Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. PJM 350 CSU Global Construction Planning and Scheduling Project


  1. Identify a minimum of 30 project activities.
  2. Estimate activity durations and properly sequence these activities, and assume the project will take at least two months to finish.
  3. Then, develop a computer-generated project schedule (see the note below regarding the scheduling software application options) with the planned start date of December 1 next year.
  4. Customize the project calendar and assume that your company does not work the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day, but works on Saturdays. Provide a .pdf copy of the entire project schedule on which the project’s critical path is identified (activity bars should be red for the critical activities) and fit the schedule to one-page width. Make you include the Gantt view and the following columns (i.e., activity attributes) on the activity list: activity ID, Name, Duration, Early Start, Early Finish, Predecessor, Successor, and Total Float.
  5. Please use the project in the paper below to do this. 

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. SNHU Audience Persona Demographics and Psychographics Discussion


Since communications must be targeted to a specific audience, before you can create a product brief for a client, you must know more about the client. Your knowledge of the client will inform the decisions you make in the client brief—from the type of language you use to how you present data and graphics. To begin this milestone activity:

  1. Choose one of the software design documents to focus on for both 2-1 Milestone Activity: Audience Persona and Project One: Non-technical Audiences.
  2. Consider all of the different groups of people (audiences) who are likely to use that application.
  3. Choose one audience to focus on for your persona.
  4. Choose a stock picture and name for the persona that will serve as the representation of your chosen audience.
  5. Identify demographics and psychographics associated with this audience I have added the document that you will need to see before starting the project is going to be project 1 the first page.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. CCJ 3628 FIU What Takes Place in The Body After Death Essay


I don’t understand this question and need help to study.

Briefly Explain what takes place in the body after death; that is, when does the body start to decompose, how does the following variables impact time of death and decomposition of the body:

  • temperature
  • time
  • location of the body ( outdoors, indoors)
  • and FYI ( but not required to address) there are other variables explained in the class text.

To properly answer the three-part question, the student must include a two paragraph response briefly and concisely denoting and addressing all of mentioned the variables ( three) as they relate to time of death. Chapter 9 in the text clearly and concisely explains the dynamics involved on the subject.

Book : Gerberth, V. J. (2015). Practical Homicide Investigation (5th ed.). Taylor & Francis Group.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. University of Memphis Learning Disability in a Private School Discussion


I need an explanation for this question to help me study.

Chapter 2, “Does Your Organization Have a Learning Disability?,” (I have uploaded the Chapter reading for this discussion) describes ways to evaluate the current state of an organization. You’ll get a chance to try these ideas out yourself in the discussion for this week.

Examples of organizational disabilities Organizations—and problems—have grown in complexity. As Senge and others observe, unless we can recognize the systemic structures that underlie complexity, even the brightest people will find that, despite their best efforts and intentions, they are not achieving their intended results

For this discussion, share an example of an organization (I work in education at a private school as an After-school care & summer camp coordinator so the organization needs to be focused around that) that exhibits one or more of the disabilities discussed in Chapter 2 of Senge’s The Fifth Discipline. Explain how the disability manifests itself and what the cause may be in terms of Senge’s learning disabilities. The organization may be one in which you are employed, another familiar organization, or one that you have read or heard about. The key is to begin to recognize the common signs that inhibit organizations from learning.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Hult International Business School Business Model of Tesla Inc Essay


Assignment 4: case study analysis

For this assignment you will be asked to choose ONE out of four case-studies and write a case-study analysis of it. Your analysis should be 1200 words (+/- 10%) long (excluding the Reference List). You must paraphrase the case study and remember to reference the case study itself in the reference list.

The below case-studies will be posted on Modules under the heading ›ASSIGNMENT 4: Case Study Analysis‹ 77 hours before the deadline on Tuesday, 27 April 2021 at 17:00, London time.

  1. Tesla
  2. Musk
  3. Fitbit
  4. Uber

For each case study, there will be an accompanying file containing discussion points that you must read carefully.

Guidelines on how to write a case-study analysis: https://writingcenter.ashford.edu/writing-case-stu…

Precise grading rubrics and formatting guidelines for this assignment plus an example case study are posted under Modules, week 14, class 1.

The deadline for submitting your essay is Friday, 30 April 2021 at 23:59, London time.

What is a Case Study?

“A case study analysis requires you to investigate a business problem, examine the alternative solutions, and propose the most effective solution using supportive evidence.

A case study should include background information on the specific topic, an analysis of the case under study showing problems or effective strategies, as well as recommendations.

A case study can focus on a business or entire industry, a specific project or program, or a person.”

From Writing a Case-Study Analysis. Website available here: https://writingcenter.ashford.edu/writing-case-stu…

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. CRJ 220 Strayer University Ethics and Leadership Discussion


  • Read Chapter 2 of your textbook and watch The Ethics of Virtue [Video], paying close attention to the Six Pillars of Character endorsed by the Center for American and International Law. Choose three characters you believe are essential in leading an ethical life as a law enforcement personnel and discuss why you chose those three.
  • List and explain two ways virtue ethics assist law enforcement in moral dilemmas.
  • Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Southern New Hampshire University Optimum Way Development Inc Research Presentation



Overview Imagine you are the manager of a software development team working on new applications for your company, Optimum Way Development, Inc. Your company has just announced a new employee program where a select number of employees will be given paid time to perform research in an area of interest in their field. In order to apply, you must create a presentation that will be reviewed by a panel of executives in the company. These executives are business professionals who do not have technical education or experience.


Consider your own field of study (study Science information technology) and what questions or issues you find interesting within this field. If you have trouble thinking of some, you can search the internet to see what professionals in the field believe are the most pressing questions or issues in the field today.

To complete this activity, address the following criteria:

  1. Create a presentation that explains what your area of interest is. In your presentation, do the following:
    • Pose your specific research question on one specific, current issue in your field of study.
    • Use communication techniques that are appropriate for the audience’s preferences and motivations.
  2. Articulate who the research will help. Include supporting details that explain the need for the research and the audience for the research.
  3. Create the speaker’s notes that would accompany each slide of the presentation. In the notes, use dialogue that communicates the appropriate main ideas to the audience. It has to be a very detailed information. I am study Science information technology. 

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. American Intercontinental University HRM and Personnel Management Discussion Board


After you have reviewed the Assignment Details below, click the Discussion Board link under the My Work heading above to open the Discussion Board and make your post.

Assignment Details

Employers and employees work together to achieve organizational goals through efficient management. Human resource management (HRM) and personnel management are two basic approaches organizations use to manage their employees. Human resource management focuses on strategies that affect the entire organization, whereas personnel management deals with the workforce and its relationship with the organization.

  • Describe the differences between HRM and personnel management. Provide 2 examples that demonstrate each management style.

Review and consider the differences presented by your peers. One approach to replying to your peers is to share your thoughts on 2 of you peer’s responses and address additional reasons on the importance of the topics presented. Another approach is to expand on the discussion by providing your perspective through the introduction of examples and possible outcomes.

In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board and comment on other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Discussion Board Reminders: 

  • Must have three posts:  A main post and two replies to peers.
    • First post: Either your main post or a reply to others must be posted before midnight CT (Central time) on Friday of each week.
    • Second and third post: Must be posted on a different day from the first post.
  • Connect to content: At least one post must refer to course learning materials. See the Academic Resource on Discussion Boards for help with connecting to the content.
  • Engaging in class discussions: For more information on making the most of your class dialog, review the Academic Resource on Discussion Boards

Other Homework Help