Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Mountain View College Analytical Characteristics in Humans Questions


I’m trying to learn for my Psychology class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

  1. Define Motivation. Discuss the component parts of the definition. (1/2 to 1 page)
  2. With regard to categories of analysis, what does “Innate vs Acquired” mean? (1/2 page)

3. Explain the function of the Reticular Activating System. (1/2 to 1 page)

4. With regard to Arousal Theory, what is the Inverted U Function (Yerkes-Dodson Law)? (1/2 to 1 page)

5. Describe proposed physiological/ neurological functions of dreaming. (1/2 to 1 page

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. SPED 574 University of Phoenix Wk 1 History of The Disabled Discussion


Wk 1 Discussion – Historical Treatment [due Thurs]

Discussion Topic

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member.

Due Thursday

Welcome to class! In this first week of SPE/574, we are examining the philosophical, historical, and legal foundations regarding intellectual and developmental disabilities. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • In your opinion, how has the historical treatment of individuals with intellectual disabilities influenced today’s laws and legislation?
  • How has the resulting federal legislation changed the delivery of educational services for students with intellectual and development disabilities?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Houston Community College Romeo and Juliet Theatrical Analysis Review


Write a 1200 word academic critique/analysis of one of the first 2 plays in the UH streaming season. The acting and plot should be minor concerns. Use your pages to examine the production elements (lights, sets, costumes, sound) and how those elements worked or didn’t work to make this production a success or failure. Your opinions should be supported by specifics and examples from the production. Also AVOID too much summary. This paper shouldn’t be a plot description or a literary book report, you will be expected to reference the production, and not simply the play. Assume I know the story and get to your production analysis. I am aware of the limitations of the video mediums and still hope that you will look at the theatricality of the shows and have some insights.

Here is a link to the R and J that you can watch for class.

You can use this product for your critique paper if you haven’t seen anything else that is eligible

It is available through the UH Library so you will have to sign in.https://video-alexanderstreet-com.ezproxy.lib.uh.e…

user id: cjgomez4

password: Zrohoes21!

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. COMM 106F UCLA Wk 4 The Industry Development Process UCSD Coverage Worksheet


In week 4, we will discuss the industry’s development process and the use of “coverage” or story analysis to assess scripts and other materials under consideration as feature films properties. Coverage is a document You will read a provided short story and write “coverage” of its contents (a cover page with short summaries, a 1-2 page plot synopsis and a 1-2 pages of “comments” on its potential as a possible film), as well as a 2-3-page response paper considering the effectiveness of coverage as an evaluative tool, whether it’s an appropriate instrument for measuring a property’s potential, or what else it does/doesn’t account for. This assignment is due at the end of week 5.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. OLLU Self Harming Behaviors & Cases of Suicide Attempt Discussion


I’m working on a literature discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.


Download and read the mock research findings for your group topic (see the list below). Create an original discussion post where you decide whether or not you agree with the author’s findings. Be sure to consider the entire methodology, including whether appropriate measures and data collection were used, in addition to the statistical findings.Discussion: Trusting Statistics ­ Mental Health Treatment
A researcher compared depression of youth ages 16 to 17 who participated in cognitive behavioral therapy or
equine therapy. Both programs lasted six months. 200 youth ages 16­17 participated in the study. In County
A, there were 400 youth who qualified to participate in cognitive behavioral therapy, but only 75 wanted to
participate. In County B, 150 youth qualified to participate in equine therapy and 125 chose to participate.
Youth were given the Depression Assessment before the intervention started and after the program ended.
The Depression Assessment is a validated measure with scores ranging from 0­10 with higher scores
indicating that the youth is less depressed.
Descriptive statistics suggest that the participants in cognitive behavioral therapy are very similar to youth in
equine therapy. Mean scores for the two groups were relatively similar as well suggesting that even though
the groups were not randomly assigned, they are similar enough to provide an accurate comparison of the
interventions. The paired sample t­test shows that both interventions had a significant impact on youth.
However, the equine therapy produced the highest score and thus, our recommendation is that the equine
therapy should be adopted by all counties immediately.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. HCR 230 Rio Salado Community College Health Issues Martin Diagnosis Questions


The following short answer assignment consists of a total of 2 questions. The questions will require you to apply the concepts described in Lessons 4 to specific case scenarios, additional assigned articles, or video presentations.

The questions are randomly generated, so once you have opened the assignment you will need to save it in order to retain the questions that have been generated for you. After you have saved the assignment, you may exit the page and compose your response. Your will have up to 7 days to re-enter the assignment and submit your response. When re-entering the assignment in order to submit your work, you will need to select “Resume” rather than “Start Over” in order to submit responses to the original questions.

Response to each question must

  • be in the form of a 150 to 250-word well-developed paragraph
  • contain well-developed sentences, correct spelling, and proper grammar
  • demonstrate your achievement of those objectives for the lesson in your response
  • include data, facts, key terminology, specific examples and direct quotations from the textbook and other resources to support your main point.
  • include appropriate citation and a resource list for all sources used.
  • For all 200 level courses, your textbook and at least one outside academic source are required.Scenario:
  • Martin in an 86 year old man recently placed in hospice. He is Christian, of Navajo and Anglo descent, has lived and worked on the reservation all his life, and has been married to his wife since 1954. They have three children, three grandchildren, and five great grandchildren. He suffers from Parkinson’s and late-stage lung cancer. He is tired of suffering. Question 1: Evaluate the health protective and risk factors that may be relevant to Martin’s diagnosis and care. Question 2: Compare the health protective and risk factors typical of those with your cultural identity with those encountered by Martin.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. HCR 230 RSC Health Issues Diagnosis Made by Needle Biopsy Essay


I’m working on a cultural studies writing question and need guidance to help me learn.

  • Question 1
  • Julie is a 42-year-old white woman who eats a typical American diet of cheeseburgers and other high-fat foods. She gets very little exercise because she works two jobs and has a long commute. She began experiencing pain in her left breast about 3 months ago. She performed a self-exam and felt a small lump. Worried, she called her sister, and also a close friend who had experienced a recent cancer scare, to ask them for advice. Both women suggested she see a physician immediately. A diagnosis of breast cancer was made by needle biopsy, following which Julie had a lumpectomy. She is now half way through a course of chemotherapy. Her treatment team has suggested that she use acupuncture to help with nausea caused by the chemotherapeutic agents. Question 1: Describe the stages of illness, and analyze which aspects of this scenario correspond to these stages. Defend your answer using details presented in the case scenario along with evidence from your textbook. Question 2: Evaluate whether this patient can best be said to be using traditional medicine or alternative medicine. Defend your answer using details presented in the case scenario along with evidence from your textbook.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Monmouth University Star Wars Episode IV Polarity on Character Arcs


Use Christopher Vogler’s, The Writer’s Journey, pages 320-330 as reference. Locate four polarized pairs of characters: one that represents opposite ends of the spectrum; one that signifies going to extremes; one that signifies reversal of the reversal; and one in which the polarity seeks resolution.…

 This is from Vogler to understand the polarity. 

Humanities Homework Help