Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Douglas College Uses of Electroconvulsive Therapy Annotated Bibliography


Topic: Discuss electroconvulsive therapy and its uses today

you have to choose 3 articles and other information is in the attached file . Make sure to read each and everything. Make sure to write it in own words done use in text citation and direct quotes. WriWrite it in own words. Make sure it should not get plagiarized.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. California State University Northridge Gentrification in The United States Essay


There has been an economic renaissance in many city centers across the United States in the 21st Century. Gentrification is one of the primary reasons for this renaissance. What is Gentrification? In your opinion, is Gentrification good and/or bad for the overall health of a city that has suffered decades of neglect and poverty?


Book: tutor_1.pdf    Gentrification is mostly discussed in chapter 13 and a little bit in chapter 1


Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. California State University Sacramento CH1to7 Communication Phenomena Journal Entry


Develop a journal entry that describes a communication phenomena, identifies and defines a communication concept from The Communication Experience textbook as it relates to the described communication phenomena, and provides a practical application of the concept to the identified communication phenomena. 

Focusing on a chapter from Unit One: Public Speaking (Chapters 1-7), address the following in your journal:

  • Describe a personal or observed communication event
  • Identify and define a communication concept from the textbook that relates to your journal topic.
    • Make sure you provide the specific chapter and the heading section where you found the concept.
    • You must also describe the concept in your own words to show your understanding. 
  • Apply the concept to the event you described, addressing the following questions:
    • Where can you identify the concept in the event?
    • How did it affect the event; positively, negatively, both?
    • What are your thoughts on how the concept applies to this and other events that you have had or anticipate? 
  • Explain how a communication guideline, rule or idea could (or did) improve the interaction observed. 
    • How can you use your new knowledge of this communication concept and the guidelines identified to improve your communication in the future? 

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Mental Disorder and Chronic Abdominal Pain Short Psychology Questions


Read each hypothetical study and then try to critique each study by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the research design. Answers should be two paragraphs long site sources in apa with in text citations

1. A teenager with severe obsessions (unwanted thoughts) and compulsions (uncontrolled, ritualistic behaviors) tried to commit suicide by shooting himself in the head. He survived the shooting and discovered that all his obsessions and compulsions were gone. A psychologist did in-depth interviews with this person and linked the area of brain damage from the shooting with obsessions and compulsions.

2. Ninety adults with chronic abdominal pain keep records on the frequency and intensity of their pains. Family members are interviewed concerning their experiences of illness, family conflict, and behaviors that encourage expression of pain. It is discovered that subjects with highest frequency and intensity of pain reports have families in which illness is common and family members engage in behaviors that encourage pain expression.

3. Thirty phobic and thirty non-phobic individuals are shown slides of either fear inducing scenes or non-fear inducing scenes. Measures of brain functioning (PET scan and electroencephalogram) show higher levels of arousal in phobics, but only when they observe the fear inducing slides.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Literature Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison Essay


Respond to the following: The Invisible Man has a unique view of himself as well as how he believes others view him. Relate an event and a significant person that/who helps him to see and view his life differently than what he assumed by identifying “that person and event,” and the impact the event and person had on him, by identifying and explaining that particular discovery. – Your response must show evidence of your critical thinking and deep discovery and remember to cite specific evidence. 

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. GCU Labor Market and Social Culture Discussion


Analyze the role of the market in addressing workforce shortages, including projections for the physician market and monopsony model for the market for nurses. (Discussion Question 1 150)

Describe the difference between cost-saving and cost-increasing technology-based innovations. Provide an example of each and analyze why a cost-increasing innovation would continue to be used. (Discussion Question 2 150 )

Describe differences among families of various racial and ethnic subcultures in the United States. How do these differences affect U.S. society? Explain. Discussion Question 3 (150 words)

Imagine a child is adopted by parents of another race. What are some of the challenges the child and parents will face? How can these challenges be mitigated? Discussion Question 4 (150 words)

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Legal and Regulatory Issues in Human Service Discussion


Be sure to review the risk management practices from the readings and use the internet and Library to research legal and regulatory issues common to the human services profession.

Please respond to the following:

  • Identify and discuss, in detail, the legal and regulatory issues common to the human services profession.
  • Discuss how risk management strategies might alleviate or avoid the risk of these issues.
  • Develop a plan for how you might implement these risk management strategies in your own practice.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of these strategies.

Please read the following chapter in your text:

  • Chapter 5: “Client Rights and Counselor Responsibilities”

Library Readings

Birrell, P. J., & Bruns, C. M. (2016). Ethics and relationship: From risk management to relational engagement. Journal of Counseling & Development, 94(4), 391–397.

Taube, D. O., Scroppo, J., & Zelechoski, A. D. (2018). Nine risk management lessons for practitioners. Practice Innovations, 3(4), 271–283.


National Organization for Human Services. (2015). Ethical standards for human services professionals.…

  • For this unit, please review Standards 5, 6, 8, and 9.

Please read the following chapter in your text:

  • Chapter 5: “Client Rights and Counselor Responsibilities”

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. MJC Myanmar Coupe on Facebook Question


I’m working on a english project and need support to help me learn.

Sources: Minimum of five. NOTE: You may certainly use Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, or other social media as one source. I’d like you to have some variety, but having a print source isn’t required.

Instructions: Your job in your first argumentative essay will be to critique media coverage of a recent (within the last twelve months) news story. After reading, watching, and listening to coverage of a topic you choose, you will create a composition in which you ARGUE which media source did the BEST job of covering the story. In fact, your thesis should have language which reads something similar to this: “After reviewing the totality of the coverage, X clearly does the best job of reporting the story.”

AGAIN, DO NOT JUST SUMMARIZE THE STORY. YOUR JOB IS TO ARGUE WHICH SOURCE IS BEST BASED ON SUBJECTIVE CRITERIA YOU CREATE. Here’s an example of a good claim which might begin (deductive) or end (inductive) a paragraph: Source x does the best job of incorporating visual elements into the coverage. (Whereas you will most often be working with quotes, this claim actually allows you to paste the visual elements as evidence and to analyze them to prove your claim and thesis.)

Structure: This essay has at least four implied counter-arguments. While you argue which coverage is best, you also have to argue why the other sources do not meet the same standard. Complete this task by creating subjective criteria. You might base your arguments and counter-arguments on items like the following: visual elements, local/national/international bias, background information, quality of interviews, style of presentation, clarity of purpose, etc.

Hints for Success: DO NOT use “101 mode.” Simply put, you are NOT reporting the story. You are evaluating the presentation of the story. Hence try to be a lawyer in the courtroom. Create a clear and convincing case for which source is best.

Final Hints: Remember what we have covered in the modules. Weave together ethos, pathos, and logos. Additionally, go over your list of common errors and use it as an editing tool. Finally, have fun! The reader will respond to your pathos if you do so.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Grossmont College Political Parties and Legislative Initiatives Paper


Political Parties

Read the excerpt below. Discuss if you think political parties are necessary to the workings of American democracy and explain why using the information below as well as related course materials.


The Founding Fathers were very skeptical of political parties, calling them “factions.” In fact, James Madison, the moving force behind the US Constitution, believed that the key to a successful republic was tamping down the impulse to form factions. Nevertheless, within a few years of the ratification of the Constitution, two political parties quickly formed — the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans. And Madison himself by 1808 was the leader of the Democratic-Republicans, becoming president under its banner.

Today, 42 percent of Americans register themselves as Independents. Pollsters are a little skeptical about the idea that Independents are rejecting politics. The vast majority of Independents actually vote rather consistently for one party or the other and have clear political values. But it is also clear that they do not want to associate themselves with the two major political parties, perhaps feeling that they are sullying the political process. Polls have found that the two major political parties — Democratic and Republican — have lost a great deal of approval in the last two decades, falling about 20 percentage points from the mid-50 percent approval in the 1990s to mid-30s today.

The dislike of the two parties may explain why two outsiders were so successful in the 2016 presidential election process. Bernie Sanders was a long-time Independent but came close to winning the Democratic nomination. Donald Trump had been a Democrat and then switched party allegiance to the Republicans and went on to win the Republican nomination.

But this begs an even larger question about the necessity of political parties generally. After all, both Sanders and Trump chose to work within the two major parties in the electoral process. While many have argued that they should embrace their outsider roles, forget the major parties, and form third parties, that only suggests that political parties are still relevant and even necessary.

Sean Wilentz Argument

The noted political historian Sean Wilentz, in his article “The Politicians and the Egalitarians” (2016), argues not only are the political parties necessary, they are essential, indeed they are good. He maintains that, just as the Founding Fathers quickly discovered, parties and partisanship are needed in order to make lasting political change. The wrangling and fighting between parties leads to social progress, especially as a counterweight to wealth and power accumulation. The disenfranchised, the less wealthy, and the less powerful need an effective and strong mechanism to fight the natural tendencies in a society to put more money and power into the same hands. Political parties are that powerful institution. Major social changes such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 happened because of the dynamics of political parties, not because of outsiders who put forward ideas but are too weak to create big change.


Response Rubric 2021 (1)

Response Rubric 2021 (1)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization, Grammar, Spelling, and AppearanceThe student provides a well-thought out analysis to the discussion prompt in terms of organization, grammar, and appearance.

15 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContext, Integration, and EffectivenessThe student provides context, explains terms, and effectively integrates information from readings, class lectures, etc. in their posts.

20 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical ThinkingThe student explores ideas and concepts from this assignment and attempts to effectively connect them to (1) the course material and (2) their understanding of the American political system.

15 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

15 pts

Total Points: 50

Humanities Homework Help