Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. GCC Three Stories of Maui the Trickster & Murile and The Moonchief Myths Discussion


In the first paragraph, describe a character from Three Stories of Maui The Trickster (111-113) which is from the Book “” Parallel Myths. , you find most interesting and why.

Second Paragraph – Essay 1 Thesis Brainstorming)

  1. How does Bierlein define “myth” in Chapter 1 of Parallel Myths (3-23)?
  2. What is “empathy” according to Kendra Cherry in “Importance and Benefits of Empathy”? (Links to an external site.)
  3. Select one character from any one of the myths from the list below; you are not limited to choosing the myth your group was assigned: 


  1. In this paragraph, tell me which character in your group’s assigned myth(s) you find most interesting and why.
  2. Create a provocative question about your character and then answer your own question.
  3. Support your answer with a quotation from your myth.

Paragraph 3  (Essay 1 Thesis Brainstorming)

  1. How does Bierlein define “myth”  in Chapter 1 of Parallel Myths (3-23)?
  2. What is “empathy” according to Kendra Cherry in “Importance and Benefits of Empathy”? (Links to an external site.)
  3. Select one character from any one of the myths from the list below; you are not limited to choosing the myth your group was assigned:


  • What other character from another myth (from the above group list) would your character most empathize with and why?
  • What character from another myth (from the above list) would your chosen character least empathize with and why?

End your main post
Conclude with an interesting question for the class that stems from the ideas in your post. 

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. LIT 146 American University Week 10 The Grand Budapest Hotel Discussion


I’m working on a film exercise and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Wes Anderson’s The Grand Budapest Hotel tells a story about a ski chalet in the fictional Republic of Zubrowka–but the film features a story within a story, which raises broader questions about both the necessity of narratives and their shortcomings in the construction of national identity. Anderson’s characters both rely on and challenge the ways identity is constructed through narrative. Using all three of your readings, craft an essay of at least 3 substantive paragraphs that makes a case as to if we should consider The Grand Budapest Hotel a postmodern form of national cinema. How does Anderson’s distinctive style craft the world of the film? What forms of national pride or history are deployed by the film’s narrative frame? Would we consider this film postmodern? Why/Why not? 

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. SESC Conducting an Observational Study Paper


The observation assignment has two required components:

Complete your observation, taking field notes. Then revise those notes, using complete sentences. You will use these notes for the workshop for this module.

  1. There are three options for your observational study:
  2. You need to spend approximately 2 hours observing some form of social interaction in a public location. A public site is one that people would reasonably expect that their actions will be observed. If you want to observe people that you know, or if your observation will somehow be noticed or affect the interactions you observe, you should disclose your role as a researcher to the subjects. Please contact me if you are unsure about disclosure for your subject(s). DO NOT STUDY ANYTHING ILLEGAL! You may not observe a location that has a primary focus upon children (such as a playground or school classroom). It is essential that you consider and describe how you will negotiate CDC protocol for COVID19. Specifically address how you will meet social distancing, masking, and other essential matters. Your safety and the safety of those around you is essential.

You may observe public interactions from a private location. For example, if you have a window in your residence or place of employment that will give you a place to observe public interactions. Do not observe private interactions in your residence or place of employment.

Given the ongoing pandemic, you may not want or be able to go out to a public location for this observational study. You may choose to observe television or social media for this assignment. News coverage is a possibility: perhaps you could watch an hour of news on two very different channels. If you have children at home, perhaps you might want to watch Frozen II (for the 20th time) and actually take notes and use this as your observation activity. You may choose to observe government briefings regarding issues and concerns in your community, state, or nation. Perhaps you are active in social media. You can observe this and take notes. Just one word of caution, please be careful about privacy for your own family and friends on facebook, twitter, instagram…..make sure that your observations preserve their privacy. For example, you might discuss posts that discuss the posts on that social media (e.g. homeschooling, politics, cat videos), being careful that you don’t post details that might identify your contact. 

  1. It is essential that you submit your proposal here before you actually do the observation. I want to make sure that you are safe and give you suggestions about doing your observation in an ethical way.

Assignment requirements:

Write a one paragraph description of the site that you plan to observe. Make sure that you include the reason why you selected that site and the time of day/week that you plan to do your observation. Please note the specific caveats noted in each of the three options above. You will need to receive permission prior to your observation.

  1. NOTE: I Choose question 3- Movie Little Mermaid

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. CCSF Public Events and Current Events & Pandemic Issues Discussions


Discussion #1- Public events and Current events



During this semester, we have learned about the structure,
process and impacts of American government. Policy decisions impact
everyday life and shape our culture as well as history. Address both of the questions below with all their subparts and in your post please include the following:

  1. As part of your work this semester, you completed a paper for a
    public event. Discuss with your classmates your public event by giving
    details about the event and addressing the following components.

    • What was the event and when was it?
    • Would you attend an event like this in the future?
    • Did the event display good governance? Why or why not?
  2. This semester had many current events related to American Government.
    • Which one of the current events this semester do you believe was most important? Why?
    • Are you more likely to follow current events after completing American Government this semester?


Discussion #2- Pandemic Issues


We are at a pivotal point in the pandemic with about one third of our
population vaccinated but a bit of confusion and changes related to

    • What do you believe should be the policy for return to campus for community colleges?
    • University of California and California State University systems
      will require vaccinations but reopen their campuses. Do you agree with
      this policy? Why or why not?
    • What would make you feel safe and secure to return to campus? Are
      you more likely to enroll in face-to-face, hybrid (part in class and
      part online) or online courses? Why?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ENGL 1B City College of San Francisco Top Girls Act Three Discussion


Discussion -TOP GIRLS (ACT3)



Add a new discussion post in this forum (to do so, just click the
“reply” button below). In your post please include the following:

  • Pick one element that seems important or distinctive and discuss how
    it is used in the play. Tell us why you think that is interesting or
    important and how it impacts the play. Here are some aspects of fiction
    that you might consider

    • the title
    • the setting
    • a character or characters
    • a structural element of the story (the beginning, significant middle structure, or end)
    • the line of the plot (specifically if it is not chronological in order)
    • the style of the language or dialogue
    • use of metaphor
    • the point of view
    • the tone
  • Please include at least one Golden Line and specific details about the element you choose.
  • Also discuss how the element and Golden Line(s) you chose tie into the overall theme
  • What else seems interesting or relevant about the play? Anything else you want to talk about! Engage, explore, have fun!

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. CCMH 547 Phoenix History and Evolution of the DSM Social Science Discussion


Review the article on the National Institute of Health website.

Consider the many changes that have occurred through each edition and revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

Write a 350- to 700-word paper on the history and evolution of the DSM. Include the following:

  • Describe how the manual is developed.
  • Describe the evolution of the manual in the zeitgeist and/or progress of our growth as a profession.
  • Identify the changes in the number of, and types of disorders between each edition and revision.

Include a minimum of 3 sources.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. CCMH 547 University of Phoenix W2 Reliability and Validity of Measures Essay


Due Thursday

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Reliability and validity are important factors in determining what measures to use when assessing a client. How would you describe the interrelationship of reliability and validity when determining what measure to use?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Metamorphosis Book Questions


Please answer these questions based on the book metamorphosis:

Section 1

1. What was Gregor’s s life like prior to his physical metamorphosis?

What was his job like? What do we learn from his thoughts? What do we learn from the behavior and words of the chief clerk?

What was Gregor’s s personal life like? What does his mother say about it?

What do Gregor’s bedroom and possessions tell us about his life? What does Gregor’s relationship seem to be with the members of his family?

2. How does Gregor react to the discovery that he has turned into a giant insect? What is he preoccupied with? What are his main concerns?

3. How does Gregor seem to feel about his metamorphosis? How can you explain his attitude?

4. How do Gregor’s parents and the chief clerk react to Gregor’s transformation? Why do they assume that this giant bug is Gregor? (Much Later in the story, Gregor’s sister wonders if it is really Gregor, but no one else suggests this.)

5. Try interpreting this story in a variety of ways: As a look into Gregor’ s inner psyche (and as a look into the psyche of modern man), As a comment on a crushing, impersonal world, As very dark comedy; Your own interpretation Based on your interpretation, what does this story say to you about life, about people, etc.?

6. Kafka creates a frightening, surreal world in which people can turn into insects and chief clerks come to a person’s house when they are an hour late. What is the effect on the reader? Why might Kafka have chosen this technique rather than a realistic style to convey his ideas?

Section 2

1. In what ways is Gregor becoming more physically attuned to his cockroach status? In what ways is he becoming more emotionally attuned?

2. What revelation does the father make about family finances? How does Gregor react, and how might this be significant?

3. In this section, the family itself begins to undergo a “metamorphosis”. Discuss each member of the family (other than Gregor) in terms of their metamorphosis- what were they, and what are they becoming? Why?

4. Why do the mother and sister begin clearing out Gregor’s room? How does he react initially, and what causes him to change his mind?

5. Which of his personal items does Gregor decide to defend from his sister and mother? Why? Take a guess if you aren’t sure.

6. At the end of the section, Gregor comes into conflict with his father. What precipitates this conflict, and how is it resolved? Discuss the importance of the apple here (think allusion allusion allusion here).

7. How is Gregor wounded? What symbolic significance might the object that wounds him have?

8. A person changed into an animal, or vice versa is a common theme of fairy tales. In what ways is The Metamorphosis similar to fairy tales you know? In what ways is it different?

9. What words would you use to describe Kafka’s style? Does his writing remind you of other books you have read, music you have heard, or films you have seen?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. MEDU 5383 University of Houston Challenges for ESL Learners Essay


Prepare a six to eight page research paper, including a title page and reference page, entitled “Challenges for ESL Learners” that includes information gleaned from chapters 1, 2, and 3 and at least two other sources. Include the socio-cultural, cognitive, academic, and linguistic dimensions as well as stages and processes. APA format is expected. As a Christian teacher, what more would you provide beyond the academics?

Required Text(s) and Resources

  • Title: Mastering ESL/EFL Methods, Differentiated Instruction for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) Students, 3rdEdition
  • Author: Socorro G. Herrera and Kevin G. Murry
  • Publisher: Pearson
  • ISBN Number: 978-0-13-3594973

Humanities Homework Help