Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Thomas Jefferson University Vertex of a Parabola Discussion


I’m working on a algebra discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.

The maximum or minimum value of a quadratic equation occurs at the vertex.

  • Can a maximum value for a quadratic equation be a negative number?
  • Can a minimum value for a quadratic equation be a positive number?

Explain by using examples.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Grossmont College Module 13 Normal Probability Distributions Questions


According to the College Board website, the scores on the math part of the SAT (SAT-M) in a recent year had a mean of 507 and standard deviation of 111. Assume that SAT-M scores have a normal probability distribution. One of the criteria for admission to a certain engineering school is an SAT-M score in the 98th percentile. This means the score is in the top 2% of scores.

Find the actual SAT-M score marking the 98th percentile? Show your work. Interpret your result.

Note: You will need the Inverse Normal Distribution Calculator below.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Multivariate Statistical Techniques Questions


  • Need code, output and answer
  • Exercise 12.3 in the book (remember to standardize variables prior to clustering, so your conclusions may differ from the book’s).
  • 12.3 Cluster the primate.scapulae data using single-linkage, average-linkage, and complete-linkage agglomerative hierarchical clustering methods. Find the five-cluster solutions for all three methods, which allows comparison with the true primate classifications. Find the misclassification rate for all three methods. Show that the lowest rate occurs for the complete-linkage method and the highest for the single-linkage method.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. UCMC The Appropriate Factorial Notation for The Design Lab Report


Objective:  Perform a two-way factorial ANOVA using JASP and interpret the results.



Conduct a two-way ANOVA in JASP using the assignment Data File: Video game study data.csv  Download Video game study data.csv                

Scenario: A psychological researcher wants to find out if there are any effects of gender and the amount of video game play on reaction time. Thirty males and 30 females were selected to participate in the study. Of the 60 participants, 15 of the males and 15 of the females play video games on a regular basis, while the other 15 males and 15 females had never played video games. The participants were put through a test where a screen would flash a command to press one of four buttons in front of them. The stimulus was presented for10 trials for each participant, with each command being random. The average reaction time in milliseconds was recorded.


  • Change the variable labels for Gender from 1 -> “Male” and 2 -> ”Female”, and for Video_Game_Play from 1 -> “No Play” and 2 -> “Regular Play”
  • Perform the ANOVA analysis and include marginal means, descriptives, estimates of effect size, descriptive plots, and any necessary post hoc tests (3 or more levels of a variable).

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Parameter and Probability Questionnaire


Question 2: In this question, we will use the Youtube data. We will be focusing on variable views.

youtube=read.table("", header=TRUE, sep=",")
##   trending_date         channel_title category_id   views
## 1      17.14.11          CaseyNeistat          22  748374
## 2      17.14.11       LastWeekTonight          24 2418783
## 3      17.14.11          Rudy Mancuso          23 3191434
## 4      17.14.11 Good Mythical Morning          24  343168
## 5      17.14.11              nigahiga          24 2095731
## 6      17.14.11              iJustine          28  119180
## [1]  748374 2418783 3191434  343168 2095731  119180
  1. (5 points) Calculate average number of views. We are going to threat this as the population mean, i.e., E[X]E[X].
  2. (5 points) Choose a sample of youtube data of size 200. Calculate the average views of the videos in the sample you selected. What is your sampling error, i.e., E[X]X¯E[X]X¯?
#Hint: sample(youtube$views, 10) take a random sample of 10 observations from data set youtube, column views
  1. (10 points) Using the sample data you selected in part (b), estimate the average views via bootstrap method by taking 10001000 resamples. What is your sampling error, i.e., E[X]X¯E[X]X¯?

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Santa Monica College Calculus Exam Practice


I’m working on a calculus exercise and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Pg.102, Sec.3.1, EX#5, 13, 15, 35, 43, 53,57)

Pg.114, Sec.3.2, EX#5, 13, 19, 23, 31, 35, 49, 51

Pg.121, Sec.3.3, EX#3, 4, 7, 15, 19, 21, 23, 31, 37, 48

Pg.135, Sec.3.5, EX#3, 7, 23 Pg.140,Sec3.6, Ex#5, 11, 17, 23

Pg.146, Sec.3.7, EX#11, 19, 29, 35, 43, 49

Pg.152, Sec.3.8, EX#3, 5, 11, 19, 25, 29, 37

Answer all these questions. All questions and answers must be typed, including any graphs, etc. No handwriting for anything is allowed. All questions will be graded on accuracy, so if answers are all incorrect I will be requesting a refund. Thanks. All work must be shown, no excpetions

Here is the textbook link:

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. I need help with math 2 parts


TEST CORRECTION FORMName _____________________________________________Date: ___________________Period: _______ Title of Assessment:_______________________________________________________________________Original Assessment Score: __________ + __________ Points Back = __________ New Assessment ScoreDirections:You MUSTfollow all steps completely and accuratelyfor me to consider your test corrections for regrading. If the new answer is correct and accurately justified, you will earn back partial credit for previously missed answer. STEP 1:Identify the questions you missed. Write the question number in the Question Missed # (1) column. Thenwrite the letter of the answer you choose in the I choose Answer(2)STEP 2:Place the numberthat best fits the reason for missing the questionin the WHY?(3)column, for the questions you missed.1) I didn’t understand the question4) I had no clue about this2) I thought I had this right5) I ran out of time or guessed3) I studied this but forgot6) I made a careless mistakeSTEP 3:Correct the question you missed by writing your new answer in the Correct Answer(4)column. Thenjustifywhy this is now the correct answer in the Why is the new answer correct?(5)column. It is not sufficient to write I found it in my notes or I remember you told me. Explain where you got the answer and why the new answer is correct.*If any part is missing or incorrect, NOcredit isgiven for that correction.12345QuestionMissed #I choose AnswerThe letter of the answer you chose first.Why?Choose a number from the options above. Correct AnswerThe letter of your your new answer.Why is the new answer correct?Example: I said the object could speed up or slow down. However, the question says that the object is moving at a constant speed. This means the speed is not changing so only the direction can change*DON’T use I didn’t study, or I didn’t know

Question 10 / 4 pts

Graph the equation and identify the x– and y-intercepts.

-5x – 2y = 10

Question 24 / 4 pts

Graph the equation and identify the x– and y-intercepts.

5x + 4 = 24

Question 34 / 4 pts

Below is the graph of y = f(x). Find the function of the transformed graph.

Question 44 / 4 pts

Determine the slope of the line passing through the given points.

(-4, 1) and (-7, -7)

Question 54 / 4 pts

Determine the slope of the line passing through the given points.

(5, 2) and (5, 4)

Question 64 / 4 pts

Determine the slope and the of the line.

8x + 5y = -9

Question 74 / 4 pts

Use the slope-intercept form to write an equation of the line that passes through the given point and has the given slope. Use function notation where y = f(x).

(8, -7); m = 0

Question 82 / 2 pts

Use the point-slope form to write the equation of the line that passes through the point (-2, 7) with slope .

Question 92 / 2 pts

Use the point-slope form to write the equation of the line that passes through the point (3, -8) with slope .

Question 104 / 4 pts

Solve the problem.

A bakery makes and sells pastries. The fixed monthly cost to the bakery is $750. The cost for labor, taxes, and ingredients for the pastries amounts to $0.80 per pastry. The pastries sell for $2.00 each.
a. Write a linear profit function representing the profit for producing and selling x pastries.
b. Determine the break-even point for the bakery.

IncorrectQuestion 110 / 4 pts

Solve the problem.

The graph shows the number of organ transplants y in a certain country for the years 2005 to 2010 where x represents the number of years since 2005.

a. Use the points (1, 118) and (4, 160) to write a linear model for these data. Round the slope to one decimal place and the y-intercept to the nearest whole unit.
b. Use the model to approximate the number of organ transplants performed in 2012.

Question 124 / 4 pts

Evaluate the function for the given value of x.

f (x) = 5x2 + 4, g(x) = 2x3- 9x2 – 3, (f g)(0) = ?

Question 134 / 4 pts

Evaluate the function for the given value of x.

f (x) = 2x2 + 3, g(x) = 4x3- x2 – 9, (x) = ?

Question 144 / 4 pts

Evaluate the function for the given value of x.

f (x) = 9x2 + 8, g(x) = 4x3- 7x2 – 1, (g + f)(x) = ?

IncorrectQuestion 150 / 4 pts

Evaluate the function for the given value of x.

p(x) = 9x2 + 8, r(x) = 4x3- 7x2 – 1, (p – r)(-1)

IncorrectQuestion 160 / 4 pts

Find the indicated function.

m(x) = 8x +5, p(x) = 3x2- 2, (m p)(x) = ?

IncorrectQuestion 170 / 4 pts

Find the difference quotient and simplify.

f (x) = 4x – 7

Question 184 / 4 pts

Find for the given function.

f (x) = x2 – 8x.

IncorrectQuestion 190 / 4 pts

Solve the problem.

A chess master creates instructional videos about various opening strategies. She sells the videos in 3-hr packages for $35 each. Her one-time initial cost to produce each 3-hr video package is $4,600 (this includes labor and the cost of computer supplies). The cost to package and ship each DVD is $2.95.
a. Write a linear cost function that represents the cost C(x) to produce, package, and ship x 3-hr video packages.
b. Write a linear revenue function to represent the revenue R(x) for selling x 3-hr video packages.
c. Evaluate (R – C)(x) and interpret its meaning in the context of this problem.

Question 204 / 4 pts

Solve the problem.

A dietitian at a hospital wants a patient to have a meal that has 91 grams of protein, 103 grams of carbohydrates and 128 milligrams of vitamin A. The hospital food service tells the dietician that the dinner for today is salmon steak, baked eggs, and acorn squash. Each serving of salmon steak has 30 grams of protein, 10 grams of carbohydrates, and 1 milligram of vitamin A. Each serving of baked eggs contains 10 grams of protein, 3 grams of carbohydrates, and 15 milligram of vitamin A. Each serving of acorn squash has 2 grams of protein, 25 grams of carbohydrates, and 37 milligram of vitamin A. How many servings of each food should the dietitian provide for the patient? Describe what the variables represent then write the system of linear equations to be solved.

Question 214 / 4 pts

Write the augmented matrix for the given system.

IncorrectQuestion 220 / 4 pts

Write a system of linear equations represented by the augmented matrix.

Question 234 / 4 pts

Perform the elementary row operations on the given matrix.

3R1 + R3 → R3
R2 → R2

Question 244 / 4 pts

Determine the solution set for the system represented by the augmented matrix.

IncorrectQuestion 250 / 4 pts

The solution set to a system of dependent equations is given. Write the specific solution corresponding to the given value of z.

{(4z – 7, z – 4, z) | z is any real number}
z = -5

UnansweredQuestion 260 / 4 pts

Solve the system using Gauss-Jordan elimination.

-8x + 10y = -5
-4x + 5y = -3

Quiz Score: 69 out of 100This quiz score has been manually adjusted by +5.0 points.

Mathematics Homework Help