Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. IT 404 SEU Web Design Discussion

I don’t understand this question and need help to study.

As you learned, Web design includes 4 stages to be completed; these stages are:

    • Design
    • Development
    • Content strategy
    • Multimedia

In your opinion and own words, as a web designer which stage should take a fair amount of time and which one is important to do well in your project? How do you incorporate current design trends into your projects?

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Other Homework Help. RES 711 Westcliff Wk 8 Research Techniques Pointsec Mobile Technology Discussion

Read the case study “Pointsec Mobile Technology” under Appendix # 1 in this syllabus and write a paper that provides:

●An introduction to the case

●Explanations of the:

▪Flaws in research design in this study,

▪Flaws in interpretation of the outcome of the research

●The natural objective of this research, formulation of the research question(s), correct design of the research, and the correct methodology to deduce valid results from the acquired data

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. RC Communicating in Your Profession 30 Second Commercial Discussion

Everyone interviews for a job or has been presented with a situation where you can try to convince someone you are worthy of a job. This assignment will prepare you for those situations.

For this assignment, you are going to write out and deliver a short speech that is 30 second or less along with a document that is a manuscript of your speech.

30 Second Commercial:

A 30 second commercial is a clear, brief message about you. It communicates who you are, what you’re looking for and how you can benefit a company or organization. It’s typically about 30 seconds, the same amount of time a company gets to run an ad on the television. At a career fair, you can use your speech to introduce yourself to employers or at the beginning of an interview. It is important to have your speech memorized and practiced You want it to sound natural. Get comfortable with what you have to say so you can breeze through it when the time comes.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. PSY 650 Grand Canyon University Human Physical Development Case Study

Observe or interview a child or adult in the age range of interest to you. You should have observed or conducted an interview at least three times during the duration of this course. The person you observed or interviewed should not be a family member. Each observation or interview should have lasted 30-45 minutes.

In 1,000-1,250 words, including the following in your case study.

  1. Give a brief physical description of the person observed.
  2. Discuss the cognitive, social, moral, and emotional development of the person observed, using concepts and terms studied in this course.
  3. The Developmental Milestone Chart that has been created during this course will help in the completion of this assignment.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. RCH 5302 Columbia Southern University Child Abuse Presentation

For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation of your research plan that you have been developing in Units I–III. You will be amending and updating this PowerPoint presentation in future units.

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Other Homework Help. PSYCH 241 Chamberlain College of Nursing Argument in Standard Form Discussion

I’m working on a other multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Write one of the following arguments in standard form and show how the argument is structured using a diagram like the ones I have used in this section.
1. There is nothing wrong with prostitution because there is nothing wrong with consensual sexual and economic interactions between adults. Moreover, since there’s no difference between a man who goes on a blind date with a woman, buys her dinner and then has sex with her and a man who simply pays a woman for sex, that is another reason for why there is nothing wrong with prostitution.

2. Prostitution is wrong because it involves women who have typically been sexually abused as children. We know that most of these women have been abused from multiple surveys done with women who have worked in prostitution and that show a high percentage of self-reported sexual abuse as children.

The standard form of an argument is a way of presenting the argument which makes clear which statements are premises, how many premises there are, and which statements is the conclusion. … A standard form looks like this– premise 1, premise 2, and so on for as many premises as there are– therefore, conclusion.

argument diagram example attached.


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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. University of Maryland Declining Method Accumulated Depreciation Problem

Reversing Rapids Co. purchases an asset for $135,843. This asset qualifies as a five-year recovery asset under MACRS. The five-year expense percentages for years 1, 2, 3, and 4 are 20.00%, 32.00%, 19.20%, and 11.52% respectively. Reversing Rapids has a tax rate of 30%. The asset is sold at the end of year 4 for $11,783.

Calculate accumulated depreciation over 4 years. Round the answer to two decimals.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Keiser University American Dream and John Molenkamp Little Pink Houses Discussion

Please watch the video below and then introduce yourself to the class.  Address the following items in your post:

  • Your name and nickname (if you have one) and any information you want to tell us about yourself
  • An explanation (in at least 100) words of how the song lyrics or an image or two from the video compares with your concept of the American Dream.

When you think of the American Dream, what do you think of?  For some, John Mellencamp’s “Little Pink Houses” exemplifies many of the ideals related to the American Dream.  As you watch the video below, think about the images presented both in the song lyrics and the video.  How do these images relate to your understanding of the American Dream?

Click here for song lyrics (a new window will open)Part 2 Post 1: Both Young Goodman Brown and Rip Van Winkle go on a journey (of sorts).  Compare at least one specific aspect of their journeys that is similar.  Compare at least one specific aspect of their journeys that is different.  In each case, explain how each character is changed by his journey.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. DPU Listed Below Good Photography Discussion

Using your list of 7 indicators of good photography; composition, emotion, storytelling, lines, lighting and color, attention to detail, and a unique perspective, discuss:

To what details does a good photographer have to pay attention? Why is it important to make the best possible shots (in other words, to get the best possible shots “in the box”) even if they can be digitally altered afterwards? How do the photos use composition? Is the frame filled with the image? Is eye-contact a good technique for making a captivating photo? Why or why not?

Considering your photo shoot, did you place the subject in a dramatic or unexpected environment to make a captivating shot? What difficulties did you encounter shooting the photos? (This can be made up) Explain to your peers in the discussion how you created your photo setting, what difficulties you encountered, et cetera.

In addition, conduct your own research for related material and contribute at least two articles dealing with professional photography to the discussion.

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