Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Barriers to Advanced Practice Nursing Dicussion and Presentation


Doctor and patients discussing health records

Workshop Two introduced two primary stakeholders in healthcare: physicians and patients. This workshop expands the list of stakeholders to include payers, the public, and the political presence, as discussed in Healthcare Marketing: A Case Study Approach, Chapters 7-9.

The passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010 set in motion several fundamental changes in healthcare, including greater integration of public health into the delivery of medical services – in the form of population health management – and a drive toward greater transparency and a resultant emphasis on consumer choice based on cost and quality. To address this shift, the broad term “public” is further analyzed to include the role of public health and the influence of policy and advocacy groups.

Healthcare marketing supports many aspects of health services organization strategy and operations. As such, marketing efforts must consider the perspectives of many diverse stakeholders, groups that can have divergent or even conflicting goals.

Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:

  • Describe the interactions and impacts of multiple stakeholder groups that influence healthcare.


  • Textbook: Healthcare Marketing: A Case Study Approach

Background Information

Almost no management decision in healthcare can be made in isolation. Federal, state, and local regulations must be followed. Internal constituencies must be aligned. External influencers considered. The views and values of the communities served will often determine the success of a service line or location. Considerations such as brand loyalty, identification with a community, and the very personal nature of seeking healthcare services drive the selection of a healthcare provider. Some factors may have nothing to do with the quality or availability of services; communities have opposed building of a new hospital because of the increased traffic volume it would generate. The ability to market an institution is further defined by the fact that healthcare delivery is a profession; the classic consumer goods approach of “new and improved” is not likely to impress a target audience.


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Read Chapter 9 in Healthcare Marketing: A Case Study Approach, including the” Case Study: Remembering Caribou Clinics”at the start of the chapter. Review Chapter Questions 1 and 2 and Chapter Exercise 1 at the end of the chapter.
  3. Your instructor will assign each student to act as a leading member of one of the six following stakeholder designations, each with the indicated characteristics:
    1. Caribou Medical Clinical Foundation Marketing Staff:
      As described in the case study. Part of the reason for establishing a planned giving program is that the Caribou Foundation CEO wants to expand operations into adjacent cities and counties. This might entail the submitting of certificate of need applications to construct new facilities.
    2. Caribou Medical Clinical Foundation Medical Staff:
      Dr. Metzger and colleagues, as described in the case study.
    3. State Medical Society:
      The broader physician community, a powerful lobbying presence in the state. Under its new president, Dr. François Égalité, the Society has begun emphasizing medicine as a profession and discouraging what it sees as self-promoting advertisements.
    4. IndemniCare:
      A health insurance company (payer). IndemniCare is currently in contract negotiations with Caribou. The insurer wants to reduce reimbursement and is looking for any evidence that the clinic is wasting money.
    5. Caribou Cares Coalition:
      A patient advocacy group. The Coalition is an independent, nonprofit watchdog group formed to monitor Caribou Foundations operations with an eye toward responsible financial operations.
    6. State Senator Will C. Greenfields and staff:
      Senator Greenfields is chair of the powerful Senate Committee on Health and Hospitals. He is also an adamant environmentalist who vehemently opposes new construction in his district, the intended location of the new clinics.
  4. The Caribou CEO is scheduled to announce the planned giving program in a speech she will give at the Caribou Caravan Gala, an annual black-tie event, in two weeks. Using a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis framework, develop a five-slide presentation depicting your plan to influence the CEO’s decision.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. The Mathew Effect Discussion Questions


Getting Started

“Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.”

Matthew 13:12 (New International Version)

We are all familiar with the saying, “The rich get richer while the poor get poorer.” While this is an oversimplification of a real-world social phenomenon, noted sociologist Robert K. Merton called this the Matthew Effect (Rigney, 2010). In healthcare, the large stakeholder groups who have influence tend to grow while other groups diminish. This tendency has implications for marketing in organizations.

Rigney, D. (2010). The Matthew effect: How advantage begets further advantage. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.


  • Bible


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Read Matthew 13:12 and the accompanying thoughts in the Introduction and Alignment section above.
  3. Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following questions:
    1. What are some of the ways larger stakeholder groups exert influence and grow as a result?
    2. Develop and present two arguments for how marketing might help mitigate the Matthew Effect among, and diminish the influence of, larger stakeholder groups.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Southern New Hampshire University Mobile Computing Discussion


I’m studying for my Web Analytics class and need an explanation.

Discussion post:

  • Research one of the following companies discussed in your textbook: Snapchat, Taco Bell, Karmaloop, 16 Handles, WeChat, Mxit, Saya, and iCow. Alternatively, feel free to research other companies.
    • Why is mobile computing critical to the success of an organization now?
    • Provide specific examples to support your answer.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Indiana East University Federalism in the United States System of Government Essay


Purpose: The purpose of this Application Assignment is to interview four people with questions provided for you. You will then summarize their answers and evaluate why you feel they answered the way they did. Skills: In this assignment you will practice the following skills that are essential to your success in this course, in school, and in life generally: 1. Interacting with other people 2. Asking questions and making note of the answers 3. Summarizing information and presenting this information in written format 4. Explaining why you feel people answered the way they did 5. Experiment with graphs in your word processor Knowledge: This assignment will help you to become familiar with the following content knowledge: 1. Federalism in our country’s system of government 2. Some reasons why people answer the same question differently _____________________________________________________________________________________Task: Step 1. Ask four people of differing demographics (age, occupation, gender, education, race, political affiliation (if any) etc.) the following five questions and take note of their demographics and the answers each gives to the five questions. You will need to determine each person’s demographics as you will need to provide this information as part of your paper. (You will need to summarize all this material within the paper.)Preliminary Questions: Please find out and take note the demographics from each person. Then move onto the following five questions.Question 1. The role of the federal government has necessarily increased significantly from the Founding era to the present. Do you think it is possible for the United States—given its large geographic space, population, and influence on the rest of the world—to have a smaller government? Yes No Question 2. Considering the current distribution of power and authority between the federal government and state and local governments, do you believe we should: a. Provide the federal government with more power and authority? b. Provide state and local governments with more power and authority? c. Maintain the current distribution of power and authority between governments?

Question 3. Which level of government do you believe is best able to protect the liberty, equality, and rights of all its citizens? a. Local government b. State government c. Federal government d. A combination of the three governments Question 4. Which level of government do you feel is best able to handle the bad immigration problems we have in the U.S.? a. Federal government b. State government c. Local government d. Some combination of all three governments Question 5. In the coming years, do you believe the power and authority of the federal government will increase, remain the same, or decrease? a. Increase b. Remain the same c. Decrease Step 2. Now, in your paper, provide a brief summary of each person’s demographics (age, occupation, gender, education, race, etc.) and their answers to each question in a paragraph. So you should have at least four paragraphs worth of summaries. Don’t repeat the questions but instead summarize by subject area (example: demographics, distribution of governmental power, government best suited to protect liberty of all, government best suited to deal with immigration issues, future changes in power and authority). Don’t identify the individuals by name. Identify them by number (Person 1) or some other anonymous identifier (their occupation or something like that). Step 3. Then, taking into consideration your readings from chapters 1-3, especially chapter 3, discuss what you discovered in the responses that you received. Analyze why you thought people answered the way they did. For instance, are answers generation-based, does education make a difference, does occupation make a difference, does gender make a difference, Does where they live or where they grew up make a difference, does political affiliation make a difference, etc.? Did the responses surprise you? If they did, explain why. Make sure you discuss inconsistencies you see in the responses provided. I want you to try and reconcile the answers you received to these questions, the general feeling Americans have of the differences between state power and federal power, and what you learned in the video lecture and the text. Look at the rubric to see what I am looking for in your paper to make sure you get all the points possible. Step 4. On a separate sheet of paper, create a graph of some sort that sets out all or some of what you learned in your interviews (demographics and answers to the questions). There are many ways the answers could be represented. Thus, there is not a right or wrong way to create a graph. Play around with the graph maker in your word processing software and create one or more graphs that represent all or some of what you learned from the individuals. The purpose of this is for you to explore your

word processing program or other graph-producing program and see what kinds of graphs can be created and the types of information that can be demonstrated by graphs. Make sure that what you demonstrate in your graph is obvious to the reader (Dr. Lee). The reader should be able to look at your graph and determine what is being shown without having to read your paper to understand it. Step 5. Upload your Application Assignment, including your graph, to Canvas by the due date and time. Technical Paper Requirements (please read and carefully follow):1. Your paper will be three full pages double-spaced — no more, no less, not including your graph summarizing the demographics and participants responses. (Please do not add extra space before or after paragraphs – use true double spacing. This may require you to figure out how to change default formatting.) The fourth page will contain your graph. I know this will be hard. I expect you to plan, ponder, write, rewrite, review, rewrite, rewrite, rewrite (you get the picture). This assignment could easily be much more than three pages long, however, I want you to write effectively, efficiently, succinctly, and well. That is why I have put a page limit. You will have many times in life where you must say what you want and need to say in a limited space. This will help you practice doing so. 2. Do not use a title page. On the first line just put Application Assignment #1 and your name. Then go right into your paper. DO NOT put the course, date, my name, or other things at the top of the first page. In other words, the beginning of your paper should look like this: Application Paper #1 Scott LeeFor this assignment I interviewed four people on questions based on federalism. This paper summarizes what I learned. . . . . . (And off you go.) 3. Use 12 point Calibri (or another sans serif) font. (For distinction purposes, a sans serif font does not have the straight or curved lines at the beginning and end of letters like the letters in this sentence. This font is Times New Roman.) If you do not have access to a sans serif font, use Times New Roman 12 point font and tell me when you upload it on Canvas that you don’t have a sans serif font available.4. Use one inch margins all around. 5. Use only Word or pdf format for your paper. I ask that you not use Pages because I have noted that at times it will not upload correctly into Canvas.6. Your paper should follow these instructions, be well written, and be organized. Please make sure you check for things such as typos, proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling. You will lose points for those types of mistakes. I want to help you not only learn the material in the class but to also become better writers. You may want to check with the writing center here on campus for help. They are willing and able to help you but they need sufficient time to review your paper and give you input on it. You should plan on writing and then revising your paper (maybe multiple times) to make sure it says what you think it says and what you actually want it to say before you submit it. (For comparison purposes, when I write papers, I never have less than seven or eight major revisions, and sometimes many more than that.) Recognize that the writing center may need some time to review your work so don’t send it to them and expect results in 30 minutes

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. PUA 5302 CSU Code of Ethics of SOS Children Villages Analysis


Unit IV focuses on code of ethics. For the assignment, you are asked to access and analyze a code of ethics from a public or non-profit organization. Most are listed online or on the organization’s website.

Evaluate and perform an “Ethics Audit” using the following expectations:

Identify the organization, and include a “copy” of the code of ethics in your report. The code of ethics content does not count for the 500-word evaluation.

The outline of the assessment will be in a (paragraph) narrative format.

  1. Review and identify all general themes that involve conduct and behavior application to all employees.
  2. Provide reflection and examples if the document is clearly or vaguely written.
  3. Provide evidence of infractions or sanctions if certain behaviors are not followed.
  4. Provide a comprehensive summary.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Richland Internal & Interpersonal Conflict negative emotions Presentation


I need help creating a PowerPoint presentation about research done on expressed struggles. This is a group project and I did my slides on interpersonal vs intrapersonal which was completely wrong. Attached is the exert from the book I have to do the research and powerpoint for. The powerpoint needs to total at least 4 papragraphs and work needs to be cited

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. UOP Supply Chain Operations Target Corporation Plan & Diagram


Build a supply chain plan and diagram for the company by analyzing factors that affect sourcing, logistics, metrics, suppliers, and risk.

Create your supply chain diagram using one of the following tools:

  • Excel
  • PowerPoint
  • Visio
  • PictoGram
  • PDF
  • Other faculty-approved platform

Write an 875-word analysis of the supply chain operations plan. Include the following in your analysis:

  • A visual depiction of your supply chain diagram
  • Your supply chain plan
  • Value chain and flow of structure
  • Inputs
  • Outputs, including customer service structure
  • Inventory points and forecasting
  • Sourcing activities
  • Risks
  • Locations
  • Logistics

Submit your assignment.

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Strategic Plan Target Corporation Presentation


Create a 10- to 15-slide presentation for key stakeholders to solicit their approval of your strategic plan. Address the following in your presentation:

  • An introduction with mission and vision statements
  • Core values, ethics, and social responsibility principles
  • Analysis of the company’s:
  • Internal environment (e.g. strengths and weaknesses related to resources, trademarks, patents, copyrights, or current processes)
  • External environment (e.g. opportunities and threats related to market trends, economic trends, demographics, or regulations)
  • An evaluation of the internal and external environment’s impact on achieving the company strategy
  • Create a strategic objective for the company.
  • Create short- and long-term goals for achieving the company’s strategic plan.
  • Determine methods for collecting data and measuring the success of the strategic plan.

Include APA-formatted in-text citations and a reference page.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Marketing Strategies Multiple Stakeholder Groups and Sponsoring Institution PPT


This workshop examined the complexity of designing and delivering marketing support that addresses multiple stakeholders while adhering to cultural, moral, and ethical considerations of a health services organization and the communities it serves. The Marketing Strategy Guidebook you are developing is intended as a future reference for use when facing seemingly contradictory and complex situations in defining the values and services of a healthcare institution.

Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:

Describe the interactions and impacts of multiple stakeholder groups that influence healthcare.

Define the value of marketing activities to the sponsoring institution.

  • Resources
  • Material used in previous workshop assignments

Background Information

In this assessment you will continue to build your Marketing Strategy Guidebook based on the learning concepts from this workshop. This section should examine integrating and addressing the myriad and sometimes competing demands of internal and external stakeholders.

How effective marketing can influence the beliefs and actions of stakeholder groups

Other Homework Help