Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Why Is It Important to Gather and Report Valid and Reliable Data Questions


What is the value of doing this assignment? You’ll
practice your problem solving skill by identifying foundational
statistical concepts and explaining how data-driven decision making can
help inform real world problems. This will provide you with a solid
foundation that will help you to not only be successful in this course,
but to learn to make smarter, data-driven decisions in your personal and
professional life.

Your goal for this assignment is to:
Practice your problem solving skill by answering questions about
statistical concepts and the benefits and uses of data-driven decision


STEP 1: Answer the questions below in a Word document.

Explain the difference between descriptive and inferential statistical
methods and give an example of how each could help you draw a conclusion
in the real world.

2. You would like to determine whether eating
before bed influences your sleep patterns. Describe the steps you would
take to conduct a statistical study on this topic.

  • What is your hypothesis on this issue?
  • What type of data will you be looking for?
  • What methods would you use to gather information?
  • How would the results of the data influence decisions you might make about eating and sleeping?

A company that sells tea and coffee claims that drinking two cups of
green tea daily has been shown to increase mood and well-being. This
claim is based on surveys asking customers to rate their mood on a scale
of 1–10 after days they drink/do not drink different types of tea.
Based on this information, answer the following questions:

  • How would we know if this data is valid and reliable?
  • What questions would you ask to find out more about the quality of the data?
  • Why is it important to gather and report valid and reliable data?

Identify two examples of real world problems that you have observed in
your personal, academic, or professional life that could benefit from
data driven solutions. Explain how you would use data/statistics and the
steps you would take to analyze each problem. You may also choose
topics below (or examples from the weekly content) to help support your

  • Crime reduction and trends

5. How does
analyzing data on these real world problems aid in problem solving and
drawing conclusions? Be sure to note the value and benefits of
data-driven decision making.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. UCSD Silver Earrings and Socks Colors Probabilities Questions


Choose 3 problems that you have worked on since Assignment 2 and write up your solutions. The handouts we have used since Assignment 2 include the following:

The Harry Potter Problem, Adopting a Different Point of View, Solving a Simpler Analogous Problem, the Tower of Hanoi, Extreme Cases, and Making a Drawing.

You cannot use the problems which I did in class (the problems on the front of each strategy handout). Choose 3 problems from different handouts. Do not choose 3 of the easiest problems; choose at least 2 problems that require some work to solve. Remember, part of being able to solve problems is being able to communicate your solutions to others. For each problem, indicate where the problem came from (Ex – Extreme Cases problem #4) and write up a solution using complete sentences and proper English. Please use diagrams, charts, pictures and/or whatever else will help you explain your solution. You do not have to type it up, but it must be neat. Each problem is worth 4 points and the following scale will be used to score each problem.

4 pts: An appropriate strategy was implemented and explained. The reader can follow the solution through each step to the correct solution.

3 pts: Solution has one of the following characteristics:

  • Implemented a solution strategy that could have led to a correct solution but student misunderstood part of the problem or ignored a condition in the problem.
  • Implementation of the strategy is not completely clear. Not all steps are clearly explained.
  • 2 pts: Solution has one of the following characteristics:

  • Showed some understanding of the problem, but did not understand the whole problem or was not able to get to a complete solution.
  • Mistake in the strategy led to an incorrect answer.
  • Correct answer, but the work is not understandable, or no work is shown.
  • 1 pt: Solution has one of the following characteristics:

  • There is a start toward finding a solution that reflects some understanding, but the approach used would not have led to a correct solution.
  • Student tries one approach that did not work and then gave up.
  • Student tried to reach a subgoal but never did.
  • 0 pts: Solution is blank or contains no new information. No apparent understanding of the problem.

    Here are the problems you need to fully solve in depth:

    Extreme Cases problem #5:

    5.In a drawer there are 8 blue socks, 6 green socks and 12 black socks. What is the smallest number of socks that must be taken from the drawer without looking at the socks to be certain of having 2 socks of the same color?

    Making a drawing #7:

    7. A jeweler makes silver earrings from silver blanks. Each blank makes 1 earring. The shavings left over from 6 blanks are then melted down and recast to form another blank. The jeweler orders 36 blanks to fill an order. How many earrings can be made from the 36 blanks?

    Different POV #6:

    6.If x+y=1 and x/y=1, what is the value of xy?

    Mathematics Homework Help

    Mathematics Homework Help

    Mathematics Homework Help. Walden University Difference between the Mean Age of Female & Male PPT


    Overview: Prepare a PowerPoint poster that demonstrates your mastery of the concepts we learned this semester. This assignment assesses the following learning objectives.

    • Provide experience in calculating simple statistics by hand and using available software packages
    • Provide students with an understanding of which statistics are appropriate for a particular empirical problem
    • Perform and present statistical analysis in a format that is consistent with professional standards

    I have provided two data sets in this module as SPSS files. I did not identify the level of measurement. This is part of your assessment.

    Data: There is one data set available to use beyond the 2018 GSS posted in this module.

    This is a SPSS data set created by Dr. Chaires in Criminal Justice. The unit of analysis is police stops. You will need to look at the variable view to get an idea exactly what information is included in this data.

    Instructions: Prepare a document in a poster format using PowerPoint. This document must include material form Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9,10, 12, 13 and 14.

    1. Start with one or two hypotheses
    2. Use a table that identifies the variables and their level of measurement
    3. Prepare at least one bar or pie chart
    4. Prepare a table of means and standard deviations for all interval-ratio variables
    5. Construct confidence intervals around means and proportions in the table of means and standard deviations.
    6. Perform one difference of means test and present the results using a bar chart and the proof of statistical significance or lack of such
    7. Present one cross-tabulation with a Chi-Square test of significance and describe the strength of the relationship
    8. Present a scatter plot and a correlation coefficient –talk about the strength, significance, and direction of the relationship
    9. Write one short paragraph that links your hypotheses to your analyses

    Deliverable: A one-page poster that includes all the information described the rubric.

    All tutors provide: high quality help, quick responsive communication, original explanations and answers with any outside resources cited.

    Mathematics Homework Help