Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. CCSF Paying Reparations to The Descendants of American Slaves History Ques


  • Pick one of the three paper topics below
  • Read or listen to the assigned chapters, articles, podcasts, and/or webpages
  • Then write a 3-4 page (double-spaced) response answering the prompt question for your chosen topic. The prompt questions are located above, under each paper topic.
  • —————————————————————————-
  • Dakota Indian War
  • Option 1—The Dakota Indian Uprising of 1862 in Minnesota during the Civil War, and broader ideas of how we remember and teach history.

    • Write a 3-4 page (double spaced) paper
      responding to the following prompts, with specific, detailed references
      to the podcast (i.e., your paper must demonstrate that you completed
      the reading and podcast, and thought critically about them):

      • How does the Dakota Uprising fit into
        our broader discussions of Indian-European/American relations since the
        beginning of the semester? Hint: Think about early European-Indian relations, Pontiac’s Rebellion, U.S. Indian relations, Indian Removal in the 1830s, etc.
      • What caused the Dakota War? Think beyond the triggering events to the longer-term causes of the conflict.
      • How were the Dakota treated by the U.S.
        Army in comparison to the Confederate states, who rose up against the
        U.S. at the same time? After the Civil War, President Johnson offered a
        general pardon to nearly all Confederate soldiers. Only a handful for
        high-ranking officers were tried for war crimes and only 2 were
        executed. So almost all of the Confederate soldiers who took up arms
        against the U.S. in the war were pardoned for their actions. Why the
        difference in treatment between the Confederate and Santee Sioux
        soldiers? What do these similarities and differences tell us about
        Indian-American relations?
      • How is the Dakota War remembered and
        taught today? What does that tell us about the connection of history and
        memory, particularly related to Indian-American relations
      • —————————————————
      • Soldiers Views On Slavery
      • Option 2—Union and Confederate soldiers’ views, personally, on what they were fighting for in the Civil War, and particularly their views on slavery.
      • Thanks to the emphasis on literacy in
        the Early Republic era, more than 80% of Confederate soldiers and 90% of
        Union soldiers could read and write (which was very high for any army
        in the world at the time). Soldiers on both sides of the war wrote
        frequent letters home, which left us with a fantastic source of
        first-hand knowledge about the conditions soldiers faced in the war and
        what they felt they were fighting for. Historian James McPherson spent
        years looking through Civil War soldiers’ letters to give us a sense of
        what the war was like for the men who fought it. In chapter 3 of his
        book, which you will read, he looked specifically at Confederate and
        U.S. soldier’s views on slavery, and the role it played in motivating
        their participation.
    • Read Chapter 3 in James McPherson’s What They Fought For.

    Write a 3-4 page (double spaced) paper responding
    to the following prompts, with specific, detailed references to the
    chapter (i.e., your paper must demonstrate that you completed the
    assigned chapter, and thought critically about it):

  • What role did the issue of slavery play
    in how Confederate soldiers (both slaveowners AND non-slaveowners)
    viewed the Civil War and their understanding of what they were fighting
  • What were Union soldiers’ views on slavery?
  • How did soldiers on each side explain
    their views? What words did they use to explain their views, and what
    did they mean with those words?
  • McPherson argues that many Union soldiers’
    views on slavery changed throughout the Civil War. What do the letters
    written by Union soldiers during the war tell us about when, how and why their views changed?
    • ——————————————————————
    • Congressional Debate On Reparations
    • Option 3—The current Congressional debate on the issue of reparations for slavery and racial discrimination, and the role of history in informing present-day discussions.

      • In April 2021, the House of
        Representatives began hearing testimony in support and opposition to
        H.R. 40, a bill that called for the creation of a commission to study
        and develop reparation Proposals for African-Americans. According to the
        bill (first introduced in 1989), introduced by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee
        (D-Texas), “the commission shall examine slavery and discrimination in
        the colonies and the United States from 1619 to the present and
        recommend appropriate remedies. Among other requirements, the commission
        shall identify (1) the role of federal and state governments in
        supporting the institution of slavery, (2) forms of discrimination in
        the public and private sectors against freed slaves and their
        descendants, and (3) lingering negative effects of slavery on living
        African-Americans and society.” The bill has sparked debate, not for the
        first time in U.S. history, over the issue of reparations to
        African-Americans for slavery and discrimination over the past 400 years
        of U.S. history. In this project option, you have the chance to weigh
        in on this historically-relevant current debate.
      • Write a 3-4 page (double spaced) paper responding
        to the following prompts, with specific, detailed references to the
        articles (i.e., your paper must demonstrate that you completed the
        required articles, and thought critically about them):

        • What are the main arguments in favor of paying reparations to the descendants of American slaves?
        • What are the main arguments against paying reparations?
        • What are the main historical issues at
          stake on both sides? What historical evidence do the authors cite to
          support their arguments?
        • How does the reparations debate connect
          to the history we’ve talked about in this class? How does the history
          of slavery, the Civil War, and Reconstruction that we discussed this
          semester inform (or get ignored by) this debate?
        • At the end of your paper, in a sentence or two, discuss your own thoughts
          on the reparations debate. (But keep in mind this isn’t just an opinion
          piece. The main goal in your paper is to show you can connect the
          arguments made on both side of the debate with the historical trends we
          discussed this semester).

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. PSYCH 41 LAVC Responsibility Emerging Adulthood Discussion


Emerging adult forces many people to wonder if they are actually adults yet. What does “adulting” mean to you? When did/will you know that you’re an adult? Post your two-paragraph reply to the prompt and then thoughtfully reply to two others’ posts for the 5-point maximum. See the rubric below, or click the three dots above and “Show Rubric”.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. PSY 7105 Northcentral University Wk8 Psychology Scale Construction Proposal


For this task, complete the readings for this assignment, and then write a paper in which you complete the following:


  1. Write an introduction that examines the construct, its conceptual definition/s, and related concepts.
  2. Review the literature and the existing tools that measure the construct.
  3. Provide justification for your original scale.
  4. Discuss how you intend to construct the items, cognizant of the basic principles of item pool construction, the necessity of SMEs, the unidimensionality or multidimensionality of the construct, etc.
  5. Write at least 20 sample items that represent the construct you are planning to measure. You may construct negatively-worded items, but indicate these in a chart or table. If the construct you choose has two or more dimensions under it, write sample items indicating which items fall under which dimension. (See for example, the Life Position Scale that contained four dimensions I’m OK etc. at first, but after factor analysis the dimensions reduced to two—I and You.)
  6. Argue for a specific method of running an item analysis procedure.
  7. Argue for at least two specific methods of establishing your scale’s validity (Choose at least one method for construct validity, and another method for criterion-related validity. In criterion validation, it is not enough to simply write that you are planning to employ the method. Be sure to specify the variable(s) you will correlate your scale with.


Length: 10-15 pages

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Academy College Mod 3 The Struggle of a Muslim Girl Discussion Paper


Grapple with 1-2 potential topics for your Module 3 Profile in Wakelet; IF you can answer the bullets below, you are in a good place.

  • Name person, place, event, phenomenon, or specific issue or idea I will explore in my Profile; does this topic connect to a larger social issue or current context?
  • Cite traditional perspectives on this topic (list specific positions taken) and preview what makes your approach and perspective unique.
  • Identify what sources (including quoted voices) you will curate and include; how will you bring readers into an understanding of your topic; what dominant impression do you hope to experience and reveal in your Wakelet Profile?
  • Develop anecdote: write a vivid story that introduces or illuminates your interest/relationship to your profile topic – use dialogue and description!

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. WU WK 3 Psychological Safety in The Workplace Discussion


In this Discussion, you will conduct a literature review of your topic area, focusing on a research study that uses one of the qualitative approaches covered this week. Please make literature review around my topic, which is attached.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review the reading materials about the different approaches in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Conduct your own literature search to find a published study that represents one of the Week 3 approaches. Remember, you may have to broaden your search terms to find an appropriate study.
  • Review the following resources before proceeding with your own article review

Document: R8360 Guidelines for Reading and Evaluating Qualitative Research Articles (PDF)

Document: Example of How to Read and Evaluate a Qualitative Research Article (PDF)

Part 1

Contribute a 3-paragraph Discussion post in which you respond to the following:

  • Summarize the characteristics of the approach of the research article you chose during your literature search.
  • Summarize the research article, including the citation and sufficient information for your classmates and Instructor to locate the article.
  • Present a short critique of that article based on the “R8360 Guidelines for Reading and Evaluating Qualitative Research Articles” document
  • Part 2
  • Locate and review one of the articles a classmate critiqued. Then, review the critique itself. Respond to your classmate and provide constructive feedback on his or her critique.Click on the Reply button below to reveal the textbox for entering your message. 

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. University of Central Florida Central Tendency Article Review Paper


I’m working on a english question and need support to help me understand better.

Provide a one-page paper describing the kinds of measures of central tendency that were used in a journal article on a topic that you choose. The article must appear in a referenced journal and must contain a statistical test

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. University of Mississippi Main Campus Link between Love and Marriage Summary


I’m working on a sociology writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.

After watching the videos above, summarize the history of the link between love and marriage, with an emphasis on how it evolved in different cultures. Watch VideoWhen Did Marriage Become about Love?

Watch VideoHISTORY OF IDEAS – Love

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. University of Mississippi Main Campus The 5 Love Languages Question


I’m working on a sociology writing question and need a sample draft to help me study. (Links to an external site.)

What is the order of your love languages , do you think that is correct?  Now that you have a better understanding of love languages, can you recall having a problem in relationships because you spoke a different language and didn’t understand each other (this can be seen in non-romantic relationships as well… parent/child, friends.  Though the emphasis is on couples)

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Brookhaven College Humanities Culture Influence Question


I’m working on a humanities multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Reflection paper on what we have studied in this class. Discuss the following areas in the context of the course content and theme. You are supposed to use the textbook (link to go to book in the attached file).  You are not supposed to do other research.  Parts of the paper are subjective paper, so you may use “I” in the paper.

Discuss how the course has affected your world view of the term “culture/community.”

Compare and contrast two different cultures/communities discussed in the course.

Connect what you have learned in this course to previous learning and life experiences. Include how you use to interact with another culture/community and how you would now.

Argue for or against the value of learning about other cultures/communities as part of your education.  Be sure to discuss both sides of the argument.  Identify the consequences of studying other cultures/communities and of not studying other cultures/communities as part of your argument.

Humanities Homework Help