Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Concordia University Nebraska Technology In Education Presentation

Special education has changed significantly over the past 100 years. Technology has enabled many of the innovations and changes and can be a great tool to promote learning in the classroom and throughout school districts.

Review the ISTE Standards for Educators. Create a 10-12 slide digital presentation for your colleagues depicting technology in special education. Your presentation should include:

  • Examples of technologies that improve student learning within a special education environment.
  • Examples of technologies that could be used collaboratively within a special education environment.
  • Considerations regarding student access to and use of technology for learning.

Include a title page, presenter’s notes, and a reference slide.

Support your position with 3-5 sources from the required readings or the GCU Library.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Concordia University Nebraska Careers In The Field Of Special Education Essay

To meet the learning needs of students with disabilities, a collaborative group including paraprofessionals,
teaching assistants, teachers with different levels of specified training, and special education leaders must be
Review the information on the United States Department of Labor Occupational Outlook Handbook for Special
Education Teachers.
In 250-500 words, describe some of the various roles of special education teachers. Provide at least two examples
of people with whom they might collaborate. Additionally, describe the role that special education teachers have
as advocates for students with disabilities.
APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the
expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit assignments that are print deliverables to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite
technical support articles is located in Course Materials if you need assistance.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. EDUC 504 Liberty University Online Teaching Strategies Questions

Watch the Literacy Lesson First Grade video.- I have also attached the transcript from the video

2)   Describe 3 different strategies the teacher used to facilitate student learning. Explain why each strategy was effective or ineffective. 

3)   If you were teaching this lesson what would you do differently? 

4)   Identify a scripture that aligns with the teaching strategies used in this lesson or your suggestions for improving the lesson. Explain why this scripture is relevant to your review of the lesson. Write at least 100 words to describe and explain the effectiveness of each strategy. Write at least 100 words in response to question/prompts 3 and 4 above. At least one in-text citation from a course textbook and/or a scholarly journal article should be used to support the description/explanation of each strategy (at least one citation per strategy/explanation). At least one citation should be used to support the response to question/prompt 3 above. Responses must follow current APA format and the assignment must include a title page and reference page.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Sullivan University Speech Communications Simple Secret Questions & Reflection

Discussion Board Week Two

Discussion Board Week Two

Reflection on Simple Secret #2: Inspiration

Question 1:

Who Do You Consider Inspiring? How does that person “paint a picture”? How does that person paint a picture of a better world?

Question 2:

What is you mission? Sell us on a dream. Show us the vision and take us there.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Grossmont College Musical Culture in Native America Research Paper

You are required to write a 5-page (double-spaced, standard tabs) research paper about a musical culture NOT covered in this course. Areas covered in this course include India, Indonesia, Japan, Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, so you can choose any part of the world OTHER than these. Some areas to consider are: Native America, Polynesia, Australia, China, Korea, Ireland, Portugal, Greece, Arctic Circle…. wherever, as long as it’s not covered in our course.

For this assignment, please use Nettl’s 3-part model, addressed in “Unit 1: Introduction” and Chapter 1 in our textbook. Focus on the Sounds, Behaviors and Ideas or Conceptions that govern the sounds and behaviors of the musical genre/activity you choose. It’s best if you stick to a specific genre or ensemble from whatever region you choose for this research paper. For example, if you wanted to write about music from Spain, don’t try to summarize all Spanish music (too broad, too big) but pick a specific genre or activity to focus on, such as Flamenco. Want to research Hawaiian music? Stick to hula or string bands. The point is, focus on one genre or activity from a region and give in-depth details, not just a broad, surface cultural overview.


What sounds are you hearing? Talk about the instruments (and voices) of the musical genre/activity. What are they made of and what do they sound like? Are there any rules or restrictions surrounding these instruments, like who can play or when one can play? Can you comment on the texture and form of the music? Texture refers to layers of activity. How many musicians are present and how do they relate to one another? Form refers to how the music is organized and presented,. How long does a performance last and how are the melodies and rhythms arranged. Lastly, what does the music sound like to you, the outsider?


What activities are associated with this musical genre/activity? What are people doing while this musical activity is happening? Is there a specific purpose or function surrounding this music, or is it just for enjoyment/entertainment? Does this musical activity have any behavioral restrictions regarding religion, age or gender? Is everyone participating communally or are the musicians/singers/dancers presenting music to an audience…. why? Lastly, can you draw any connections to musical behaviors in your life or culture?


What ideas or conceptions govern the sounds and behaviors of your chosen musical genre/activity? Why are people creating this music and why are people participating? Address ideas surrounding history, culture and musical evolution. Most musical genres throughout the world express indigenous and foreign, or outsider aspects. What traits are uniquely regional, or indigenous, and what traits are coming from an outside influence and why? Again, almost all music has a combination of both! How have politics, religion or human migration affected this musical genre/activity? Lastly, can you relate what you learned to your own life experiences?

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Auburn University Data Usage Transparency and Security Question

I’m working on a other question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

  1. Write a two (2) page summary of the one article you have selected to summarize with the author’s views in the issue.  It should include the methodology or basis used by the authors to arrive at their conclusions–not simply an opinion but data.  
  2. Include one page each for the cover and reference pages and what that means if that the total page numbers will be four (4)–no more and no less. If there are questions about how to format according to APA you should access the sample templates in Files.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. WSSU Milton Gordons Seven Phase Assimilationist Perspective Question


Questions One:

Discuss ALL the features of Milton Gordon’s seven phase “Assimilationist Perspective”. To what extent have Native Americans followed all these phases? Sociologists have identified factors that tend to influence the assimilation process; discuss how all these factors have influenced the assimilation of Native Americans? Thinking about Native Americans specifically, what do you think are the shortcomings of Gordon’s assimilationist perspective?

Question Two

First, discuss the relationship between prejudice, discrimination and institutional discrimination; support your work with examples. Second, using ALL THE FOLLOWING THEORIES a) the Scapegoat Hypothesis and b) one of the Sociological explanations of Prejudice, explain why some people are prejudiced towards Jewish Americans. Thinking about Jewish Americans, what are the strengths and limitations of the two theories?

Questions Three:

A) Using information from the US Census, your textbook and other relevant sources, outline the most current economic and demographic characteristics of English Americans. B) Using as many of the features of ethnic stratification studied in this course discuss whether English Americans are a dominant or a minority group. C) Discuss any forms of discrimination, prejudice and racism against English Americans in American society. If they have not faced any of these negative experiences, can you explain why you feel they have been immune to them? D) To what extent have English Americans assimilated to American society? Note; to answer question D fully you must show the extent to which members have conformed or not conformed to each of the seven phases of assimilation offered by Gordon.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. CCN Health Conditions Edema and Nephrotic Syndrome Analysis

A complete (1-2) page analysis discussing the topics found inside of the PDF. It is essentially putting everything in the charts into paragraph form and further elaborating on it.

Other Homework Help