Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. HUM 307 University of Nevada Diversity in the Workplace Paper & Sexism PPT

This assigment requires you to explore the evolution and impact of injustice by placing it into
your specific professional context. This will allow for a personal and holistic examination of the
main topics we discussed, while bringing into focus your role as an agent for change.

  1. 1) Pick one –ism
    One more time, the isms are:
    Faithism, Ableism, Ageism, Racism, Classism, Sexism, Heterosexism
  2. 2) Investigate the institutional (legal, social, political, economic) realities for members of
    the target group you chose in an area of work. Select a field you are currently working in
    or would like to work in after college. For example, if you plan on working in the music
    industry, you may want to investigate the realities for a target group in the media.
  3. 3) Next, juxtapose the status of Targets in the workplace with those of Non Targets. How
    are the institutional realities different? How do those differences benefit Non Targets of
    the –ism. Also, how does the institution perpetuate dominant ideology?
    This will require you to think critically about systemic barriers, whilst simultaneously
    explaining how the institutional realities serve to benefit Non Targets.
  4. 4) Finally, how will you be involved in the perpetuation or alleviation of this –ism when you
    enter the workplace? What is YOUR role in disseminating dominant ideology? What is
    YOUR praxis? Be specific.
    In writing this essay, the first thing to do is form a research question. For example, if I
    were writing this paper about heterosexism as someone in the field of education, my
    research question could look something like this:
    How does the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (Target) reality in the field of
    education differ from the heterosexual (Non Target) reality in education?
    After exploring the structural barriers for Targets, I would then investigate the
    institutional differences between Non Targets in education compared to their LGBT
    counterparts. This will then illuminate my role as an ally and my specific goals for social
    change and praxis.


8-10 pages; typed & double-spaced. No need for Abstract.

Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, 1” margins.

8 scholarly research sources.

APA format; you must cite throughout your paper AND in a reference page. Failure to cite will
result in an automatic F. Note: No annotated bibliography for this paper.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. CMG 300 CSU Global Campus Wk 5 Construction Critique Firm Proposal

Review the publicly available bid documents and documents such as advertisement to bid, instruction to bidders, insurance requirements, and bid forms. Then prepare a proposal of a minimum of four pages (excluding cover page and appendices, if any) in response to the RFP document outlining your strategy in implementing the proposed project (recommended delivery method and contract types), the capabilities of your firm related to implementing this specific project, and steps that you would take to implement the project presented in the form of a summary or master project schedule. I need the RFP used for this as well please.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Victor Valley College Pitfalls of Knowledge Creation Discussion

Generate examples for each of the pitfalls in knowledge creation, described in the chapter: problems with observations, over-generalizations, biases and value judgments, and lack of inquiry. You can invent your list, for the purpose of this exercise; however, if you think about what you see in the discussion of social problems and their solutions, you will likely identify real-life examples of these pitfalls in action.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. PJM 350 CSUGC MOD 5 Network Diagram Calculations Chart

I’m working on a question and need guidance to help me study.

Option #1: Network Calculation

Provide network calculation for the network diagram, located in the Module 5 folder. Provide ES, EF, LS, LF, and Total Float Values for the each of the activities shown in the network diagram and identify the project’s critical path.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. HMLS 416 UMGC Convention on International Civil Aviation Paper

DHS works closely with international partners, including foreign governments, major multilateral organizations, and global businesses, to strengthen the homeland security of the United States. These agreements involve international trade, security, travel, and global economies. For example, DHS is engaged internationally and has stationed homeland personnel in over 75 foreign nations.  

Select one of DHS’s international agreements and provide background, the purpose and benefits of the agreement, the key stakeholders, and the terms of the agreement. In your conclusion, make a recommendation if DHS should remain in the agreement and if so, should the agreement be expand.

For background, review DHS’s fact sheet on international engagement: https://www.dhs.gov/news/2011/12/02/fact-sheet-dhss-international-engagement.

six- to eight-page paper using the format specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).  

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Columbia College Use of the Chicago Organizational Theory Questions

First, watch the video The Era of Corporate Social Responsibility, which provides insightful information regarding change and culture.

Now, respond to the following questions.

Part #1
What information from the presentation do you find most applicable to your organization?

Part #2
Do you agree with the information provided by Rachel? Why, Why not?

Part #3
What are your ideas concerning the video, and do you think the processes identified clearly match the objectives?

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Columbia College Organization of the American Hospital Association Discussion

research the internet and/or the library database (i.e. “not-for-profit vs for-profit hospitals”) to find information that assists you to answer the following questions:

  1. Explain how not-for-profit and for-profit health systems (hospitals and ambulatory care) are financially different?
  2. Comparing the two, provide two or more benefits to a for-profit or not-for-profit health system.

Be sure to provide 2 citations and references for the sources you utilize using APA format. Reference material must be from reputable sources and less than 5 years.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. HOSF 2062 Seneca College Week 4 Recharging About Wine Varieties Worksheet

all the information in the file I added . also for choosing the wine varieties and wine selection choses from the one provided in the list that on the file , also when you choses these wine what go well with because for the assignment after I will need to make a menu

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. AIU Employee Recruitment Laws Essay

Assignment Details

Employee recruitment is about finding and attracting the applicants for one’s open positions within an organization. Numerous federal, state and local laws restrict what an employer can and cannot do when recruiting employees, such as it is unlawful to provide false or misleading information regarding employment opportunities within an organization.

Write a minimum 5-page analysis, addressing the following:

  • Identify 4–5 employee recruitment laws that pertain to pre-employment recruitment activities.
  • Describe each selected law.
  • Discuss the impact of each law from both an applicant’s perspective and an employer’s perspective.

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