Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. UCLA American Constitution, Federalism, Civil Rights and Liberties Questions


Please respond to five of the following six short response questions posted below. Your answers should be short, focused, and complete, ranging from two to three paragraphs. Please make sure to answer each specific part of every question. Successful answers will reflect your own thinking and understanding of the material. These answers will provide details and context that support your arguments and explain your position to the readers. You may also want to provide real world examples taken from the readings, lectures, group discussions, or your own independent thinking. Only the first five responses you enter will be graded (there is no benefit to answering all 6 questions).

Finally, each question is broken up into parts. Please be sure to address every part of the question!

For example, in your answer on collective action you may find it useful to talk about specific examples of collective action problems that governments solve. In your response to the questions on federalism you may wish to identify and discuss historical examples of conflict or cooperation between the national and state governments. These illustrations can be from the course materials or your own ideas. Providing this context and being able to apply the material to YOUR OWN understanding of politics really shows us that you have mastered the material.

  1. A core theme of this class is that constitutions create rules and powers that enable governments to solve problems of collective action. A) How do constitutions (and political institutions and rules) help resolve common collective action problems? B) What important tradeoffs must the architects of constitutions consider when they think about how they will empower government to solve problems of collective action? C) Why can governmental efforts to resolve problems of collective action be controversial? [As you answer this question please feel free to draw on examples from the Articles of Confederation, the US Constitution, or your own understanding of the course material]
  2. A) How did the failures of the Articles of Confederation influence the design of the Constitution of the United States of America? B) How did the need to forge a compromise between large states and small states influence the design of the Constitution? C) How (if at all) has this compromise shaped the way the United States government functions today? 4) Based on this analysis, how (if at all) would you reform the Constitution today?
  3. A) What are some benefits of having a federal system? B) What are some drawbacks? (In addition to the logical arguments, provide an example of federalism being beneficial, and an example of it being problematic). C) Drawing on these arguments, do you think a stronger national government would be better or worse for the USA? (Be clear about what you mean by “better” or “worse” and why).
  4. Baron v Baltimore established a concept ofdual citizenship. A) How did this view of dual citizenship shape civil liberties/civil rights protections for early citizens of state governments? B) Why and how did so many of the civil liberties protections come to be nationalized or incorporated? C) What are the benefits and drawbacks of incorporating civil liberties protections to extend to citizens of United States regardless of their state of residence?
  5. A) What were the goals of Jim Crow laws? B) How were these largely remedied in the 1960s, and what are the Constitutional justifications for these remedies? (Make sure and note the difference between de facto and de jure segregation in considering the effectiveness of these remedies.) C) In 2021, many states have introduced legislation making it harder for many Americans to vote. Should we be concerned about a return of Jim Crow voting restrictions? Why or why not? D) Should the federal government again take a more active role in regulating state elections? Why or why not?
  6. One of the core themes of American politics is enduring struggle of minority groups to secure equal protection of the civil rights and civil liberties under law. A) What role has the federal system played in making it difficult for various minority groups to enjoy the full privileges and protections of citizenship under law? B) How and why have civil rights eventually extended? (Make sure and note the role the federal government, social movements, and individual state governments have played in doing so. C) What do the ongoing protests over civil rights and civil liberties issues (Black Lives Matter, Abortion Access, Covid-19 vaccine and masking mandates) tell us about the struggle for civil rights and civil liberties in contemporary American politics?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Multitasking Could Affect the Academic Performance of The Students Literacy Review


Purpose: This assignment will provide practice interpreting scholarly research and developing your skills to communicate effectively about psychological literature. This assignment will develop your skills in revising written work.

Topic: You will write a three-to-four-page paper (excluding the title page and references) on the topic of “multitasking” using two empirical articles. These articles, Bellur et al. (2015) and Spence et al. (2020) will be discussed in class to ensure that you understand the purpose, method, and findings. You will be doing a “mini” literature review of these two studies (A partial citation for the two studies found on the top of the next page). A literature review may serve several purposes including (APA, 2020, p.8):

· Defining and clarify the problem

· Summarizing previous investigations to inform readers of the state of the research

· Identifying relations, contradictions, gaps, and inconsistencies in the literature; and

· Suggesting next steps in solving the problem.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. SNHU Termination with Families and Groups Discussion


Discussion: Termination with Families and Group

Intervention endings are a critical part of social work practice. Because endings may create strong emotional reactions, the termination process starts from the first session. Successfully terminating family sessions or group sessions promotes learning for clients to take with them moving forward.

By Day 3

Post a comparison of the termination process between treatment groups and family sessions. Explain how you would evaluate readiness to terminate group and family treatment, identifying similarities and differences between the evaluation of the two types of treatment. Describe the techniques you would use to terminate a treatment group and how these may be the same or different than the techniques you would use to terminate a family intervention.

By Day 5

Respond to at least two colleagues by explaining whether you agree or disagree that the techniques identified by your colleague will result in successful termination. Identify potential consequences of early termination for families and groups.

Colleague: Caneshia


While serving patients, the point of termination will occur. While engaging with families and treatment group the termination will differ. Within a treatment group, members create an intimate bond with one another by shared experiences. The shared experiences are what brough the group together. At the end of the treatment group, the emotions of the members run high and can be difficult to let go (Toseland, R. W., & Rivas, R. F., 2017). Bonds are built through compassion, understanding, and empathy. Treatment groups are initially strangers who over time grow to build bonds. Whereas in a family therapy the bond is established through a legal connection. This connection is via blood related or related by law. Often an informal connection that leads to labeling an individual as family. The termination process for family occurs when the family and the facilitator agree the presenting issues has been resolved. For example, a family might present to family therapy as a result of communication issue. The facilitator will guide the family to act as the medicator to educated and interfere proper and health communicating skills. Once the family has mastered better communication, the family will no longer require services. Thus, termination will be considered and enforced. Within treatment group, a timeline will be established for the length of the group. The difference between the two is a family’s bond will remain post group therapy. Treatment groups are stranger and will mostly likely never speak to one another again. During my first internship, I conduct group and family therapy. Some of the rules for treatment group, was members were prohibited from interacting while participating within group. The present rules included the treatment group members were forbidden to interact outside of Group. Upon termination of family, I ensure the bond of the family continue. The strong bond was encouraged to progress further.

Readiness to terminate group and family treatment

Per the NASW (2017), Social Work Dictionary defines termination as: “The conclusion of the social worker-client intervention process; a systematic procedure for disengaging the working relationship (NASW, 2017). Termination process begins prior to beginning any treatment. Rather the termination is within family or treatment. The termination will establish itself at the beginning. The facilitator will set standards and goals for both treatment and family group. The facilitator will guide treatment group and group therapy towards goals one desire to conquer or overcome. Upon initial engagement a timeline would be established. Thus, expectations will be set from the start. For example, I will inform treatment group members that the group timeline is set for eleven weeks. Hence, at the end of the elven weeks the termination process will begin. In family therapy a timeline will also be established. However, if the facilitator feels goals are not met, the facilitator will adjust accordingly. As a facilitator, I would remind group members for treatment group and family therapy the set timeline. I will inform the group members of goals set during the first encounter. I will ensure the patient is informed that the termination process is not a reflection of their behavior but based on goals set during initial engagement. As the facilitator I would ensure that I am gentle as the termination process can be an emotional and overwhelming process. Separation anxiety and dispatchment may be difficult for some. Thus, during the process of termination, I will analyze if the patient has met and excel personal goals set prior to the beginning of treatment and group therapy. One primary difference between treatment and family therapy is family therapy will focus on the family. Treatment group will focus on the individual. For example, during group, if I observe a group member as not a candidate for termination. I will speak privately with the group member for one-on-one therapy. Termination also occurs if a member desires not to further with services.


I would ensure members can perform appropriate problem-solving skills on their own before termination is finalized (Toseland, R. W., & Rivas, R. F., 2017). I would access group members ability to process the approaching termination. For example, inform the patient two weeks prior to the ending of group. I would remind group members of the timeline. I will access the group’s ability to illustrate a demonstration of meeting the goals. For example, for both treatment and family therapy, I will test the patient’s ability to express emotions or conflict in a healthy manner. The difference between family and treatment is the observations. Within family, I will observe the group as a whole, whereas treatment group, I will analyze each group member as an individual. How well can the individual process alone? I would employ the technique of requesting critical feedback. Requesting feedback with allow me to observe if the patient is emotionally prepared for termination. In addition, I gain via the feedback of both treatment and family therapy the effectiveness of the group and the termination process.


National Association of Social Workers. (2017). Code of Ethics.…

Toseland, R. W., & Rivas, R. F. (2017). An introduction to group work practice (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Colleague: lyndsay


According to Toseland, et al (2017) discusses that the termination of a group is when the task is either completed, or the group gets to a point, where they either dismantle or address the need to further evaluation and assessment to redefine group process and goals. At the time with termination could be established is when the clinician and the individual mutually agree that the goals and objectives are met, and the individual has either made progress in completing goals, or the clinician can terminate or recommend another clinician who could further assist if the individual has minimal motivation of progress, or if the individual decides to terminate by not attending (Toseland, et al, 2017) Toseland, et al (2017) expands on the termination process begins with the evaluation process to discuss and observe the completion of the group task or if all members of the group mutually agree. The evaluation process is similar as it reviews the overall goals and the plans to achieve those goals, this is both completed in group and individual settings.

Suggestions to terminate a treatment group, first off is to discuss the amount of groups that we plan on having to work towards achieving the goal. Closer to the final weeks of the group, I would begin discussion and evaluation processes to determine the effectiveness of the group, if we are able to end group as planned, or should work towards extending the group, or making further referrals for individual sessions for those still in need. For family intervention, I would start with the same process, by starting our group sessions by acknowledging how many sessions we have together and utilize that time frame in development and implementation of goals, and towards the final weeks, would hold discussions regarding termination.


Toseland, R. W., & Rivas, R. F. (2017). An introduction to group work practice (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. The Film Harvest of Empire The Untold Story of Latinos in America Essay


Essay information

This documentary highlights the role that the U.S. has played in inciting and/or exacerbating conflicts in Latin American Countries. Now that we have reviewed politics, economics, education, religion, and globalization, I want you to think critically about how Latin American migrants and migration are permanent parts of our social reality due to the previous actions by the U.S. and the continued exacerbation of global inequality.


Answer Both of the following questions with and long paragraphs or short essays that is 1pg following a 12 pt and Times New Roman font and 1” margin format. 250 words per question( 500 words for total)

  1. How has the U.S. influenced/altered Latin American countries’ government to serve U.S. political, military, and/or economic interests? Discuss at least three distinctways, drawing specific examples form the film, where the U.S. exerted its power to change socio-political conditions of Latin American countries for the benefit of the U.S. to answer this question.
  2. In what ways do you think that intervention by the U.S. in Latin American politics, economics, and or revolutions has spurred/encouraged Latin@ immigration to America? Discuss at least three distinct cases, drawing from specific examples from the film, where the U.S.’s involvement in Latin America has spurred/encouraged Latin@ immigration to America.
    To answer these questions, you will need to reference (either paraphrase or direct quote) information presented in the film. You will write an argumentative multi paragraph essay where you address these questions and particularly discuss the history and consequences of U.S. involvement in Latin America and related migration patterns.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. CSUS Utilization of Polyculturalism in The Film Rush Hour 2 Analysis


Need to watch or already watch Rush Hour 2 in order to do this essay. Film analysis will be a minimum 500-words (~2-pages) academic paper. Determine a film of your choice (really, any genre is acceptable). For your analysis, use at least two (2) course concepts (remember to include appropriate citations) and provide examples from the film as the “ethnographic data.” Please keep in mind that a simple film summary is NOT acceptable. The two concept I’ll be using in Rush Hour 2 is the positive of utilization of polyculturalism and the negative is racial stereotypes and misogyny. 

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Experiential Learning Theory Discussion


Can you help me understand this Education & Teaching question?

Based on the experiential learning theory, justify why this learning theory is best for the assessment needs for diverse students while considering GCU’s Christian worldview that promoting human flourishing can be supported through compassion, justice, and concern.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. HIST 4443 Idaho State University European History Vikings Discussion Questions


This Exam is due by the end of the day on Monday. Please follow the instructions completely. This exam can make or break my grade. This link takes you to the reading assigned for this week. the pages assigned are 155-194.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Adler University Week 2 Strain Theory and Response to Crime Powerpoint


Psychologists and sociologists have developed multiple theories to explain criminal behavior and the circumstances that might lead one into a life of crime. Some of these theories include the Strain theory, Differential Association theory, Delinquent Subcultures theory, Cultural Transmission theory, Differential Opportunity theory, Social Control theory, and Ethnic Succession theory. 

Humanities Homework Help