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Other Homework Help. Walden University Medtronic Co Target Marketing & Segmentation Paper



  • Review Chapters 11-13 in your textbook ( Ebert, R., & Griffin, R. (2019). Business essentials (12th ed.). Pearson. ISBN: 9780135983232.
  • Read the following additional information for this assignment:
  • Company is Medtronic. Country is Ireland

The concept of target marketing is key to the success of any strategic marketing effort. It is tempting for new marketing professionals to struggle with identifying any market segment that they do NOT want to purchase their good, service, or idea (the product they are selling). Therefore, they identify an overly broad segment as being their “target market.”

Consider the depiction below of a classic bulls-eye diagram (see attachment)

Assume that the outer rings represent anyone who you hope will be attracted to your product. However, in a world of limited resources, it is most efficient and effective to direct your efforts only toward those market(s) that land squarely in the center of the bulls-eye. While it is possible for an organization to consciously target more than one market, there is typically a primary target market, with secondary markets identified strategically and not accidentally. Your Segmentation and Targeting readings for this week explain the research processes that experienced marketing professional use to determine, as precisely as possible, which segment(s) to actually target with their time, dollars, and expertise. Consider one of your own recent purchases. Broadly speaking, who may have been the target for this product?

Here’s an example of identifying a target market for a specific type of outdoors head cap (see attachment)

Again, it is only through very precise research that the target market can be identified. Thinking of your own hypothetical purchase again, consider what “bulls-eye” attributes landed you squarely in the target market and what other groups may have been attracted to the outer rings, but are not specifically targeted, by the target marketing activities that the marketing strategist directed toward YOU.

Do the following

Company is Medtronic . Country is Ireland

1.Assume the role of a marketing strategist for a specific product or product line within that company.

2.Conduct secondary research to identify an organization that is a major competitor of your company, in the product category you selected.

  • Write a 3 -page analysis . Your analysis should:
    • Identify, as precisely as possible, the primary target market of your major competitor’s product.
    • Identify, as precisely as possible, the primary target market of your own company’s product.
    • Compare and contrast your own primary target market vs. the primary market your competitor has targeted.
    • Conclude your brief by analyzing the unique attributes your company offers to its primary target market vs. those that your competitor offers to its primary target market. If there are overlaps between the primary target markets of your two organizations, explain why your targeted customer should select your product vs. your competitor’s product, based on specific attributes of the target market and the company.

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Other Homework Help. South Carolina State University Digital Forensics Analysis Using FTK Questions


hey, this is digital forensics class and i need you to simply answer the three questions in the attachment below with a paragraph for each. Make sure to use APA for sources and please let me know if you have any questions.

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Other Homework Help. ICC Erickson Human Development Discussion


Students should submit their papers by Wednesday before 11:55 p.m. so that their peers have sufficient time to provide quality feedback to them before Sunday at 11:55 p.m. Peers are required to review at least two papers besides their own during this exercise. The instructor has attached a checklist that is used for grading purposes on the final paper. When using the checklist be sure to use the section that is applicable to the time period covered in the milestone.

For this third milestone, students should write about their Middle Childhood and Late Childhood years. Be sure to include:

  1. Your transition from elementary to middle school.
  2. Discuss friendships and if they changed; explain how and why they changed.
  3. Discuss your relationship with your parents during this time frame.
  4. Are there any physical changes you remember during this time?
  5. Did you experience any cognitive, developmental, or behavioral disorders or issues during this time?
  6. During this time what type of unintentional injuries did you experience (car wrecks, sports injuries, etc.)?
  7. This should be in APA format with reference and title page.

Furthermore, when writing this section, think about what you have learned about human development through this course including the theories that pertain to this time of development. Below students will find a list of questions to consider while writing each developmental period and a chart showing some of the theorists and the area of development in which they focused. Keep in mind that more than one theorist or theory may be applicable to a particular time period and the instructor requires students to apply at least three theories to each stage of life.

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Other Homework Help. Everest College Week 6 Inferential Statistical Analysis of Datasets Practice


  This module applies the Mann Whitney U Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

Develop research questions and testable hypotheses linked to existing theory or research.

Develop hypotheses, choose appropriate statistics to test them, and describe the results correctly in a short research paper.

Develop research questions and testable hypotheses linked to existing theory or research.

Perform descriptive and inferential statistical analysis of public administrative datasets using IBM SPSS software.

Interpret results from descriptive and inferential statistical analysis of public administrative datasets and place results in APA formatted text, tables, and figures. and Kruskal Wallis H Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

Develop research questions and testable hypotheses linked to existing theory or research.

Develop hypotheses, choose appropriate statistics to test them, and describe the results correctly in a short research paper.

Develop research questions and testable hypotheses linked to existing theory or research.

Perform descriptive and inferential statistical analysis of public administrative datasets using IBM SPSS software. MUST BE DONE IN A PDF file

Interpret results from descriptive and inferential statistical analysis of public administrative datasets and place results in APA formatted text, tables, and figures. to these public administrative data.Video: Nonparametric Tests in      IBM SPSSVideo: IBM SPSS: Mann-Whitney U      Test – Part 1Video: IBM SPSS: Mann-Whitney U      Test – Part 2Video: Kruskal-Wallis H Test in      IBM SPSS

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Other Homework Help. CJA 484 University of Phoenix Institutional and Community Based Corrections Paper


  1. Assignment Content

    Write a 1,400- to 2,100-word paper in which you assess criminal justice from a global perspective. In your paper be sure to analyze the following:

    • Assess the impact of globalization on the U.S. criminal justice system.
    • Compare and contrast international criminal justice systems (Civil Law, Common law, and Islamic Law and Socialist Law traditions).
    • Discuss the impact that cyber crime and technology have had on worldwide justice systems.
    • Differentiate the policing systems on a worldwide scale.
    • Identify major crimes and criminal issues that have a global impact on justice systems and processes (e.g., Somalia, Rwanda, Bosnia, Darfur, Congo, etc.).

    Include at least four peer reviewed references.

    Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

    2. Assignment Content:

    In 700 words evaluate past, present, and future trends pertaining to the development and operation of institutional and community based corrections. Include one APA reference.

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Other Homework Help. Evergreen Valley College Overfishing of Sharks Memorandum


Marine Policy Project Part 4: The Letters of Appeal (30 points)

Compose three formal letters, no longer than 1.5-page single-spaced, single sided, with one-inch margins.

The trick here is to condense all the information included in the research paper to a length and clarity the recipients can easily “digest.” Clarity is all important! Reference citations no longer need unless there is a specific reference to include to support the main point.

Letters of appeal are generally arguments and are generally written to persuade the target. Things to consider in the tone of the letters are the recipient, what their position is on the issues, and how much persuading is needed. Various versions of the same letter might be appropriate for different targets. It depends on the chosen targets.

For more insight on how to formulate an appeal or argument, check this out:

https://mi01000971.schoolwires.net/cms/lib/MI01000… ppeals%20notes%20and%20examples.pdf

Remember, the goal is to get the reader at the other end of the paper to understand the argument and do something about it. Try to get the letters past the summer intern making the first pass of all web submissions and letters before it makes it into the hands of the target, or a member of the target’s staff, who deals specifically with the issue. (I offer my apologies to those of you who have worked as summer interns in political offices!)

For Grading Part 4:

Submit three formal letters of appeal for review. Formal letters combine full names and address for the sender and each target. Students are not required to send letters to targets, but it would be a good idea to send the letter depending on how strongly you feel about the issue.

If you do send the letter, and receive a substantial response you will be eligible for up to five points of extra credit on this assignment.

For help writing a formal letter go to:

https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/subject_specific_writin… _business_letters/index.html

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. DePaul University Man Search for Meaning and Covid19 Discussion


COVID-19 continues to be a catalyst for change, a stressor, and for some, an opportunity. After reading Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl and reflecting upon how Victor Frankl “journeyed through” such a horrible situation.

This assignment is due on by 7/25/2021 by 11:30pm Central Time. Submit to D2L submission folder.

This reflective essay should be 3-5 pages, 12-point font size, double spaced and must respond to the following questions:

  • What challenges, struggles and opportunities are you facing given COVID-19, the global recession, record unemployment, the tearing of the social-political fabric of the United States (or your home country if applicable), and the calls for racial justice in all segments of society?
  • What specific lessons can be drawn from Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl?
  • What concrete actions steps are you committed to taking to find meaning and purpose in a world characterized by VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity)?

This reflective essay will be particularly challenging for you to write. You may want to connect with another student to discuss this assignment and give each other feedback and support. You may also want to connect with others in your life to give each other feedback and support. In life, we all seem to be in motion and winds of chaos come and go, it is essential to feel anchored in some way. What is your way of feeling anchored?

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Grossmont College Importance of Keeping a Healthy Lifestyle Article Intention Statement


Maintaining a healthy lifestyle may end up on the back burner when you are focusing on responsibilities related to your schoolwork, job, and family. Recent statistics show that health risks related to obesity are on the rise. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is working to reduce obesity. A good portion of its research is related to “lifestyle modification.”  You can take steps to promote a healthy body, just as you enrolled in higher education to improve your mind. 

Take a moment to think about your own health habits.

Search the internet to find an article or video related to your health and post your thoughts on what you learned. Write an intention statement here; then return after one week (or a few days) and report back on your success. 

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Other Homework Help. DePaul University Global Supply Chains Bullwhip Questions


I need an explanation for this Marketing Strategies question to help me study.

Even though global supply chains are regaining their footing as the Covid-19 pandemic begins to ease, many businesses are about to be knocked off their feet again, reports The Wall Street Journal (June 14, 2021). Uncertainty surrounding the demand predictions needed to drive supply-chain decisions increased markedly during the past 15 months as the ripple effects of the pandemic disrupted supply-and-demand patterns. Toilet paper shelves were empty in most stores as demand spiked 700%, and the construction and travel industries ground to a halt.

Now, pent-up demand, relief checks and vaccinations are spurring spikes in consumer spending, triggering shortages of many products that were overabundant a year ago. From lumber to semiconductors, markets are experiencing price run-ups and stockouts, stoking inflation fears.


The result is that many companies want to kick manufacturing into high gear, replenishing inventory on expectations that today’s surging demand will continue. Firms should follow a “make more” strategy with caution, however, lest they become victims of the bullwhip effect, refer to Chapter 11 Supplement 11 (p. 473-75).

Bullwhip describes how companies typically respond to a spike in demand by ordering more products than required to hedge against potential continued growing demand and to avoid stockouts. This demand distortion is then passed along and amplified at each stage of the supply chain, with orders to suppliers furthest away from the point of sale far removed from the realistic views of consumer demand.

Bullwhip can lead to the rapid expansion of manufacturing capacity, including accelerated procurement of supplies, labor, warehouse space and transportation for finished goods, often at a cost premium. But just as the initial information reporting demand spikes takes time to reach upstream suppliers and manufacturers, so too does information about stabilizing demand. By the time companies reach peak capacity, demand may have stabilized at lower levels, leaving firms with excessive inventory.

The risk of overbuilding is highest in industries that may see demand surge as society reopens, such as tourism, dining and entertainment. Data indicate that consumer spending is already shifting away from “lockdown” spending on things such as home entertainment, workout and home-office equipment, and food-delivery services.


  1. Provide at least two examples of specific items that were impacted by bullwhip during or after the pandemic. Please state the item and explain why you think it was impacted by bullwhip effect.
  2. In your opinion, how has the pandemic impacted global supply chains?

Please limit your response to 150 words for each question.

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