Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Anglia Ruskin University Wk 2 Ways of Studying Religion Questions


Wk-2 Ways of Studying Religion

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After reading my lecture on “Ways of Studying Religion”, answer the following questions.

  1. Identify some of the different ways/academic disciplines used to studying religion within academics?
  2. What way are your most interested in?

    E-Lecture: Ways of Studying Religion

    THE WAYS RELIGION IS STUDIEDReligion is a field of study that used many different disciplines.Theology, or the “study of the gods” is only one of the disciplines used.Theology is subject to academic rules, such as scholars must not use evidence that is not available to other scholars that are not believers. Also, theologians must focus on critical analysis, not finding converts to their faith. In other words, although theologians believe in the religion that they study, they must still follow the academic rules of the study of religion.

    • Another discipline that is used is literary criticism. Since many religions rely on a sacred scripture or text, literary criticism is important in answering questions about authorship, author purpose, reliability, and transmission.
    • Historiography, or the study of the history of religions, is another important discipline within the field of religion. Historians seek to answer questions about what “really” happened and to distinguish myth from “fact.”
    • Anthropology, or the study of human beings, is also important within the field of religion. Family, economics, and other human organizations influence, and are influenced by, religion.
    • Sociology, the study of human collective or group behavior, is also important. Religion is certainly a social institution.
    • Psychology, the study of the human psyche, is also sometimes used within the field of religion.
    • Philosophy, the study of knowledge, has been used to study religion for centuries. Philosophy of religion has been used to test the logic of religious language within the 20th century, but this has recently been criticized as too narrow.
    • Phenomenology, which is the study of the structure or form of religion, came out of philosophy and seeks to study religion in its own terms without reducing it to a social or psychological explanation.

    INTERPRETING AND EXPLAINING RELIGIONScholars debate the role of interpreting religion and explaining religion. The science of interpretation is called hermeneutics. A scholar looks at all the data available, and interprets its meaning.

    • Some scholars, most notably Mircea Eliade, are critical of explanations of religions that do reduce them to social or psychological phenomenon.
    • He claims that religion is sui generis, or first and foremost. This means that the religious experience is a first order activity and the study of the religious experience is a second order activity. In other words, first is the religious phenomenon, second is the study of it.
    • To explain it in ways that reduce it to a nonreligious experience is to misinterpret it.

    Descriptive reductionism is to fail to identify a religious emotion, act, practice, etc. under the description the subject identifies it. For example, if a woman says that she received an answer to prayer and the scholar said that it was only a psychological phenomena, this would be a descriptive reduction. However, scholars do not only have to describe what religious followers say, but they must at least include what the religious say about the experience as part of the explanation, this is called explanatory reductionism.Explanatory reductionism, which is considered a legitimate scholarly tool, allows the scholar to describe the experience in terms that might not meet with the woman’s approval (in the above example). The academic study of religion is complex and draws on a number of academic disciplines. Religion and culture are intertwined and the academic study of religion can give us insight into our own culture, as well as other cultures.THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE STUDENT- COMMITMENT AND OBJECTIVITYSome believe that in order to understand a religion, or study it, one must be within the religion. Others will argue that in order to study a religion, one must be neutral and objective. This assumes that the student would not be a member of the religion. This tension, between belief and critical study is important. Imagine a continuum from believer to an objective observer, most lie somewhere in between. Ideally, a student of religion will temporarily suspend their own beliefs and empathetically study another religion in order to try to understand how the followers of the religion understand it. This is not easy but it is optimal. Some scholars believe that objectivity is not possible at all, but it is a farce that scholars and students of religion hide behind as they continue to shape their opinions. Religious commitment and objectivity are NOT incompatible but that one does NOT need to be a believer to study religion

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. What is the biggest challenge you need to overcome to achieve the grades and/or goals in college?


write a Two Page Paper, doubled space (MLA Format). Answer the following question:

What is the biggest challenge you need to overcome to achieve the grades and/or goals in college? What is your plan for overcoming this challenge?

Be honest with yourself. Examples could be: you need to learn to say no to friends who want to go instead of doing homework, it’s that you don’t put in the amount of studying that you should. Perhaps you blame everyone else for not getting assignments done, but you aren’t really putting school first and need to learn how to.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Sensory Overload Problem and Inability to Stay Calm Discussion


Attached are:

1- the textbook ( use it to reference from it). Note that when you write the issuing date we are using the last edition (14th) issued 2019

2- My TV show summary which is “Love on The Spectrum”. All the parts in question 1 is about it and the one video you will watch.

3-zip file comprises all the summaries have been done throughout the semester

4- the case study

5- Word document form include all the questions. You will write all your answers in this document

6- Note that my future career is special education teacher.

The professor instructions and provided material to answer the questions mentioned above:

Use the following form to record your responses:

Answers FORM FOR PSY 2021 (Attached)

1. Choose and watch one of the following five video clips that best relates to the character in the movie you watched for the Media Review assignment in February which is (love on the spectrum TV show). its summary is attached.

Video clip for movie/show characters with specific learning disabilities:

Video clip for movie/show characters with physical disabilities:

Video clip for movie/show characters with intellectual disabilities:

Video clip for movie/show characters with emotional/behavioral disorders: (Links to an external site.)

Video clip for movie/show characters with ADHD:

Inspirational Video- Be a Mr. Jensen- MUST WATCH!! (Links to an external site.)


2. Complete the reflection about the video you just watched and your chosen character on the attached Word document.


3. Read the case study and respond to the questions on the attached Word document.

PSY Case Study 4 Never Give Up article.pdf (Attached)


4. Watch the following video. (Links to an external site.)

5. Write and submit your final class reflection on the Word document (attached).

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ARUCC Wk 2 Zeitgeist Religion & Religious Beliefs Video Analysis Discussion


Wk 2 Reflecting on the “Zeitgeist Religion” videos

Watch the videos below, and pay attention to ways in which the natural world could have influenced religious beliefs. After reflecting on this, answer the following questions.

  1. How did the video connect religious beliefs to the environment?
  2. Is this way of looking at how the environment influences religious beliefs new to you?

Part 1Zeitgeist Religion (part 1 of 3) (Links to an external site.)Zeitgeist Religion (part 1 of 3)

Part 2Zeitgeist Religion (part 2 of 3) (Links to an external site.)Zeitgeist Religion (part 2 of 3)

Part 3Zeitgeist Religion (part 3 of 3) (Links to an external site.)Zeitgeist Religion (part 3 of 3)

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ARU Learnings of Listening as An Observation Method Discussion


Please provide a meaning response to sherenta . Please respond with 200 words :

Topic 1: Review the chapter and discuss the following:

Discuss what you have learned about using listening as an observation method. What statement(s) stood out to you? Give page number.

What I learned about using listening as an observation method is that listeners notice teeth formation,facial expressions,body language,eye contact,sense of humor,and vocabulary choice. The section that stood out to me is diagnostic interviews(Nilsen,2017, pg.176).Listening to the messages ,the listener can also examine how the child is using language and quality of speech production it is then diagnostic interviews.

Discuss what you have learned about listening to Speech and Language. Did you learn something you didn’t know before? Give page number

What I have learned about listening to speech and language is that vocabulary is the range of words for objects,feelings,actions and thoughts.The function of language is communication of needs and eventually thoughts and questions. I also learned about listening to language play on (Nilsen,2017, pg 174).Listening to the conversation the children are having with friends and their problems solving strategies this is an opportunity for the teacher to know what the children are doing and thinking. I also learned about receptive language which has the capacity to listen ,hear ,and understand. I did learn something I didn’t know and that is Dual language learner on pg 189.I learned a lot about dual language learners and how the children learn how to speak their home language and learn a second language. Their brains are capable of understanding and speaking more than one language,and it is even beneficial for cognitive and social-emotional success when both home and school language are supported(Nilsen,2017, pg.189)..

Explain what kind of activities would you implement to promote language development.

The activities I would implement to promote language development would be having the children pull objects in special order or sequence,encourage children to use new vocabulary words learned during class lessons, and encourage children to talk about aspects of the story. I would have the children learned nursery rhymes and I would present children the opportunity to talk with each other.

Name your favorite part overall about this chapter. Your least favorite? Provide page number.

My favorite part of this chapter is The teacher’s role in language development pg 190. The teacher is using language all day for a variety of purposes: greeting,giving directions,regulating behavior and describing children’s activities(Nilsen,2017, pg.190). For example children best learn language through interaction with adults who show an interest in conversations,model verbal etiquette such as saying please and thank you (Nilsen,2017, pg.190).My least favorite part of this section is Elicited conversation pg 191 because This may be a contrived way to force speaking before the group that may cause more problems then benefits. The child may be reluctant to talk about the item, not want to have other children touch or play with it,or not have sufficient language to describe it (Nilsen,2017, pg.191). I think children shouldn’t be forced to share with the class and they should be able to when they’re ready.

How will you use the knowledge gained from this chapter? (Be specific

I would use the knowledge I have gained from this chapter by using facilitating Language such as “Tell me more” and “please tell Juan” when I am interacting with the children. I also gained knowledge on the types of listening which the teacher plans various activities based on the children’s age and level of understanding (Nilsen,2017, pg.182). The types of listening are Appreciative listening – pleasure in music, poems,stories,passive, Purposeful listening- following directions ,giving responses and Critical listening- thinking through responses to open ended questions and deciding on most logical solutions(Nilsen,2017, pg.183). I also gained knowledge on diagnostic interviews.Both casual conversations and structured interviews can be diagnostic.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. GCCCD Progressive Reforms and Human Rights in US Discussion


Progressives sought to reform problems at home and to support democracy abroad during the Great War.


  • two areas where reform efforts were successful
  • two areas where they failed or did not go far enough

In conclusion: idealism has played an important part in our national identity. What do you think? Are our idealism/values still important today? Do Americans still believe in expanding democracy and protecting the public interest?

It needs to be at least 400 words

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. HU Humanities and Pop Culture Discussion


As media grows and changes, we incorporate the new forms of communications into popular culture. However, the previous communication methods continue to be used as well.

Your assignment this week has two parts: First, you will create a timeline or infographic to address the following questions:

  1. Research and provide examples or comparisons that demonstrate these changes over time from each of the categories: Print, Radio/Music, Cinema, Television, and the Internet. Include images of each artifact.
  2. How have these various forms of communication have evolved since they were first introduced? (Give a “before” and “after”)

Second, you will write a mini-statement answering the following question.

  1. In 300-500 words, give your opinion: Will pop culture ever stop using a form of media? Why or why not?


You will submit an Infographic or timeline in response to part 1 with an accompanying mini-statement to address part 2. Your infographic can be submitted as MS Word document or if you use an online infographic creator like the ones listed below you can submit your infographic as a URL. Your accompanying mini-statement can be included on your infographic or submitted separately as an MS Word document.

Helpful tips:

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. University of California Irvine A Film Writing Questions


I’m working on a film writing question and need support to help me learn.

1. According to Gillespie, what are some of the reasons an online company would call itself a “platform”? What connotations does it have? Are there problems with the term?

[Place your response here]

2. After watching The Social Dilemma, do you think that it accurately represents the experiences of young people today (such as yourself)? Is there anything you’d question or challenge?

[Place your response here]

3. Given what you saw in The Social Dilemma, what do you think the ethical responsibilities of social media platforms are? Are tech companies responsible for the wellbeing of their users?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Literature Wild by Cheryl Strayed Essay


-The tutor needs to have read the book Wild by Cheryl Strayed

-The introduction paragraphs for this two subject essay are already completed. Now I need to find 10 quotes to support each claim in introduction paragraphs (there are two claims, so 20 quotes total). Each quote needs to also have a transition in the beginning (context from the book).

-The specific instructions are attached

-The introduction paragraphs are attached

-The picture of book that the quotes need to come from is attached

Humanities Homework Help