Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. PSYCH 41 Los Angeles Valley College Ask Alice Website for Adolescence Discussion


Adolescents have lots of questions about their bodies, feelings, and experiences. Look at the Go Ask Alice (Links to an external site.) website and click on the different categories under Health Answers. There isn’t an actual “Alice”, but the site is created and maintained by Columbia University’s Health Department.

Here are common questions teens have about sex, drugs, relationships, and more. Did you learn something new? What was the most surprising question you found?

Post your two-paragraph reply to the prompt and then thoughtfully reply to two others’ posts for the 5-point maximum. See the rubric below, or click the three dots above and “Show Rubric”.

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Humanities Homework Help. Adler University Week 2 Strain Theory and Response to Crime Powerpoint


Psychologists and sociologists have developed multiple theories to explain criminal behavior and the circumstances that might lead one into a life of crime. Some of these theories include the Strain theory, Differential Association theory, Delinquent Subcultures theory, Cultural Transmission theory, Differential Opportunity theory, Social Control theory, and Ethnic Succession theory. 

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Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Southern New Hampshire University Addressing Ethical Issues Case Study


Addressing Ethical Issues

Helping professionals often face difficult decisions in their work that may have ethical ramifications. Ethical dilemmas span all areas of your professional practice from confidentiality and privacy to cultural considerations. For this Assignment, you concentrate on cultural considerations that may pose challenges to ethical practice. (Culture is broadly defined here as the behaviors, traditions, and/or beliefs of any subgroup.) Select one of the two case studies below to use for this assignment. After analyzing the case study, consider how you might address the issues present using your professional practice code of ethics.

Review the case studies below before completing the Assignment.

Case Study #1

Nitin and Priya are first-generation Indian-American immigrants, while their 16-year-old son was born and raised in the United States. They were reluctant to engage in treatment, but are doing so at the request of their son, Sujay. In Sujay’s view, his parents are being overly controlling regarding his upcoming choice of college, which is causing increasingly frequent clashes between him and his parents. Sujay wants to attend art school, while his parents want him to attend engineering school. They state that a career in science, religion, law, or medicine is the appropriate path for a person of his caste. Sujay claims that while he wants to please his parents, he feels they are stifling his passion and imposing cultural norms that, to him, are a part of their “world” and not his. You have little knowledge of Indian culture or the caste system and are unsure whether the issue at hand is a matter of controlling parents dealing with a life transition issue or a serious conflict involving social and cultural influences.

Case Study #2

Nicole and Julia explain to you that their relationship has felt strained lately and that they fear they are heading for a breakup. The couple explain to you that they have been in a long-term, non-monogamous relationship, but that lately, Nicole has expressed desire to change this practice. Julia feels that Nicole is “changing the rules halfway through the game” and that her sexual relationships with others are of no consequence to how she feels about Nicole. Their current relationship practice conflicts with your own personal opinion about the role of monogamy in relationships, and thus you feel conflicted about how to handle the situation.

  • Identify the case study you chose and describe the ethical issue(s) present in it.
  • Explain how you would address each of these issues.
  • Justify your response using the appropriate professional Code of Ethics.

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Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Arizona State University Is Racial Profiling an Issue in Our Culture or Not Questions


Chapter 4, 5, and 6 discuss the racial inequality that takes place on the streets and in the court room. Please refer to your readings, lecture notes, the video for review and the websites provided to answer and discuss the following questions:

  1. Is racial profiling an issue in our culture or not?
  2. Does law enforcement and the criminal justice system discriminate against minorities?
  3. Are there other contributing factors?
  4. Are police officers getting the support they need? Explain what kind of support might be needed? 

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Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Alcorn State University Lesson Plan Social Studies Question


Assignment Content

  1. Chose 2 different writing genres to present to your class. Find an example of each in a book, an article, a short story, or other written format.
    Create an interdisciplinary lesson plan incorporating social studies with your 2 chosen genre examples for the grade level of the students in your clinical experience.
    Use ideas from this week’s readings and multimedia.
    Include the following in the lesson plan:

    • How each genre example applies to the content area
    • The purpose of each genre example
    • Specific content area(s), using academic language from that discipline at an accessible level for your learners
    • Activities for reading, writing, speaking, and listening
    • Vocabulary development activities
    • Global learning and/or digital citizenship activity
    • Select media or technology that aligns with the content area(s)
    • Materials, resources, or supports needed
    • Differentiation strategies
    • End product that students create (e.g., a model, drawing/painting, or project)

    Submit your assignment.


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Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Arizona State University Race Ethnicity and Crime Research Paper


For your first research paper, choose a recent deadly police shooting/killing that created racial controversy. Explain the facts of the case, the outcome and the issues that surrounded the case that contributed to the controversy. Rely on all readings, websites and lecture notes to apply theoretical contributing factors as to why such incidents take place.


  • Select ONE theory that could be used to explain the behavior of one participant or both.
  • Suggested Format    
    • Introduction ~ introduce topic in a general sense. 
    • Facts of the case ~ you have selected 
    • Theoretical Perspective ~ Briefly summarize the theory – show me that you understand the theory you are attempting to apply. 
    • Apply theory ~ Provide examples of how the theory applies to the case you selected.
  • Remember research papers are what you have to say backed up by other peoples published research

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Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Moorpark College Ventura County Special Districts Paper


Help me study for my Political Science class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.


Governance in California is an interlocking and overlapping mesh of government agencies. Some are elected bodies chartered by the state. Others are formed by citizens to provide themselves with a service. Many of us live in the jurisdiction of several governments all at once. While these agencies have the most impact on our daily lives we seldom interact with them, or even know of their existence.

In completing this assignment you will:

  • Identify a special district in Ventura County
  • Learn basic information about the district including what service it provides, what area it covers, how it’s funded, etc.
  • Convey that information to your community members.


USE Ventura county

  1. Start by identifying a district using the Ventura County mapping tool (Links to an external site.)You can choose any district you live in or just one that looks interesting.
  2. Find that district’s website. Thanks to California’s transparency laws all special districts must maintain up to date websites.
  3. Write a brief summary, no more than 200 words, of the basic information about the district that you find on its website. Include whether or not it is single or multi function, enterprise or non-enterprise and dependent or independent. You’ll also want to describe the area it covers. Finally, include information about something interesting you find on the site, much like you did with your hometown city government’s site.
  4. Finally, write a 1 minute elevator pitch about why your friends, family, and fellow community members should pay attention to the district. Use the instructions below to help you write your elevator pitch.

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Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. AIU The Climber Motivation and Self Regulation in Learning Discussion


Can you help me understand this Education & Teaching question?

Part One

Discuss the following:

  • What does education research offer as some of the key factors that usually serve as motivation for adult learners to return to school? 
  • What does the research say about internal and external motivations in online learning? 
  • How important is cognitive load theory when considering learner motivation, whether for childhood learners or adults?

Part Two

Discuss the following:

  • You are preparing to teach a 14-week course in business writing at the local penitentiary. How might you incorporate the principles of self-regulation into your instruction and into your assessment and evaluation of participants?
  • How do you relate the theory of self-efficacy to self-regulation and self-motivation in high school educational settings?
  • How might you have to take self-efficacy and self-perception into account if you are designing a classroom course for learners who will be in a mixed class of factory assembly workers, supervisors, and mid-level managers?

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Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. AIU Globalization and Social Change in Collective Behavior Discussion


Can you help me understand this Sociology question?

Societies occasionally experience a phenomenon in which a group of people begin to act in unpredicted ways. This is referred to as collective behavior, “the relatively spontaneous and unstructured behavior of a group of people who are reacting to a common influence in an ambiguous situation” (Schaefer, 2018).

Crowds, actions of disaster victims, and rumors are considered some forms of collective behavior.

  • Discuss at least 1 fad (try to pick 1 from your childhood) that seems to have faded away. Pictures (appropriate ones) are encouraged to refresh your classmates’ memories.
  • How can collective behavior contribute to social movements and eventually social change?


Schaefer, R. T. (2018). Sociology in modules (4th ed.). McGraw Hill Education.

Humanities Homework Help