Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Calculus Week 3 Forum


After following and reading all three links please post your thoughts or questions about the use of complex numbers in these applications.

Complex Number Applications

Wondering where to use Complex Numbers in the real world?

More Complex Made Simple

Why do we use complex notation in electrical circuits?
Complex Numbers in Real Life

All topics should include a graph illustrating your problem along with key points and values identified. Just arbitrarily select values that meet the given condition for your example and graph. One free graphing tool available is DESMOS Calculator

A list of at least one internet resource as CLICK-ABLE urls by using the heading icon that looks like the earth with a chain.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Case control analysis project using using categorical variables through logistic regression on SAS


I need to create a project on SAS using logistic regression to find association between exposed factor and the case and controlled group with a project report and presentation with 3-4 slides explaining objective, background, introduction hypothesis and method. You can choose the data of your choice, preferably from

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. MATH 302 American Public Week 3 Using the Binomial Probability Distribution Questions


Recall the car data set you identified in Week 2. You will want to calculate the average for your data set. (Be sure you use the numbers without the supercar outlier) Once you have the average count how many of your data points fall below the average. You will take that number and divide it by 10. This will be your p or “success” in your problem. Once you have p, calculate q.

If you were to find another random sample of 10 cars based on the same data, what is the probability that exactly 4 of them will fall below the average? Make sure you interpret your results.

If you were to find another random sample of 10 cars based on the same data, what is the probability that fewer than 5 of them will fall below the average? Make sure you interpret your results.

If you were to find another random sample of 10 cars based on the same data, what is the probability that more than 6 of them will fall below the average? Make sure you interpret your results.

If you were to find another random sample of 10 cars based on the same data, what is the probability that at least 4 of them will fall below the average? Make sure you interpret your results.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Mathematics Question



The Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) Process provides a comprehensive approach for identifying and assessing risks and associated impacts. For this activity you will work in groups to complete a sample THIRA.

For this discussion activity, you will complete a sample THIRA using the four-step process. Use the download[Docx, File size 12.2 KB] provided to record your findings. Refer to your text, Chapter 9 and the Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 201: Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) Process Guide for examples

STEP 1: Identify Threats and Hazards

In your group, create a list of jurisdictional threats and hazards. Each group will be assigned a local jurisdiction, and should choose three threats and three hazards, one from each category (natural, technological, and human-caused).

STEP 2: Contextualize Threats and Hazards

Each group will then chose one incident from the list of three threats and hazards of significant concern identified in activity one and create a context description. This should include the conditions (at a minimum time and location) most relevant to the community. Use table 9.5 Threat and Hazard Description factors (found in chapter 9 of your text) to develop your context descriptions.

STEP 3: Establish Capability Targets

3.1 Estimate Impacts of a Threat of Hazard: Using the context descriptions developed in Step 2, choose five (5) core capabilities, one from each of the five mission areas (prevent, protect, mitigation, response, and recovery) that would pertain to managing the threat or hazard (see Table 9.1 in your text). Next, estimate impacts of the threat or hazard on the chosen capabilities.

3.2 Develop Desired Outcomes and Capability Target Statements: Using all of the information created in the previous activities, each team will develop one desired outcome for each of the five core capabilities identified in the Estimate Impacts of a Threat of Hazard activity (above). Use the estimated impacts and the desired outcomes to develop one capability target statement for each of the core capabilities.

STEP 4: Apply the Results

Apply The Results: Using the capability target statements from each of the core capabilities previously identified in Step 3, identify the necessary resources needed to request, deploy, and use to manage your incident. Your team will need to use the FEMA Resource Typing Library Tool (Links to an external site.). Calculate the resource requirements by considering the capability targets, operational capacities of resources, and time available. Present your final THIRA results to the class.

Post your findings using the EditEdit download[Docx, File size 12.2 KB] to the discussion board.


Prepare a Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) calculation and summary paper for two of the threats not used by your group in the discussion forum (natural, technological, and human caused). This is an individual assignment. You are to explain each step of the process for your threat/hazard in the same format you used for the discussion activity:

  1. Identify threats and hazards of concern
  2. Give the threats and hazards context
  3. Establish capability targets
  4. Apply the results.

Refer to your text, Chapter 9 and the Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 201: Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) Process Guide for examples. You may use the same download[Docx, File size 12.2 KB] provided for the group discussion activity for the calculation section.

Once you have completed the THIRA calculation for each threat/hazard, you will write must include a 1-2 page summary for each that includes a brief proposal of strategies or activities that might be taken to reduce the risks to that particular area. The finished calculation and summary paper should be 4-5 pages in length.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. YU Airline Company Interested in Improving Customer Satisfaction Question


I don’t know how to handle this Statistics question and need guidance.

An airline company is interested in improving customer satisfaction rate from the 70% currently claimed. The company sponsored a survey of 217 customers and found that 165 customers were satisfied. Determine whether sufficient evidence exists that the customer satisfaction rate is higher than the claim by the company.

What is the test statistic z?

What is the p-value?

Does sufficient evidence exist that the customer satisfaction rate is higher than the claim by the company at a significance level of α=0.05? yes or no.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Miami Dade College Sampling Procedure & Systemic Random Discussion


I’m working on a statistics question and need support to help me learn.

1- Imagine yourself at a fair playing one of the midway games. Pick a game and calculate the expected value and post your results along with how you calculated them. For example, you may decide to throw a basketball to try to win a $10 bear. You paid $2.00 for three shots. What is the expected value? (Please do not use this example in your answer) 2- Go to a local library; collect a sample of books consisting of the ages of book (based on copyright dates). Plan and describe the sampling procedure, then use the results to construct a confidence interval estimate of the mean age of all books in the library. Please, post and share your results with the class. 3-Use the mean and the standard deviation obtained from the last module and text the claim that the mean age of all books in the library is greater than 2005. Share your results with the class.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. HU Account Balance & Recursive Definition Question


In year one, an investor deposits 3 dollars in her bank account. Each year after that, the
balance in the account triples, but a bank fee is paid at the end of the year. The bank fee is 2 dollars at
the end of year two, and the bank fee doubles every year after that. Let A(n) be the account balance at
the end of year n ≥ 1. Give a recursive definition for A(n), including any necessary base cases. Solve the
recurrence and prove your result using induction.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. HU Recurrence Relation & Recursive Definition for Y Question


Suppose you have m identical blue books and n identical yellow books. Let B(m, n) be
the number of ways to arrange the books on the shelf. Write a recurrence relation for B(m, n), including
necessary base cases. Next, suppose you can’t put two yellow books in a row. Rewrite a new recursive
definition for Y (m, n), which is the number of ways of arranging the books under this condition. You must
justify both of your expressions. You do not need to solve the recurrences.

Mathematics Homework Help