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Other Homework Help. DPU Listed Below Technical Indicators of Good Photography Discussion

Elaborate and explain a list of at least seven technical indicators of good photography. These indicators should be explained in detail, not just mentioned. Type up your list and detailed explanations indicators of good photography (Rules of composition, use of lines, shape, form, patterns, color, frame, contrast, focus, angle, et cetera).

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. PACE 111 USMD Program and Career Exploration Questions

As you conduct your program research, consider the following questions: 

  • Why did you select an academic program in the Health & Science field? Consider both internal and external influences.
  • What industry certifications are related to your career field? Are there any which you are interested in pursuing?
  • What internships or apprenticeships are related to your major? Do any of them interest you? Consider the potential titles, companies, and things you might learn.
  • What kinds of career opportunities are there in your field? Consider the potential titles and companies for whom you may work. Which do you find most interesting?
  • What have you discovered about your academic program that you didn’t know before? 


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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. ADM 624 GCU Ransomware Malware in A Healthcare Organization Memorandum

Research and find an instance of a policy compliance issue that has occurred in an organization related to the field you are pursuing as your career (Behavioral Health). Find an issue that has enough detail for you to do a thorough examination of the policy and the compliance issues involved. Review the policy compliance issue that occurred and offer an update to the policy in the form of a policy memo and an evaluation of the issue by doing the following:

Part I:

Analyze the problem you chose and write a 500-750-word policy memo that proposes improvements to the policy to better address the problem and improve the compliance issues. Be concise and follow the general structure of a policy memo. At a minimum, your policy memo should contain the following:

  • A title
  • A summary of the problem
  • At least three possible solutions
  • Statement and explanation of the recommended solution with rationale
  • The implications and benefits of the recommended policy
  • Brief conclusion
  • At least three sources used to support claims
  • Graphics and/or other visual elements so it reflects the formatting of a professional policy memo

Part II:

Create a presentation that briefly outlines the policy. Include your decision-making process for presenting the information contained in the policy.

Explain the specific policy compliance issues that occurred and why your proposed update will help improve the compliance issues.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. USMD Nancy Pelosi Transfer of Social Security Funds Article Review


In this assignment, you will work through the steps to discuss why you chose this article and its merits. Please provide short answers, incomplete sentences, for Steps 1 – 4. In Step 5, you will write a short essay to address the article you chose for your topic. This assignment will allow you to exercise your writing skills and receive feedback from your instructor.

To create your paper, you will use this Template for Article Analysis Assignment, which also includes a cover sheet in APA 7. [You can refer to this paper format for future assignments.


2. “Nancy Pelosi diverting Social Security money for the impeachment inquiry”

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. USM WK 3 Social Media as Facebook & Twitter Used to Spread Fake News Discussion

I’m working on a other question and need an explanation to help me learn.

“Fake news” is a common term these days. We get a lot of information from online sites, including our news. How do we know that what we are reading is legitimate? This article in businessinsider.com provides the top ten most popular fake news stories on Facebook in 2019. Take a look at the stories and consider why you might think these are not credible news stories. Choose one of the stories and share why a reader might be tempted to believe the story. What seems real to you? Is there fact and fiction mixed in together to convince the skeptical reader? Where would you go to find information to validate the claims made in the news story you chose?

2. “Nancy Pelosi diverting Social Security money for the impeach ent inquiry

https://www.businessinsider.com/most-viewed-fake-news-stories-shared-on-facebook-2019-2019-11These Were the 10 Most-Viewed Fake News Stories on Facebook in 2019 (businessinsider.com)

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. British Columbia Open University Socialism Ideology Essay

Write research paper 1200 word on topic : What are the
specific ways socialism ideology has changed over time to take the contemporary
meaning in the dynamic society? Must use 6 academic source don’t use Wikipedia articles or journals should be academic source i can give you rest 5 you can find from google scholar please have a look the attached proposal for one article use it in your essay. Follow the instructions below..

Research : Since this is an essay, there has to be evidence of sufficient research. The research provides the basis for your analysis, and you should strive to cover authors with different points of view on the subject.

Analysis: It is important that your essay takes an analytic approach to its topic, rather than just a descriptive one. There should be a clear organizational framework that sets up the inquiry to be undertaken. It is crucial that a paper examines competing points of view; this is particularly important with certain topics that are more controversial than others.

Articulation: Since scholarship is dependent upon the articulation of ideas, the manner in which you express your thoughts is an essential aspect of the evaluation.

Organization: Essays must be clearly organized and each section of the discussion must logically flow into the next. Your introduction should engage the readers’ interest as well as tell them what the essay is about. The specific topic of the essay must be made clear. The body of the essay must be structured into distinct blocks of discussion that each relate to specific portions of your analysis. The conclusion should provide a summary of the essay’s main points as well as state your final thoughts.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. University of Maryland Global Campus Book Value of An Asset Problem

Reversing Rapids Co. purchases an asset for $177,965. This asset qualifies as a five-year recovery asset under MACRS. The five-year expense percentages for years 1, 2, 3, and 4 are 20.00%, 32.00%, 19.20%, and 11.52% respectively. Reversing Rapids has a tax rate of 30%. The asset is sold at the end of year 4 for $14,691.

Calculate book value of an asset. Round the answer to two decimals.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. University of Maryland Global Campus Gain or Loss on Disposal of an Asset Problem

Reversing Rapids Co. purchases an asset for $103,312. This asset qualifies as a five-year recovery asset under MACRS. The five-year expense percentages for years 1, 2, 3, and 4 are 20.00%, 32.00%, 19.20%, and 11.52% respectively. Reversing Rapids has a tax rate of 30%. The asset is sold at the end of year 4 for $11,963, what is the cash flow from disposal?

Calculate gain or loss on disposal. Gain should be entered as a positive number. Loss should be entered as a negative number.

Round the answer to two decimals.

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