Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Kwame Nkrumah University Statistics Regression Analysis for Stocks Worksheet


Statistics Regression analysis for stocks. Please read question carefully. Use the attached rubric as a guide, highlighted section. I will require both the word document write up as well as the excel file. You need to perform all steps in the regression analysis, as well as using graphs such as scatter plots and histograms (see rubric).

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. MATH 170 GC Power of Love Parametric Equations Question


Four sets of parametric equations are listed below.  Graph each set of equations on your graphing calculator using the parametric mode and the window shown.  Pick one of graphs, and write a story about the motion shown.  The story should be 1-2 paragraphs long, and t represents time.  Describe  one or more characters where this motion/path is key to the story.

Do not tell us which set of equations inspired your story!


otion #4 (use 0?t?6?,?5?x?40,?2?y?60?t?6?,?5?x?40,?2?y?6 )



Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. JSU Function in Excel Lets You Calculate the Payment on A Load Discussion


I’m working on a Mathematics exercise and need support.

The pmt() function in Excel let’s you calculate what the payment on a load would be.  Suppose you finance a car purchase. Take your loan to be $24,000 with an annual interest rate of 16% compounded monthly and financed for 5 years. What would you need to put into the pmt function for rate, nper, and pv in order to correctly calculate your monthly payment?  What would you end up paying for the car in the end?

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. PSYC 15 Deanza College Can Selfie Be An Addiction Research Analysis


For this assignment, please share your impressions of one of the following articles with controversial research findings:

Pick one:

1. Can selfie be an addiction? (Links to an external site.)

2. Does excessive screen time harm children? (Links to an external site.)

3. For those who are interested in romantic relationships with men, can you really tell if, “he’s not really into you.”? (Links to an external site.)

The Assignment:

1. Choose one of the above and comment on it in 5-8 sentences or a short paragraph.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. University of California Los Angeles 8 textbook questions about Linear and Nonlinear Systems of Differential Equations


Section 6.3: 15

Section 6.5: 1, 13

Section 6.6: 1

Section 6.8: 8

Exercise A

Show that the system

x_ = x y x(x2 + y2);

y_ = x + y y(x2 + y2)

is given in polar coordinates (x; y) = (r cos ; r sin ) by

r_ = r(1 r2);

_ = 1:

Draw the associated phase portrait.


Exercise B

For r < 1 draw the phase portrait of

r_ = r;

_ =


ln r


Calculate the associated vector eld f in cartesian coordinates. Note that (by denition)

f(0; 0) = (0; 0): Show that the phase portrait of the linearization at the origin is the phase

portrait of a stable star.

Remark. In this example f 2 C1(B1(0)) nC2(B1(0)); where B1(0) = f(x; y)jx2+y2 < 1g

is the ball of radius r = 1 around the origin. This example is due to Perron.

Exercise C

(a) Use index theory to show that the system

x_ = x(4 y x2);

y_ = y(x 1)

has no closed orbit. You may assume that a branch of the unstable manifold of (2; 0)

approaches (1; 3):

(b) Draw a phase portrait with all of the following properties:

(1) it diers from the phase portrait of (a) only for x > 0 and y > 0,

(2) it has a closed orbit,

(3) it has a stable spiral at (1; 3):

6.3.15 Consider the system r..= r(1.r2 ), …. =1.cos.. where r, .. represent polar

coordinates. Sketch the phase portrait and thereby show that the fixed point

r* .. 1, ..* .. 0 is attracting but not Liapunov stable.

6.5.1 Consider the system x….= x3 .x.

a) Find all the equilibrium points and classify them.

b) Find a conserved quantity.

c) Sketch the phase portrait.

6.5.13 (Nonlinear centers)

a) Show that the Duffing equation x….+x+..x3 = 0 has a nonlinear center at the

origin for all .. .. 0.

b) If .. .. 0, show that all trajectories near the origin are closed. What about

trajectories that are far from the origin?

Show that each of the following systems is reversible, and sketch the phase portrait.

6.6.1 x = y(1−x2 ), y =1−y2

6.8.8 A smooth vector field on the phase plane is known to have exactly three

closed orbits. Two of the cycles, say C1 and C2, lie inside the third cycle C3.

However, C1 does not lie inside C2, nor vice-versa.

a) Sketch the arrangement of the three cycles.

b) Show that there must be at least one fixed point in the region bounded by C1, C2,


Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Taylor and Lagrange interpolating(math lab)


  1. Suppose that you can only use addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, rounding and integer powers of numbers. You decide to use a Taylor Series to evaluate y = ex with only these operations, since you learned in calculus that it converges for all x. Below gives an example of such code.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Columbia University Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates Calculus Questions


Three-Dimensional Coordinate Systems


The Dot Product

The Cross Product

Equations of Lines and Planes

Cylinders and Quadric Surfaces

Curves Defined by Parametric Equations Vector Functions and Space Curves

Derivatives and integrals of Vector Functions

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. RES 710 University of Phoenix Data Analysis and Variability Discussions


Part 1

Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following?

Why are measures of variability important when interpreting data?

Use at least 1 scholarly source and cite in APA Format.

Part 2

Respond in 150-200 words.

The devotion our difference is a great thing to know. The difference and if it is significant or not is an important aspect of research. this could be done by performing many different tests. Do you know what we would run to find out the variance?

Part 3

Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:

How do you choose which measure of variation to use and what considerations may have an impact on your decision?

Use at least 1 scholarly source.

Part 4

Respond in 150-200 words

The type of research and the data being analyzed will affect the appropriate measure. Do you think they could be interchanged, or do you think the wrong measure would screw up a study?

Mathematics Homework Help