Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Data Mining using SPSS Modeller


my supervisor have provided some feedback for the proposal

there is some small changes, will you be able to help to do the modelling. the proposed methods you selected

however, he recommended to do 3 instead of 4 due to insufficient time

Chapter 3:
In the data understanding section of the report, you will have to describe the actual datasets, focusing more on the variables that you will be using for the model, as well as the data transformation and cleaning techniques.

Chapter 4:

The modelling techniques you have chosen are suitable for classification projects. However, the techniques to be chosen will still depend on your actual datasets. As discussed, you should not restrict yourself to a single type of decision tree, as there might be a more suitable technique than CART, depending on data.

The four model: ANN, discriminant analysis, decision tree and logistic regression. Don’t need do all 4, just 3 can already.

this was what i submitted

What need to be done:

1. Linkage of lit review to proposed method
why you choose the proposed method

2. Data understand & preparation (Chapter 3)
describe the actual datasets, focusing more on the variables that you will be using for the model, as well as the data transformation and cleaning techniques.

3. Proposed method (use 3)
The modelling techniques you have chosen are suitable for classification projects. However, the techniques to be chosen will still depend on your actual datasets. As discussed, you should not restrict yourself to a single type of decision tree, as there might be a more suitable technique than CART, depending on data.

i summarized it.

Chapter 5: Recommendation and conclusion of the results

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. UCSD Silver Earrings and Socks Colors Probabilities Questions


Choose 3 problems that you have worked on since Assignment 2 and write up your solutions. The handouts we have used since Assignment 2 include the following:

The Harry Potter Problem, Adopting a Different Point of View, Solving a Simpler Analogous Problem, the Tower of Hanoi, Extreme Cases, and Making a Drawing.

You cannot use the problems which I did in class (the problems on the front of each strategy handout). Choose 3 problems from different handouts. Do not choose 3 of the easiest problems; choose at least 2 problems that require some work to solve. Remember, part of being able to solve problems is being able to communicate your solutions to others. For each problem, indicate where the problem came from (Ex – Extreme Cases problem #4) and write up a solution using complete sentences and proper English. Please use diagrams, charts, pictures and/or whatever else will help you explain your solution. You do not have to type it up, but it must be neat. Each problem is worth 4 points and the following scale will be used to score each problem.

4 pts: An appropriate strategy was implemented and explained. The reader can follow the solution through each step to the correct solution.

3 pts: Solution has one of the following characteristics:

  • Implemented a solution strategy that could have led to a correct solution but student misunderstood part of the problem or ignored a condition in the problem.
  • Implementation of the strategy is not completely clear. Not all steps are clearly explained.
  • 2 pts: Solution has one of the following characteristics:

  • Showed some understanding of the problem, but did not understand the whole problem or was not able to get to a complete solution.
  • Mistake in the strategy led to an incorrect answer.
  • Correct answer, but the work is not understandable, or no work is shown.
  • 1 pt: Solution has one of the following characteristics:

  • There is a start toward finding a solution that reflects some understanding, but the approach used would not have led to a correct solution.
  • Student tries one approach that did not work and then gave up.
  • Student tried to reach a subgoal but never did.
  • 0 pts: Solution is blank or contains no new information. No apparent understanding of the problem.

    Here are the problems you need to fully solve in depth:

    Extreme Cases problem #5:

    5.In a drawer there are 8 blue socks, 6 green socks and 12 black socks. What is the smallest number of socks that must be taken from the drawer without looking at the socks to be certain of having 2 socks of the same color?

    Making a drawing #7:

    7. A jeweler makes silver earrings from silver blanks. Each blank makes 1 earring. The shavings left over from 6 blanks are then melted down and recast to form another blank. The jeweler orders 36 blanks to fill an order. How many earrings can be made from the 36 blanks?

    Different POV #6:

    6.If x+y=1 and x/y=1, what is the value of xy?

    Mathematics Homework Help

    Mathematics Homework Help

    Mathematics Homework Help. MIS 690 GCU Performance of a Demand Forecast Using Multiple Linear Regression Model Paper


    Build a model that
    will solve the identified problem using an individual
    approach to apply an analytical process to effectively build a model
    that best fits the business problem. Use one or more of the following
    software applications: IBM SPSS Modeler, SPSS Statistics, Excel,
    Tableau, Python, or R.

    Create a draft outline describing your model and addressing the following:

    1. Demonstrate
      your application of data analysis process by specifying which models
      you built and indicate why this best addresses the business problem.
    2. What variables did you include or leave out and why?
    3. Provide specific screenshots from the modeling software.
    4. Provide the raw software files that you used for this assignment.

    the information from your draft outline to complete, in 750-1,000
    words, the relevant components in the Methodology Approach and Model
    Building section of the “Capstone Template.”

    Business Problem: Our organization does not have a current plan in place for the amount of inventory they have on sight at any given time. Stores work off of their previous projections, but the organization has gained a large amount of business in the last 3-5 years and does not have a way currently to predict the amount of inventory required, causing frequent under and over stocking problems.

    Analytical Problem: Perform a demand forecast to determine what the number of items are expected to be purchased in a given month. Use linear optimization to find the ideal number of inventory items to purchase.

    Mathematics Homework Help