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Other Homework Help. BCJ 355 CCU Role of Federal State Local & Tribal Government Discussion

I’m working on a other writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Examine the roles of the federal, state, local, and tribal governments in each of the stages of the homeland security cycle. 

The book is Introduction to Homeland Security: Policy, Organization, and Administration
Willard M. Oliver, Nancy E. Marion, Joshua B. Hill, 2015
Jones and Bartlett
ISBN.13: 978-1-284-04583-3

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Other Homework Help. UMGC Post Card Depot Exercise

Post Card Depot, an large retailer of post cards, orders 8,157,987 post cards per year from its manufacturer. Post Card Depot plans on ordering post card 13 times over the next year. Post Card Depot receives the same number of post cards each time it orders. The carrying cost is $0.22 per post card per year. The ordering cost is $234 per order.

What is the annual total inventory management costs of post card inventory?

(Round the answer to two decimal places).

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Other Homework Help. TAMIU Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Question

I’m studying for my class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Read the Cheng et al., (2017) and answer the following questions. 

  1. What is the purpose of the experiment? 
  2. What was the UCS, UCR, CS and CR? 
  3. What were the results of the study, and what do the authors suggest about the relationship between fetal alcohol exposure and learning? 
  4. What brain region or regions are believed to contribute to the effect the authors found?

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Other Homework Help. CSU Nomination and Confirmation of US Judges Discussion

In Federalist No. 78, Alexander Hamilton argued that the judiciary was the least dangerous branch of government. Many people would argue that Hamilton was incorrect and that today’s courts wield an enormous amount of power. However, Hamilton believed the courts were the least dangerous branch because they had the power of neither the purse nor the sword. The courts’ power increased with John Marshall’s establishment of judicial review.

All presidents are concerned with the legacy they leave once out of office and major influence on this legacy is the Supreme Court justices they appoint. For this reason, politics plays an immense role the nomination process. Consider the nomination of Merrick Garland by Barack Obama in 2016 to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court created by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia (an icon of conservative ideology). However, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declared any appointment by the sitting president to be null and void. He said the next Supreme Court justice should be chosen by the next president — to be elected later that year. According to McConnell, “the American people should have a say in the court’s direction. It is a president’s constitutional right to nominate a Supreme Court justice, and it is the Senate’s constitutional right to act as a check on the president and withhold its consent.” Supreme Court picks have often been controversial but there was no precedence to ignore the nominee entirely. Scalia’s seat would later be filled by Neil Gorsuch (nominated by President Donald Trump).

Based on this information (and your own outside research), analyze the process by which U.S. judges are nominated and confirmed. Does this seem like a fair process? What extent does it have on the political lean of the Court, and therefore, on United States law (specifically civil rights and civil liberties)? Cite specific examples. Consider the concepts of judicial activism and judicial restraint in your response.

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Other Homework Help. Columbus State University US Foreign Policy Questions

The notion of military primacy is the view that the U.S. has a military that is unmatched in the world. In recent times, the rhetoric between Iran and the U.S. has been invidious. There are concerns that the Iranian further advancement of Uranium is perilous. Notwithstanding the fragile nature of the situation in the Middle East, the recent killing of the Iran General, Qasem Soleimani by President Donald Trump has heightened the risk for conflict.
On August 6th, 2020, Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo shared on his Facebook page the concern that China’s relationship with Iran is dangerous since it can lead to Iran securing dangerous weapons, that Iran is the largest sponsor of terrorism, and that this is against the interest the U.S.

Use your understanding of realism, considerations of morality, and the issue of domestic determinants of U.S. foreign policy, and describe how the United States should deal with Iran?

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Other Homework Help. Miami Dade College The Declaration of Independence Discussion

The tensions that arose between Great Britain and her North American colonies as a result of taxation and other measures following the Seven Years’ War culminated in war, a movement for independence and the establishment of a new nation. The ideals that fueled the Revolution were grounded in Enlightenment Era thought. These same ideals still shape our vision as we continue to define American Democracy.

To prepare for this post, please review the links below to support your discussion:

After you have completed the readings answer ONE of the following questions:

1. How did Enlightenment Era thought influence the Declaration of Independence? In your answer, be sure to address how political thought evolved during the Enlightenment Era and how those shifts are represented within the Declaration of Independence.   

2. Are Enlightenment ideals still relevant as a guiding force in current American society?  How so? In your answer, please be sure to address current events and issues. 

Can you please also write a reply post with some facts about what was discussed. I need to reply to one classmate’s discussion:

Enlightenment ideals are still relevant as a guiding force in current American society. An example of, Enlightenment political ideal is republicanism as a kind of government. Marked by the separation of legislative, executive, and judicial powers, by competitive elections, and by the rule of law, republicanism is nowadays largely identified with being a liberal democracy, power of the people. Republicanism has shown to be very successful worldwide. While there were only three partial or restricted democracies in the late eighteenth century which were the United States, the French Republic, and Switzerland. This form of government has undeniably gained ground since then. Enlightenment proposals regarding the general structure of global relations have been approved, at least in principle even after some serious difficulties. We now have a global organization, the United Nations, as a federation of 192 countries whose purpose is to establish a nonviolent international order. It stipulates that nations cooperate in solving international economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian problems and promote respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.

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Other Homework Help. University of Memphis Obtaining Detailed Information About Research Subject Discussion

Action Research in Your Organization

For this discussion post, in Stringer and Aragon’s Action Research, read the Introduction to the Reflection and Learning Activities (at the end of Chapter 1). Then, respond to the Reflection questions. (I have uploaded the Chapter 1 reading and the Reflection questions along with it). You will analyze the place in which you work (private school as the After-school care Coordinator) from an action research perspective. Discuss how action research can be used to foster organizational change.

Complete your post with a reflection on any sections of the chapter that are uninformative or unclear. What questions come to mind as a result of reading the chapter, the answers to which would enhance your understanding of action research?

Action Research: A Systemic Approach to Investigation:

This week you’ll begin reading Stringer and Aragon’s Action Research. Unlike experimental or quantitative research that looks for generalizable explanations related to a small number of variables, action research seeks to engage the complex dynamics involved in any social context. It uses continuing cycles of investigation designed to reveal effective solutions to issues and problems experienced in specific situations and localized settings, providing the means by which people in schools, businesses, community agencies and organizations, and health and human services may increase the effectiveness and efficiency of their work. In doing so, it also seeks to build a body of knowledge that enhances professional and community practices and works to increase the well-being of the people involved.

Read the following in your Action Research text. These chapters introduce the concept of an inquiry/continuous improvement cycle, specifically an action research cycle. You’ll read about how action research is a systematic approach to investigation that enables people to find effective solutions to problems they confront in their everyday lives.

  • Chapter 1, “Understanding Action Research.”
  • Chapter 2, “Theoretical Foundations of Action Research.”

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Other Homework Help. University of Memphis Problem of Practice Based on Systems Thinking Discussion

Problem of Practice Based on Systems Thinking

For this discussion, develop and share a problem of practice, providing support from the literature as well as application of systems thinking. (This is an education course and I work at a private school as the After-school care Coordinator)

(I’ve uploaded 2 of my classmates discussion post responses)


Evidence-Based Practice

One of the design concepts attributed to successful EdD programs is the scholarly practitioner, which The Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate (n.d.) defines as practitioners who:

Blend practical wisdom with professional skills and knowledge to name, frame, and solve problems of practice. They use practical research and applied theories as tools for change because they understand the importance of equity and social justice. They disseminate their work in multiple ways, and they have an obligation to resolve problems of practice by collaborating with key stakeholders, including the university, the educational institution, the community, and individuals. (Design-Concepts Upon Which to Build Programs section)

As you move toward the final weeks of our course, a high priority for all who lead learning is the application of systems thinking as you identify a problem of practice relevant to your organization.

As noted by Dirkx (2006):

The demand for evidence-based research (EBR) in education has evoked considerable debate regarding the nature of knowledge practitioners hold, how they come to know, and the sociopolitical contexts in which that knowledge is generated. Proponents of EBR such as Michael Feuer stress the need for research that validly identifies solutions to important problems of educational practice. Critics such as Elizabeth St. Pierre decry such approaches to research on practice as epistemologically inappropriate and oblivious to their political and moral implications. Both positions illuminate important dimensions of improving practice, but what works seems to get lost in the rhetoric. In this article, the author suggests that we in adult education take seriously the question of what works in practice by developing a knowledge base grounded in research methods and strategies that give voice to the particularities of practice contexts, what he refers to as the “insider perspective.” (p. 273)

As you proceed through your EdD program, you will be required to identify a problem of practice, not simply an isolated problem in your organization, but instead a problem of practice that is clearly supported in the professional literature. Note that such problems were most likely identified as you developed the Literature Review assignment—all work of doctoral scholars must be firmly corroborated in the literature and research relevant to your organization’s problems of practice.

As you work to identify a problem of practice in your organization, please note the imperative to apply systems thinking. As noted by Senge, Cambron-McCabe, Lucas, Smith, Dutton, and Kleiner (2012):

Systems thinking is the ability to understand (and sometimes to predict) interactions and relationships in complex, dynamic systems—the kinds of systems we are surrounded by and embedded in. Some of the systems already under study in classrooms (population growth; land use, climate, and agricultural production; the causes of revolution; and traffic patterns) readily lend themselves to the use of systems thinking and its tools.

The ability to think systemically is neither new nor mysterious. One teacher, after an introductory course, gave voice to many people’s reactions when she exclaimed: ‘This is just common sense!’ In many ways that is true. Systems thinking enables you to see the big picture, the minute details that make it up, and the way parts interact over time, making explicit the patterns of behavior that people see all the time but that are rarely explained.

The tools of system dynamics—behavior-over-time graphs, stock-and-flow diagrams, causal loops, computer models, simulations, and archetypes—are all ways to help us more effectively understand those patterns and the systemic dynamics that drive them.

Researching Problems of Practice

The following article helps place the problem of practice into an evidence-based context:

Systems Thinking

While the following resource focuses on schools, the principles presented apply to all leaders responsible for leading professional development, training, and professional learning.

Critical Thinking

Read the following standards presented by Paul and Elder. This website provides a concise overview of each of the standards you should incorporate into your discussion responses this week.

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Other Homework Help. UofM Action Research and Data Visualization Problem of Practice Discussion

Action Research and Data Visualization

Jessie Green is beginning her fifth year as the executive director of a not-for-profit organization that, among other initiatives, facilitates community partnerships with city schools. As she reflects on the past four years, she is excited at the organization’s success in developing and sustaining partnerships with schools. Yet some of these partnerships seem to have lost their initial energy. Furthermore, she is not confident that all the partnerships are actually aligned with the goals that were originally established for the partnerships. She wonders how she could use a stronger and more systematic data collection and analysis process to learn how effective the partnerships really are and then use these data to develop updated charters and success criteria.

Jessie is especially interested in developing opportunities for partnerships with Riverside Unified, a nearby school district. Riverside’s superintendent has expressed enthusiasm for working with Jessie’s organization, and Jessie is eager to leverage this support. She knows, however, that she needs to learn a lot more about the district. So, she opens a link she has bookmarked on her desktop that contains publicly available data on the students, staff, and financial data for this district and all school districts in the state:

For this discussion, imagine yourself in Jessie’s place as you examine the data charts and tables for Riverside from the website above. Her first task is to gain an overview of the district’s student and staff demographics.

After reviewing both charts and tables and filtering the data by number, percentage, and sub-groupings (where available):

  • What can you infer about the Riverside Unified district in terms of student population? In terms of district mobility, given differences between the Census Enrollment and Cumulative Enrollment?
  • What can you conclude from a comparison of the 2017–2018 Free and Reduced-Price Meals; Unduplicated Pupil Count of Free/Reduced-Price Meals, English Learners & Foster Youth; and English Learners?
  • What other inferences can be made from the Riverside Unified District demographic data?

Click also on the Performance bar near the bottom of the page to locate the ELA, mathematics, and fitness performance results. Be sure to filter your results by different sub-groups to see similarities and differences.

  • What are 3–5 conclusions you might draw from the data tables and charts?
  • What questions would you ask to gain clarity about some of the conclusions suggested but not verified by the data?
  • What are some of the inherent limits to what you can infer from this type of quantitative data?

Jessie is aware that qualitative research could be used to help increase her knowledge base about the district and inform her decision making. Based on your answer to question 3 in which you explored inherent limits to what can be inferred from quantitative data, what suggestions would you provide to Jessie regarding possible qualitative data that might be helpful in accomplishing her goal of connecting the superintendent and community resources in a way that will promote student academic success? Comment on how you would recommend collecting these data, and recommend one or two approaches for analyzing the data.

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