Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Law District of Columbia v Heller 554 US 570 2008 Question


I’m working on a law question and need an explanation to help me study.

District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008), is a landmark case

in which the Supreme Court of the United States held that the Second

Amendment protects an individual’s right to keep and bear arms,

unconnected with service in a militia, for traditionally lawful

purposes, such as self-defense within the home, but it did not hold that

this right cannot be regulated. With the concept of Federalism in

mind, discuss the following:

1) would it be Constitutional for a state to restrict gun ownership for private citizens to one single shot .22 rifle?

2) would it be Constitutional for a state to limit semi-automatic handgun magazine capacities to 3 bullets?

3) would it be Constitutional for the Federal Government make it illegal

for a private citizen to transport a semi-automatic handgun with a

magazine capacity of 3 bullets across state lines?

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Capella University Different Methods of Plea Bargaining Discussion


I’m working on a criminal justice discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

What are the most common methods for criminal court cases to be dismissed in pre-trial procedures? (For example, plea bargains) Do these methods properly protect a criminal defendant’s civil liberties? Explain.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. George Mason University Illicit Goods Smuggling and Poverty Papers


  1. Submit 3 pages addressing each question. Focus on the required class readings for your answers, but you may supplement with other information as needed.
    1. Are illicit goods (not human) smuggling a victimless crime (why or why not)? Define terms and provide examples
    2. What is the relationship between poverty and human smuggling/trafficking? Can states and NGOs (or the UN and other IGOs) fix the former to eliminate the latter? Why or why not? Define terms and provide examples

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Drought in California and the Rest of the West Article Analysis


Read the five articles posted ;

  • “Opinion: There is no drought.” Los Angeles Times, 5/6/21
  • Fountain, “The Western Drought is Bad. Here’s What You Should Know About It.” The New York Times, 6/24/21.
  • Leonard, Karklis, and Levitt, “Reservoirs are drying up as consequences of the Western drought worsen.” The Washington Post, 7/9/21
  • Schaben, “‘Unrecognizable.’ Lake Mead, a lifeline for water in Los Angeles and the West, tips toward crisis.” Los Angeles Times, 7/11/21
  • Wick & Kuo, “Is California ready for brown lawns and shorter showers? Drought requires less water use.” Los Angeles Times, 7/10/21.

As you read, look for facts and inferences and opinions. Note interesting facts and inferences that you might want to use in your essay. Note interesting opinions you might want to support or refute with facts or inferences from the other articles. Look for the paragraph number (in the right margin) and note it, because you will need to cite the source and paragraph number for every piece of information you use from these articles.

Write an essay, following the rules below, in which you complete the following sentence: “California and the rest of the west are suffering from a drought because ….” Then, using your completed sentence as your thesis, complete your essay with an analysis of the facts and reasonable inferences.

The professor is more focus to see if we have followed the instruction ” essay Rule” more than anything els.

Essay rules:

  1. DO NOT perform any additional research. Use nothing you have learned from watching the news, reading newspapers, listening to the radio, social media—NOTHING but those five articles.
  2. For every statement of fact in your essay, you must cite the source. This means that you will have a citation after nearly every sentence. Cite the articles as “Opinion,” “Fountain,” “Leonard,” “Schaben,” and “Wick.” That means if you are citing the sixth paragraph in Leonard’s article, cite it as (Leonard 6).
  3. Write at least 750 words and no more than 1,000 words. Citations are included in your word count.
  4. 12-point font; Double spaced; 1 ½ inch margins top, bottom, right, and left.
  5. Your name needs to be on the first line of the first page, in the upper right corner, flush right against the right-hand margin.
  6. Your essay must be uploaded to the Populi upload location by the date and time indicated on Populi.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. M12 Activity


M12 Activity

For this discussion, you will use the PDF file called Bulletins located in Module 12 of D2L. Each bulletin depicts a different jurisdiction, crime type, and purpose. Based on what we have learned about disseminating crime bulletins and information, you will select a bulletin you think is done well and you think conveys a good amount of information and is most useful to your audience. You will also select a bulletin you think needs a little work. Write a summary/critique of each bulletin explaining what you like and what you think needs to be changed (summaries should be approximately one paragraph each). Each is worth 5 points for a total of 10 points for the discussion.

We will do this as a discussion so everyone can benefit from seeing others’ posts and critiques. You are not required to respond to your peers in this board, but please feel free to do so.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Renmin University of China Law Questions and Answers


I’m working on a law report and need support to help me study.

Jennifer – 1619878132 – 2500 Words (~10 pages) – Public Law GDL – Commendation – UK

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Brigham Young University Independent Study Criminal justice Article Discussion


I’m working on a law writing question and need support to help me understand better.

Critically analyze and discuss the findings and conclusions of the article.

Do not summarize but respond to them. One page singles spaced doesn’t not have to apa unless outside sources are used.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. MHA 646 Belhaven University Legal and Regulatory Environment of Healthcare


  • Prepare the portfolio paper using the following guidelines:
    • A minimum of 8 pages not to exceed 12, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, using APA standard
    • Title page, including title of paper, your name, course name and course number, date of submission (page 1); A minimum of 8 pages text (pages 2-11)
    • Read United States v. Greber (Chapter 15, page 592) and United States v. McClatchey (Chapter 15, page 594)
    • Briefly (1 to 2 pages) summarize the facts of the cases and answer the following:
    • How, if at all, can you distinguish Greber from other instances of payments for professional services? What if the percentage Dr. Greber paid had not exceeded Medicare guidelines?
    • Hospitals provide perks to physicians such as preferred parking, free meals, and discounted care for themselves and family. Comment on the legality of such practices. Where is the “line”? How much is too much? What is the intent of these practices?
    • Using online research, locate another case involving payment for referral and compare and contrast this third case with Greber and McClatchey.
    • What effect, if any, do the health care reform laws of 2010 have on these issues?
    • Include, in your paper, a summary of your application of Paul Tillich’s theology regarding love, power and justice. Be sure to connect this with the theme of corporate compliance and maintaining ethical business relationships.
    • Include in your paper anything else you think to be relevant.
    • A reference page (page 12)
    • A minimum of 6 references are required, including the text, the Holy Bible, books and articles from academic sources (Net Library), and other periodicals.

Law Homework Help