Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Fort Valley State University Comprehensive Examination Discussion Question


I’m working on a Psychology exercise and need support.

Please discuss the necessary steps in applying for the Comprehensive Examination.Please write in detail and in complete sentences.What is the ethical principle of beneficence?How do rehabilitation counselors help maximize beneficence?Which other ethical principles may present dilemmas for counselors when considering how to maximize beneficence?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Springfield College Universal Benefit of Human Interaction Discussion


I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Describe, based on Dignity (book by Donna Hicks), when you felt seen, supported, safe, honored, comforted, loved, and experienced a sense of belonging. Describe the situation, what you felt, and what you thought. What is/are the implications for your social work practice? In this particular posting, you can use the personal pronoun, “I”. Can you, however, frame your response using the Hick book to support your point.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. PSY 7713 Capella University Preparing Treatment Plan Discussion


I’m studying for my Psychology class and need an explanation.

When designing a treatment plan, it is important to consider the client’s environment and preferences. For this discussion, provide examples of how you may need to adjust a behavior plan to address preferences or environmental constraints. Describe some ways you might attempt to determine client preferences and environmental constraints that could affect your plan.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Penn State University Theories of Perception and Reality Discussion


1) What you think perception is and what is behind the reality that we see? Are you a believer in the Bayesian approaches and other theories mentioned in Part 3 of the visual lecture, or do you take a more traditional–we see what is actually there–approach? answer this question in 200 words

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Harvard University Compare and Contrast the Anasazi Tribe Discussion


For this assignment, the same steps will be used such as following the rubric and using the graphic organizer. But an extra step is added. Compare and contrast the second piece with the first piece using the same four-step critique and highlight the differences. The same directions from last time apply this time but just add that last step. Can you have it done by tomorrow morning if not I can extend the time? Please let me know if you have any questions!

here are links to some sources:……

linked down below are the graphic organizer, an example essay, a picture of the pot, the instructions, and the rubric.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Santa Monica College Octavia E Butlers Bloodchild and Other Stories Discussion Ques


Octavia Butler’s story “Speech Sounds” is set in Los Angeles after an epidemic disease afflicts the population, removing critical cognitive functions having to do with communication: the ability to speak, to hear, or to read.

Butler was prescient in this story, as many science fiction writers are, predicting experiences and conditions of life that actually become reality. The story might be disturbing as we find ourselves identifying with the situation she writes about in ways that pre-pandemic readers could not. Use that discomfort to enter into the emotions of the story, to feel the disturbance Butler is evoking in us.

Rye is a complex character. As you are reading, sketch a picture of her in your mind or in your notes by keeping track of the details Butler tells us about her.

Instructions for discussion post:

For your discussion post, respond to either questions 1-3 or questions 4-6. Then, add your own question!

  1. What are the characters in this story lacking? What has been taken away from them?
  2. What are the consequences of this lack?
  3. What is the worst thing you can imagine having to give up (you might think on both a personal level and a societal level)? What would the consequences be?
  4. What is the significance of the names “Rye” and “Obsidian”?
  5. What gives Rye hope in the end?
  6. After reading the “Afterward,” what gives Octavia Butler hope?

What questions do you have?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Liberty University Israelites Slavery Against the Moabites Discussion Paper


write a three-page report identifying and describing three items that relate to the Old Testament from the liberty university biblical museum.


Utilize at least one direct scriptural reference per artifact. Selected artifacts should correlate to the Old Testament. Line spacing should be 1.15, in times new roman, and 12 point font. A template will be provided.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. UCSD American History Weekly Discussion


Begin by watching the introductory video regarding John Brown’s attack on Harper’s Ferry in 1859 and the description of the event at the beginning of the document pack.  Next read the documents in the document pack on John Brown.  Use the comprehension questions at the end of each document as a guide to its contents. (The document pack is located under the forum).

Initial Post

On October 16, 1859, John Brown launched an effort to take over a federal armory in Harper’s Ferry, Virginia.  His goal was to arm slaves and start a massive slave uprising.  John Brown’s actions are controversial today.  For this forum you should respond to the overall question: Was John Brown a hero or a madman (or something in between)?

In your initial post you should: 1) explain your overall view of John Brown 2) discuss three arguments in favor of John Brown’s actions from Documents A, C, and E, explaining whether you find them convincing; 3) discuss three arguments opposing John Brown’s actions from Documents B, D, and F, explaining whether you find them convincing.  

Response to Colleagues

You should respond to the posts of two colleagues. (Note: These will become visible only after you have made your initial post). 

In each response to a colleague, you should 1) discuss one point in their argument that you found persuasive – explaining the reason why; 2) discuss one point that your colleague might improve or think about – explaining your reasoning.  

Notes on Sources

You should use only the textbook and the provided documents to respond to the question.  Whenever, you make reference to a document, you should cite it – e.g. (Document A).  If you use words directly from a document, you should use quotation marks.  Please note that it is usually more effective to put the argument of a document in your own words, and if you do include a direct quotation, you should always explain its significance.

The textbook is a free open educational resource (OER). Links to the individual chapters can be found in the Learning Modules. The textbook can be linked here:

OpenStax, U.S. History. OpenStax CNX. Jun 25, 2019

Humanities Homework Help