Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Clemson University The Dark Knight Film Analysis Paper


I’m working on a film question and need a sample draft to help me study.

This paper is to be written about the Joker in the Dark Knight film. Closely analyze the role of the villain. Questions to consider: What is the relationship between a villain and their respective hero? Are the qualities of heroism and villainy completely oppositional? How does the movie’s intended goal/message/perspective for the audience affect the portrayal of the villain?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Florida Institute of Technology Venn Diagrams for Wild Arguments Discussion


This assessment method is designed to help you see how logic is used (or misused) in everyday life, and thereby appreciate the importance of good reasoning. You are asked to do some fieldwork related to logic. In particular, you are asked to document an argument “in the wild,” that is, an argument someone makes during a debate, a dispute, or a disagreement as you witness it in everyday life. The argument cannot be taken from a book or an article. You may use various mediums to document this “argument in the wild,” such as text, image, audio, or video. Then you should analyze the argument using the logical tools we learn throughout this course. For the second Argument in the Wild, you should write the argument in canonical form and then evaluate it, that is, determine whether the argument is valid or invalid, using a Venn diagram. If the argument is valid, determine whether it is sound or unsound.

Here is an example of what an “Arguments in the Wild 2” submission should look like:

In this video, Trevor Noah discusses the following argument, which is made by the CEO of CBS, Les Moonves: “The money’s rolling in… This is going to be a very good year for us. Sorry, it’s a terrible thing to say, but, bring it on, Donald.”

Moonves’ argument in this video can be reconstructed in canonical form as follows:

P1: Anything that brings in money is good for CBS.

P2: Trump’s presidential bid brings in money.


C: Trump’s presidential bid is good for CBS.

Reconstructed in this way, Moonves’ argument is valid; that is, if P1 and P2 are true, then C would have to be true as well. Indeed, the argument is an AAA-1 categorical syllogism.

S: Things identical with Trump’s presidential bid

P: Things that are good for CBS

M: Things that bring in money

All M are P.

All S are M.

All S are P.


Since the argument is valid, the question is whether the premises are in fact true. Is the argument sound? If the only thing that CBS cares about is the bottom line, then it would follow that Trump’s presidential bid is good for CBS, given that it is good for CBS’s bottom line. However, it might be argued that CBS, as a major source of news, has a journalistic responsibility to the American public. If the American public loses trust in CBS, upon finding out that CBS reports only the news that bring in money, then that could also hurt CBS’s bottom line.

Since there are doubts about whether the premises are true, although Moonves’ argument can be reconstructed as a valid categorical syllogism, it cannot be said to be sound.

This, then, is how your second “Arguments in the Wild” assignment should look like. That is, you should use the tools of Categorical Logic (in particular, Venn diagrams) to analyze one argument in the wild. You should determine whether the argument is valid or invalid by means of a Venn diagram. If valid, you should determine whether the argument is sound or unsound.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. University of Rhode Island Green Energy Initiative Discussion


Task 1:

Read the case https://learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.learn….

Make an initial post in which you consider the following:

1.Should Jiminy Peak proceed with the installation of the turbine? Why or why not?

2.What should be the most important considerations of Jiminy Peak when making this decision?

Your initial discussion post should be between 350-500 words

Task 2:

Response two classmates’ post, 100-200 words for each.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. HCR 230 Rio Salado Community College Health Issues Martin Diagnosis Questions


The following short answer assignment consists of a total of 2 questions. The questions will require you to apply the concepts described in Lessons 4 to specific case scenarios, additional assigned articles, or video presentations.

The questions are randomly generated, so once you have opened the assignment you will need to save it in order to retain the questions that have been generated for you. After you have saved the assignment, you may exit the page and compose your response. Your will have up to 7 days to re-enter the assignment and submit your response. When re-entering the assignment in order to submit your work, you will need to select “Resume” rather than “Start Over” in order to submit responses to the original questions.

Response to each question must

  • be in the form of a 150 to 250-word well-developed paragraph
  • contain well-developed sentences, correct spelling, and proper grammar
  • demonstrate your achievement of those objectives for the lesson in your response
  • include data, facts, key terminology, specific examples and direct quotations from the textbook and other resources to support your main point.
  • include appropriate citation and a resource list for all sources used.
  • For all 200 level courses, your textbook and at least one outside academic source are required.Scenario:
  • Martin in an 86 year old man recently placed in hospice. He is Christian, of Navajo and Anglo descent, has lived and worked on the reservation all his life, and has been married to his wife since 1954. They have three children, three grandchildren, and five great grandchildren. He suffers from Parkinson’s and late-stage lung cancer. He is tired of suffering. Question 1: Evaluate the health protective and risk factors that may be relevant to Martin’s diagnosis and care. Question 2: Compare the health protective and risk factors typical of those with your cultural identity with those encountered by Martin.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. HCR 230 RSC Health Issues Diagnosis Made by Needle Biopsy Essay


I’m working on a cultural studies writing question and need guidance to help me learn.

  • Question 1
  • Julie is a 42-year-old white woman who eats a typical American diet of cheeseburgers and other high-fat foods. She gets very little exercise because she works two jobs and has a long commute. She began experiencing pain in her left breast about 3 months ago. She performed a self-exam and felt a small lump. Worried, she called her sister, and also a close friend who had experienced a recent cancer scare, to ask them for advice. Both women suggested she see a physician immediately. A diagnosis of breast cancer was made by needle biopsy, following which Julie had a lumpectomy. She is now half way through a course of chemotherapy. Her treatment team has suggested that she use acupuncture to help with nausea caused by the chemotherapeutic agents. Question 1: Describe the stages of illness, and analyze which aspects of this scenario correspond to these stages. Defend your answer using details presented in the case scenario along with evidence from your textbook. Question 2: Evaluate whether this patient can best be said to be using traditional medicine or alternative medicine. Defend your answer using details presented in the case scenario along with evidence from your textbook.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Monmouth University Star Wars Episode IV Polarity on Character Arcs


Use Christopher Vogler’s, The Writer’s Journey, pages 320-330 as reference. Locate four polarized pairs of characters: one that represents opposite ends of the spectrum; one that signifies going to extremes; one that signifies reversal of the reversal; and one in which the polarity seeks resolution.…

 This is from Vogler to understand the polarity. 

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. CNL 501 Grand Canyon University Common Substance Use Disorder Tools Essay


Write a 1,000-1,250-word paper that addresses the following:

  • A definition of screening, assessment, and treatment planning
  • What is the assessment process for identifying addictive disorders for assessing and diagnosing clients?
  • What considerations must be made for choosing an appropriate assessment tool?
  • A general overview of the substance use disorder criteria according to the current version of the DSM
  • A discussion about the potential problems that can arise when a counselor relies solely on the diagnostic criteria listed in the DSM for treatment planning
  • Include at least two examples of commonly used substance use disorder assessment tools in addition to the current version of the DSM. Include an analysis of the benefits and limitations to these tools.
  • Include a minimum of four scholarly sources in addition to the textbook and current version of the DSM.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. Review APA guidelines regarding adding level headings to your paper.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

This assignment is informed by the following CACREP Standards:

2.F.8.c. Needs assessments.

5.C.2.d. Diagnostic process, including differential diagnosis and the use of current diagnostic classification systems, including the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD).

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ENG 103 CC E Learning as Future of Global Education Essay


I want you to make changes in the thesis section and also change the format in to MLA format. Everything else looks good.

Very professionally written…no, I do not see anything that you need to change, except that your thesis statement is still a bit broad—you should make clear that you are proposing e-learning as a superior alternative. Additionally, be sure to use MLA format throughout your paper before you turn in your rough draft.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ENG 115 Southwestern College Child Obesity Essay


The Big Bad Research Paper

The time has come to unleash all the knowledge and power we have acquired to advocate for change. Aren’t we tired of all the bad news we’ve been reading? Who wants to continue to see and hear about our world dying, of our clean water and oil running out, of all the trees and the ecosystems that they allow to exist being destroyed, of people suffering through injustice after injustice, be it political, social or economic? Of nasty stuff, literal and metaphorical, that is in our fast food? Aren’t we ready for some change? Let’s talk change, people.

In this essay, you will write 6-7 pages of well-developed, fully-thought-out argument that presents the current state of affairs of your chosen issue (possibly from different angles) and a realistic, pragmatic solution.

All should be based on research to the best of your ability. You’ll want to work with 3-4 sources max. These sources may include ROS2, one documentary of your choosing, other articles we’ve read in class and your own research. Sources should be credible and reliable.

For your issue/topic: choose an issue that is local and/or relatively personal, affecting people and/or the environment and/or both.

This means you should focus on issues that affect San Diego county/Chula Vista or the TJ/SD border region, and that are related to you and your life pursuits in some way. Think of hobbies you already partake in, your college major, your job, your experiences, etc, to come up with an issue and/or solution. You may rely on things previously discussed in class, but you’re not required to.

No infographics, graphs or other visual support will be included.

For full credit:

  • the paper should answer the prompt fully;
  • be (at minimum) 6-7 full pages of a successful combination of description, explanation, and analysis that clearly and thoughtfully follow a main idea or argument;
  • this argument should be carefully supported with well-integrated quotes and paraphrases based on credible and reliable research;
  • and conform to MLA formatting conventions
  • Including a Works Cited page
  • as well as have minimal grammatical/mechanical errors.

Humanities Homework Help