Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. University of Central Florida Chapter 6 Visual Design Statistical Analysis Worksheet


Hello, please read the instructions carefully

Chapter 6: Visual Design

Chapter 6 focuses on the “D” (for Design) in PAD. The section you are reading discusses the visualizations used in PTC documents. Topics include creating visuals and types of visuals.

Joanna Wolfe Presentation: Narrative Numbers

Watch the following presentation before completing the exercise below–no need to stick around for the Q&A. Think through the points made in this presentation as well as in your textbook as you work to create your own, simple, data-visualization.

assignment-icons-content.png EXERCISE


This exercises asks to you collect data and create a data visualization that communicates that data graphically.

Step 1 – Collect Data

At home, or wherever you are working, collect a set of quantitative (numerical) data. While everybody loves a good pie chart, try to collect a different data than just “how many” of a thing to make your visuals more interesting and of different types. For example:

  • How long does it take to get to a specific floor in the elevator vs. climbing the stairs based on multiple tries?
  • What’s the ratio of books to other stuff on your shelves?
  • How much time do ducks spend foraging vs. just wandering around?

Think about the various processes that take time or require resources (e.g., how many almonds you eat in an hour, or the average time it takes to drink a soda). Think about the items you have around you and what they are used for (e.g., what apps do you check on your phone in an hour). Quantitative data is all around you–every time you do something, check something, or observe something, you are generating data. And so are the things around you–e.g., stoplights, phones, dogs, and squirrels. Select an item or items around you (including yourself) and collect the data it generates.

Step 2 – Create a Visualization

Once you have your data, draw a data visualization that represents your data. To pick the type of data visualization, go back to the Design chapter you read and review the visualization types. You can use any medium you want to create your visualization–pens, crayons, markers, or, if you are already familiar with creating visualizations digitally, use an app like Canva (Links to an external site.).

Step 3 – Share your Visualization and Comment

If you draw your visualization, you can submit a picture taken with your phone to the below. Include your name in the title. When you share your visualization, answer the following questions about it, along with the image:

What does the data visualization show?
Why did you pick that visualization format?

Step 4 – Review and Comment

After sharing your work, use the Reply button below to comment on at least two of your peers’ visualizations, addressing the following:

  • Is it clear what the visualization represents?
  • Is the type of visual appropriate for the data? Can you think of other types of visuals that might be useful?
  • Does the design and color use make the visual easy to read?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Leadership Brand Visioning Summary


Please complete the two parts of the assignment. Regarding my workplace, I am a university lecturer.

Important note: i have completed a leadership identity reflection exercise last week that you are going to use for this week assignments (attached).

First, you will need to do the leadership brand discovery using the brand discovery worksheet. You need to conduct an “interview” with at least three colleagues, friends, leaders, and/or associates from your workplace who have considerable insight into your role and day-to-day work. In no more than 250 words, provide a summary of your findings from the interviews that identifies the primary ways in which others see your leadership brand and perceive the value you bring to the workplace.

after that, Follow the instructions in the brand visioning file to begin the creative process of identifying the leadership brand for which you wish to be known (what matters to me, how others sees me, what i believe i can be and want to be, and brand statements).

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. University of Nairobi Skeptical Challenge to The Belief in Miracles Essat



This assignment consists of a short essay question, and a short response question. The

main intent of these questions is to ensure that you have a sound grasp of the fundamentals of the material

presented in this unit. To that end, there is a 3 to 4 page (1000 words) limit for the short essay question.

I’m not so concerned with whether you agree with a particular author or not. The quality of your answer

is based on your exposition of the competing positions, your comparative analysis of those positions and,

lastly, your argument in support of the position you defend.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Florida Atlantic University Live Run To The Water Discussion


Choose one of the songs in the “Contemporary Connections” section. Try to convince your classmates that the singer is drawing on ancient concepts in the humanities. (Explain the concepts and show similarities between the ancient sources and contemporary media.)

Read at least one of your classmates’ posts and challenge the argument. Are there reasons for thinking the connection is weak? Is there a better connection with an ancient idea? Are the ideas far too distinct to be related?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. PSY 7710 State College of Florida Behavior Change for a Sustainable World Paper


There are so many ways to use Applied Behavior Analysis. To name a few, working with individuals with autism and developmental disabilities, OBM, ACT, and even sustainability. Dr. William Heward presented Behavior Change for a Sustainable World to the Capella Society of ABA. Please watch the recording, linked in the Resources. Then, answer the following:

  • How can you disseminate our science to promote application in sustainability?
  • Share ideas on how you can make use ABA to have a positive impact on society.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Hip Hop Artists Influenced by Jazz Discussion


Many of the artists you are listening to this week were influenced by jazz. This was a departure of sorts from some of the other musical reference points of other hip-hop artists. Discuss a contemporary artist (in any genre) who you think has been influenced by what might be considered an unusual source of inspiration (an example may be a country artist who is influenced by classical music).  Describe—in an original post of 200 words minimum—the influence in the particular artist you choose. If possible, include a link to a song by your chosen artists that exemplifies the influence you describe.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. PSY 7711 State College of Florida Baseline and Treatment Phases Discussion


In this unit, you read Carr, Newsom, and Binkoff ‘s 1980 article, “Escape As a Factor in the Aggressive Behavior of Two Retarded Children,” which shows the effect of a teacher’s demands on Bob’s aggressive behavior, as well as on another student named Sam. Figure 1 in the journal article provides the ABAB graphs for both Bob and Sam. For this discussion:

  • Compare and contrast these two graphs in terms of baseline and treatment phases. Include a description of the type of baselines (for example, stable, ascending, descending, or variable) that were obtained for each child.
  • State your conclusion about the baselines presented.
  • Provide recommendations about improving the design, if appropriate.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Pierce College The Parable of The Sower by Butler Analytical Review



Find 2-3 scholarly articles discussing the Octavia Butler novel, Parable of the Sower. Consider the assertions or claims of each of the scholarly articles, and then try to identify areas in which the scholars agree and disagree with one another. Finally, pick a side (or, come up with a new side or position) and then write a paper discussing the novel (and its author), the scholarly articles, and your position.


Compare the Octavia Butler novel, Parable of the Sower, to a book, film, or TV show from the past decade. Discuss the various ways in which both Butler’s novel and the artifact you chose reinforce some existing cultural values and question or subvert others. What similarities do the two artifacts share in how they critique social values? How do they differ? Discuss the significance and relevance of both artifacts to our current times.


  • 2000 words in length
  • 2-3 scholarly sources
  • Proper MLA style (including in-text citations and Works Cited page)


ENG 102 Essay Rubric

ENG 102 Essay Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUnityEssay is unified around a strong main claim or stance in the form of a clear, concise thesis statement.

20 pts


18 pts


16 pts


14 pts

Needs Improvement

0 pts

No Marks

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCoherenceEssay is organized in a logical manner; body paragraphs contain topic sentences conveying connection between thesis claim and paragraph topic.

20 pts


18 pts


16 pts


14 pts

Needs Improvement

0 pts

No Marks

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSupport/developmentAll claims and ideas presented in the essay are thoroughly explained and adequately supported with evidence and reasoning. Essay is free of false and/or unsupported claims.

20 pts


18 pts


16 pts


14 pts

Needs Improvement

0 pts

No Marks

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSentence skillsEssay uses grammar, diction, and style appropriate for the context of the discussion such that the writing choices do not interfere with the clarity of meaning.

20 pts


18 pts


16 pts


14 pts

Needs Improvement

0 pts

No Marks

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMLA formatting requirementsEssay adheres to MLA style requirements. Points may also be deducted here for late submission.

20 pts


18 pts


16 pts


14 pts

Needs Improvement

0 pts

No Marks

20 pts

Total Points: 100

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. MTSU How Sam Spade Came to Be Hard Boiled Film Genres Discussion Questions


Discuss: You have now experienced perfect examples of Hard-boiled and Cozy.   What characteristics that you see in the film that qualify it as “Hard-boiled”? How does this differ from the Cozy? What qualities distinguish the two? Upload a table in which you list the FIVE most important characteristics, in your opinion of each sub-genre. After some reflection on your part and jotting down of notes taken from the texts we have see together, please feel free to pursue your curiosity and do some research. Then find and share a modern application, novel, TV or movie, for each type.  Please note, you must first post your answer before you can see classmates’ posts.

After completing your initial post, return to this discussion forum within 48 hours and respond to at least two classmates, 50-100 words each. This response should include commonalities, connections, and reference to comments that are of interest.…

Humanities Homework Help