Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. A1 Business and Technical College Greek Tragedies Discussion


I’m working on a literature exercise and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Please write 150 words on Pentheus’ and Dionysus’ respective ways of “protecting” the city. What kind of traditions and norms must be respected to make Thebes strong and secure — military power and social order, or piety and respect for the gods?

If it is useful, you may address who their respective followers / supporters in (or outside) the city are, and how orderliness or disorderliness among these followers will lead or not lead to the stability of the city. OR you may address how long-lasting or permanent the stability of the city will be if one or the other of their orders is followed. Think about the end of the play, in other words, and who is responsible for it. 

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. SNHU The Resiliency Wheel of Environmental Conditions Reflection


I’m studying and need help with a Psychology question to help me learn.

After reviewing all of the content in the lesson, please discuss the 6 (six) environmental conditions that make up the Resiliency Wheel.

How could you utilize this when working with our FSI family (described in the Case Study) who is dealing with adversity?

After taking the “Resilience Scale” what was your score and what is your resilience level? (Mine is attached on a screenshot – 121)

Why would you want to build your resilience, how does that help you everyday? How does that compare to the two traits that the Psychology Today article on Resilience addresses?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Dedan Kimathi University of Technology Musical Harmony Report


I’m working on a music theory multi-part question and need support to help me learn.

Write a short report after watching the video lecture ” Consonance, Dissonance, and Musical Scales.”

Watch the attached video lecture (33 minutes), and write a short report with four paragraphs answering the following questions. Don’t forget to include an introduction and a conclusion paragraph. This means the report will contain a total of 6 paragraphs.

A PDF transcript of the video is provided for reference.

1- What is harmonicity, and how is it related to sensory consonance and dissonance?

2- What auditory illusion helps demonstrate that a musical scale serves as a mental framework for perceiving pitches?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. PPA 101 Gentry High School Week 6 Public Policy Administration Essay


Question 1

Discuss the evolution of public administration in a scholarly way. Make sure you use relevant theorist talk about the linkages between the phases. What is the current state of PA? What is the future of PA?

Question 2

Discuss Bureaucracy, it’s positives, and negatives. Where is it today and where will it be in the future?

Question 3

Discuss the history of Human Resources management. Where is it today and where will it be in the future?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Race & Ethnicity Affirmative Action Discussion & Anxiety and Depression Paper


1. Affirmative Action Discussions 

  • Given what you learned about affirmative action in this module, what do you think about affirmative action as a policy? Would you keep the policy as is, make changes to the policy, implement it differently, or abolish it altogether? Provide a detailed and ACADEMIC rationale for your argument, NOT one based on feelings, personal ideologies, or anecdotes. You must start 1 thread and respond to 3 classmates. 
  • and 3 peer response on this discussion

2. Final Analytical Paper

  • Your final paper for the course, due during finals week, will follow the basic structure of a “What I Learned” piece in Contexts, a quarterly magazine published by the American Sociological Association (see D2L for examples). This is not a research paper. You are not expected to collect data, review literature we haven’t covered in class, or include a formal reference list. Rather, you should apply one or more of the theories or concepts we learned in the class this term to your life in a thoughtful way, discussing specific articles and authors.This means that you must cite specific course resources and articles.The paper should be written in the first person, describing some aspect of your own life experience through a sociological lens, and may be no longer than 1200 words in length. I’ll recommend the best paper in the class for publication in Contexts. Pay close attention to your word count: I will automatically deduct a letter grade if you go over the word limit. Since the word limit for this assignment is imposed by the magazine, papers longer than 1200 words will be ineligible for consideration at Contexts

Discussion Boards (5)

You will participate in 5 discussions related to course topics. A new question will be posted to the discussion board each week covering that week’s assigned readings, videos, podcasts, and topics. You will be expected to post 1 initial response to the question and comment on at least 3 other classmate’s posts. The initial response should be about 2 paragraphs. Each comment should be about 1 paragraph in length.

Final Analytical Paper

Your final paper for the course, due during finals week, will follow the basic structure of a “What I Learned” piece in Contexts, a quarterly magazine published by the American Sociological Association (see D2L for examples). This is not a research paper. You are not expected to collect data, review literature we haven’t covered in class, or include a formal reference list. Rather, you should apply one or more of the theories or concepts we learned in the class this term to your life in a thoughtful way, discussing specific articles and authors. This means that you must cite specific course resources and articles. The paper should be written in the first person, describing some aspect of your own life experience through a sociological lens, and may be no longer than 1200 words in length. I’ll recommend the best paper in the class for publication in Contexts. Pay close attention to your word count: I will automatically deduct a letter grade if you go over the word limit. Since the word limit for this assignment is imposed by the magazine, papers longer than 1200 words will be ineligible for consideration at Contexts.

Final Paper Examples…

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. UCF Temporary Housing for Homeless People Research Paper






The topic selected issue is the impact Covid-19 has on homeless and housing insecure communities in Florida. This problem is important in the community because Tampa and the St. Petersburg metropolitan area has one of the highest rates of homelessness in the entirety of the U.S. In the same vein, many of the housing insecure in our area are low-income USF students. The housing crisis has hit our area very hard, with many previously affordable apartments and housing options, for students and regular residences alike, becoming unaffordable. Housing on campus is limited and forces many students to have to look off campus, which is becoming unrealistic for many students.

THE SOLUTION IS ( PLEASE DO RESEARCH ON THIS 1. temporary housing for homeless people, think about the initiative to put homeless people into motels/hotels during the COVID-19 pandemic

. my solution is for the Florida government to provide temporary housing for homeless people, like putting them into motels/hotels during the covid pandemic as housing is more expensive now.

I need research to support my solution) points that support the fact that fl government can provide.


Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. American Political Parties Congress and the Presidency Discussion



Write a full paragraph discussing the following question:

What are some of the political conflicts you see taking place around COP26?


American Political Parties, Congress, and the Presidency.

Please respond to five of the following six short response questions posted below. Your answers should be short, focused, and complete, ranging from two to three paragraphs. Please make sure to answer each specific part of every question. Successful answers will reflect your own thinking and understanding of the material. These answers will provide details and context that support your arguments and explain your position to the readers. You may also want to provide real world examples taken from the readings, lectures, group discussions, or your own independent thinking. Only the first five responses you enter will be graded (there is no benefit to answering all 6 questions).

Finally, each question is broken up into parts. Please be sure to address every part of the question!

I strongly recommend answering 2 questions a week to help you space out your work.

Each answer will be worth 20 points, for 100 points total. The Question Set is due on Canvas at 11:59 pm on Monday November 8th. You should plan on uploading your response as a docx file or PDF to this Question Set #2 assignment tab. We will be using Turnitin for the assignment.

1. Why do we have parties? What roles do they play in a representative democracy? How can these roles be beneficial? How can they be harmful?

2. a) Why does the US have only two major political parties? Make sure and describe Duverger’s law and strategic behavior on the part of voters, politicians, and parties. b) Explain why it would be hard for a third party to be electorally successful. c) What institutional/electoral reforms could be made to create more viable opportunities for additional parties in American politics? d) Would these reforms be helpful? Why or why not?

3.a) ) How does the desire for reelection shape the behavior of members of Congress? b) How do these electoral incentives help explain what elected officials do while in office and what they want to avoid? c) How do electoral incentives make individual Congresspeople individually responsive but Congress as a whole collectively irresponsible? d) How does the leadership in Congress help overcome the problems of collective action to make Congress work?

4. a) What are the benefits of the Congressional committee system? b) What are the possible downsides? c) How do the parties use this structure to their advantage?

5. a) In your view, what are the most important factors that contributed to the rise of presidential power in modern American Government? (for this question, please choose two or three factors from the readings and lectures that you personally found most interesting/persuasive). b) Do you think the Presidency is too powerful today? Why or why not? What reforms (if any) would you recommend to address presidential power?

6. Neustadt & Kernell both describe ways in which a President can deal with Congress & others outside of the executive branch. a) What are their central arguments? b) How does Kernell’s theory update Neustadt’s idea? c) Are they compatible?

Humanities Homework Help