Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. MGT 4503 Amberton University Plan Risk Management Inputs Discussion



Topic 1: Plan Risk Management inputs

Explain why each of the following inputs to plan risk management are needed before you can adequately perform the risk management process.

1.Lessons Learned

2.Organizational risk thresholds

3.Company culture

4.Project Management Plan

5.Project Charter

Topic 2: Risk identification participants

Identify and explain who all should be involved in the risk identification process.

Topic 3: Identify Risks tools & techniques

Identify 4 Identify Risks Tools & Techniques.  Define/Explain their importance and how they are applied on projects.

Topic 4: Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS)

Define Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS) and its purpose.  Explain in your own words the risk types in RBS Level 1.  Select one risk type, explain how you remediate it – use any personal, professional or project experience.  

Topic 5: Risk management concerns

Explain the five areas concerning risk management (from Chapter 1 – Project Manager’s Spotlight on Risk Management)

Topic 6: Chapter 1 Summary from Project Manager’s Spotlight on Risk Management

Summarize the Chapter 1 Case Study (from Project Manager’s Spotlight on Risk Management).  Explain if you agree or disagree with the steps performed by the team leader.

Textbook Required:

Title: A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge: PMBOK (®) Guide 

Author: Project Management Institute 

Publisher: Project Management Institute 

Year Published: 2017 

Edition: 6th 

ISBN: 10: or 13: 9781628251845

Title: Project Manager’s Spotlight on Risk Management 

Author: Kim Heldman 

Publisher: Jossey-Bass 

Year Published: 2017 

Edition: 1st 

ISBN: 10: or 13: 9780782144116

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. YSJU Psychology Clinical Diagnose Management Question


Part 1:Please read the following vignette about a fictional character, and answer the questions that follow. (300 words)

Every June for 5 years, Carlos Hernandos, now 59, and his three sons came to Kenosha, Wisconsin, to pick cabbages. They returned to Laredo, Texas each October. During these summers, Mr. Hernandos missed his wife. When he was hired for a year-round factory job in Kenosha, the family moved.

Mr. Hernandos began drinking during his adolescent years. Like many of his compadres and relatives, he believed that after a hard day’s work in the sun, alcohol was a just reward. Eventually, he was up to a six-pack daily; then he added tequila, and then pot. When he was drunk, he slept in the backyard on a cot so as not to disturb the family.

In 2014, Mr. Hernandos was arrested for driving while intoxicated. He was then hospitalized for detox. In the hospital, he was told that he had cirrhosis of the liver. Alcohol counseling had been ordered by the court, but he refused inpatient treatment because he had to support his family. The counseling fared no better. Mark, his counselor, was a white man who struck him as phony and uninterested.

Mr. Hernandos did not consider himself an alcoholic; nor did he see drinking as a disease connected to his ill health. He felt that the only thing wrong with his drinking was that it had caused an arrest and a fine. He was ashamed of getting caught. He hated the AA meetings where he had to say he would always be an “alcoholic” and must quit drinking altogether. He wouldn’t go along with that. He prided himself on being a smart person, so he agreed with his counselor to fulfill the court’s requirements and get it over with. He promised himself secretly that next time he would find a non-drinking, designated driver or walk home and not get into such a mess again. After the required sessions, Mark closed the case.

What is Mr. Hernandos’s diagnosis? How did you come to this conclusion?

What do you see may be some cultural (ethnicity/race, gender, age, etc.) implications of Mr. Hernandos that should be considered in the clinician’s case conceptualization of him?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. A T Still University Elements and Messages of the Old Music Questions


I’m working on a music question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

1. How do musicians use elements of music to strengthen a mood, feeling and idea.

2. What elements should you incorporate to better evoke a mood, feeling or idea

3. What historical events influenced music. Black lives matter 

4. How do various styles affect the meaning and/ purpose of a piece of music

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. DeVry University Week 7 How Does the World See You Reflection Paper


Week 7: How Does The World See You?


It is important for a leader in an organization to pursue a path of continuous professional development and improvement. A substantial part of this endeavor includes self-awareness with regards to how the leader views the external environment. But more importantly, how does the world see the organization’s leader and their role and efforts? This assignment will afford you the opportunity to reflect on your own cognizance with regards to diversity, equity, inclusion and your own identity as a leader.

Paper Content

The following information is gratefully borrowed from the University of Houston (Texas), Center for Diversity and Inclusion. Visit this website…

First, download the PDF located here (Links to an external site.). It is titled “How does the world see you exercise” (Links to an external site.). Take a bit of time to read and review the four columns of questions. Also, ponder the information and ideas that have been presented and discussed thus far in our course. Think about your own efforts as a leader (either in a private/personal setting or in a corporate setting). Then, jot-down some bullet-points that are responses to the questions presented.

Second, prepare a three-to-five-page paper that answers the questions presented in the exercise. Consider your own Identity as well as understanding of Diversity and the impact it continues to have in your life and the organizations that you are affiliated with. In essence, how does the world see you?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. The Social Dilemma Essay



subject: “The social dilemma” Netflix documentary! First: You will be doing a rhetorical analysis of the film following the elements discussed in the Purdue (Links to an external site.) Owl (Links to an external site.) in the first part of your essay. The readings include the sub-categories of “Elements of Analysis” and “Organizing Your Analysis.” Next: For the second part of the essay, you will include research that either supports what the film’s thesis was OR find research that weakens the film’s thesis. -For example: many people have seen the doc Super Size Me. For those that have not, according to the documentary website, “Super Size Me is one man’s journey into the world of weight gain, health problems and fast food. It is an examination of the American way of life and how we are eating ourselves to death.” -If you were to find evidence to support his claim that fast food, eaten in large quantities on a regular basis, is unhealthy, you would include this in the second part of your paper as research. -The other way you could go would be to do some research on how good fast food is for people, thereby weakening his thesis. (Remember, this film is an example, you are not to use Super Size Me for your paper) -For the research aspect of this essay, you will be directed to the SWC Library (Links to an external site.) I am pointing this out because there is a lot of poor (ok, crappy) material out there online and you want reputable, respectable sources. This is one key to college writing, you will find these on sites like EbscoHost and ProQuest, just to mention two. Wikipedia, dictionaries, and encyclopedias are not allowed. If you are accessing the sites away from campus, there are directions on how to obtain passwords available at the library. Paper guidelines: Three (full) – four pages double spaced with MLA heading and 1″ margins. This is an essay. Have a clear thesis to guide your paper, body paragraphs that address the prompt that were introduced in the intro, and a conclusion that ends the paper with no new information. Third person only, no “I, me, my, you, we, etc.” No personal opinion. Please pick a film that interests you. It must be approved by me first. Make sure there are sources that will work for your paper before you submit your choice. MLA format plus Works Cited page (your film plus 2 outside sources). Submitted through the Assignments tab on Canvas (it will be run through an anti-plagiarism program) Inclusion of two outside sources to support your essay – this means quotations integrated into your essay. If you have not worked with outside sources before, or, if it has been a while, consult the handout in Course Information, “Integrating Quotes” and the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) for MLA format, quotes, and Works Cited page. Sources must be peer reviewed journals available in the Library or through the library’s website. Newspapers, dictionaries, Wikipedia or other media are not approved sources. What You Will Be Graded On: How well you respond to the assignment Structure and organization of your essay (introduction, thesis, transitions, conclusion) Clarity and quality of your writing: it is free of typographical or grammatical errors Use/integration of outside sources MLA format Microsoft WORD format (it must be in .doc or .docx format) or PDF. Other programs will not be accepted. A tip about your sources: you will be required to find your sources from our college library’s database; no Wikipedia, dictionaries, or encyclopedias. Remember to check the comments from your last 2 papers. Avoid losing points for short papers, papers without correct MLA headings, lack of development, sentence structure, etc. As usual, as questions are asked, I will answer individual emails and send announcements with the questions.

Sources: 2 sources required

Citation Style: MLA

3 pages / 825 words (Double spacing)

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. University of California San Diego Stephen King Project Discussion


The project comes in two parts:

1. You will create a “King-ean” situation, characters, and then “record” how those characters react to that situation. In other words, you will write the key elements of a short, short story (a summary, an opening paragraph, a concluding paragraph) that “imitates” King. There is a detailed step-by-step description of the project with the file title “Approaching the Creative Project.” I have attached the file description below as a word document with the same title as given here “SK Approaching the creative project”

2. In a 1-2 page accompanying paper, you will reflect on what you learned about King and the craft of horror writing undefined and does not need any quotations from King or any other source.The total project (including the reflection) will probably be about 5-6 pages long. Remember this is an English class, so pay attention to your writing!

If you have any questions on the project itself or accessing any information please do not hesitate to ask.

The King books that we have read this year that you can use for reference are:

1. Stephen King Night Shift. Anchor paperback

2. Carrie. Anchor paperback

3. Salem’s Lot. Anchor paperback

4. The Shining. Anchor Paper

5. Gerald’s Game. Gallery Bks.

6. The Mist. Scribner paper

7. Pet Sematary. Pocket books

8. IT Scribnerpaper

9. Misery Scribnerpaper

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. HU Gregors Life Physical Metamorphosis Question


Please answer these questions based on the book metamorphosis:

Section 1

1. What was Gregor’s s life like prior to his physical metamorphosis?

What was his job like? What do we learn from his thoughts? What do we learn from the behavior and words of the chief clerk?

What was Gregor’s s personal life like? What does his mother say about it?

What do Gregor’s bedroom and possessions tell us about his life? What does Gregor’s relationship seem to be with the members of his family?

2. How does Gregor react to the discovery that he has turned into a giant insect? What is he preoccupied with? What are his main concerns?

3. How does Gregor seem to feel about his metamorphosis? How can you explain his attitude?

4. How do Gregor’s parents and the chief clerk react to Gregor’s transformation? Why do they assume that this giant bug is Gregor? (Much Later in the story, Gregor’s sister wonders if it is really Gregor, but no one else suggests this.)

5. Try interpreting this story in a variety of ways: As a look into Gregor’ s inner psyche (and as a look into the psyche of modern man), As a comment on a crushing, impersonal world, As very dark comedy; Your own interpretation Based on your interpretation, what does this story say to you about life, about people, etc.?

6. Kafka creates a frightening, surreal world in which people can turn into insects and chief clerks come to a person’s house when they are an hour late. What is the effect on the reader? Why might Kafka have chosen this technique rather than a realistic style to convey his ideas?

Section 2

1. In what ways is Gregor becoming more physically attuned to his cockroach status? In what ways is he becoming more emotionally attuned?

2. What revelation does the father make about family finances? How does Gregor react, and how might this be significant?

3. In this section, the family itself begins to undergo a “metamorphosis”. Discuss each member of the family (other than Gregor) in terms of their metamorphosis- what were they, and what are they becoming? Why?

4. Why do the mother and sister begin clearing out Gregor’s room? How does he react initially, and what causes him to change his mind?

5. Which of his personal items does Gregor decide to defend from his sister and mother? Why? Take a guess if you aren’t sure.

6. At the end of the section, Gregor comes into conflict with his father. What precipitates this conflict, and how is it resolved? Discuss the importance of the apple here (think allusion allusion allusion here).

7. How is Gregor wounded? What symbolic significance might the object that wounds him have?

8. A person changed into an animal, or vice versa is a common theme of fairy tales. In what ways is The Metamorphosis similar to fairy tales you know? In what ways is it different?

9. What words would you use to describe Kafka’s style? Does his writing remind you of other books you have read, music you have heard, or films you have seen?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. City College Social Categorization of People Into Socioeconomic Groups Discussion


  • Discuss the most important thing you learned this week about the Consequences of Social Stratification and how it helps you understand human behavior.
  • must be 100 words or more and no references or cover sheet

    For Sociologists, the disparity in income and wealth is important because of the affects that it has on behavior.

    As you know, Sociology looks outside of the individual to explain behavior. And there is no stronger predictor of the affects on an individual’s life than class position and there is no strong component of class position than economics, i.e. income and wealth.

    According to the textbook authors, “almost every behavior and attitude we have reflects our social class, at least somewhat.” (p. 151) The authors continue that the choices “you make are influenced by your social class.” (p. 151) “But social class differences go beyond mere preferences to real consequences.” (p. 152)

    The authors conclude, “Knowing a person’s social class will often tell us more about an individual than any other single piece of information.” (p. 152)

    That is the topic to which we now turn our attention.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ENC 1102 Miami Dade College Morrison 1969 Activism Discussion


Write a paraphrase that avoids plagiarism of the paragraph. Your paraphrase can be as long as the excerpt you have chosen, but should not duplicate any phrasing from the excerpt. If you must, you can quote up to three words in a phrase.

Morrison began writing Sula in 1969, a time of great activism among African Americans and others who were working toward equal civil rights and opportunities. The book addresses issues of racism, bigotry, and suppression of African Americans; it depicts the despair people feel when they can’t get decent jobs, and the determination of some to survive. Eva, for example, cuts off her leg in order to get money to raise her family. Morrison shows how, faced with racist situations, some people had to grovel to whites simply to get by, as Helene does on a train heading through the South. Others, however, fought back, as Sula does when she threatens some white boys who are harassing her and Nel.

Humanities Homework Help