Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Academy College Current Controversies Economy Empowerment Discussion


Write a 600-word review of the content of Economic-Empowerment programs for Women who have Experienced Abused. your response must include at least one relevant peer-review article. APA format. The 600 words must include summary, Theory and application and Reflection.

Reference: Renzetti, C. M, Edleson, J.L., and Kenndey Bergen. (2018). Sourcebook on Violence against women (3rd Ed.) Sage publication, Inc. Thousand Oaks.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Sociology Racial Discrimination Discussion


Sociology 001-short answers

1.How do sociologists define race and ethnicity?

2,What is the difference between prejudice and discrimination?

3.How does color-blind racism perpetuate inequality? What role can race consciousness play in addressing this problem?

4.Why are larger proportions of African American and Hispanic men as compared to whites in prison.

6.5.Today, society is more accepting of interracial marriage than it was in the past, but interracial marriage still does not happen nearly as often as it would if love was really never based, at least in part, on racial identification. What were the obstacles to interracial marriage in the past? What are they today?7.What are some of the ways that families teach their children the behaviors and expectations that are associated with gender?

8.Why is divorce more burdensome for women than for men?

9.Young men, ages fifteen to twenty-four, are four to five times more likely than young women to die from car accidents, homicides, and drowning. Explain this statistic in terms of gender socialization.

10.Give an example of one form that gender socialization can take in schools.

How do functionalists and conflict theorists differ in how they approach and understand gender inequality?

11. (Links to an external site.)

After viewing the video answer the following question in essay form.

What insights have you gained about white privilege in the U.S.? Include examples for your answers.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. SNHU The Drafting of the US Constitution Presentation


Your final longer-term project in this course is to complete a multimedia presentation. The work you did on the Topic Exploration Worksheet in Module Two and the historical context and introduction in Module Six will directly support your work on this project. 

One of the prime benefits of studying history is that it allows us to learn about who we are and where we came from. The people and events of the past can often shed light on the conditions and social norms of the present. Having historical awareness can inform various aspects of your life as well as future aspirations. Learning from past failures and successes can shape ideals and values for years to come. 

This final longer-term project is designed to help you understand the fundamental processes and value of studying history. In the first project, you completed the Topic Exploration Worksheet on one of the topics or themes from the library guide. You investigated the types of research you might need to do to learn more about the topic and developed research questions. In Project 2, you used this worksheet to complete a research plan and introduction. You selected one of your research questions and did some secondary-source research, speculated on primary source needs, and used the information to write the introduction and thesis statement for a possible research paper. 

In this third project, you will create a multimedia presentation that explores both major developments in historical inquiry and the value of examining history. 

This assessment addresses the following course outcomes: 

Investigate major developments in the progression of historical inquiry for informing critical questions related to historical narrative 

? Articulate the value of examining historical events for their impact on contemporary issues


Now that you have done some research with primary and secondary sources (using sources from the library guide for your chosen topic) and written an introduction for a possible history paper, you will turn your attention to thinking about the creation and value of historical inquiry. You will use the research you have done throughout this course, as well as course materials, to inform your thoughts. To present your opinions and observations, you will create a multimedia presentation (using a presentation tool such as PowerPoint or Prezi) that addresses the following critical elements. While these questions may seem “big,” remember that you are addressing them in a presentation, not a paper, and can use bullet points, visuals, or other methods. These critical elements will be evaluated from the information you provide in your multimedia presentation. Note: If using Prezi, be sure to include a Word document with notes. If using PowerPoint, be sure to use the speaker notes feature. 

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Articulate how different historical lenses impact how people perceive an historical event. The lenses include political, economic, and social. 

A. Explain how historical lenses could be applied to your topic. For instance, are there aspects of this event that might interest a political historian and what are they? 

B. Choose one of the lenses referenced above, and detail how the historical narrative you started in your research and introduction might change through this lens. For instance, how might the “story” of your event change when studied through its political aspects? 

C. Discuss what conclusions you can draw about the “telling” of history in relation to the “teller.” How does this impact for you what “history” is? Be sure to back up your opinions with information learned throughout the course and in reference to your chosen topic.

II. Based on your conclusions, articulate the value of studying history. 

A. Describe how you could apply to our lives today what you have learned from the event you have studied. Be sure to reference specific contemporary issues. For instance, what specific issues that we encounter today could benefit from lessons learned from your event? 

B. Discuss your opinion of the adage that “history repeats itself.” Do you agree or disagree? Be sure to explain why you have this opinion with information you have learned throughout the course and in your research of your topic. 

C. Discuss your obligation as a citizen of your society to understanding the history behind issues that impact you every day. For instance, what civic duties you can be better at if you know more about their history? How can being a more informed member of society benefit you and society? 

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. AU Gloria and Gary Case Study


Two Assignments

Assignment 1: Case Study #1


Throughout this course, you’re learning how to use problem solving and self and social awareness skills to practice the key concepts of psychology. You’re discovering how self and social awareness and problem solving work together to help you understand the perspectives of others, examine situations objectively, and use evidence to develop and make decisions. With this case study assignment, you’ll have the chance to put your skills to work!

Read the case study below and use your problem solving and self and social awareness skills to help a co-worker work through a difficult situation.

Case Study and Questions

Gloria is a recent college graduate and a single mom to 16-year-old Gary. Gloria and Gary used to be close. But recently, Gloria has noticed that Gary is only focused on what his friends think about him. Gary recently snuck out of his bedroom window and went to a party when he was supposed to be studying for a big exam. Gloria caught him coming home and smelled alcohol on his breath and marijuana on his clothes. Gloria is shocked and appalled by her son’s recent behavior and grounded him for two weeks.

Gloria comes to you because she needs some advice on how to handle her son’s poor choices. Using what you have learned about the adolescent brain and social development in Chapter 3 of the webtext, answer the questions below to help Gloria understand why her son is making such poor choices, and pose some recommendations to help her solve her problem:

1. What are three physical changes that happen to teen brains that make it difficult for someone like Gary to weigh risk and reward? Write a paragraph to list the changes and describe how they affect decision making.

2. In addition to their brains changing, teens change socially. What do teens wrestle with as they develop socially? Why may Gary value his peers more than his mom? Write a paragraph that describes teens’ social development and how this may influence Gary’s decision to sneak out and go to the party.

3. What are two specific strategies or pieces of advice that you would recommend that Gloria can offer to help her son to make better decisions? Write a paragraph that offers advice that would help Gloria with her son’s development as he improves his decision-making skills.

4. Place yourself in Gloria’s shoes. How do you think Gloria is feeling? How can understanding her feelings help you offer constructive advice? Write a paragraph where you describe how you think Gloria is feeling and explain why understanding her feelings allows you to offer more constructive advice.


Use the Case Study #1 Assignment Template to record your responses. For each question, you should write a paragraph-length response (5-7 sentences) to receive credit for this assignment. You may use your Soomo webtext as a resource. Once you have completed your work, save the file and upload it to the assignment submission area.

Assignment 2: Case Study #2


As you continue to practice the psychological concepts you’re learning in this course, you’re honing the problem solving and self and social awareness skills that will help you navigate social situations in your life and career. You’re discovering how to apply these skills to understand the behaviors of others, improve your relationships, and make informed decisions based on reliable information.

And no matter what kind of situation you encounter at school, home, or work, you’re learning how to recognize and manage your emotions so they don’t get the best of you!

Now, it’s time to practice the skills and concepts to help your friend Gloria navigate a difficult workplace situation.

Case Study and Questions

Gloria and Lakeisha are co-workers who are assigned to work on a project together. Lakeisha is very organized and wants them to do really well on this project. To help them get started, Lakeisha took some initiative and prepared a list of to-do items along with due dates. She even color-coded the list to indicate which partner will do each item and sends an email to Gloria with the to-do list. Lakeisha wants her partner to know that she’s serious about their success.

Gloria is happy her teammate has shown initiative but is surprised by Lakeisha’s to-do list and feels a bit uncomfortable because she feels like Lakeisha is micromanaging her. Gloria wants to do her part on the project but is feeling anxious because she doesn’t know where she fits in, and it is making her worried about working on this project. She wonders how she can succeed on this project if Lakeisha is already the leader. When working for a previous employer, Gloria felt anxious about her ability to successfully complete a project and attempted to communicate her feelings with a co-worker; however, her co-worker didn’t seem to understand Gloria’s concerns and said that she should just ignore her feelings and get the work done.

As Gloria ponders having a conversation with Lakeisha, she starts to feel overwhelmed and thinks it might just be easier to be removed from the project. Using your problem solving and self and social awareness skills and what you have learned about personality traits and emotions, answer the questions below to help Gloria calm her anxiety and find a solution to her problem:

1. From Chapter 3 in the webtext, what are the Big 5 personality traits? How are the Big 5 personality traits related to your self and social awareness? Write a paragraph that lists all five personality traits and discusses the value of the Big 5.

2. Of the Big 5 personality traits, one of them most accurately characterizes Lakiesha. Which of the Big 5 personality traits most accurately describes Lakeisha? Why? Write a paragraph to identify which one of the Big 5 best describes Lakeisha and why.

3. Chapter 6 in the webtext focused on emotions and emotional regulation. Gloria is feeling anxious about working with Lakeisha. Using what you learned, give advice to Gloria on how she can identify and regulate her own emotions so that she can stick with this project, and be successful. Write a paragraph where you describe how Gloria can regulate her emotions in this situation so that she may eventually have an effective conversation and working relationship with Lakeisha

4. If you were in this situation, how confident are you that you could successfully resolve a workplace conflict like the one that Gloria faced? What past experiences or knowledge influence your answer. Write a paragraph to describe your confidence in handling a workplace conflict and what experiences influence your confidence level in this type of situation.


Use the Case Study #2 Assignment Template to record your responses. For each question, you should write a paragraph-length response (5-7 sentences) to receive credit for this assignment. You may use your Soomo webtext as a resource. Once you have completed your work, save the file and upload it to the assignment submission area.

Case Study #2 Assignment Template

Strayer University Writing Standards Note: Review the Strayer University Writing Standards. These are provided as a brief set of user-friendly guidelines that make it easier for you to learn the behaviors of appropriate writing (i.e., clear, professional, and ethical writing). This is meant to support the use of the template provided.

Strayer University Writing Standards

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Program Evaluation and Reflection Essay


Evaluate what you have learned from the time of entry into the BS/IOP program through now.

Consider a minimum of five concepts you have learned and how they can be applied in the workplace. In addition, think about some concepts that are still unclear, or you would like to learn more about.

Reflect on personal workplace experiences and professional goals for using your newfound knowledge of industrial/organizational psychology.

Write a 700-word reflection paper, summarizing your experience in the BS/IOP program, including the topics described above.

Note. This can be written in first person.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


Block, P. (2011). Flawless consulting: A guide to getting your expertise used (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. FSU Creation Stories and Flood Narratives Discussion


Purpose: Practice comparing and contrasting creation and/or flood stories. This discussion should build your critical reading and analysis skills, as well as help prepare you for your essays later in the course and other analytical tasks in life. Keep in mind that, as the Creation Stories and Flood Narratives page states, your central concern is to understand what these features reveal about the relationship between the divine creators and their creation, especially human beings.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. TU Social Science Graduate School Expectations and Future Career Goals Essay


You will be writing a paper entitled “Graduate School Expectations and Future Career Goals” that will be at least five (or more) pages long. The purpose of this paper is to assist you in critically analyzing your education and experiences up to this point in your life, explore your current and long-term needs, educational goals, and prospective careers. Please follow the outline/directions that are provided in the previous link. Please use subtitles and cite any sources that you utilize from the Internet, journals, brochures, etc. Please use the materials at the links provided in an early document or additional materials as appropriate to strengthen your paper.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. COMM F001A University of Michigan Student Loan Crisis Discussion Responses


PEER REVIEWS (your analysis/response/critique of 4 video problem-solution presentations).  Here you select 4 (your choice) presenters and note the solution and reasons they make in their presentation.

You are to write-out YOUR critique and analysis for each of the 4 presenters you have selected. You will articulate whether you agree/disagree with their recommended solution and why (at least ½ page) on each of the 4 presenters you select. Also, you might think of other solutions that you believe would be better.

This is the “peer reviews” part of the problem-solution project and will be at least 2 to 3 pages in length. You are to capture the central idea or solution of each presentation/speech and focus on analyzing and reviewing the solution advanced by the speaker.

Often it takes a little more than ½ page to do a complete and thorough analysis of a presenter.  As a result, you may certainly feel free to write more than 2 to 3 pages if you would like and believe it is needed.  You will NOT be penalized, so it is an opportunity to possible earn more points by doing solid, strong, and sustaining work.

all details of peer review assignment is here:…you have to review 4 presentations from here:…you have to follow all instructions give in peer review assignment and post detailed peer review. As you can see it says “Often it takes a little more than ½ page to do a complete and thorough analysis of a presenter. As a result, you may certainly feel free to write more than 2 to 3 pages if you would like and believe it is needed. You will NOT be penalized, so it is an opportunity to possible earn more points by doing solid, strong, and sustaining work.”I need A/A+ in this. Please check and confirm that you understood it? 

Humanities Homework Help