Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. New England College The Color of Water Discussion and Community Need Project


Discussion Assignment And Peer responses

Describe James and Ruth’s communities. How did they make a difference in  the lives of others? How did their identities and values play a role in  their efforts?

Discussion Assignment Words Limit: 300 Words
Peer Response word limit: 200 words for each Student

I Attached the pdf book “The Color Of Water”  down below you can complete the discussion. Read chapters 19-25

Community need Final Project

This Community Need Project explains how  you will hypothetically make a difference in your community. Reminder to  incorporate the feedback you received on your Week 5 Community Need  Project draft, and expand your final paper following the guidelines of  the Community Need Project Template below and the rubrics. The Community  Need template below details what should be included.   The final Community Need Project papers  need to be 5-7 pages long and must be in APA format. PowerPoints need to  be 30-50 slides with narration. Feel free to be creative and add  photographs, graphs, quotes, tables, etc

Reply to:


For Ruth, her community consisted of her family and her church. Since she was a child, she was always with and involved in family. When she was a child, even when her father would betray her and take advantage of her, she would still participate in family events and lie to her mother about her father. No matter how terrible it hurt her, she was still loyal to her family. She would work at the family store, participate, and overall, just be present. As she got older, she still stayed loyal to her family no matter how difficult it was. Being a “single mother” because her husband only made appearances on the weekends, she still made sure to work as hard as she could and provide for her kids. She was a leader in her own way. When it came to her kids, she made sure they went to school, got good grades, and went to Church on Sundays. In her everyday life, she did not bother engaging with those commented on her race or stared at her odd when she would ride her bike without a care in the world. Ruth made a different in the world for others through her loyalty, dedication, and respect. Even if she did not know it, her presence especially in the church, made a difference for others. She also made a difference for her kids because it showed them that hard work does matter.

As for James, his communities consisted of his family as well, and unfortunately those who participated in crimes and drugs. After James’ stepfather passed away, he partook in petty crimes, drugs, and alcohol. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for that to happen as it is a way to cope with the grief. Throughout his life, James stayed loyal to his family. Ruth’s rules were to mind your business, do not tell anyone else your business and do good in school. James did just that in his childhood and made sure to “fly under the radar” with all his siblings and house rules. As James got older, he felt like he was pulled in many directions and just did what he felt was right at the time. He did not have a set “identity” and was just trying to figure everything out as he went.

Both Ruth and James take pride and identity in their families. We know this to be true for Ruth since the start, but we start to see it flourish with James as he matures. Both of them exude the qualities of loyalty to their families and respect for others.


Ruth’s communities were her family and her church, especially after her husbands died. Once she was truly alone with her family, she let the love for her family drive her and focused solely on her faith and providing for her children. In terms of making a difference in the lives of others, she pushed her children to be the absolute best versions of themselves, despite their struggles and the views of the outside world, and got them all through college. I also believe that she made a difference in the lives of every person that turned their nose at her for simply the color of her skin. She made waves in New York during the time she lived there just by living the life she had and being who she was. Her identity as a white woman of black children, living in the projects, doing what she had to do for her family, and her dedication to God and living away from her dark past, were the main roles in her efforts towards her community. She never strayed focus on her efforts to provide. Her value of privacy allowed her to be the pillar of the family, the unit of power. I enjoyed James’s wife’s story at the end of the book. He writes,

“… when someone shouted over the din, ‘Let’s go to the movies!’ Instantly the room sprang into overdrive.

‘Good idea!’

‘Yeah… let’s go. I’ll drive.’

From another room: ‘Wait for me!’

‘Hurry up! Where’s my shoes?’

Mommy was sitting on the living room couch while all this was happening, her feet resting on the coffee table. She yawned and said softly, ‘I want to eat.’

The movie was instantly forgotten.

‘Yeah! Let’s eat!’

‘I sure am hungry!’

‘Let’s order out!

From another room: ‘I been waiting to eat all day…!’

Now that’s what you call power.” (McBride, pg 278, 1996)

Ruth was a woman who left a life that made her unhappy and ran toward a life that brought her love, independence, an accepting faith, and real family. She was a woman who demanded respect (towards herself and her children), and demanded independence, like riding her bike in the city, doing her yoga, and taking every step towards her future at her own pace.

When it comes to James, he was a follower. I do not mean that in a negative way. But it was not until his adulthood that he found himself and took real control of his life. Not knowing who he was growing up and having so many different influences and voices in his ear about who he was supposed to be, caused James to flock to whatever felt good and right during the time. He made a difference in other’s lives by pursuing who he really was and where he came from. I think this story is so beautiful and how he was able to reconnect his mother to people from her past. And he was able to show those people that his mother leaving was a good thing, and it sounded like deep down, they already knew that and they understood what she ran from. His identity, or lack thereof, is what guided his effort to turn to his music and eventually bring his mother’s life full-circle. As he wrote, “Mommy has created her own nation, a rainbow coalition that descends on her house every Christmas and Thanksgiving and sleeps everywhere – on the floor, on rugs, in shifts; sleeping double, triple to a bed, ‘two up, three down,’ just like old times.” (McBride, pg 277, 1996). Their identities are their families, for both James and Ruth. Their families ooze dedication, ambition, and love, all sewn together by the roots that Ruth and her husbands planted. 

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Grossmont College California Propositions Paper


Visit (Links to an external site.).

Each student should choose ONE proposition from the November 2020 California ballot and explore the organizations that supported and opposed the proposition. What does your research say about direct democracy? Explain and tie your discussion into course material.


Response Rubric 2021 (1)

Response Rubric 2021 (1)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization, Grammar, Spelling, and AppearanceThe student provides a well-thought out analysis to the discussion prompt in terms of organization, grammar, and appearance.

15 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContext, Integration, and EffectivenessThe student provides context, explains terms, and effectively integrates information from readings, class lectures, etc. in their posts.

20 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical ThinkingThe student explores ideas and concepts from this assignment and attempts to effectively connect them to (1) the course material and (2) their understanding of the American political system.

15 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

15 pts

Total Points: 50

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Spanish Campaign Discussion


1.History and myth frequently become intertwined. The results of this can often be devastating. This can occur when two distinct cultures collide. One example can be found in the history of the Aztecs and the Spanish conquest. Describe what happened. In particular, name the myth and what occurred afterwards because the Aztec people believed in it. Discuss other examples of history and myths becoming intertwined.

2.Heroes can often possess “bad attitudes.” These heroes will often defy authority figures in the stories. Explain why independent thinking is an integral part of heroism. Discuss several examples of such heroes in myths. Describe several in modern novels and movies.

3.Mythology pervades American culture today. Cite examples as to how mythology influences the media and pop culture. How is mythology reflected in video games? Explain with several examples.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. HIUS 316 A1 Business Judicial Supremacy vs State Interposition Analysis Paper



HIUS 316 – Jacksonian America

Topic: Overview of Judicial Supremacy vs. State Interposition

Module/Week 3 — King Jackson?

Read the short selections found in the “Readings and Study” folder from Story’s “Commentaries on the Constitution” arguing for judicial supremacy and Upshur’s “A Brief Enquiry into the Nature and Character of our Federal Government” arguing for state sovereignty in questions of constitutionality.

What were the constitutional bases for judicial supremacy and state interposition/nullification? Imagine yourself as an American citizen in the Jacksonian Era reading these definitive arguments for the two camps of constitutional interpretation—-which argument would you find most convincing? Now, looking back from a 21st-century perspective, is your answer the same?

Create a thread (250-300 words) then read the posts by your classmates and reply to 2 of your classmate’s posts (150-200 words each).

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. America Public University Counterintelligence Tools Discussion



Please locate a case of actual use of cyber systems or ongoing threats and research that case. Provide a summary of the case, the role of counterintelligence in detecting and undoing the threat, and the role of analysis in identifying and addressing the problem. Please choose a specific case, nothing general or abstract (you’ll not be able to draft a summary).


Define detection, deception, and neutralization within the tenets of offensive counterintelligence.

Discuss one example of each within the realm of law enforcement counterintelligence. How might utilizing these measures at the local, state, national or international law enforcement level help prevent criminal activity?

Use examples from well-known law enforcement sting operations.

Make sure to include information from our required material for the week in your discussion.

Please place each title number in a separate word document. Reading materials will be attached. All work should be cited. Two or more reference is recommended.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ENG 101 The Internet A Powerful Tool In Shaping Ones Identity & Perception Essay


  • You must write your essay in the required MLA-style format. Here is the link to download the template: ENG 101 FTE Template download. If you do not use the required MLA-style format for this essay, you will receive a zero as the final score for this assignment.
  • Your essay must have an original title. A generic title, such as Final Term Essay, will receive a zero for Format. An example of an original title for this assignment: I’m Not _____ Enough, So Get Used to It!
  • Your essay must have a thesis statement with developed and organized supporting details, transitions, and a conclusion.
  • Your essay must use correct Standard English grammar.
  • Your essay must be five to seven (5-7) pages in length for full credit possible. If your essay is less than five (5) pages, you will receive a zero as the final score for this assignment.
  • Your essay must have a minimum of ten (10) in-text citations from They Say, I Say, Born A Crime, and the multimedia covered, for example, Trevor Noah: Son of Patricia on Netflix streaming, or watch the alternate videos in the Born A Crime Media Page. in this course during the semester. Your in-text citations can be a mixture of these sources. If you do not cite the minimum of ten (10) in-text sources as required, you will receive a zero as the final score for this assignment. See below for details.
  • Your essay must have a works cited page, listing all the sources of information that you used as support for your essay. The works-cited page and source list must be in proper MLA-style format. If you do not include a works cited page, you will receive a zero as the final score for this assignment.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Florida Southwestern State College The New Society Manifesto Essay



Although you are perhaps not an artist, over this semester you have become a curator of the arts, and in this way, you have consolidated and expressed your aesthetic views and commitments, and/or have discovered and developed them along the way. This licenses you to posit an overarching philosophy regarding your feelings on art and how it communicates about, or connects to, your world. In this assignment, you will unify your semester’s work into a kind of bigger analytic whole.

To begin this assignment, look over the many works you’ve posted and try to find some overarching theme.  Keep in mind that you have considerable leeway and creativity in how you approach this, but it should be something that you can support by citing and discussing the blog entries you’ve posted over the course of the semester. You may not find a theme to connect all of the posts (though it is possible), but you can surely find some theme to connect several of them.

For example, let’s assume that I – a student in online 2020 – am looking over my blog posts, seeking within them patterns or unifying values. I notice that I chose to analyze an abstract painting that’s busy with jagged lines and sharp angles; my playlist features songs like Wham’s “Wake Me up before You Go-Go,” and Eminem’s “Stay Wide Awake”; my photo series features shots of my favorite coffee cups from my considerable home collection. I realize a unifying theme of stimulants/stimulation, thus I write “The Stimulist Manifesto” (note that I make up this term, but one that makes sense in its context, just like Andre Breton did in his “Surrealist Manifesto”–keep in mind, in this assignment you can be creative, have fun, and still be analytical). In classic manifesto-style I might begin such a document, “WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE!!!” Or, in another make-believe example, I realize that my scene from the Godfather is one of the many in which the Corleones are discussing the importance of family ties; my public sculpture happens to be of a boy and his dog; I have analyzed the scene in which Hamlet chastises his mother for betraying his late father. Thus, I might see a pattern here and pen, “Manifesto of the Loyalists,” my imaginary movement celebrating art that celebrates commitment between people.

Take time to look over your posts, consider what these say about you and your tastes and interests and try to find the connective tissue that can synthesize them. This may take some time and thought. You don’t need to connect all of the blog posts over the course of the semester, but the more the merrier, and you should reference at least three as examples in your manifesto. It is likely that your first post featuring your own representative work will help guide you toward some unifying theme.

When it is done, your manifesto will have a name that reflects its theme, an introduction that contains a statement of its intent (the chief cultural/artistic value or values that you want to promote). Somewhere within it, there will also be some statement of the things it opposes. It will then go on to show several examples from your blog posts that support your point in some way (this is your evidence). Don’t merely repeat the posts, but instead weave the artifacts and your thoughts about them into the larger structure of your manifesto’s point, showing how they fit into this bigger analytic picture. Again, have fun with this, and be as creative as you’d like; but be sure that you forge a meaningful connection between your posts by recognizing the things you value in your aesthetic experience. You may look over some of the manifesto examples below to see how this has been done in the past.

Although this is the course’s final assignment, a document of this kind is an explanation of you and your thinking, and thus should be able to function as an introduction to your blog, and, if you wish, even serve as the blog’s title. Feel free to post it as the initial introductory statement to your webpage. This posting should be at least 650 words. This assignment will be assessed on its formal clarity, the quality of the writing and editing, its degree of engagement with its topic, its creativity/inventiveness/originality of ideas, and the sophistication of thought it expresses.


Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. UCF Art Forms and Doxology Creative Artistic Forms Discussion


This week we are discussing originality, which is definitely something to be debated. Is anything original? Do you believe God is the the originator of all things? Do you believe in the superiority of man to craft his own destiny by choice? We could go on and on.

One type of art I personally enjoy is when and artist will take traditional cultural art forms (the “original”)and give them a new flavor, if you will. For example, think of Asian fusion cuisine or hip street tacos. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a place for authentic art that is well done; but as far as creativity is concerned, I like a unique spin that is influenced by our current culture or an artist’s unique perspective.

This week, begin thinking about your final project in terms of this: will you build on older methods but add your own spin? Will you try some new skill and attempt to master the craft in the traditional style? What excites you when you think of your talents and being given this time to create?

Here is a video that embodies that balance between traditional and contemporary. Supporting indigenous artists is essential right now because their voices were silenced for so long. Enjoy!

Reading Assignment

Reading Assignment

Please complete the following before the session:


Barrs, J. (2013). Echoes of eden.

  • Chapter 2: Imitation, the Heart of the Christian’s Approach to Creativity

Discussion Prompt: Art Forms and Doxology

  • Based on your reading, identify at least three art forms used throughout the Bible and the purposes for which they were used.
  • After presenting the different ways that art appears in Scripture, give three examples of ways that we, as Christians, can use art work (or any expression of creativity) as a doxology. How are these similar or different from the art that we see in the Bible?
  • What specific examples of creativity do we see within the contemporary Christian church?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. University of Central Florida Skewered by Numbers Discussion


I’m working on a english question and need support to help me study.

Discussion Prompt: Skewered by Numbers

Create your initial post answering the following question:

If you were a business person and you found that your monthly gross sales over the past two years produced a negative skew, why would that be better than a distribution of monthly sales that produced a positive skew?

Humanities Homework Help