Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Florida International University How Does Culture Pertain to Our Bodies Discussion


Considering Chapter 5 and the online materials on “tattooing,” discuss the following:

  • What is “culture”?
  • How does culture pertain to our bodies?
  • How particularly does culture pertain to our bodies in regard to tattooing and to the various other ways – such as dress, hairstyle, makeup, body form – of expressing our identities by means of our bodies?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Brookhaven College Humanities Culture Influence Question


I’m working on a humanities multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Reflection paper on what we have studied in this class. Discuss the following areas in the context of the course content and theme. You are supposed to use the textbook (link to go to book in the attached file).  You are not supposed to do other research.  Parts of the paper are subjective paper, so you may use “I” in the paper.

Discuss how the course has affected your world view of the term “culture/community.”

Compare and contrast two different cultures/communities discussed in the course.

Connect what you have learned in this course to previous learning and life experiences. Include how you use to interact with another culture/community and how you would now.

Argue for or against the value of learning about other cultures/communities as part of your education.  Be sure to discuss both sides of the argument.  Identify the consequences of studying other cultures/communities and of not studying other cultures/communities as part of your argument.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. GCCCD History Challenges of the 21 st Century Essay


The research paper is of your choice as long as it covers the period that is being cover in the course. The research paper will be 8-10 pages in length, double spaced, using 12 point font, on plain white paper (disregard the plain white paper if this is a on-line course requirement) submit as a Microsoft word attachment. This should be similar to any paper you would write for other classes – including a title page, an introduction, body of text, a conclusion, and references/bibliography. APA or MLA format is acceptable.

Proper Citation of Sources.

When writing papers which use information from researched sources, it is necessary to provide complete and correct documentation to show the source of all words and ideas which are not those of the student. Failure to cite a source implies that the information used is the original work of the paper writer – a form of stealing known as “plagiarism.” In the college class, plagiarism is grounds for failure, no matter how well written the rest of the paper may be.

Do not use first person or contractions when writing. Also, remember that a successful term paper is not one that is written at the last moment, rather it is one that has been thought out, written, edited, and edited some more (you may consider turning in a rough draft or talking with me prior to the due date if you are unsure about how to approach writing the paper). Make sure you proofread! Nothing detracts from a paper (or grade) worse than a poorly written, mistake-filled paper.

When writing this research paper, you should attempt to address the following questions:

Your paper should start with a thesis statement

Why is this person or event important in U.S. Military History?

Does this individual or event represent ( cause and effect) that had short and long term consequences U.S Military History?

Would U.S. Military History be different if not for the actions of this person or the occurrence of the events? (make sure you include a solid conclusion)

Students should not use the encyclopedia or the course text book as the primary source of research. You should not rely solely on the internet for information either. Below are topics you can choose from and do your own research.

Sun Tzu advised strategists to “know your enemy and know yourself.”

The Militia System

The Colonial Wars and struggles between empires

The American Revolution and the Early Republic

Conflict with Native-Americans

The Quasi War

The Barbary Coast / Tripolitan Wars

The War of 1812

Jomini and Clausewitz , and SunTzu ( Chinese Philosopher)

Founding of the Academics and the emerging officer professionalism

Indian Wars and Frontier expansion ( Native relocations)

The Mexican War ( Manifest Destiny)

The Civil War ( Military tactics , strategies, leadership , organization and total war )

Post war demobilization ( Reconstruction , constabulary duty, and labor unrest )

Birth of the modern military

The Spanish American War ( The Splendid Little War )

The Philippine Insurrection, Boxer Rebellion & U.S. Intervention into Mexico

The War to End all Wars (The First World War)

Revolution Military Affairs (RMA)

The American Expeditionary Force (AEF)

The Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of Versailles

“To know war is not to advocate war”

The League of Nation

Russian Bolshevism ( Vladimir I.Lenin)

  1. S. Intervention into Russian Civil War

Demobilization, Diplomacy, and Disarmament

The Interwar Years and Military Policy between the Two Wars

Prelude to World War II ( The Policy of Appeasement)

Blitzkrieg East and West

The European Theater and Pacific Theater

Naval and air power

Demobilization and Inter-service rivalries

National Security Act of 1947

The Cold War , The Policy of Containment The Berlin Confrontation and the creation of NATO, The Loss of China and Korea Conflict

The French Indo China War (1945-1954) Mao Zedong and Ho Chi Minh

The experiment in Nation Building, South Vietnam ( 1954-1964)

Into the Quagmire (1964-1975) Post Vietnam Challenges

The Collapse of the Soviet Union

The First Gulf War, (Desert Shield -Desert Storm ,1991

Operations Other Than War (Somalia and the retreat from Mogadishu 1993)

The Second Gulf War and Post Saddam Hussein

Iraq and Afghanistan (Has the nature of warfare changed?)

Challenges for the 21st century : Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda, Taliban , and God’s Warriors….

War on Terrorism

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. UMUC History The Cold War CNN Documentary Essay


For this assignment, you are to watch two episodes from CNN’s acclaimed multi-part documentary on the Cold War that first aired in 1998. The assignment is to be 5-7 pages in length

In terms of the content of the review, there are three aspects you are to discuss:

  • First provide summaries of each episode. What are the topics being covered in each episode? Who were some of the main political and historical personalities being featured? And what role did the United States have in these episodes? Was US involvement due to political, economic, or cultural reasons?
  • Second, analyze each episode in terms of your perspectives and observations. In other words, what do you think were the most important lessons from these episodes? What were the strengths and weaknesses of each episode? Which episode did you prefer of the two that you watched?
  • Third, how did these episodes contribute to your understanding of United States foreign policy? How relevant are these episodes in helping you to comprehend the role of the United States today in the world stage? Do you think any of these episodes could provide lessons for you in helping you to understand foreign affairs for the rest of this decade? You are absolutely welcome to include your own personal experiences, particularly if you are an international student.

You do not need to include a works cited page for this review. Just mention which episodes you discussed in your opening paragraph.

  • Structure of organizing your essay
    • Paragraph 1: Introduce scope of entire essay, mention both episodes you are discussing and what you hope to achieve in your essay.
    • Paragraph 2: Summarize the first episode you watched
    • Paragraph 3: Analyze the first episode you watched
    • Paragraph 4: Summarize second episode you watched
    • Paragraph 5: Analyze second episode you watched
    • Paragraph 6: Discuss how episodes contributed to your understanding of US foreign policy during the 20th century, and what lessons these episodes can provide for the United States today
    • Paragraph 7: Provide any final thoughts, observations, comments, etc. about this assignment and about US foreign policy

Episode links: https: //

Cold War – Korea 1949-1953 – Part 5/24

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. English 1B City College of San Francisco Othellos Identity Crisis Essay


Race: Consider Othello’s racial identity in Othello. How is he marked as an outsider? How do others describe him? How does he describe himself? Does his identity change throughout the play? If so, why? Create a thesis-based literary analysis about how Othello’s racial identity is constructed in the play. Support this analysis with specific quotations from and descriptions of the text of the play. Note: You are also welcome to bring in other characters (including, but not limited to, characters who represent constructions of “whiteness” in the play) to compare, contrast, or add to your perspective on Othello and race.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Cuyamaca College Homeland Iraq Controversial Countries Journal Entry


Explore your Semester Topic. Who, what, why, when, where and how? What is your personal interest in this Topic? How long have you been connected with this Topic? What are some of the arguments, controversies, debates, questions, and/or mysteries that surround this Topic? Journal #1 should be two (2) handwritten pages, single-spaced using 8.5×11 college-ruled paper.

these are the instructions u can type the journal don’t worry about the handwriting thing but it should be 2 pages or more when I transfer it to paper.

and the topic will be (Immigration or Immigrants)

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Grand Canyon University Skills for Clients in Counseling Discussion


I’m trying to study for my Psychology course and I need some help to understand this question.

You want clients to leave counseling with solutions for the dilemmas that initially brought them to counseling. You also want them to learn resiliency skills that will help them master future challenges. What are some skills or resources that you would like clients to learn in the counseling process? Explain how you might provide education, suggest, or even model these skills. Include at least one scholarly reference in your response.

Humanities Homework Help