Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. California State University Sacramento 21 Chump Street Reaction Paper


21 Chump Street is a fourteen-minute one-act musical with book, music and lyrics by Lin-Manuel Miranda, who is known for creating the Broadway musicals In the Heights, Bring It On the Musical, and Hamilton.

Watch “21 Chump Street” (see youtube link below) and write a minimum of 700 word reaction paper focusing specifically on at least one of the six elements of theatre(Audience, Dramatic Action Embodied in Script, Performers, Directors, Theatre Space, Design Aspects) and at least one element of dramatic structure(Plot, Action, Conflict, Opposed Forces, Balance of Forces). Please do not choose plot as one of the elements of dramatic structure.

This is your chance to demonstrate what you have learned in this class so be specific. Do not give me a plot synopsis. I already know the plot, a plot synopsis will result in a failing grade.

You will be graded on clarity ideas, communication and proper grammar.


Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Grossmont College Juvenile Justice System and Juvenile Delinquents Worksheet


Frontline QS


Go to the following link… and choose 1 of the 4 links provided. After reading the article, provide the following:

  1. 2-3 sentence synopsis of the article and its conclusions
  2. What is the central question the judges are being asked?
  3. Who do you agree with and why? (provided evidence to back up your opinion

What role does the family background play in the behavior of the kids? Can you blame the kids’ poor choices on their troubled childhoods or are they responsible for their own actions? Discuss each kid

Go to the following link


Read the article and answer the following questions:


Main claim?



Intended audience?

Final findings/conclusions

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. University of Illinois Urbana Champaign Spanish Conquest to The Aztec Community Essay


1. History and myth frequently become intertwined. The results of this can often be devastating. This can occur when two distinct cultures collide. One example can be found in the history of the Aztecs and the Spanish conquest. Describe what happened. In particular, name the myth and what occurred afterwards because the Aztec people believed in it. Discuss other examples of history and myths becoming intertwined.

2.Heroes can often possess “bad attitudes.” These heroes will often defy authority figures in the stories. Explain why independent thinking is an integral part of heroism. Discuss several examples of such heroes in myths. Describe several in modern novels and movies.

3.Mythology pervades American culture today. Cite examples as to how mythology influences the media and pop culture. How is mythology reflected in video games? Explain with several examples.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Walden University Wk 6 Juvenile Detention Centers Impact on Youth Discussion


Hello, I am writing a paper for class. The paper needs to be 10 pages which is what I have but I just need guidance with it. There are subtitles already and all the information is all there. Everything is in the spot it needs to be I just need some help cleaning it up and making sound good. All the references are there. Also everything in the highlighted spots needs to stay highlighted. Any more questions please ask.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. UCSD Gloria Anzaluda and Lauren K Alleyne Poem Analysis


Choose one of the prompts below and please give specific examples to earn full credit.

We discussed two poems, Gloria Anzaldua’s “To live in the Borderlands” and Lauren K. Alleyne’s “Nothing to Declare.”

  • Quote a passage from either poem and explain why you found it powerful or memorable.
  • How might we compare Alleyne’s liminal spaces (taxis, airports, security screenings) to Anzaldúa’s borderlands?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. University of California San Diego If We Must Die Poem Analysis


This paper should be 500-750 words in length (a little longer is fine), times new roman, double-spaced, and formatted according to MLA style, including a works cited page. You are free to write about one or more of the assigned texts for the response paper. However, I don’t recommend discussing more than two texts unless they’re fairly short and your discussion is narrowly focused. The texts are going to be texts written by Poe and Whitman only.

Response papers give you an opportunity for interpretation, analysis, critical reading, and argument. There will be marks for errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar, but it will be graded primarily on content (originality of thought, level of analysis, and effectiveness of persuasion). These papers are informal, which means you may write in first person and assume that your reader is familiar with the text, but you should focus on one major question/issue and use specific examples from the text to illustrate and support your argument. For example, here are some appropriate topics for a response paper:

Choose an important passage to analyze through close reading. Investigate the diction, dominant imagery, and meaning of this passage. Why is this a significant passage? How does it influence our understanding of the whole text?

Compare the text to other works by the same author OR to another author’s treatment of a similar idea. You may wish to focus on dominant symbols, themes, point of view, or diction in making your comparison.

Here are the following texts that are assigned to the response paper:

Emily Dickinson – “I heard a fly buzz when I died” , “Much madness is divinest sense” “Tell all the truth but tell it slant”

Claude McKay – “If We Must Die” , “America”

If you cannot find the texts anywhere online they are in Norton Anthology of American Literature, Shorter 9th Edition, if you have any trouble accessing these texts or have any questions for me please do not hesitate to ask.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. EDDD 8003 Walden University The Framework and Research Question


The Research Question

Research begins with asking a question and then finding a valid answer to that question. These questions are the culmination of the refinement process. Avoid questions that cannot be answered with the tools that are available.

—Gary Thomas (2017, p. 7)

After many months, you may be able to present a clear problem. Then, you determine the small slice of the problem to address, which you express in a purpose statement. Finally, the problem, purpose, and framework are all in alignment. The next step is to identify the specific, achievable questions that will guide most decisions that remain in the study. These are the research questions (RQ).

You are probably months away from having a finalized RQ but it is not too soon to evaluate RQs and practice developing your own. With that in mind, take careful notes in the readings, and set your course for the refinement that lies ahead.

Notes on Readings

Butin provides several tips that are valuable in developing what many think is the most difficult task of the capstone: posing the best question (in particular, read page 122).

In the selection by Thomas, pay particular attention to the various methods of narrowing your question. His questions, on page 18, no doubt reflect his experience in reading and rejecting hundreds of flawed research questions. Also note his guidance on the linear versus recursive plans on page 19. Prepare yourself for the recursive plan!

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Develop research questions
  • Apply knowledge of APA References
  • Apply knowledge of doctoral study


Butin, D. W. (2010). The education dissertation: A guide for practitioner scholars. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

Chapter 3, “Focusing Your Research” (pp. 50–55 and pp. 58-61)

Chapter 6, “Putting It All Together” (p. 122)

  • Thomas, G. (2017). How to do your research project: A guide for students (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Chapter 1, “Your Introduction: Starting Points” (pp. 7–26)

Assignment: The Framework and Research Question

This is the week when you begin thinking about the framework that supports your study, and you begin to identify research questions. Although this is still early in your capstone process, the experience will help you appreciate how these elements are developed.

To prepare:

Further refine your paper to include a sample theoretical or conceptual framework and a sample research question. Include the following:

  • Identify one theorist and theory.
  • Explain the primary postulates of the theory and how they relate to your problem and purpose.
  • Review two to three major research studies related to the framework and your study.
  • Clearly explain how the theory or conceptual framework aligns with your problem, purpose, and research questions. What ties them together?
  • Provide a research question.

This is to be added into the paper you are writing…with the problem and purpose statement


Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. University of Mount Olive Steps to Become a Travel Nurse Presentation


Please start working on building a presentation summing up your research this semester. Your colleagues who are considering different options as they enter a variety of academic degree programs are your audience, so do make sure that you include information structured for general audience. It is extremely important to indicate where you found your interesting details. When your are providing such information, your points are more credible and others can rely on your findings. 

Career Focused Research Topic Presentation (100 points): Power Point presentation of your research. (Must include main research points + recommendations + references slide = 6 -10 slides min.) Please attach to a brief description of the project on this week’s Discussion Board. Please remember to protect intellectual property of your sources, do not copy and paste visuals from the web, but summarize them or offer a slide with useful links instead. Presentations without appropriate captions and unidentified visuals may not be accepted for grading.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Walden University Rita Molino Sell Special Education Question


Hi. The problem statement is paper 1 attached that needs revision as it is to be included in paper 2 that needs revision of the purpose statement. The professor’s comments/feedback are in blue…so it is paper 2 ‘purpose statement’ that needs to be rewritten….but you will see that the problem statement needs to be fixed before you can rewire the purpose statement..I hope I making sense. On papers 1 & 2 attached..make sure you look to the left side..the professor left detailed feedback and directions there too….and directly on the paper.

I have attached a word document with all the background information and specific details. Here is a link to the directions and I will also upload the file. I have a word and a pdf..not sure which you prefer!AvQ1_GGI8eBXvzi_h16BPUfc0sXYhttps…

Here are the directions as well:

The Purpose Statement

In this course, you have learned that a final problem statement normally takes many months to develop. Yet this week, you are asked to begin to develop the purpose statement. This is not because your problem statement is finalized but because it is time for you to evaluate and practice creating the rest of the common components of the doctoral capstone. This is part of the iterative process of preparing the capstone.

Remember, though, that the assignments in this course are unlikely to be final versions of your study. The intention is to help you to understand and prepare for what you will need to write in your capstone.

The purpose statement serves as the connection between the problem being addressed and the focus of the study. Depending on the methodology, in:

  • Quantitative studies, state what needs to be studied by describing two or more factors (variables) and a conjectured relationship between (among) them related to the identified gap in practice or problem;
  • Qualitative studies, describe the need for increased understanding about the issue to be studied (based on the identified gap or problem); and
  • Mixed-methods studies (with both quantitative and qualitative aspects), clarify how the two approaches will be used together to inform the study.
  • Notes on Readings

    This week’s readings continue to provide information on how to review the research literature. Apply this guidance to your ongoing efforts to read and take notes interactively in the research relevant to your problem. The media and other resources, this week, will help you to develop your understanding of the purpose statement.

    The reading in the Single text, this week, can help you to fine tune your system for scholarly reading and note taking via the use of your citation management software.

    This week, Thomas provides detailed instructions about how to interact with, and review, the research literature. These skills are critical in your work on your doctorate.

    Learning Objectives

    Students will:

  • Apply technological tools to find, analyze, and evaluate existing research
  • Analyze purpose statements
  • Apply knowledge of APA references
  • Apply knowledge of doctoral study
  • Resources:

    I do not have digital copies of these, I am sorry.

    Single, P. B. (2010). Demystifying dissertation writing: A streamlined process from choice of topic to final text. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.

  • Chapter 4, “Citeable Notes”
  • o Section 4.1, “Recording Citeable Notes and Building Your Literature Review” (pp. 81–85)

    Thomas, G. (2017). How to do your research project: A guide for students (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

  • Chapter 1, “Your Introduction: Starting Points”
  • o “Purposes of Research” (pp. 6–7)

  • Chapter 3, “The Literature Review” (pp. 57-67)
  • More resources:…


    Assignment: The Purpose and Problem Statements

    To Prepare

    For this revision of your purpose and problem statements, apply what you have learned from the feedback you have received, as well as the information you have learned from the required readings, web resources, and media.

    Submit your draft.

    As in previous drafts, your paper should include the following:

  • Title—refining the problem statement and purpose statement
  • A basic introduction or background statement
  • One or two specific and precise sentences that clearly state the problem
  • A few paragraphs that synthesize the evidence from research literature that this is a current, meaningful problem in the educational discipline
  • Substantiated statements using evidence from research
  • Note: Every statement must be substantiated by evidence from your research.

  • One or two sentences that explain the purpose of your study
  • Note: Connect the problem being addressed to the focus of your study.

  • Demonstration of a logical flow from the preliminary problem to this (narrower) tentative purpose in your study
  • Explanation of what aspect of the problem your study address (In other words, what will it accomplish?)

    I will also upload my problem statement with professor’s harsh feedback and the purpose stamen with even harsher feedback. Please help me. I am truly struggling with this class.

    Humanities Homework Help