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Other Homework Help. How Health Insurance Impacts Preventative Care Handout

You have been asked by your private employer to create a handout to educate employees on how health insurance impacts preventative care.

Be sure to include the following information:

  • Covered preventative measures;
  • Frequency of preventative care allowed;
  • How utilization changes based on health insurance coverage;
  • The impact of preventative care on the individual, organization. and nation; and
  • Figures, examples, and statistics supporting your findings. 

Your assignment should meet the following structural requirements.

  • Two-page handout, not including the cover sheet and reference page.
  • Include headings titled “Covered Preventative Care” and “Utilization”.

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Other Homework Help. Auburn University Montgomery Nonverbal Behaviors Wiorksheet

  1. Watch video: Title: Shared Media: Evaluate the Video: The Ways We Non-verbally Communicate
  2. Answer questions in complete sentences and add your document containing answers.


There are five separate nonverbal behaviors. These behaviors are as follows: body gestures, body appearance, facial communication,

  1. Please watch the following video, but turn the volume completely off. As you watch, write down all of the examples of nonverbal behavior and respond to the following questions:
  2. How much of the message in the video was nonverbal, and how much do you think was verbal?
  3. Do you think that your nonverbal behavior in your personal conversations ever speaks louder than your words or disagrees with your words?
  4. What personal lesson do you take away from watching this video of nonverbal messages with no sound?
  5. Lastly, take your examples of nonverbal behaviors and divide them up into the five nonverbal behaviors listed above video https://nv.instructuremedia.com/fetch/QkFoYkIxc0hh…

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Other Homework Help. HSA 305 SU The Target Customer of Advertisement Question

Now that you have completed the primary market research (I HAVE ATTACHED SO YOU CAN MATCH THE BUSINESS INFO), profiled your customers and competitors, and discussed the features, benefits, and differentiation of your provider’s service, you can roll up your sleeves and get creative by designing a visual treatment that will accompany your campaign.


It is often helpful to visualize where your work will lead, and you are anxious to get a feel for what your marketing campaign might look like. Imagine that you are about to wrap up your marketing campaign pitch and want to end your data and content information with a flourish—a visual that embodies and expresses the entire marketing plan. This flourish or visual would be the last slide of your presentation—the icing on the cake of your marketing campaign. You want to create some sizzle and transform the abstract into something the client can see. Remember, you may not be ready for the final marketing deliverable, but your work here could help crystallize your thoughts as you complete your marketing plan.

Keep in mind, the more cleverly you incorporate elements of your current plans and findings into your digital media piece, the more effective your final product will be. Here are a few things to consider as you prepare your visual:

  • Branding.
  • A call to action.
  • Visual interest.
  • Ways to convert users.
  • Customers, competition, and value proposition.


  • A Facebook Marketplace listing.
  • An Instagram image.
  • A YouTube video.
  • A GIF for an advertisement.
  • A Facebook company homepage mock-up.


Create a piece of marketing collateral in the medium of your choice that is appropriate for the customer, the service, and the campaign you are formulating. Include a caption or notes that describe how the work will be depicted. Include:

  • Who is the target market or customer?
  • Where will this visual be displayed?
  • How will the customer get to it or access the marketing collateral?
  • Where will this visual lead to if acted upon (i.e. if clicked on or interacted with in some way).
  • The ultimate purpose or goal.

Be creative and have fun!

Your work will be graded by the following criteria:

  • Design a piece of marketing collateral that effectively reflects and supports marketing planning.
  • Describe specified elements as they relate to your marketing collateral.

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Other Homework Help. Houston Community College Case Texas Miracle Discussion

How ideas influence politics: Case Texas miracle

Texas miracle from different angles of political culture

Assignment 1 Prompts:

A) Define political culture. List and describe the main characteristics of 3 political subcultures. What are dominant political subcultures in Texas? Is political culture in any given society permanent, or is it open to changes?

B) Explore and describe the “Texas miracle” phenomenon. Describe its controversy.

C) Explain how dominant political subcultures in Texas affect the assessment of “Texas miracle”? Which political culture has a negative view on the Texas miracle?

D) Analyze how ideas influence creation of different Texas constitutions over time? List 3 ideas and offer proofs of their existence in different Texas constitutions.

Grading criteria:

1. Assessment of clarity of your message (checking for grammar, strong essay structure: topic sentence followed by supportive evidence sentences, etc.).

2. Assessment of different levels of learning revised by Bloom taxonomy (checking for your ability to explore, understand, analyze, apply and create).

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Other Homework Help. Houston Community College System Democracy and Mind Sets Discussion

Watch Ted Talk video:  https://youtu.be/w4RLfVxTGH4

“Julia Galef: Why you think you’re right even when you’re wrong?” 

In this video, we learned about two mindsets: soldier mindset vs scout mindset.

Which one do you think is better fit for democracy? Why?

This discussion certainly requires your understanding of democracy.  What makes democracy different in terms of responsibility in comparison to autocracy?

Keep in mind that there are two important dimensions of democracy in terms of responsibility. There is an apparent responsibility of us as one who gets to choose representatives, to participate in the political process, and of course, the second not less important dimension is responsibility of our representatives.

So, one of possible ways to discuss the relationship between two mindsets and democracy is through those two important dimensions: responsibility of us (we the people) and responsibility of politicians, our representatives.

Who are we? Scout or soldier mindset? Who is the one we choose?  

What cultivates certain mindsets?

And finally, what mindset is a better fit for democracy?

Good start is to begin with you.

Are you a scout or soldier mindset?

How did you become one? Can you change?

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Other Homework Help. Dubai Abu Dhabi Map and Attractions Discussions

Please take a photo of your map of your town and post it here. You need to upload the photo into Canvas, under Files, then click on the little landscape icon in the tool bar here to find and post your photo. Please make sure you have read the detailed instructions for how to make your map.

Please tell us a little bit about your map when you post the photo. How does this map represent something about who you are that you want to share with us?

In addition to having all of the required features of a map (including legend, point, area and line symbols, etc.), your map should highlight the important places in your neighborhood — places that are important to you. This way, we can learn something about you!

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Other Homework Help. Grossmont College Defense Mechanisms Communication Problem Analysis Paper


The Communication Problem Analysis is a written assignment that asks you to write about a problem you are having in communication with another person in your life. It can be a large problem or a small one. Read through the instructions on the assignment sheet below. I have also included a Communication Problem Analysis student sample below, which should give you a good idea what I am looking for.

This assignment asks you to analyze one aspect of the communication skills you have learned this semester. Please follow the steps below. See the sample for an idea how long and how detailed your answers should be.

Communication Problem Analysis

Choose one problem that you currently have with communication with one person in your life.

The Problem

1. Who the person is you have chosen?

just the name goes here

2. Briefly describe your relationship with that person

You have two questions to answer here: How do you know them? What is your relationship like?

3. Describe (with examples) the communication problem you are having with that person.

4. Write out a sample dialogue, a typical conversation you have had with that person that illustrates the problem you are having.

it doesn’t have to be an actual word for word conversation. Just give an example of what a typical conversation that illustrates the problem would sound like

name statement

________: ______________________________________________________________

________: ______________________________________________________________


5. Choose one communication topic from this class that relates to the problem you are having and list it here.

For example, it could be one of the following topics: (please choose only one).

distorted self concept

self fulfilling prophecy

perception checking

difference between hearing and listening

why humans are poor listeners

types of nonlistening

Self Disclosure

Knapp’s Stages of Relationship Development

Johari Window

Communication climate

Confirming and disconfirming communication


Defense mechanisms

Conflict styles

6. Relate that topic (the same one listed in #5)to the communication problem you have described in #3.

in this section, you want to show me that you know that topic from class and what it means. You also need to show how it relates to your own experience

7. How could the problem be improved?

What can YOU do to help solve the problem, even if it is not you that is primarily at fault? It can be something you have learned in class, or an idea you have the might work. Don’t tell me what the other person should do, like “Bob needs to stop being a jerk.” This isn’t Bob’s paper. It is true that he is being a jerk, but what can you do to facilitate a better relationship? In an extreme case, the only thing you might be able to do is leave the relationship.

8. Write out a sample dialogue, how the conversation might go in its

improved form.

name statement

________: ______________________________________________________________

________: ______________________________________________________________

Student Sample

The Problem

1. Who the person is you have chosen?

Bob Cooke

2. Briefly describe your relationship with that person

How do you know them? What is your relationship like?

Bob is my brother-in-law. He has been married to my sister for the past 17 years. We have a cold and distant relationship.

3. Describe (with examples) the communication problem you are having with that person.

The problem I am having is that Bob does not seem to want to talk to me. I try to talk to him and he is busy, makes excuses in order to avoid me, walks away or simply ignores me. For example, when I was at his house for dinner last Sunday, I tried to talk to him and he told me he was busy, walked into the garage and started working on his car. He closed the door when I tried to follow him in there.

4. Write out a sample dialogue, a typical conversation you have had with that person that illustrates the problem you are having.

Nancy: Hey Bob, it’s great to see you! How are things going?
Bob: I’m doing fine. I’m actually really busy right now.
Nancy: What are you up to?
Bob: I’m working on my car project. I don’t have time to talk
Nancy: But I haven’t seen you in a while and I just want to catch up
Bob: I have to go.
Nancy: But Bob, I really want to talk to you
Bob: Why don’t you help your sister in the kitchen? I’m going in the garage Nancy: Can I come with you?
Bob: (walks into the garage and slams the door)

5. Choose ONE communication topic from this class that relates to the problem you are having.

Self Disclosure

6. Relate that topic (the same one listed in #5) to the communication problem you have described in #3.

I chose self disclosure because I believe this topic from class relates to the problem I am having. Self Disclosure is the process of revealing personal information about yourself. One of the characteristics of self disclosure is that it is necessary for relationship growth. I feel like my relationship with Bob is cold and distant because he is uncomfortable with self disclosure. We also learned in class that unbalanced self disclosure can make one partner in the relationship uncomfortable. I certainly have felt uncomfortable in the relationship due to Bob’s lack of self disclosure.

7. How could the problem be improved? (what can YOU do to help solve the problem, even if it is not you that is primarily at fault).

I think I may be approaching Bob at a bad time. I should ask him to go out for a beer with me on a day of his choosing so it is a time when he is not busy working on his car. I can also ask my sister if she knows what I might have done to cause Bob to want to avoid me. If the problem is that Bob is uncomfortable with self disclosure, I should certainly respect his feelings. I can also gradually self disclose a little bit about myself. Since self disclosure is reciprocal, Bob may also begin to self disclose a little bit also.

8. Write out a sample dialogue, how the conversation might go in its improved form.

Nancy: Hey, Bob, Its great to see you! How’s it going?

Bob: I’m fine. I’m actually busy right now

Nancy: Oh, well in that case, maybe we can chat later in the week

Bob: I guess that would be alright

Nancy: What evening works best for you?

Bob: Well, Heather works late on Thursdays, so that is probably best

Nancy: That works great for me. I’ll meet you at Hooley’s around 6:00 and I’ll buy you a beer

Bob: Ok, I will see you then.

Nancy: I’m looking forward to hearing more about your car project.

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Other Homework Help. Delaware State University Socio Pathic Capitalism Research & Summaries Essay


Sociology and Work


Why Socialism is Back?


How Socio-pathic Capitalism came to rule the world?


Disposable America


Watch documentary:

Why Cuban taxi drivers make more than doctors:


Undercover Work in Chinese Factory (APPLE IPHONE)


Why democratic socialism is gaining ground in America


Libertarian view of Welfare


The realities of the Trade war


5 ways America is A socialist country


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Other Homework Help. BUS 611 Westcliff University E Commerce Marketing of Amazon Paper

Ignore the above line.

1.Pick a real time organization that is doing E-commerce marketing. Analyze the organization
situation based on the SOSTAC® framework.

2.For the same organization please answer the following: a) Explain the elements of the marketing mix. Predict the changing nature of business models due to social media. Formulate a management model that can be implemented to accommodate for these factors in terms of business decisions. b) Analyze key issues in managing digital marketing.

Please answer 1 and 2 separately using the same organization. with 3 peer reviewed articles for each as reference with in-text citations.

Textbook: Chaffey, D., & Smith, P. R. (2017). Digital marketing excellence: Planning, optimizing, and integrating online marketing (5th ed.). Routledge Publishing. ISBN : 978-1138191709

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