over one hundred terror plots have been uncovered in Europe, with 41 successful attacks on various targets (Neumann, 2018).

To combat this threat, the EU has taken a proactive strategy for diminishing radicalization and reducing the threat. Efforts to tighten borders were adopted to include “systematic checks on all persons, including those enjoying the right of free movement” (European Council, 2021). Access to weapons have been greatly restricted, limiting firearm acquisition and enhance tracking abilities (European Council, 2021). Also, improving the EU Council’s presence online has resulted in greater monitoring of criminal behavior on the internet, reducing terrorist propaganda, and opening judicial restrictions for prosecuting suspected terrorists.

Comparing the European policing responses to that in the U.S., the EU works together as a coalition for fighting criminal, terrorist networks. The shared burden of policing and preventing the flow of drugs and terrorists into the continent has essentially mandated a concerted, unified effort. Agencies such as INTERPOL are at the forefront of this struggle, working tirelessly to prevent drug and human trafficking from Africa and the Middle East. As is with previously studied regions, the European market presents a financial opportunity to fund terrorist organizations through drug sales. A 2019 study pointed to the rise in number of convicted terrorists with prior drug offenses. Their conclusion connects the complex rationale behind why individuals become radicalized to join overseas terrorist organizations and the entrapment of the drug trade. Ultimately, the involvement of drugs appears to have provided an avenue for involvement in other criminal activities, particularly radicalization in Muslim communities to join jihadist aligned groups.

Basra, R. (2019). Drugs and Terrorism: The Overlaps in Europe. International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation. Accessed…

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. SFU US Strategic Framework for The Indo Pacific Essay


You are expected to write a 6-7 page essay on a specific policy in the United States. This essay should be argumentative with a clearly defined position. You are to discuss why you think the policy is successful or not and what alternatives may exist (if speaking against the policy). This argument must be based upon facts and evidence, not just your own opinion.

The grading for this paper will be based upon your ability to clearly articulate your thoughts and your ability to think critically and analyze the topic. To do this it is vital to write a clear and well-defined thesis statement. If you do not have a thesis statement, or if it is difficult to understand what the paper is arguing, your grade will inevitably suffer. Also, be sure that the essay is coherent and well-constructed. Avoid stray thoughts and make sure the essay flows.

Be careful not to include questionable sources from the internet. If you have a question if a particular source is appropriate or not, please come and see me. Be sure to cite all your sources within the text!

Also, you will be required to provide a reference page, so I know which sources you used while grading. 5 The format of this paper should follow APSA guidelines. The guide for APSA can easily be found online at The paper is to be double spaced using 12-point times new roman font. Standard one-inch margins should also be used. Be sure to number your pages and clearly place your name on the paper.


Policy Choice: The U.S Strategic Framework for The Indo-Pacific.

Position: This policy will be successful in restructuring the U.S position in the region. It will strengthen relations with existing allies and guard against new threats relevant to the year 2021. Strategic interests, military alliances, supply chains for critical products will all be addressed by this policy.

Actors: The United States, China, Japan, South Korea and South East Asian states.

Institutions: Governments, Media, Activist Organizations, Non-governmental organizations.

General Outcome: A general restructuring of relations in the Indo-Pacific region based on current events like the pandemic, economic issues, border tensions and government relations.



Choong, W. (2019). The return of the Indo-Pacific strategy: an assessment. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 73(5), 415–430.

Matsuda, T. (2018). Making sense of the Indo-Pacific strategy: an inheritance from the past.

Scott, D. (2018). The Indo-Pacific in US strategy: Responding to power shifts. Rising powers quarterly, 2(2), 19-43.

Singh, S. (2019). The Indo-Pacific and India-U.S. Strategic Convergence: An Assessment. Asia Policy, 26(1), 77–94.

Tow, W. T. (2019). Minilateral security’s relevance to US strategy in the Indo-Pacific: challenges and prospects. The Pacific Review, 32(2), 232-244.

Turner, O., Parmar, I. (2020). The United States in the Indo-Pacific: Obama’s legacy and the Trump transition. Manchester University Press.

U.S. Policy in the Indo-Pacific Region: Hong Kong, Alliances and Partnerships, and Other Issues: Hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Sixteenth Congress, First Session. (2020).

Weixing Hu. (2020). The United States, China, and the Indo-Pacific Strategy: The Rise and Return of Strategic Competition. China Review (Hong Kong, China: 1991), 20(3), 127–142.

Scott, D. (2012). The “Indo-Pacific”-New Regional Formulations and New Maritime Frameworks for US-India Strategic Convergence. Asia-Pacific Review, 19(2), 85–109.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. SOCY 2077 University of Colorado Fracking According to Gasland Research Paper


Hi, the idea of this paper is to write an essay about the environmental issue presented in the documentary film

“Gas land 2010:” by using the lecture pdf and reading pdf which I have provided.

No external source except the lecture pdf and reading pdf and the documentary film. It is 4 to 5(1500-2500) pages double spaced, 12 pt. Follow and look at the instruction below which is provided by the instructor below. I chose Gas Land 2010 but if you have any better documentary that relates to environmental injustice and racism you can disregard this one (Gas Land 2010) use whichever you’ve said is best and let me know about it so I can watch it.

Instruction by the instructor

In this assignment, your task is to evaluate, in light of what you have learned in class this semester, how well environmental issues are represented in a non-fiction documentary film for mainstream audiences.

Select documentary film. It must be non-fiction, focus on environmental issues, and be produced for a mainstream (non-academic) audience.

Write a short essay in which you (a) specify what you watched/read/listened to (including, where appropriate, which episodes), (b) describe the environmental issues covered in it; (c) identify its key strengths in light of what you learned in class this semester; and (d) identify its key limitations in light of what you learned in class this semester. In making your case about the strengths and limitations, describe certain scenes, arguments, narrative devices, or other elements to support your arguments. To situate your arguments in light of what you have learned in class this semester, you must cite at least three required readings from class this semester as well as any relevant concepts from lecture. At the start of your essay, you must provide an abstract (100-200 words) of your essay that (a) specifies what you read/watched/listened to, (b) summarizes the environmental content it covered; (c) specifies its key strength in light of what you learned in class this semester; and (d) specifies its key limitation in light of what you learned in class this semester.

Your essay must be about 4-5 pages in length, double-spaced (or approximately 1500-2500 words), professionally composed, coherently organized, proofread, typed in 12-point font, and formatted with 1-inch margins. Submit it to the assignment folder on Canvas by 11am on Wednesday, April 28. You do not need to include a separate references list for the course readings/content you cite in this assignment, but you do need to include in-text citations, such as: (Andrews 1999) or (lecture 10/18/11).


Thank you!!!

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. MUSIC 115 GCCCD History Of Modern Music Questionnaire


  1. What is unusual about Emerson Lake and Palmer’s version of Pictures at an Exhibition?
  2. How did Pink Floyd use the concept album form?
  3. What was innovative about David Bowie’s The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars?
  4. Summarize the various musical influences and styles that led to Reggae in Jamaica.
  5. Who were the principal members of the Velvet Underground? Describe the band’s musical style.
  6. Describe the musical style and the impact of the Ramones
  7. Who was Malcolm McLaren and what was his effects on punk music?
  8. How did the punk scene in England differ from that in New York?
  9. How did the punk scene in Los Angeles differ from English Punk?

Please answer each of the questions above in 2-3 sentences for each answer.

Humanities Homework Help