Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Oakton Community College Chinese Religion Research Paper


PAPER NO. 2 (minimum 6-8 pages) would have originally required you to seek out, find and visit an area house of worship of a religion we are studying that you do not practice. You are writing about Chinese Religion, please watch the following film.  Confucius (2010) Mandarin w/ English subtitles https://youtu.be/el3i3TfNg-I 

Also be sure to compare and contrast what the Written Lectures and Class Readings say about the religion and issues you encounter (always read both before watching the film) to what you learn from this experience as well as offer your own opinion of – and specific reactions to and reflections upon – the experience of doing this.  

be sure to relate all of this back to the course material itself by including: 

  1. what the Written Lectures said about the religion and relevant topics
  2. what the Class Readings said about the religion and the relevant topics
  3. what is your own opinion on all of this

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. PE4003 : Role of the Epidemiologist


Public Health Presentation

A primary end goal of epidemiology is to make recommendations for control and prevention efforts. You have already given a detailed analysis of the descriptive factors associated with an increased incidence chronic disease you chose in PE4002. You proposed changes to existing studies that you might make to gain a greater understanding of the disease. In this Competency Assessment, you will be creating a presentation to share with community officials about the importance of addressing the five key areas of social determinants of health and the connections these have with your selected disease. You will use additional community assessment tools to research risk factors and provide recommendations to control and prevent the disease.

Using a PowerPoint presentation with in-slide narration, you will encourage action and policy change to improve the health of a community of citizens. One of the roles of an epidemiologist is to use the science and art of epidemiology to inform and guide the political and social decisions of public health. Your slides should contain notes to guide the presentation forward, and the narration should contain what you would actually say during the presentation (which is not reading the slide verbatim).

The following resource can help you create audio narration within your slides:

Microsoft. (n.d.). Record a slide show with narration and slide timings. Retrieved February 7, 2019, from https://support.office.com/en-us/article/record-a-slide-show-with-narration-and-slide-timings-0b9502c6-5f6c-40ae-b1e7-e47d8741161c

To prepare for this Competency Assessment:

Your presentation should include the following:

  • Slide 1: Title Slide (You should introduce the presentation and explain why you are giving it within your narration.)

Note: For slides 2 through 11, use resources to assist in making the connection between the social determinants of health and your disease. Provide some descriptive epidemiological information from your resources to verify the risks associated with the key areas and your chosen disease. (Reference: Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (n.d.). Social determinants of health. Retrieved February 21, 2019, from https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives/topic/social-determinants-of-health)

  • Slide 2–3: Economic Stability
    • Analyze the relationship between the disease you chose and two of the factors of economic stability listed below.
      • Employment
      • Food Insecurity
      • Housing Instability
      • Poverty
  • Slide 4–5: Education
    • Analyze the relationship between the disease you chose and two of the factors of education listed below.
      • Early Childhood Education and Development
      • Enrollment in Higher Education
      • High School Graduation
      • Language and Literacy
  • Slide 6–7: Social and Community Context
    • Analyze the relationship between the disease you chose and two of the factors of social and community context listed below.
      • Civic Participation
      • Discrimination
      • Incarceration
      • Social Cohesion
  • Slide 8–9: Health and Healthcare
    • Analyze the relationship between the disease you chose and two of the factors of health and healthcare listed below.
      • Access to Health Care
      • Access to Primary Care
      • Health Literacy
  • Slide 10–11: Neighborhood and Built Environment
    • Analyze the relationship between the disease you chose and two of the factors of neighborhood and built environment listed below.
      • Access to Foods That Support Healthy Eating Patterns
      • Crime and Violence
      • Environmental Conditions
      • Quality of Housing
  • Slide 12–14: Select a state using the County Health Rankings link (www.countyhealthrankings.org). Then select a county within the state map.
    • Compare how your county ranks within the state on Health Outcomes? Compare how your county ranks within the state on Health Factors?
    • Health Factors include Health Behaviors, Clinical Care, Social & Economic Factors, and Physical Environment. For your county, report findings for two Social & Economic Factors and one Physical Environment factor.
    • Describe some of the main social determinants of health indicators that may put your county more at risk for certain diseases, including your chosen disease.
  • Slide 15–16: Current Control and Prevention Efforts
    • Identify public health programs that address one or more social determinants of health to reduce the incidence and prevalence of the disease.
    • Explain some of the specific strategies of these programs.
    • Slide 17–18: Recommendations for Future Control and Prevention Efforts
      • Recommend a future control and prevention effort for three of the Ten Essential Public Health Services.
    • Slide 19–20: Disseminating Information to Community Officials
      • Describe which community members and officials need to be aware of this information on control and prevention efforts.
      • How will you encourage action among the community officials and members?
      • Explain the important communication strategies to ensure credibility and improve the community’s trust.
      • What current community policies should be changed or created to promote change?
      • How will program success be measured?
    • Slide 20–21: Social Determinants of Health and Public Health Decisions
      • How do the social determinants of health impact decision making in public health?
      • Consider issues relating to scientific, ethical, economic, and political decisions.
      • Slide 22: References
        • Include at least three scholarly, APA formatted references and cite each appropriately within the presentation.

      Other Homework Help

      Other Homework Help

      Other Homework Help. Chamberlain College of Nursing Starry Night by Van Gogh Discussion Paper


      • Textbook: Chapter 15
      • Lesson: Week 1, 8
      • Minimum of 1 scholarly source

      As we learned in Week 1, there is a difference between being educated and simply trained. The purpose of education is not only to determine what someone can do, but also what kind of person they become as a result of their education. Studies in the humanities will advance the communication skills, empathy, self-awareness, judgment, and professionalism of students, and they help students with becoming skilled at the social and cultural context of working with people.

      In addition, studying the humanities can help students in the following ways:

      • Literature can introduce students to life situations with which they may not be familiar.
      • Drama can teach oral communication.
      • Philosophy can teach skills of analysis and argument.
      • Art, literature, drama. and music are expressions of human creativity, and taking part in some form of artistic activity, either as reader or viewer, is part of what makes us human.

      For this assignment, choose a work of art that made an impression on you during this course. Then, address the following:

      • Include an image of or link to the work.
      • Identify the artist, the title, date completed, and the medium.
      • Explain how learning about the work will help you in your life and career. Consider the context in which the work was created and the meaning of the work.
      • Explain how one or more specific disciplines (literature, drama, philosophy, art, music) influenced you.
      • Examine the effect that you think this class could have on your career and personal life.

      Other Homework Help

      Other Homework Help

      Other Homework Help. BIOS 242 Chamberlain College of Nursing Lessons Learned from Microbiology Discussion


      I’m working on a other discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

      Required Resources

      Read/review the following resources for this activity:

      • Textbook: Review all
      • Weekly Concepts: Review all

      Initial Prompt Instructions

      As you complete BIOS242, describe the following:

      1. One of the key concepts you learned that appealed you the most;
      2. How concepts of Microbiology will help you in clinical sciences such as pathophysiology;
      3. The importance of knowledge of microbiology for a career in health care.

      Follow-Up Post Instructions

      Respond to at least one peer or the instructor. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

      Writing Requirements

      • Minimum of 2 posts (1 initial & 1 follow-up)
      • Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source)
      • APA format for in-text citations and list of references
      • Student Sample: Hi Professor and class, Some key concepts that I learned from Microbiology are about understanding the different microorganisms’ compositions and structures. It is also interesting to know what they do to our body causing diseases, how our immune systems interact with these pathogens and how we can prevent, control and treat them with available medicines and vaccines. In Microbiology, we explored the world of microorganisms by studying their pathogenicity, how they are being studied in the laboratory, their resistance to drugs, and the emerging disease they bring to humans/animals as host cells. The concepts learned from Micro will serve as a foundation that will help understand the complexity of Pathophysiology that deals with the study of diseases of the affected organs that disrupt their normal function. The knowledge gained from the next course of Pathophysiology will serve as a strong foundation for the nurses’ responsibilities in identifying the signs and symptoms of the patients’ condition to provide high-quality care. These responsibilities include diagnostic tests, managing the patients’ medications, treating their illness, and providing health care education to the patient and their families.

      Other Homework Help

      Other Homework Help

      Other Homework Help. Chamberlain College of Nursing Flight into Egypt by Giovanni Francesco Discussion


      • Textbook: Chapter 15
      • Lesson
      • Minimum of 1 primary source (from artist)
      • Minimum of 1 scholarly source

      Initial Post Instructions
      For the initial post, select and address one of the following options:

      Option 1: Choose a work to discuss from one genre that interprets a work from another genre.

      • Include the title, artist, and description of both works.
      • Examine how the artist of the second work captured the subject or story of the first.
      • Support your point(s) with a statement from the second artist that discusses the influence, reasoning, or interpretation of the original work on the second work.

      Click on the following link for examples:

      Option 2: Choose a work that is interdisciplinary (incorporates two or more disciplines), such as Hamilton from our lesson this week.

      • Include the title and artist(s).
      • Examine the genres that are intermingled to create the work.
      • How effective is the blending of genres in the work?
      • Why do you think the artist used different disciplines in the work?
      • Support your point(s) with a statement from the artist and one from a critic.

      Option 3: Choose a work of art from any genre that depicts or tells the story of a real life event from any time period, such as The Consecration of the Emperor Napoleon and the Coronation of Empress Joséphine on December 2, 1804 by Jacques Louis David.

      • Include the title and the artist and some background of the event.
      • What is the relationship between the work of art and the event?
      • Did the artist depict the event accurately?
      • Does the artist make changes regarding the event? If so, why do you think the artist made these changes?
      • Examine the artist’s message in the depiction.
      • Support your point(s) with a statement from the artist.

      Follow-Up Post Instructions
      Respond to at least one peer. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

      Writing Requirements

      • Minimum of 2 posts (1 initial & 1 follow-up)
      • Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source)
      • APA format for in-text citations and list of references

      Student Sample:

      Option 2-

      I have chosen William Morris. He was an English painter, designer, and writer. As I researched his work, I realized he has done so many artworks in many aspects. To name a few he has painted La Belle Iseult, he has designed the red house and the green dining room, created textile designs like the Strawberry thief, and more. His work was also designed with his partner Philip Webb. He started combining words and images in the expression of his vision. He also made hand-painted manuscripts. He included words on hanging tapestry. He included multimedia on art pieces. His specific painting La Belle was of his soon-to-be wife however, he did not complete this famous painting. He designed his very own Red House. He used specific red bricks and British trees and flowers to his liking. He also includes a green room in this home with the artist Webb, and he included floral and geometric design. His artwork named the Strawberry Thief is a textile design of fabric attempted to be used as a curtain. Specifically, his work including words and images made a great change. His work is well known and has an interest in many. Morris not only made paintings, but he also combined his design in all his work. Morris stated, “If you want a golden rule that will fit everything, this is it: Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” He very much believed in the design and his life revolved around his designs.

      Good Reads. u.d. William Morris Quotes (Author of The Wood Beyond the World) (goodreads.com) (Links to an external site.)

      William Morris Artworks. u.d. The Art Story. William Morris Artworks & Famous Art | TheArtStory

      Other Homework Help

      Other Homework Help

      Other Homework Help. HU LGBTQIA Students in Ages of 15 to 20 Presentation


      Create a powerpoint presentation for LGBTQIA+ students in grades 15-20. Talk about how it relates to social justice, Mental health, and social emotional learning. Provide clear anti-racist/advocacy. Talk about the struggles they go through and what is needed to be done to help them not feel rejected.

      Also create a handout for the observers to deepen their understanding and tools that they can implement on their own.

      So basically 1 handout basically deepening the information in the presentation. And a 15-20 slide presentation on advocacy with LGBTQIA students and what they go through in high school. And what we can do as guidance counselors to help them

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      Other Homework Help

      Other Homework Help. USC The Efficient Market Hypothesis and Its Critics & Counts vs. Meriwether Case Summary


      1. Find an article on the efficient market hypothesis and explain why you agree or disagree with the author’s position

      2. Review the Counts vs. Meriwether Case Summary:

      In cases alleging idea theft or copyright infringement, the defendant’s access to the material must be established.

      1. If the plaintiffs (the screenwriters) are represented by the same agency or law firm as the defendants (the studio or the creators of the show), do you believe that that establishes access?
      2. Courts sometimes rely on expert witnesses to help determine whether two works are sufficiently similar so as to rise to the level of copyright infringement, particularly in music cases. Here, the court held that for works such as network comedy scripts that are targeted toward a wide audience, expert testimony is not crucial. How do you think a judge or jury should decide whether two scripts are substantially similar?

      Other Homework Help

      Other Homework Help

      Other Homework Help. GRA 1800C Rasmussen College Hyperlight KE Project


      • Create a new document 51 picas wide x 66 picas high (8 1/2″ x 11″).
      • Choose facing pages, so you have a 2-page spread. See how to do so below.
      • Create a grid you will use as the foundation of your design.
      • Use the marketing or review copy from the Hyperlight-KE_Review&Features.docx
      • Body copy is typically 11-12 points, depending upon the typeface. The headline size is up to you. Use hierarchy wisely.
      • Choose two complementary typefaces; one for the headline (Sans Serif) and one for the body copy (Serif).
      • Choose which text you will use for the article. You are not required to (and shouldn’t) use it all. There are sales/marketing copy and a feature review. The purpose, style, and content of the article is up to you.
      • Choose your image or images from the Hyperlight-KE_Images folder you downloaded.
      • The document should include at least one bleed and one slug area.

      Keeping in mind what you’ve learned about the Hyperlight-KE and its target audience, create a design that will catch the audience’s attention and communicate the image and feel of the new sportscar.

      How to Create Facing Pages

      To create facing pages, make sure the Facing Pages option is checked when creating a new document.

      Facing Pages option

      When your new file opens, double click A-Master in the Pages panel to get to the facing pages.

      Double click A-Master to bring up the facing pages

      Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

      Package and submit your original InDesign document. Make certain that the file is under 15 MB. (Mac users, please remember to append the extension to the filename.) The name of the files should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. Examples are shown below:

      Other Homework Help

      Other Homework Help

      Other Homework Help. University of the Cumberlands Marketing Strategies and Management Accounting Essay


      Assignment Content

      1. This week you set up a website for your MBA Program Assessment digital portfolio. Your website/digital portfolio will include artifacts (signature assignments) from each of your core courses to demonstrate your learning in the MBA program. This digital portfolio is something you can use in interviews as you take the next steps in your career.
        This week you only need to create a webpage for this class, post your short introduction biography on the site, and create pages for the core program courses where you can upload your artifacts throughout the term. In week 8, you submit your completed MBA Program Portfolio & Assessment.
        1. create your website (see details on how to do this below);
        2. submit your assignment.
        Step 1: Create Your Website
        1. Select and set up your website using Wix or Google Sites. Your website must be viewable by me.
        2. Name your website: “Your Name’s MBA Program Portfolio”.
        3. Include images and backgrounds that emphasize your focus but be careful that these are not too distracting. Your website should represent you as a business professional.
        4. Create the following pages on your website. You should have one page for each core MBA course and a biography page:
        5. Biography – Add a short biography, as the author of the site.
        6. Organizational Behavior & Theory
        7. Value Systems & Professional Ethics
        8. Strategic Marketing
        9. Managerial Economics
        10. Managerial Finance
        11. Management Information Systems
        12. Management Accounting
        Step 2: Submit Your Assignment
        1. Take a screenshot of your introduction biography page (directions for taking a screenshot on any device). Include your website’s header that shows the name and the menu that shows the pages.
        2. Insert your screenshot into a Word document and include the hyperlink to your website in the document. Make sure I can view your site.
        3. Click the “MBA Program Assessment: Set-up Your Digital Portfolio” link in week 1.
        4. Use the “Browse Computer” option to select your Word document. Make sure that your document includes the link to your website and a screenshot of your introduction biography page.

      Other Homework Help