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Other Homework Help. MAE 214 ASU Battery and Orange Cube Drawing


Hi there,

It has to draw a drone and battery and orange cube, Motors, Motor rotors. I will send you all the links for each of them to get the dimension. I need different views for them. one separately and another one all together in the drone. Drone the one I picked has in the bottom has a place for the drone and orange cube.

( Drone),( orange cube), ( Motor), (Motor Rotors), and( Battery )

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. COM 263 GCU Arab World Communication Practices and Culture Essay


Review the feedback provided by your instructor. Make any revisions to your paper based on their feedback.

Revise your 1,000-1,250-word paper that connects specific cultural communication patterns or practices to the history, values, and beliefs of that culture. You should focus on a culture of which you are not a member (e.g., you would not research African cultural communication patterns because I am a member of the African community). Your paper should integrate five reputable and authoritative sources. The following journal article titles illustrate the variety of patterns or practices that your paper could address:

  • The Gift and the Common Good: A Chinese and Business Ethics Perspective
  • Acculturative Family Distancing and Depressive Symptoms Among Latinas: The Role of Intergenerational Cultural Conflict.
  • Engaging Malaysia: A Grassroots Approach to Inter/Intra-Religious Communication
  • Impact of Romantic Facebook “Crush Pages” on the Egyptian Youth
  • The Impact of Covid-19 to Indonesian Education and Its Relation to the Philosophy of “Merdeka Belajar”

This is not an all-inclusive list and you are free to pick any pattern or practice in collaboration with your instructor. Notice that each of these articles addresses a communication issue and links it to cultural distinctiveness. The focus of your paper is to present research on the history, beliefs, and values of a cultural group and give examples of communication patterns or practices that are influenced by these histories, beliefs, and/or values.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competency and professional standard:

BA in Communication

2.3 Explain how behaviors express cultural norms or values.

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Other Homework Help. DEFM 420 AMU Wk 6 Challenges with Big Data in Contract Management Research Paper


Go to the APUS online library and the sources in the lessons and write a paper of your choice of topics on what is wrong with Big Data today in contract management.

As always, read all the lesson notes in Week 6 before you start this assignment as new or current events may have been updated since the start of class.

APUS Online Library Tutorial Center

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Other Homework Help. ST Thomas University Technology Trap Video Discussion



  1. Watch the video and discuss your thoughts on one of these three points:

a)What can be done to prevent falling into a Technological Trap?

b)What do you think about highly automated systems integration?

c)How do you see the role of the Aviation Professional changing in the next 5-10 years?

2.respond to the following discussion

-The circumstance in avionics is definitively the circumstance we are in with network protection.

-There is a bedlam of calls for network protection robotization. The most experienced individuals are at this point don’t straightforwardly tackling issues for a really long time yet rather managing to a great extent computerized processes.

-To an ever increasing extent, computerized gadgets block out little disappointments, regardless of whether they be assaults, misconfigurations, form crisscrosses, or administration separates. Like planes robotized enough that anybody can fly them, anybody can apparently work the computerized gadgets that are unarguably society’s overwhelming danger vector.

-Accordingly, there’s an assurance of huge mistakes at some future point—blunders that nobody still by and by will deal with. At the point when effective mechanization conveys specific intimidations progressively improbable to show up, the stretch between disappointment occasions develops longer.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. ST Thomas University Preventing Falling into a Technological Trap Essay



  1. Watch the video and discuss your thoughts on one of these three points:

a)What can be done to prevent falling into a Technological Trap?

b)What do you think about highly automated systems integration?

c)How do you see the role of the Aviation Professional changing in the next 5-10 years?

2.respond to the following discussion

-Automation will only increase in airplanes and that overall will have a positive impact on aviation. Automation of systems provides a safer flight and requires more attention from the pilots flying to make sure that the planes systems are operational. Highly automated systems integration is good and it provides less strain on the pilots however I would think it would not make their job any less important because they need to regulate the systems. However, there still need to be an importance put on not relying fully on the automation because that can lead to complacency which lead to accidents. As time goes on, it may seem like pilots are not required to be in the planes due to the level of automation, however, I feel as if it is important to keep at least one pilot in the plane to monitor the systems

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. MC Accounting Discussion


Help me study for my class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

1. Distinguish between financial and non-financial transactions.  Give three examples of each. 

2. What role does the audit trail play in the task of confirmation?

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Cuyamaca College Aristotle Categorical Statement Discussion


  1. Please answer the following questions:
    1. True or False? When using the formulas for validity in hypothetical syllogisms, it is critical that you put the syllogism into standard form, at least in your mind, before you look for the corresponding formula (modus ponens, modus tollens, affirming the consequent, denying the antecedent).
    2. In an enthymeme, how can you tell right off the bat whether you have already been supplied with the conclusion?
    3. In an enthymeme where you have already been supplied the conclusion, how can you find the MINOR term?
    4. In an enthymeme where you have already been supplied the conclusion, how can you find the MAJOR term?

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Other Homework Help. Vincennes University Friday Night Lights by HG Bissinger Book Report




During the semester, you will write a sociological analysis of any book from a list that has been provided below. Your paper should give a brief synopsis of the book, identifying its strengths and weaknesses, and discuss the sociological significance of the story. Tie your reading into course discussions. Your paper should be a minimum of four pages, double-spaced and word-processed and will be due on Friday, May 7. You may submit it early. The paper is worth 100 points toward your final grade.

Approved Book List:

PHED 271 Book Reading List – Other titles may be chosen with approval

Wherever I Wind Up: My Quest for Truth, Authenticity and the Perfect Knuckleball, R.A. Dickey and Wayne Coffey

Something in the Air: Passion and Defiance in the `68 Mexico City Olympics

Fever Pitch, Nick Hornby It’s Not About the Bike – Lance Armstrong

Bang the Drum Slowly, Mark Harris Inside Edge – Christine Brennan

Big Game, Small World, Alex Wolff A Savage Business, Richard Hoffer

The Long Season, Jim Brosnan Among the Thugs, Bill Buford

Life on the Run, Bill Bradley Lords of the Realm, John Helyar

The Sweet Science, A.J. Liebling In These Girls, Hope is a Muscle, Madeleine Blais

The Boys of Summer, Roger Kahn The Lords of the Rings, Simson & Jennings

Ball Four, Jim Bouton Beer and Circus, Murray Sperber

Friday Night Lights, H.G. Bissinger Little Girls in Pretty Boxes, Joan Ryan

A Season on the Brink, John Feinstein

Paper Lion, George Plimpton

The Game, Ken Dryden

A False Spring, Pat Jordan

Into Thin Air, Jon Krakauer

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