Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Special Education Portfolio


Section 1: Laws and Regulations

In this section, please identify resources on special education laws and regulations which will assist you as a teacher. This section should start with an overview page (at least one slide), which indicates what you have learned about special education law & how that influences teachers. Please be reflective (include insights, future plans for change and improvement, etc).

Section 2: Influential Court Cases

Please include at least (8) case reviews of influential court cases. Begin by providing a synopsis of the case. Also, include a paragraph at the end of each synopsis that states the impact of this court case in the special education field.

Section 3: Ethics (i.e., treatment of parents, students, fellow teachers, etc.)

Please include any information you can gather that deals with special education ethics. Again, include a slide that discusses your personal view of ethical issues (this is a great section to include biblical principles).

Section 4: Research-Based Strategies

Please discuss at least (3) research-based strategies to use with students with disabilities. For each strategy,

discuss if you have used it in your own classroom. List pros and cons of the strategy. If you are not currently teaching, discuss what you think would be the pros and cons of using such a strategy. 

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Miami Dade College Active and Passive Euthanasia by James Rachels Summary


After reading all of Chapter 10, please select ONE of the following primary source readings:

  • “Active and Passive Euthanasia” by James Rachels (starting on page 300)
  • “The Wrongfulness of Euthanasia” by J. Gay-Williams (starting on page 304)
  • “Voluntary Active Euthanasia” by Dan. W. Brock (starting on page 307)
  • “Euthanasia” by Philippa Foot (starting on page 315)
  • “Killing and Allowing to Die” by Daniel Callahan (starting on page 329)
  • “Euthanasia for Disabled People?” by Liz Carr (starting on page 332)

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. CMN 455 University of New Hampshire Innovative Digital Media Startups Essay


Throughout the last decade new media startupshave launched built around innovative technology to extend our use of media in profound yetoftensimple ways (Facebook in 2004, YouTube in 2005, Twitter in 2006, Instagram in 2010, Snapchat in 2011, TikTok in 2017, etc.). This assignment necessitatestwo smaller writing frames. First, peruse the The New Yorker’s archive of “Annals in Technology”( First, select onearticle to briefly introduce, discuss, and analyzethe technology discussed and its relationship to media.Therefore, begin your essay with at least a couple of pages synthesizing the article and providing discussion and analysis on the media and technology issues involved in the article you selected.Secondly, the article you select will serve as a springboard for introducing your own mediabased technological innovationor refinementcentered on the issues discussed and problematizedin the reading. For example, you might read “Reddit and the struggle to detoxify the Internet” and discuss how an online space could function to minimize trolls and other toxic content, in a way that is different than current online discussion forums.Different articlesmight better lend themselves to this assignment(some are less mediabased, i.e. do notpick the article about paper jams!), but part of thisassignment is to creatively come up with a mediainnovation to a particularlyframedtechnological discussion, which will be provided by the various articles in The New Yorker. Connectyour initialdiscussion and analysis of the articlewith your own innovationand then elaborate and expand your argument.Keep in mind that you should make a mediabased argumentin your essay, since this class is a media studies course and nota business class.Therefore, write to your audience, which is me, someone in media studies and not someone with an MBA. As a result, you do not need to worry excessively about costs, venture funding, etc. at this point.While this essay should allow you to use your imagination and creativity, it can also be challenging because you still need to develop your innovationin relation to legitimate areas of concern connected to digital media and technology.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Miami Dade College A Defense of Abortion Primary Source Reading Summary


After reading all of Chapter 9, please select ONE of the following primary source readings:

  • “A Defense of Abortion” by Judith Jarvis Thomson (starting on page 237)
  • “On the Moral and Legal Status of Abortion” by Mary Anne Warren (starting on page 247)
  • “Why Abortion is Immoral” by Don Marquis (starting on page 256)
  • “Virtue Theory and Abortion” by Rosalind Hursthouse (starting on page 268)
  • “Abortion Through a Feminist Lens” by Susan Sherwin (starting on page 274)

Write a short, objective summary of 250-500 words which summarizes the main ideas being put forward by the author in this selection.


Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Impermanence in Psychology Discussion


For this paper, I would like for you to analyze something from our everyday lives, or, more specifically, from your personal life, through the lens of one of the topics we discussed in the metaphysics module: either impermanence, no-self and the aggregates, or emptiness. Feel free to be more specific with regards to these topics, for example you might focus on mereology, or mental construction. In the past, students have discussed a number of different examples from their lives, for instance, one student who was a classically trained dancer discussed impermanence in dance. Other examples could include music, your personality, or astrology. Your example should be an example that either illustrates a Buddhist theory, or it could contrast with a particular Buddhist theory, and serve as a counterexample to the Buddhist claims.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. De Anza College Internal Conflict Discussion


PART 1:In this discussion of  a A Dream Called Home, we will focus on internal conflict. Internal Conflict is when a character struggles to deal with her own fears or shortcomings.

Reyna Grande struggles with many internal conflicts. As you read chapters 13-17,  highlight or underline examples of internal conflict.   After you read, please post your answer to the following two questions:

1.  Choose one internal conflict Grande struggles with in  chapters 13-17.  Describe the conflict.  How do the people Grande meets or the situations she encounters help her and/or the reader recognize, understand, or resolve the conflict?   Write one paragraph about one conflict only (about 200 words). 

Please make sure to read the posts that students have already submitted. Make sure you choose a different conflict. She has many!

Note: This paragraph is about the internal conflict of a character.  Therefore, first person I should not be used.

2. Why did you choose the conflict you chose?  Do you have a similar experience?   Explain.  Write one paragraph (about 200 words).  

classmates’ posts:

Yuanzhe Tong

YesterdayOct 17 at 5:22pm

Manage Discussion Entry

  1. The internal conflict is “Can you help a person in changing their life, How” from chapter 18, which is about a man called Arturo who came from Mexico, he was a worker on a farm, she wants to help him because she felt the same feeling as her Dad. Grande told her sister that wants to help him by marriage and help him with the paper and teach him English, she also told Arturo to go to adult school to study English, but he said he want to be dependent on Grande instead dont want to learn English. Her sister told her “Don’t let him distract you from your goals, and you always want to save people.” Finally, Grande decided to let Arturo find his own path because she can’t even save herself.
  2. The reason I chose this conflict is that I relate her story with myself, I totally understand the feeling of helping people but can not do it, because I am also a person who is willing to help people, but I’m young, lack of experience,  which leads into the situation that I can’t help, and effected myself, most of the time I wish as good but the effect is not the way I wanted. Once, I got into trouble with a freshmen, which I loaned money to him, but I can not get the money back on time, because he can not pay back money to me because he had some relationship issue with his parents, which leads to blaming from my parent in giving money to a stranger and don’t know the background story of this student. Although it end up he paid the money back, but the feeling is not right. Naoko KyogokuSaturdayOct 16 at 6:18amManage Discussion Entry1.     In the first impressive sentence of chapter 15, one of Reyna’s inner conflicts is depicted: “I was sitting on the bus [ . . . ] looking out the window at the darkness, when a laugh—loud and unapologetic—pulled me back to the light (p. 113).”  As Reyna writes in chapter 14, she has dedicated her life to prove that she is not a typical average person, not a “statistic (p. 110).”  However, Reyna feels shocked when she notices that the girl who is laughing loudly is a Latina and that she looks confident and comfortable in a Mexican dress.  Here the readers notice Reyna’s inner conflict.  She is trying to “break the cycle (p. 8, p. 92),” to set her free from all the limitations, but at the same time, it is Reyna herself who is trying to suppress her natural impulse to laugh, to live comfortably.  Reyna wants to show the world that she is not a typical female Latino who is from a poor family, but ironically her too much awareness of her race, gender, and background keeps her from acting freely and confidently.  Reyna has been trying to reject all the restrictions.  She is afraid of being pregnant, because she thinks babies can be “obstacles to higher education (p. 89),” and she leaves Gabe, because she needs to give up her physical freedom to live in his house (p. 106).  And yet, the existence of Erica, who wears a Mexican dress just because she wants to, surprises Reyna.  The solution of this problem is also offered by Erica.  When Reyna sees the practice of a dance group, which Erica is one of the senior managers, she feels a sudden urge to join them: “I found my own feet wanting to stomp, my heart beating to the strumming of the mariachi music, and I wanted to burst out onto the floor and dance with the butterflies (p. 116).”  This attempt to join the dance can be said to be her attempt to regain her freedom.  Reyna is longing to release her body from the restriction which Reyna herself has imposed on her.  At the dance practice, Reyna closely observes her body and notices its potential for the first time: “It was my first time standing before floor-to-ceiling mirrors and being fully aware of my body, of what it could do (p. 117).”  It is noteworthy that Reyna says goodbye to Gabe’s room, which has “floor-to-ceiling windows (p. 105)” but deprives Reyna’s freedom, and chooses to stand in front of “floor-to-ceiling mirrors” which show her how free her body can be.  When Reyna has finally learned how to move her body at her own will, she feels she is finally free (at least in the moment of elation) from everything that restrains and torments her: “I had no past and no future—only the present moment mattered.  There were no alcoholic fathers, no absent mothers, no wild dreams to pursue, nothing to make me feel ashamed, unwanted, unloved, or afraid (p. 118).”  Through the dancing, the release of her body, Reyna has gained freedom.2.     I chose this conflict because I often feel that my physical freedom is restricted by my Japanese-ness, and I think I can relate to Reyna about the problem of restricted self.  In Japan, it is an unspoken understanding that being silent, calm, and obedient is a virtue, and this idea seems to have become a part of me before I know.  I am forced to aware this part of me when people from other cultures suddenly ask my opinions or when I get to join a game in which I need to express my feelings.  Once I played a game with my American friends where a player looked at a picture on a card and tell other players what was on it without saying a word.  A friend of mine expressed the concept of “musical” so humorously, using her whole body, but I just could not move my body.  I also feel my nerves get tense when we talk about our reading at the beginning of this class.  I know I need to raise my hand and say something, but at the same time, my Japanese self holds me back.  As the result, my mind goes blank and I completely lose my words.  I know I need to change me, but at the same time, this part of me is an important aspect of my identity.  This is the problem I am always trying to deal with.  I am glad this class has a lot of writing projects.  It seems like I can express my ideas more freely through my writings. 

PART 3:Do a quiz:…

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. University of California Los Angeles Social Class and Countless Repercussions Discussion


1. Social class has countless repercussions on family life. Please name three and describe the impact each has on life within the family the and life chances of its members.

2. Describe the relationship between social class and mental health, education, religion, politics, and the criminal justice system.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Rasmussen Challenging Aspect of Being in a Diverse Working Environment Questions


This is a graded self-assessment. Open the Diversity and Inclusion questions list. In a Word document, type each question and your answer to it. “In the “Situational” section of the Diversity and Inclusion questions list, you are asked to use your employer’s company mission statement.


What has been the most challenging aspect of being in a diverse working environment? What steps have you taken to meet this challenge? 

Tell me about a time you had to alter your work style to meet a diversity need or challenge?

Have you handled a situation when a colleague was not accepting of diversity of others?  NO

Describe a time when you included someone in your team or a project because you felt he or she would bring a different perspective.


Provide the company’s mission statement with value on diversity to the interviewee.  How has your experience and background prepared you to be effective in this environment with diversity value/initiative?

What kind of leadership efforts would you make to ensure a commitment to the diversity initiative or value?

What kind of people do you find it most difficult to work with?  For example, assume you are in a situation where you have to deal with a person very different than yourself and you are finding it difficult.  What would you do?


What kinds of experiences have you had working with others with backgrounds different from your own? 

What does it mean to have a commitment to diversity, and how would you develop and apply your commitment at this company?

What was/is the diversity value at your current/former employer? What impact did you make on this value?

Mission statement: It is the mission of the Adult Crisis Stabilization Unit that, all clients who are experiencing a severe emotional, behavioral, of substance abuse crisis which placed them at a high risk for psychiatric hospitalization, residential or out of home placement, will be provided crisis stabilization care in a safe environment with a fully trained staff.  The ACSU will provide a safe, supportive, and structured environment to empower clients to utilize the opportunity present in their crisis to develop and implement strategies to de-escalate the current crisis situation and prevent future crisis.

Humanities Homework Help