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Other Homework Help. Umgc El Dorado Storage Projections for Year 1 of A Capital Budgeting Questions


El Dorado Storage has the following projections for Year 1 of a capital budgeting project.

Sales $288,162

Variable costs $120,608

Fixed costs and selling, general and administrative expenses $10,263

Depreciation Expense $21,280

Tax Rate 35%

Calculate the operating cash flow for Year 1. Round the answer to two decimals

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Other Homework Help. Georgia Institute of Technology The Violation of Norms Discussion




This exercise asks you to violate a norm in a SAFE way and report about the experience. The objective of the exercise is to determine the extent to which norms influence behavior. Thus, you will want to pay particular attention to the reactions of both YOURSELF and OTHERS.


  1. Select a norm that is common in our society. Be creative!
  3. Observe the reactions of others and yourself, both verbal and nonverbal.
  4. Record (write down, NOT video record) as quickly as possible those reactions.


  • Break laws or cause anyone else to break the law.
  • Cause harm to yourself or anyone else, including risking exposure to COVID.
  • Do anything that is overtly offensive or legally, morally, and/or ethically questionable (in other words, break a folkway, not a more or a law).


Answer the following three questions. Number each response and follow the guidelines for the number of sentences for each response.

  1. state the norm you violated (one sentence),
  2. describe how you violated the norm—the physical setting, the social setting, and how many and what types of persons were there (two – three sentences), and
  3. interpret the reactions to your norm violation (three – five sentences):
  • How did you feel as you were violating the norm?
  • How did others react?
  • What did you learn about how norms organize and control behavior?

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Other Homework Help. Texas Woman’s University Qualitative Research Design Discussion


Select a qualitative research design of your choice. Research the design using your assigned textbooks and other materials you found. Post the following about this chosen design:

  • General description of the design
  • Advantages and limitations of the design
  • Specific practice example from published research using that design (include citation)

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Other Homework Help. ENG 225 University of Arizona Global Campus Gangster Genre Scarface Paper


Move chosen for paper: Scarface.

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the discussion of genre in Chapter 3 of Film: From Watching to Seeing, as well as your instructor’s guidance and lecture materials, and Chapter 11 in Film Genre Reader IV. The ENG225 Research Guide in the University of Arizona Global Campus Library will be particularly helpful in locating required sources. This assignment is your opportunity to demonstrate understanding of one selected genre. To do that, you will watch a full feature-length film from that genre. Note: You should watch your chosen film twice—once to ensure that you have grasped the storytelling and once to take more specific notes on aspects of the film you wish to discuss. If you would like to write about a film that is not on this list, you must email your professor for approval in advance or you may not receive credit on this assignment.

Your paper should be organized around a thesis statement that focuses on how your chosen feature-length film both aligns with and expands upon your chosen genre. Consider using the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center Thesis Generator (Links to an external site.) to help develop your thesis. Review the Week 2 sample paper  download, which provides an example of a well-developed analysis as well as insight on composition.

In your paper,

Explain genre theory and, using Chapter 3 of the text as a reference, describe the conventions and attributes of the genre you have selected.

Identify a feature-length film that fits your selected genre and briefly summarize the movie. As you develop this summary, remember the differences between a film’s story and a film’s plot and be sure to highlight specific genre elements.

Interpret at least two genre conventions exhibited in your chosen feature-length film that help classify it in the selected genre. Be sure to provide a specific example of each convention (e.g., a particular scene or plot component).

Provide an example of a third convention from your chosen feature-length film and explain how this convention expands the boundaries of the specified genre.

The Genre and Genre Theory paper

Must be 900 to 1200 words in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.)

Must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of Your Essay (in bold)

Your First and Last Name

University of Arizona Global Campus

Course Code: Name of Course (e.g., ENG 225: Introduction to Film)

Instructor’s name

Due Date

For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.).

Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance.

Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Personal Growth Mindset Scenario Discussion


Growth mindset is a concept you can apply in your academics and on the job. It’s also a way to approach day-to-day life. Here are some examples of everyday situations in which you can consciously choose to respond with a growth mindset.

Example 1: Your morning is full of the unexpected. You hit the snooze button too many times, resulting in waking up late for work. As you rush to get out the door to your job, you accidentally spill your coffee and have to take time to clean up the mess. Since you left your home later than usual, traffic is moving at a snail’s pace. A fixed mindset response would be grumbling about your crummy morning. A growth mindset response would be committing to waking up earlier and devising a more effective morning routine.

Example 2: Most people like to be winners, and kids on sports teams are no exception. So when your daughter, who spent tireless hours in the backyard practicing her jump shot, makes 10 out of 15 shots—leading her basketball team in scoring on game day—you can praise her by giving a fixed mindset response or a growth mindset response. A fixed mindset response would be “Great game! You’re a spectacular athlete!” A growth mindset response, by contrast, would be “Great game! Your dedication, practice, and hard work were reflected in your performance tonight.”

In the Discussion forum, share some examples of how you can apply growth mindset in your daily interactions, either in a professional setting or in your academics. If you need help considering an example, you can choose one of the following:

  • How do you handle a new project or task at work, home, or school?
  • How do you embrace working in groups when you prefer to work independently?
  • How would you react to your instructor’s suggestion to incorporate a data component into an assignment for your non-math-related course?
  • What do you do when you don’t understand something that everyone around you seems to have caught onto?

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Other Homework Help. Introduction to Ethics Multiple Choice Questions


Question 15

Mark this question

“Capital punishment is morally wrong because it turns all the state’s citizens into killers.”

To which theory of ethics is the person who made this statement likely appealing?

  • Kantian deontology
  • Conventionalism
  • Virtue-based ethics
  • Utilitarianism

Question 14

Mark this question

Ogo always gets pepperoni and black olives on his pizza.

How might a virtue-based ethicist classify this action?

  • Supererogatory
  • Obligatory
  • Neutral
  • Impermissible

Question 13

Mark this question

Which of the following statements displays the speaker’s unfair bias?

  • “I’m voting for Measure 5642 because it will balance the city’s budget.”
  • “I’m voting for Measure 5642 because it will give my family a tax break.”
  • “I’m voting for Measure 5642 because it will create new jobs.”
  • “I’m voting for Measure 5642 because it will improve our schools.”

Question 12

Mark this question

Which of the following critiques represents a challenge to virtue-based ethics?

  • Some virtues that are lacking can be hard to develop.
  • The agent’s moral character isn’t properly emphasized.
  • Effects the agent couldn’t have anticipated impact his or her guilt.
  • Mass chaos would ensue since everyone only cares about him or herself.

Question 11

Mark this question

“Eating pork is morally wrong because the Torah forbids it.”

To which theory of ethics is the person who made this statement likely appealing?

  • Kantian deontology
  • Conventionalism
  • Divine command theory
  • Virtue-based ethics

Question 10

Mark this question

Renae has three brothers. Over the course of a weekend, she observed them in different situations with the new neighbors. Her oldest brother, Nick, stepped in front of her when the neighbors’ large dog got loose and started running toward her. Her middle brother, Joe, loudly threatened the neighbors as to what would happen if they did not keep their dog chained up. Her younger brother, Scott, retreated into the house when all the shouting occurred.

How might a virtue-based ethicist evaluate Nick’s action?

  • The action revealed that Nick has the vice of aggressiveness.
  • The action revealed that Nick acted without thinking.
  • The action did not reveal a positive or negative trait.
  • The action revealed that Nick has the virtue of courage.

Question 9

Mark this question

Stephanie volunteers at an organization that collects and distributes clothing to those in need.

As she is packing boxes to send overseas, she finds a donated item of clothing that perfectly suits her sense of style and would be a versatile item to add to her own wardrobe. Stephanie sets the item aside to take home with her.

According to virtue-based ethics, why is Stephanie’s action unethical?

  • She is not following the instructions she was given.
  • Her action will deprive needy recipients of clothing.
  • Her action cultivates the vice of greed.
  • Stealing is always wrong.

Question 8

Mark this question

Select the basis for moral value used by character ethics.

  • The ultimate effects of an action
  • The individual trait being demonstrated by an action
  • The adherence of an action to divine authority
  • The inherent value of an action based upon intent

Question 7

Mark this question

Which of the following people would be most satisfied with virtue-based ethics?

  • Abner is looking for an ethical system that is about more than just doing good.
  • Adelaide is looking for an ethical system that evaluates actions based on their effects.
  • Abby is looking for an ethical system that is based in cultural norms.
  • Andrew is looking for an ethical system that puts his own development first.

Question 6

Mark this question

Choose the true statement about virtue-based ethics.

  • According to the principles of virtue-based ethics, people can be judged by the consequences of their actions.
  • According to the principles of virtue-based ethics, actions are judged against the greater good.
  • According to the principles of virtue-based ethics, actions are less important than the agent’s moral character.
  • According to the principles of virtue-based ethics, only the actor’s intent is considered when assigning moral value.

Question 5

Mark this question

Derreck believes that every person should keep his or her word.

Which of the following actions is inconsistent with his belief?

  • Derreck had promised his wife a trip to Hawaii for their anniversary, so he puts aside money every month to make it happen.
  • Derreck had promised his daughter a puppy if she got straight As, but he makes up a new condition after the fact so he doesn’t have to fulfill the promise.
  • Derreck had promised his friends he would be their designated driver, so he goes out with them and does not drink.
  • Derreck had promised his boss that a project would be done by the weekend, so he stays late on Friday to make sure everything is complete.

Question 4

Mark this question

“Giving away excess wealth is obligatory because it brings about a greater good for all of society.”

To which theory of ethics is the person who made this statement likely appealing?

  • Conventionalism
  • Divine command theory
  • Utilitarianism
  • Virtue-based ethics

Question 3

Mark this question

“Abortion is morally wrong because it is murder, and murder is forbidden in the Bible.”

To which theory of ethics is the person who made this statement likely appealing?

  • Divine command theory
  • Conventionalism
  • Virtue-based ethics
  • Kantian deontology

Question 2

Mark this question

In a famous story, Robin Hood robbed rich travelers and gave the money he acquired to the poor. Robin Hood is usually seen as a good, if not noble, person.

How would a deontologist evaluate Robin Hood’s action?

  • It is not ethical because Robin Hood was an arrogant coward who stole from innocent people.
  • It is not ethical because stealing is always wrong, no matter the circumstances.
  • It is ethical because the rich had more than enough money, and the poor did not have enough.
  • It is ethical because Robin Hood made more people happy than he made unhappy.

Question 1

Mark this question

“I always say everyone shouldn’t be afraid to try new things. On a recent trip to Spain, I ate all my meals at my favorite place— McDonald’s.”

Which of the following sources of bias is apparent in this quotation?

  • Self-interest
  • Upbringing
  • Familiarity
  • Religion

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Other Homework Help. Oakwood University Week 8 International Business Devotional Activity


This final week is a time for celebration! As you begin the week, consider the blessings that God bestowed on you to finish the course. The ability to view the global perspective of life requires letting go of the many frustrations that we experience in day-to-day living. Jesus often pointed out to the disciples that they would experience trouble, setback, rejection, and limitation but the Bible admonishes through the Apostle Paul in Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (NIV).

Reflect on how everything has come together and worked for your good in the course over the past eight weeks and share your reflections in the discussion forum below.

Scriptural Reference: Roman 8: 27 – 28 (verse 27 added for context)


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Other Homework Help. Oakwood University W8 Aspects of Written and Oral Research Discussion


For this discussion, describe the aspects of both the written and oral research report that should be emphasized for readers and audiences, including a rationale for your position. (Chapter 17 – Sekaran & Bougie Text).

250 words, APA style

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